Spider-man vs. Rhino

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

Spider-man vs. Rhino

* The City of New York*

"You okay over here in your hiding spot?" Spidey offers to help him up, but J.J isn't hadn't it for his opinion on Spider-man hadn't changed, especially with the events that took place recently.

"I don't know what you're trying to pull by saving my life, but it won't work." J.J snaps at the web head slapping his hand away from him.

"Yeah, because I so should have let Tarzan over there kill you, right?" Spider-man said with sarcasm as he backs away from the man who hates him. Out of nowhere, two police officers came in setting off Spidey's spider-sense. "You got to be kidding me."

"There he is officers, the man behind the science expo heist!" J.J points at Spider-man demanding they arrest him at once.

Suddenly someone else crashes through the building, stopping everyone in their tracks. "No one fires a single bullet!"

"Spider-woman!?" Spider-man yells in surprise.

Spider-woman quickly turns to him. "Go, I will handle this."

"How did..." Spider-man couldn't get his question out due to Spider-woman cutting him off, "Just go now before more shows up!"

"Alright, I'm going." Spider-man hurries out of the Bugle shooting a web line to web swing away from the building leaving Spider-woman to handle the cops and unfortunately Jameson. Unknown to Spider-man, Spider-woman went to Peter's house to check and see if he had returned home. When she realizes he didn't, she assumes the worst, she finds out through a police report that Jameson was being attacked by Kraven which meant Spider-man most likely would be at the Bugle. Luckily she makes it on time before the cops corner her boyfriend.

"Peter you better not get caught or else." Spider-woman thinks to herself with the feeling of caring for Peter more than she should, before her attention gets brought back to the current situation at hand

"Spider-woman, what is the meaning of this we almost had that wall crawling menace until you let him get away!" J.J yells in anger for he was real close to seeing Spider-man getting lock up for good.

Spider-woman folds her hands in disgust. She at times follows the rant that the old man would put out about Spider-man and though in the past she didn't care much about the hero; she always believes that Jameson's rants were blown way out of proportion. "We? Don't you mean the police and if you want to go there me we close to capture Spider-man who by the way just saved your life.?"

"Regardless of his actions, he's a wanted criminal that you help get away! I wonder what the other Avengers would think when they find out from the press that you fail to perform your hero duties and take down that..." Jameson suddenly gets lifted off his feet now staring face to face with a piss off Spider-woman, with the two police officers looking on in fear.

"Listen here and listen well, you old geezer! You are not going to release any more lies about Spider-man to the media because he is completely innocent and I refuse to allow you to tarnish his name any more like you have his entire career with your no good false claims!" Since being around him recently, Spider-woman now takes it personally when someone badmouths Peter, so it didn't help with the person he works for does it on an everyday basis. Plus, she is technically his girlfriend. Therefore, she needs to defend her man.

"His girlfriend, why does that sound good in my head." Spider-woman wonders still trying to deny what she is feeling on the inside concerning the young man.

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