Spider-man untold love storie...

By NeoTyson

20.7K 268 81

The second story from my new series: Jessica Drew aka Spiderwoman is given a task to invite Spider-man to joi... More

An interesting meeting
A coffee date with a reunion
A tense supper
Identity Crisis
The hunt
Spiderman vs. Venom
Symbiote fight!
Unlikely alliance
Spider reunion?
Team Spiders vs. Team Villains
The final stretch
A monstrous showdown

Spider-man vs. Rhino

905 12 1
By NeoTyson

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

Spider-man vs. Rhino

* The City of New York*

"You okay over here in your hiding spot?" Spidey offers to help him up, but J.J isn't hadn't it for his opinion on Spider-man hadn't changed, especially with the events that took place recently.

"I don't know what you're trying to pull by saving my life, but it won't work." J.J snaps at the web head slapping his hand away from him.

"Yeah, because I so should have let Tarzan over there kill you, right?" Spider-man said with sarcasm as he backs away from the man who hates him. Out of nowhere, two police officers came in setting off Spidey's spider-sense. "You got to be kidding me."

"There he is officers, the man behind the science expo heist!" J.J points at Spider-man demanding they arrest him at once.

Suddenly someone else crashes through the building, stopping everyone in their tracks. "No one fires a single bullet!"

"Spider-woman!?" Spider-man yells in surprise.

Spider-woman quickly turns to him. "Go, I will handle this."

"How did..." Spider-man couldn't get his question out due to Spider-woman cutting him off, "Just go now before more shows up!"

"Alright, I'm going." Spider-man hurries out of the Bugle shooting a web line to web swing away from the building leaving Spider-woman to handle the cops and unfortunately Jameson. Unknown to Spider-man, Spider-woman went to Peter's house to check and see if he had returned home. When she realizes he didn't, she assumes the worst, she finds out through a police report that Jameson was being attacked by Kraven which meant Spider-man most likely would be at the Bugle. Luckily she makes it on time before the cops corner her boyfriend.

"Peter you better not get caught or else." Spider-woman thinks to herself with the feeling of caring for Peter more than she should, before her attention gets brought back to the current situation at hand

"Spider-woman, what is the meaning of this we almost had that wall crawling menace until you let him get away!" J.J yells in anger for he was real close to seeing Spider-man getting lock up for good.

Spider-woman folds her hands in disgust. She at times follows the rant that the old man would put out about Spider-man and though in the past she didn't care much about the hero; she always believes that Jameson's rants were blown way out of proportion. "We? Don't you mean the police and if you want to go there me we close to capture Spider-man who by the way just saved your life.?"

"Regardless of his actions, he's a wanted criminal that you help get away! I wonder what the other Avengers would think when they find out from the press that you fail to perform your hero duties and take down that..." Jameson suddenly gets lifted off his feet now staring face to face with a piss off Spider-woman, with the two police officers looking on in fear.

"Listen here and listen well, you old geezer! You are not going to release any more lies about Spider-man to the media because he is completely innocent and I refuse to allow you to tarnish his name any more like you have his entire career with your no good false claims!" Since being around him recently, Spider-woman now takes it personally when someone badmouths Peter, so it didn't help with the person he works for does it on an everyday basis. Plus, she is technically his girlfriend. Therefore, she needs to defend her man.

"His girlfriend, why does that sound good in my head." Spider-woman wonders still trying to deny what she is feeling on the inside concerning the young man.

"It sounds to me that you two have some alliance going considering you both have the word spider in your names. I can see it now; Spider couple has gone rogue." Jameson claims and as usual is wrong again though this does give Spider-woman an idea, not one of her first choices, which will keep the old man off their backs.

"You know Jameson I would be hurt if you put that article out." Spider-woman pouts as she began to activate her special pheromones that start to affect J.J and the police.

"Um, we wouldn't want that Ms. Spider-woman. I tell you what how about we forgot about that article and pretended this whole event never happen." Jameson suggests while under the effects of Spider-woman's ability.

"I like the sound of that, but it would make me happy if you, for now, say nice and positive things about Spider-man as he is already dealing with a lot as it," Spider-woman commands.

"Consider it done!" Jameson nods his head quickly agreeing to do just what she said.

"Thank you now, have a great night." Before he could ask what she meant, Spider-man knocks him out feeling proud actually to give him what he deserves.

"You boys have a good day." She tells the two officers with them staring at her walking away.

"We will." They both salute to her.

