By all-elite-writer93

49.4K 709 29


Requesting an imagine
Nick Jackson Imagine
Nick Jackson Imagine
Adam Page Imagine
Orange Cassidy Imagine
Adam Page imagine
Chuck Taylor Imagine
Marko Stunt Imagine
Scorpio Sky imagine
"Jungle Boy" Jack Perry imagine
Orange Cassidy Imagine
Marko Stunt Imagine
Marko Stunt Imagine
"Jungle boy" Jack Perry Imagine
Chuck Taylor Imagine
Kenny Omega Imagine

Nick Jackson Imagine

3.8K 47 3
By all-elite-writer93

I had been having contractions all night. at first I thought it was just Braxton-Hicks. but once my water broke, I knew it was the real deal. My husband Nick had stood by my side throughout the entire pregnancy. The morning sickness, fatigue, and the mood swings. I knew it would be no different now that I was in labor.

"how are you feeling?" he asks gently. I had decided to do this completely naturally and at home. just as I was about to answer him I felt another contraction beginning. causing me to hold on to him. "breathe babe" he says. I tried to mimic his breathing but I was in so much pain. I was glad I had him there with me.

as the contraction subsided I was finally able to answer him. "i'm in so much pain, that was the worst one yet"

"i'm sorry babe, I wish I could do something"

"just hold me, i'll be okay"

another contraction began, and he held me tightly, rubbing my back. "you're doing great babe" he says trying to encourage me. "just keep breathing, I've got you" he says again. I could feel the tears coming. the pain kept getting worse and worse. I

"thank you"

"you don't have to thank me, I wouldn't miss any of this for anything."

"you probably wish you were somewhere else, instead of hearing me complain about how bad this hurts"

"nope, i'm right here with you for a reason. I want to be here to help you however I can. I wish It were me going through all this pain. you're so strong love" he says kissing my forehead

"next time we do this, i'm going to the hospital and getting an epidural. no way i'm doing this naturally again" I say which makes him laugh

"you know we can still make it there if you really want to"

"i'm afraid we'll have her in the car if we try"

"she's right. you're ready to push y/n" my midwife tells me. until this point I had been up walking around, and holding on to him for dear life. but I knew i'd have to lay down, and be confined to bed. it wasn't something I was looking forward to.

I laid in our bed, Nick stood by my side, tightly holding my hand.

"you can do this babe. you're so close" he says. he held my hand tightly as I began to push.

"ow fuck that hurts" I say after the first attempt at pushing.

"you can do it babe" Nick says.

I tried again, but the pain just kept getting worse.

"I can't do this" I sob. he wipes my tears away and gives me a kiss.

"you can do this, I know you can" he says. I looked right into his eyes and saw he was near tears too.

I tried again but still nothing. I was really starting to get discouraged.

"shh, its okay babe, you're doing so good" he says kissing me again.

"I don't think I can do this Nick"

"you are doing so great love, she'll be here soon" he says trying to reassure me

I continued to push for over 45 minutes, I was beyond exhausted, and I felt like I wasn't any closer than I was before. I just knew I was in a lot of pain, and I was ready to give up.

"push babe, you can do it" he says. I gave it all I had. but she still hadn't arrived.

"just a few more like that and she'll be here" my midwife says

"you got this y/n push" he says.

I collapsed in exhaustion once she arrived. from the moment I hear her little cries, I started crying myself

"you did it, she's here" he says with tears in his eyes

"I couldn't have done that without you"

"you did great babe, you're so strong" he says

he kisses me, before he goes to cut the cord.

"she's beautiful just like her mom" he says. they wrapped her in a blanket and laid her on my chest. when she opened her eyes and looked at me, I noticed she had her dad's eyes.

"she has your eyes" I say as I hold her for the first time.

"that she does. thankfully she looks more like you though" he says

"poor girl" I say before laughing

"you're both beautiful" he says kissing me, and kissing the top of her head

"I look far from beautiful right now, I look like I've been through hell" my hair was tied up in a bun on the top of my head, I looked like I hadn't slept in weeks. I looked horrible.

"you look more beautiful than ever" he says kissing me again.

"you want to hold her?" I ask he nods, and takes her from me.

I couldn't help but cry as he held his little princess. I noticed a few tears in his eyes as well.

"I can't believe she's here, you did amazing babe" he says again

"I couldn't have done it without you Nick. every time I wanted to give up you kept pushing me, reassuring me that I could do it. no way I could have done this without you"

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