My Safe Haven ☑️

By Dragon_T9

7.7K 331 195

"He treats me good, he loves me," "But do you love him?" More

More complications
Moving Home
Maybe they're just that in love?
Do you love him?
Safe Haven
Little Bunny
Because I'm Still a Child
I'm Scared

Sunshine Diner

1.3K 26 30
By Dragon_T9

Everest's P.O.V.

Do you ever feel lost. Like the world around you just keeps changing and your stuck. Everything around you is different but your not.

Your still you.

Or are you?

Do you stay the same. Maybe just the thought of the world changing around you changes you.

I run my thin fingers through my thick red wavy hair, as I always do when I'm deep I thought.

I do it a lot.

Drift of into my head.

I think to much.

It gets to the point where my anxiety takes place of all the thoughts.

Telling me how certain things play off.

I try focusing my eyes.

Studying what's in front of me.

Trying not to drift off again.

The bell rings signaling time to pass the classes.

After that I have to be at work.

Work, just splendid.

I shake my head, hoping maybe it will rid the thoughts as I continue my travels down the crowded hallways.

Shoulder bumps into shoulder.

The occasional ass squeeze given by the schools perverted students.

I promise when I tell you are school is made up of a lot of perverted human beings.

Then I see it.

Room 147.

The only thing I look forward to.

The only good thing in my life.

As I walk into class I'm met with the smell of paint and crayons.

I small smile makes its way to my lips, which rarely happens, unless they're fake.

Lake view very own famous artist, Enred Alio.

Mr. Alio, as we call him.

Our art teacher.

Although Mr. Alio is gone today students still show up to class.

Well the ones actually interested in art.

Most kids take his class to say they took his class.

I take art because it helps me escape. It's the one place where I can express myself and not be criticized.

How often do you find a space like that?

I sigh, pulling up my hair into a ponytail with my scrunchy.

Once my hairs up I pull out my canvas and paint and continue on my art.

The canvas is of average size. The splotches of greens and yellows that make up half of the canvas precisely.

The other half filled with swirls of whites and grays. Once the splotches form together on one side you see beautiful Everest trees. If you look closer some marks make flowers well other small animals.

On the other side of the painting, is beautiful mountains. They stand tall and proud in defense. Some shades of blue and gray work together to give it a 3-D affect, creating Mount Everest.

You see the art project was to create something that defines you.

Our class being so small, because only so many kids make it to the higher art classes, we have more freedom.

The class consists of 7 kids.

I'm glad.

It's quieter and easier to focus.

My canvas displays my name.

Everest Night.

Although the canvas has a different meaning to me, they get the gist.

I sign my signature at the bottom and pack up my paints.

Since I'm the only one who bothered to show up to class today I decided to leave to.

Why did it matter?

It was my last period and I already finished my project.

I wipe my hands clean of paint and hang my canvas on the drying rack before grabbing my backpack and cellphone. I give a small smile to sub along with my name since she didn't ask for attendance and make my way out of the classroom.

I walk down the quiet halls.

All you hear is the mumbles from each classroom you pass.

I made my way towards the front of the school, well putting in my headphones.


Once I pulled my car up to the diner, the beautiful sign stood tall.

Sunshine Diner, I've worked here since I was 12.

It's your classic small town diner, right out of a teen movie or series.

I push open the door to be met with the overwhelming smell of milkshakes and bacon.

I gave a few 'hello's' and 'how are you's' to the regulars, and made my way to the back.

"Good afternoon Grace," I say to my boss.

She's my moms best friend.

She turns around and gives me a sweet smile before pulling me into a bear hug.

My body aches under her strong hold, memories of the night before rush threw my head.

She squeezes me tight and my body burns with pain but I don't let it show.

He's always watching and I can't let him think I gave it away.

I took a deep breathe and laughed to cover up the whimper that escaped my lips.

She pulled away from the hug and made her way to the front.

I picked up my apron and makeup bag and made it to the back.

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and checked how good my coverage was on my face. A little yellow showed on my jawline so I rubbed in the concealer that was already there.

I never want to where much to the point that I look like a cake but I don't want my bruises to show.

Usually Emmet avoids the face but when he gets to into it he gets the occasional punch in.

I pull my apron on and tie it in a cute little bow in the back.

I pull my ponytail into a messy bun and grab my server notepad.

I took one last look in the mirror and made my way to the front of the diner to take orders.

I walked up to a young couple maybe in there mid-twenties and there daughter. She looked about 3.

"Hi I'm Everest, I'll be your server today. Do you know what you would like?" I asked.

The little girl looked at me and smiled.

Her little dimples were so cute.

"Um, ya I think I'll have the bacon burger and a coke please," the guy asked with a small smile.

I returned it and turned to the girl.

"I'll have the same but with a sprite please," she said.

I nodded and turned to the little girl.

The front door opened to warn that another person was entering the diner.

Sam will take care of them so I continued with my order.

I bent down to her level and gave her a huge cheeky grin.

"And what can I get for this lovely girl?" I ask.

She smiled back and looks at her mom for conformation.

Her mom gives her a slight nod and she turns back to me.

"I'll have the strawberry milkshake please," I nod my head and write that on my pad, standing up.

"Okay, I'll get those right to you," I say.

"Um Miss waitress lady, can I call you Eve?" The little girl asked.

I chuckle in response and turn around.

"Only if you tell me your lovely name?" I answered.

Her smile grew bigger if possible, and she nodded her head.

"My names Lili," she said.

I smiled bigger if possible and nodded my head.

"Okay, well I'll be back soon Lili, okay?" I ask.

