PROTECT (BTS fan fiction)

By Melon1294

82.1K 3.5K 394

21 year old (y/n) has been living with her bodyguard/father figure for the past 10 years. It's been lonely. H... More

Found her
Last day
Together again
I demand answers
Find Her
Can you stay with me?
What else?


10.7K 353 42
By Melon1294

I was running among the trees as fast as I could. I was giggling and laughing. I felt out of breath but happy, no worry's to worry about in life. They feeling was peaceful. I kept sprinting as fast as I could, concentrating on the little wooden stick hut in the distance. It looked handmade and that it could fall apart with the slightest touch. It had little purple flowers planted outside of it directly under what would look like a window. I had my eyes on that little hut determined to get there fast, that was until I saw a flash of golden and black speed past in the corner of my eye, on my right side. I didn't see exactly what it was, but oddly I wasn't scared. If anything I felt more determination and excitement to reach the hut. Until in the blink of an eye later I was pushed over by a small animal, that looks like a cheetah.

(Imagine background is in a forest)

His paws reached my shoulders and pushed me backwards, while I gasped and giggled soon after as I didn't land on the forest floor as I should of. The landing was soft and thick, it felt like the fur of a hairy dog but so much softer. The small cheetah ran of as quick as it jumped on me once I landed on whatever it was that I landed on. I turned to my left to look up slightly, only to be met with the face of a bear, but not just any kind of bear but a polar bear. It's very odd sight to see a polar bear in the forest. The polar bear looked down at me. I was then greeted with a lick on my left cheek and a little nuzzle into my neck. I laughed and pet it's head in return while I stood myself back up. I wiped my hands together then tugged my sleeves of my pink jumper down. I watched the bear stand up and start walking in the same direction the cheetah ran. In a blink the bear had turned into a young man with very broad shoulders and blonde almost white coloured hair. His back was facing me so I couldn't see his face. The only bit of clothing he had on was a pair of dark blue coloured boxer shorts, which to my surprise I didn't give any second thoughts to. I continued to watch him as he was not happy, which you could tell my the tone of his voice, as if he were scolding someone. "YAH!! (.....) DON'T PUSH (y/n) BACK LIKE THAT SHE'S A DELICATE FLOWER!!! SHOW SOME RESPECT!!" His shouting was soon followed by loud laughter in the distance that came from behind a tree not too far away. " AW HYUNG!! ME AND (Y/N) WERE ONLY PLAYING!! SO CHILL OLD MAN!!"  I burst out laughing at the response he received from a different voice up a head, which sound like a young boys voice. The young man gasped loudly and stopped in his steps and stood on the spot. His body is turned in the direction of the second voice in between the trees. "OHH BOY!! I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU A BUTT WHIPPING!! COME HERE!!" He took off running towards to the second voice with his right hand raised making slapping motions, followed by a high pitch scream coming from the direction of the second voice. The young man ran from my sight in between the trees, to only hear their running footsteps slowly disappear. I was laughing so hard, tears falling down my face and clutching my tummy, it was the best feeling. I continued with the actions until I finally calmed down. As I had calm myself down I felt something soft and hair again but it felt different from the bear, it's hair was shorter. I looked down to see a Bengal tiger rubbing against my right hand, purring at the contact of my hand. I reached to touch his ears as the purring got louder. I continued to scratch always behind its ears, until a white tiger pushed the Bengal tiger away from my hand to have it's ears scratched instead. I just chuckled at the actions of the white tiger, it must be cheeky.

The Bengal tiger let out a loud growl in response to the white tigers actions, it then stomped his two front paws on the ground before nudging the white tiger away from my hand using his own head. The white tiger growled back at the Bengal tiger and crouched down. It looked like he was about to attack the other tiger. The Bengal tiger copies the same actions as the white tiger before both pouncing on each other, growling and hissing at each other, smacking each other in the face and nibbling at their necks. I didn't feel scared while watching them, I felt more worried at the thought they could get hurt. "BOYS!! STOP FIGHTING!! YOU'LL HURT YOURSELVES!!  LETS GO TO THE HIDEOUT BEFORE (...) AND (....) KILL EACH OTHER!!" I shouted towards the to tigers and to my surprise they both immediately stopped fighting and ran off towards the hut that was still directly up ahead. Someone stood next to me on my left and took my hand and started to drag me forward. We were both laughing, he turned to me but his face was blurred out. "come on (y/n) your sunshine will show you the way" he sang out loud. I grabbed his hand tighter and let him lead the way. There was two other voices behind me, chuckling at the other figures choice of words. I didn't turn to look at them but I could tell by their voices that they were both boys too. We reached the front of the hut. I watched six boys in boxer shorts run into the hut pushing and shoving. I smiled feeling happy at the scene in front of me. I was about to walk in after them but someone grabbed my arm "(y/n)" someone whispered. I turned to the person with no face. He grabbed my other arm and pulled me closer, he leaned forward and rubbed his forehead on mine and breathed in and out softly. "I'm going to check around the hut for a minute. You know I can't go in until I do. Could you keep the boys calm until I get back. They're pretty hyper today" he whispered to me softly. I nodded. "Ok (...) but don't break the back of the hut this time I don't want to hear (...) moaning about it again". We both laughed, he pecked my right cheek and I couldn't help but blush at his actions. The no face boy backed away slowly while he mumbled "cute". I just barely caught what he had said. "I'll be just a minute (y/n) you should go inside" I nodded and watched him turn around to walk off. I then turned towards the entrance of the hut but before I could even take a step, everything went black.

