Spiderman vs. Venom

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

Spiderman vs. Venom

*After the fight with Rhino*

"Uh oh, spider-sense tiling." Spider-man's sense went off and saw the police arriving at the scene of the crime after defeating Rhino.

"Oh the boys in blue again, I better hide wait is that Octavius what's he doing here?" Spidey watches, from his hiding spot, as his former foe walks up to Rhino with the police officers wearing a holder device around his waist.

"Excuse me fellas, allow me to deal with this." He then activates the holder and traps Rhino in it, keeping him from escaping. Spidey isn't sure what to think, but if Doc Ock is now working with the police, that might be a good thing.

"Doc Ock is helping the police well; maybe he is reform. Anyways I need to figure out what happens with Black Cat, but I can't do it with the cops here, unless..." The idea forms in his head to find Black Cat without being harass by the police. A few minutes later, Peter switches out from his costume to his regular clothing and walks over to the ambulance truck. "If the cops can't see Spider-man, then maybe Peter Parker will have a better chance."

He calmly walks over to see Black Cat strap a stretcher and rushes over to check on her. "Wait, Cat it's me, Peter!"

"Peter, you have to help me; they are not..." Before she could finish explaining, the two strange-looking paramedics closed the door after putting her in the truck. As the ambulance leaves, Peter tries to plan his next move. On the one hand, he got Black Cat caught in this mess and felt the need to look after her, but on the contrary, the problem with Venom remains, and the longer he waits for, the less chance he has to save Jessica.

"Jess." The name of the young woman who had enter Peter's life at a time when the Parker luck didn't seem to be on side ran through his mind like the first time he met her, which led to their first date. How she made him feel special, and not to mention their first magical kiss. All this gets Peter to realize that Jessica met a lot to him, and he hasn't had the chance to tell her. With all the memories in mind, Peter heads towards the alley away, switching to his costume, and begin his search for Venom and Jessica. "Hold on Jessica; I'm coming."

*Sometime later*

The search for Venom wasn't going well for our friendly neighborhood hero. Ever since defeating Rhino, Spidey couldn't find any sign of Venom and eventually enlist help from the Human Torch for help. He would ask Spider-woman, but it was like she disappeared, and that concern him a bit since she did help him get out of a jam. He explains all this to Johnny as they sit on top of the empire state building.

"Well, that's my story Johnny." Spidey finishes explaining all that has happened since the imposter first appeared.

Johnny shakes his head while trying to process everything Spider-man told him. "Listen, I will check on Cat, you focus on finding Venom." The flame hero suggests, for deep down while he's willing to help the Webhead anyway he can, he still wants a shot at dating Black Cat and cares for her just the same.

"Easier said than done, Venom is invisible to my spider-sense," Spidey complaints in frustration.

"Knowing your luck, Venom will find you. Have faith Spidey; you will get Jessica back." Johnny assures before taking off to handle business.

Peter sighs quietly to himself. "Where could she be?" Spider-man went back into pursuit, motivating his self not to give up.

Out of nowhere, Spidey hears a deep familiar voice web-swinging beside him asking, "Hey, you want to race haha?" Venom gets in front of him to take the lead with Spider-man following behind him.

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