She nods and turns to her parents.

They smile at me and I dismiss myself.

I walk up to Don and give him the order.

He nods his head and gives me a quick 'thank you'.

I just nod and turn around.

The diner has become pretty quiet so I go back out.

Sam stopped me.

"Hey can you get this last order before your shift is over, my mom is in the hospital I got to go,". She asked, worry clear in her voice.

I nodded my giving her a reassuring smile and patted her shoulder.

I waked back into the diner and walked up to the circle booth in the corner.

"Hello I'm Everest, I'll be your server today. Do you know what you would like?" I asked, looking at each boy, not really caring what they think of me.

The guy in the middle turned and looked up at me and glared before smirking.

I just smiled back and continued standing there awkwardly.

"Ya we will all like vanilla milkshakes please," he said.

I nodded my head, writing it down before giving him one of my academy awards fake smile.

"Okay, and will that be all?" I ask.

"Yes," He said.

I nodded again and turned around and walked away.


My shift is over in 10 and it looks like Lili's family is done eating.

I walk over and set the check down.

"Don't worry I covered it, definitely don't feel rushed if you need more time or anything else just let me know." I said.

"Oh you don't need to do that," the girl said. I just smiled.

The guy gave me a weird look but nodded.

"Don't worry about it," I said.

Lili jumped up from her seat and gave me a hug.

I lifted her up and rested her on my hip.

"Thank you, Eve," she said hugging me again.

"Anytime," I said and placed her back in the booth.

"You all have a nice day, hope to see you soon," I say and walk back into the back.

Milkshake boy and his posse are still in the circle booth.

I've been working for about an hour but we close early on Thursday's because we're open all night Friday.

I decided it be the polite thing to do, to tell them I'm leaving so I walk over to there table and place the check down.

"Definitely don't feel rushed, If you need anything else Stella over there will help you." I say.

He just nods skeptically at me.

I smile back and turn around.

I walk toward the back taking off my apron.

I take out my red hair completely letting it hang down. I wiped my face with my apron as usual from the sweat build up and placed it in my backpack.

I'm off for the rest of the week so I'll just wash it at home.

My phone dinged in my back pocket and I pulled it out.

My mood dropped and a chill ran down my spine.

Emmet: hey babe I'm coming over tonight,

Eve: Mett I can't do this again. My parents are home, I'm to tired to pretend to be happy. Just leave me alone,

Emmet: don't play that game with me Eve, I choose when where not a thing. Your mine do I need to show you?

His words, even if over text, sent a chill down my spine. I knew exactly what he meant by 'show you' and I do not feel like being on bed rest only for him to come and do it again.

Eve: no, be over at 6

I turned off my phone, shoving it into my back pocket.

Why can't he just leave me alone?

The beatings just keep getting worst and I can't stand them. My rib is bruised bad, probably fractured, and my jaw hurts like hell.

The sad part is I can make myself feel numb, just not feel anymore, and it lasts, for the most part.

Small things like Lili make my day better, remind me there's good in the world, but in the end there's no escaping Emmet.

We met last year, when we moved.

At first we were happy.

I really liked him and he seemed to really like me.

We dated for a couple months but he became to possessive.

I wasn't aloud to talk to guys, I wasn't aloud to go out without telling him, I wasn't aloud to be myself anymore.

When I broke up with him he slapped me for the first time.

He told me I was his and that no matter where I went he would find me.

Through the last year if I even talked to a guy outside of work I would get smacked or hit.

Sometimes even kicked.

Last night he was just mad.

I didn't do anything wrong but he came over drunk well my parents were at a party.

It was definitely one of my lesser beatings.

He just punched me in the face and kicked my ribs a couple times.

He usually avoids my face so I don't get asked questions, especially by my parents.

Speaking of which, are home tonight, so I'm going to have to act happy.

Our new neighbors are supposed to come over for dinner tonight so I'm sure I'll get a beating for a male other then my father being at my house.

I walked out of the back with my head down texting my parents saying I'm on my way.

I bumped someone and fell back.

An arm caught my back as I was about to fall.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry," I said standing up straight.

I looked up and was met with beautiful blue eyes.

Milkshake boy, just great.

He seems to really just like me.

Note the sarcasm.

Maybe it's just humans in general That he hates.

His arm still held to my waist.

I was getting uncomfortable and a little scared that Emmet was watching.

"Um, your arm," I said awkwardly.

He nodded and removed it.

I kept my head down as I muttered a sorry and grabbed my bag that dropped.

He lifted my face to look at him, his jaw clenched but no other emotion was on his face.

His eyes were glued to a certain spot on my face.

Then I remembered, I've been sweating a lot, my concealer probably smeared off my jaw.

I turned my face away and pushed past him.

For his own safety I hope this boy leaves me alone.

Emmet doesn't take it lightly when boys touch me.

He doesn't take it lightly when people find out about my bruises.

He doesn't take it likely when people ask questions.

I hand grasped my arm and I turned around.

"Where did you get that bruise?" He asked, his words laced in anger.

I smiled slightly hoping it looked like it was a happy memory.

"Me being my klutz self. I mean you saw me, I just ran into you just like I did into a pole. I'm sorry I have to go," I said laughing at the end.

I am a horrible liar all though I'm sure I could get a gig for acting.

I gave him a small smile and he let go of my arm.

Twice, that's twice he touched me.

I hope for both of our safety Emmet wasn't watching.

I'll be dead.

Milkshake boy back there will get a serious beating.

~this is the first chapter of part 1 to the book, there will be 3 parts~

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