Once she gets on top of the building, Spider-woman made a gagging noise from how she seduced that man. "I didn't want to resort to using that method, but that will at least keep them off Peter's back for a bit." Sighing to herself, Spider-woman refocuses on catching up with Spider-man. "With that said I need to find Spidey before the cops catch up to him."

"Why worry about another Spider when you should be worried about yourself." A sudden dark voice catches Spider-woman off guard for when she turns around she only sees a fist slamming her in face knocking her out cold.

*Meanwhile with Spider-man*

"Stay where you are Spider-man!" The NYPD task force orders from the attack copper that is now chasing Spider-man on the rooftops of the city.

"You are after the wrong guy!" Spider-man tries to explain while dodging bullets and missile attacks as well as local NYPD waiting to attack him. Knowing that attacking them would just make his case look worst Spider-man does his best to avoid as much confrontation as possible while keeping his self from getting captured.

"These guys won't let up!" Spider-man continues to travel and escape the attack copper that is still on his tail. The only reason he hasn't activated his camouflage from his suit is that copper would most likely find a heat signature of him thus making his suit useless.

Heading towards another building Spider-man again avoids getting hit my multiple missile attacks aimed at him. "That was close!"

"Stay where you are and raise your hands over your head." The NYPD task force orders again with Spider-man yelling back, "How about telling that to the imposter!"

Still traveling on the rooftops, Spider-man still prevents taking on the NYPD that were waiting on him while saying, "I'm innocent!"

After what seemed like an eternity Spider-man runs through two towers causing the attack copper to accidentally rams into one. "Impact! Just hit a transmitting tower, I got to land this thing now!" As the copper went flying to the ground, Spider-man watches on while catching his breath.

"Hey, wise-guy you gonna pay for that tower or pin that on me instead!?" Spider-man jokes until his spider-sense go off. "Uh oh, spider-sense tingling. One more step and it's a load of web fluid sticking you to that wall." Spider-man turns and aims his hand towards the person creeping up on him.

"Well that's not the most romantic proposal I ever had, but in your case I am interested." the familiar voice of Black Cat said appearing right in front of him.

"Cat, oh thank goodness it's you but wait why are you here? Spider-man ask not that he wasn't happy to see her for it has been awhile since the last time he saw her but it was most certainly a surprise to see her here now out of all places.

"Good to see you too buddy but the reason why I am here is to tell you that you got two big problems right now." Black cat warns Spider-man who at this point in his life is used to having to deal with constant problems when it comes to his superhero life.

"Other than the NYPD trying to arrest me, ugh laid it on me," Spider-man said with sarcasm getting a smirk out of Black Cat.

"I'm pretty sure this is not a great location for me to do that unless you a fan of wall banging." She teases him by licking her lips causing him to blush underneath his mask at her comment.

"Cat seriously, I'm taken now can't really..." Spider-man begins to ramble before Black cat stops him midpoint of his rant.

"Relax Spider I'm just messing with you beside Johnny finally struck the nerve too, wait did you say you're taken now? Please tell me you didn't reconnect with that red-head." The sudden news surprised her a lot. At one-point Black Cat wanted to try and start a personal relationship with him but he was still with the last break up badly. Later Human Torch asks her out on a date, while she did have hopes for her and Spider, she agrees to go and finds herself enjoying the date though as far as if the two are

At one-point Black Cat wanted to try and start a personal relationship with him but he was still with the last break up badly. Later Human Torch asks her out on a date, while she did have hopes for her and Spider, she agrees to go and finds herself enjoying the date though as far as if the two are official, she isn't sure about.

"Hell no, especially after what she did," Spider-man mutters bitterly remembering the reason why the two had broken up, to begin with.

Black Cat could tell that the break up is still a sore subject, so she decides to change the topic. "You know if it weren't for you I would have craved her eyes out for how she hurt you. Though I'm sure, it's a dark subject to discuss, who's the lucky girl in your life now?"

"Her name is Jessica and while I would like to share stories about our new love life I believe you have something major to tell me for I'm curious about that," Spider-man mentions switching back to the original conversation at hand.

Making a mental note to have a catch-up conversation with Spider about his new girlfriend as well as his new costume, Black cat jokes with him saying, "You know what they say about curiosity killed the cat right?"

Spidey softly laughs before saying, "Luckily for you that you have nine lives and not that easy to kill, now spill."

"Well first, Venom somehow has control of the Jumbo Tron in town square he has been ranting for hours with a message for you." Black Cat address the current issues at hand.

"Venom's ugly face on that big screen, now that's scary." Spider-man quips though deep down he would prefer not to face off against Venom out of all his foes at the moment.