The next thing I know, I'm standing a couple feet away from the hut throwing stones at cans lined up in a line on a tree stump. There was six cans and so far four out of six was down and I felt so proud of myself, there was sounds of boys snickering behind me and barely audible whispers. I was so focused on the fifth can, raising my right arm to aim, squinting my eyes with concentration. All the concentration was thrown out the window with a sound of a loud BOOM and crackling sound filled the air and with in seconds the air had quickened with a strong gust wind. Then everything goes dark again.

I open my eyes again to find myself lying on the forest ground, with a black panther stood directly above me, staring into my eyes. I reached for the side of its face with my hand and rubbed softly. The panther leaned into the contact and licked my hand in response. A heart stopping scream filled the trees, dragging our attention towards the sound. I turned my head to the sound with the panther still stood above me. A boy lay on the ground no too far away, gripping in his shoulder with blood dripping out. Tears filled my eyes at the scene in front of me and panic started to set in. A blink later a hyena was laying on the ground in replacement of the young boy and starts to hiss to a man beside him dressed in all black, he was holding a gun pointing at the young hyena. He jumped up on the man, startling the man dressed in black and attacked his neck and chomping down on the man, not letting go until the man had gone quite and stopped moving. The hyena finally let go of the now dead man and turned towards myself and the panther. The hyena has his face covered in the mans blood with red stained feet. I then noticed that the panther and hyena made eye contact with one another. The hyena then turned his eyes to me, staring right into my soul. His eyes were filled with concern and pain. The hyena then turned to look back at the panther for a few seconds then nodded at one another before the hyena ran off in the opposite direction. I watched the hyena run away with the sounds of roaring and growling filled my ears, they were so loud they must of been quite close. Everything went black again.

I opened my eyes again to a different scene. I was now sitting on the seat of what it looks like a plane. I looked down at myself, I was covered with blood splatters on my now ruined pink jumper and stained light blue jeans. I had blood on my shaking hands, I tried to wipe the blood of my hands but of course the blood was still there. I looked out the window to see a panther turning away to run into the forest just 30 feet away from the plane. A lion also stood there staring directly at a spot on the plane, that's when I realised I could hear a familiar males voice speaking. He must be speaking to the lion, I don't hear his words, I just continue to stare at the lion, hoping he doesn't run off
like the panther, that was a stab to the heart in itself. The lion nods and turns to stare at the floor as you hear the plane doors slam shut. Even more panic and pain arises in myself and I start to slam my fists into the window hoping it will break. I was shouting at the top of my lungs at the lion. I shout his name but nothing comes out. The lion looks at me, still stood in his place, a tear falls down the lions face.

(Imagine a real lion and with out the lion in the back)

"(....) DON'T GO!! DON'T LET ME LEAVE!! STAY WITH ME! WE PROMISED! PLEASE!!" I was desperate, tears streaming down my cheeks falling uncontrollably. The lion continued to keep eye contact with me until the plane started to move. The lion looked down again and shook his growing mane that hasn't fully grown yet and started to turn away towards the forest. More pain rushed through me, I never felt so much pain and devastation in my life, my heart was literally breaking. I banged on the window even harder, bruising the side on my fists, but I didn't care, I was hysterical. A pair of large but yet skinny arms wrapped around my waist and shoulders and pulled me into their embrace. The familiar scene of mint chocolate filled my nose and his deep warm voice trying to calm me down rocking me side to side. "I'm so sorry (y/n), I'm so sorry this has to happen to you" I hugged him even tighter, like my life depended on it. I started to hyperventilate.

The next thing I know I throw myself to the sitting position in my bed, eyes wide open, breathing heavy and sweating.

This happens every night now. The dream starts of nice and peaceful but it gets worse as the dream continues on. In my dreams I never see any faces and never hear any names, it's like strangers I maybe once knew. I haven't had nightmare like this since I was 14 years old and they're only just returned for the past two months, since I arrived back in Korea. I just decided I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon, so I lie back down on my bed, thinking about my dream over and over again. I guess it's another sleepless night tonight.

A/N: (The picture of the woods above should give you a little imagination of what the woods would look like)

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