"That's not all for Rhino is running rampage at Omi Tech as well." Black Cat reports as well.

Spider-man groans at what he just heard. "What is this, the villain Olympics? Look Time square is on the way to Omi Tech let's find out what Venom is up too then we will put Rhino back in his cage." With that said the two heroes swing off to the town square to figure out what is Venom's next move.

*At Time Square*

"Hahaha, The Venom Marathon continues haha on the biggest tv of New York, we are shouting out to the whole rotten apple here people haha." Eddie Brock aka Venom announced on the big screen. Spider-man and Black Cat find a spot to watch the message that Venom has for Spidey.

"The sad thing is he made get his self a talk show after this," Spidey suggest with Black Cat shaking her head at the thought of that lunatic getting his show on the air.

"So we got this beautiful English muffin, you know her she's one of those classy bimbos haha, we have decided that poor girl has 24 hours to live and I mean 24 hours and by the way, her name is Jessica Drew haha!" Venom laughs evilly at his announcement leaving Spider-man shock by this.

"No not Jessica!" Spider-man panics as Venom goes on.

"So just in case someone and I know who it can be if you tight wearing freaks out there wants to save the fake English muffin THE BRING IT ON! Meanwhile, New Yorkers the Venom Marathon will continue! HAHAHA." Once the message became clear, Black Cat places a hand on Spider-man's shoulder to help ease the tension that's going through his body.

"Listen I can tell what this means to you, forget about Omi tech I will handle Rhino on my own." Black Cat offers so Spider-man can rescue his new girlfriend.

"You go one on one with Rhino by yourself? Thanks, Cat, but no thanks." Spider-man refuses the offer causing Black Cat's eyes to go wide with his response.

"Spider?" She said softly trying to make sure she heard him right.

"Look being Spider-man has given me a lot and taken away but one thing that never changes is my responsibility to use my powers for others before myself no matter what the cost. There are innocent people at Omi Tech, and they need our help right now. I won't let them down; then I will stop Venom and save Jessica. This time when I face him, it will be the last time." Spider-man explains boldly with Black Cat giving him a nod of approval.

"Just hang on for me Jessica." Spider-man shoots out a web line and leads the way to Omi Tech.

"That speech alone is one of the many reasons why I still have feelings for you. This Jessica chick better realizes that she has a great catch or else." Black Cat follows Spider-man with a proud smile on her face.

*At Omi Tech*

"We are too late, that makes two major tech heist in two days," Spider-man said as he and Black Cat arrive at the location only to see the tech stolen with no idea who's behind it.

"Which leads to one question where's Rhino?" Black Cat issues only to get her answer from Rhino his self who charges at her from behind with no mercy.

"CAT!" Spider-man screams seeing the body of Black Cat flying until Rhino gains his attention.

"Well, if ain't bug-boy!" Rhino taunts before charging at Spider-man.

"You are going to pay for that!" Spider-man snarled leaping over Rhino causing his head to get stuck into the wall.

"Okay think Spidey, apparently taking him head on is not smart since I don't have the Venom suit to give me the extra strength and making him run into the walls all day isn't going to do it either."

At this point Rhino gets his head unstuck and quickly turns to see Spider-man and prepares to tackle him. "There you are!"

"Dang, he recovers fast!" Spider-man swiftly moves out of the way only for Rhino to get knock back when running into some barrels that exploded on contact. "Whoa, are your ears ringing!? Okay, those explosive barrels made stun him but still don't seem to keep him down for the count."

Once Rhino recovers, he again runs at Spider-man only this time he hits one of the electric generators that electrocutes his hold body causing him pain.

"Now that I can work with. If I can get him to run into those electrical boxes a few times that should do the trick." Spider-man plots setting his plan into action.

"Ow, that hurt!" Rhino tries to shake off the pain until Spider-man calls him out.

"So Horn Head did you get a charge out of that?" Spider-man quips knowing it will get Rhino upset.

"I will squash you!" Rhino blindly charges at Spider-man again with the same result as last time, but with the pain being too much for Rhino to handle, he collapses allowing Spider-man to catch his breath for the time being.


AU: Sorry for the wait but here's another update and we are halfway done with the story. Now that Venom is in the picture this is where things get a bit messy from here. Of course, I had to bring Black cat into this story especially since she was in the original storyline. Now I did tease again about the breakup between Peter and MJ again which don't worry it will be revealed, but I won't say win just going to have to stay tune. Next chapter will be seeing the fights between Spider-man and Venom with a twist involved that you might not see coming.

Reviews are appreciated.

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