Playful Love (FanFic Version)

By Devilish_angelR

319K 15.4K 1.5K

Cover Credits to luckykr13.... The college nerd, Gauri Sharma fell in love because of a simple dare, that fam... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 21

8.5K 444 56
By Devilish_angelR

It's been three weeks since Omkara cleared the misunderstandings between us. Since then he never failed to send me flowers daily with a card stating that he loves me and making me feel loved. Although we work together in office on the project, we decided to keep things professional in office. And after the work, he takes me to dinners and lunch where we speak about things in life. Even though I didn't said him anything about my feelings, I know I never stopped loving him. Everyday he makes me feel loved and cares for me, making my walls melt. But still I didn't told him anything about Ved's existence. This time I have to be sure before I take any decision.

Currently Ved is with Rudra in his office. Rudra is taking good care of Ved, while I leave him with him. My baby didn't spoke again after that day. Rudra thinks I have had a Helucination about Ved calling me, Maa as I have been thinking about his first word. And he also challenged me that Ved's first word will be Mamu and he will make sure that.

Rudra takes my baby to his resort daily to meet the infamous Jaanu aunty and Uncle cool, whom I didn't met but know through Rudra. They have been a lot of help for me , taking care of my baby and helping Rudra. I am really indebted to them, I wanted to thank them personally.

I am so deep in thoughts that I didn't realise Omkara came into my cabin until he kissed my cheek bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Omkara, what have you done! We are in office." I scolded him controlling my blush.

"Like I care." He said sitting on the opposite chair of mine. "I can kiss my love anytime and anywhere, no one dares to stop me." He winked.

"I am not your love. I don't love you." I said making his face fall.

"I hope May be some day, you will acknowledge your feelings and gives me a chance." He said hopefully. "Till that day, I will be waiting for you reminding you everyday how much I Love you." He said and walked out of my office not before kissing my forehead.

"Why are you making it hard for me, Omkara. I don't want to put down my guards." I mumbled to myself watching him leave.

I sat on my chair thinking about Omkara when a knock on the door disturbed me.

"Come in." I said sitting straight in my chair.

"Hello, Ms. Sharma? " A familiar chirpy voice came from the door way.

"Anikaaa!!" I squealed and ran to hug her.

"Slowly, meri maa. I don't want my bones to be broken." Anika said loosening my hold on her.

"I missed you." I pouted, "how did your vacation went? Where is Shivaay Bhaiyya? " I asked.

"Well, I missed you too, everything went well, we enjoyed a lot and your Shivaay Bhaiyya went to office for some emergency work." Anika said. Anika is my childhood friend married to Shivaay Singhania for an year and returned after celebrating her anniversary vacation in Maldives. She is my secret keeper and like a big sister. And I am glad she came back from vacation. She can help me with my feelings and fears about Omkara. No one but Anika knows about Omkara being Ved's dad.

"Back to Earth, Gauri." Anika snapped.

"I am sorry, chalo let's go out and grab something to eat while we talk about your vacation." I said grabbing my car keys and handbag while pulling Anika towards the door.

"Whaat!? " Anika shrieked, "Omkara! As in Omkara, who is Ved's father? " Anika asked in surprise when I told her about Omkara. After we came out of my office Anika and I decided to have an early dinner at our favourite restaurant.

"Shh... Anika slowly. We don't want people to know." I said shushing her.

"OMG, Gauri, so many things happened and you are telling me this now? " Anika asked. "Did he knows about Ved? "

"Anika, I am confused about my feelings after he told me about the misunderstanding between us. I don't want to be hurt again believing him so easily and I don't want Ved to hurt in process." I said.

"Are you planning to hide Ved from him? " Anika questioned.

"Yes, until I get a complete belief on Omkara. Even though I believe and Love him, somewhere I have fear that may be if our relationship fails again I don't want to loss my baby or make him go through all those custody and court stuff. So, for now I am hiding his existence." I said and Anika nodded.

"Gauri, I don't know whether this is right or wrong to keep Ved away from Omkara but I will support you not leaving your back, come what may." Anika said sincerely.

"Thank you Anika, that means a lot to me." I said gratefully.

"Okay, let's leave this stuff here." Anika said straightening her posture, "Tell me about your plans for the little Munchkin's birthday this weekend."

"I still can't believe my baby is going to turn One already. It's like yesterday that nurse handed my baby to me, he was very little and instantly held my finger looking at me with those chocolate brown eyes." I said with moist eyes as I remembered the day I gave birth to Ved.

"Yes, he's very cute." Anika to said dreamily.

"Rudra is very excited about celebrating Ved's birthday. He already made sure the resort is available for the whole day." I said smiling, " And I made a list of few guests and friends to invite."

"We also have to order a cake and buy him some dresses, we only have two days to arrange everything! We have to make his birthday memorable." Anika said enthusiastically.

"Yes, but I don't want to spoil him."

"Oho... At least let him enjoy his day. Come on let's go and shop dresses and order a cake." Anika said getting in her feet clapping her hands.


Even though I cleared the misunderstandings between Gauri and me, yet Gauri is not ready to take a step in our relationship. I am glad at least she was speaking with me freely and sharing things like friends. I hope soon we can rekindle our relationship. I came to visit my parents in the resort they are staying in.

As soon as I entered the room, I found my dad giving a piggyback ride to Ved, who was laughing happily and my mom was trying to feed him his baby food. The scene was cute and Ved was cutest.

"Hey Mom and Dad." I greeted making my presence known.

"Omkara." My parents said and I went to give them a hug. As soon as Ved saw me, he wiggled in Dad's arms holding out his hands for me.

I took him from my dad and he hugged me by neck.

"Arey waah! We are the ones who was playing with him the whole day and he came to you like he knows you from ages. What magic have you done on him." My dad asked surprised.

"Ved mingles with everyone. He's not a cranky kid." My mom explained.

"Hey buddy." I said rubbing his nose with mine making him giggle.

"You know Om, he always makes me remind of your childhood self." My mom said, "Just like you he stays awake in the night and hates broccoli."

"And he is a energy pack like you always keeps us on our feet." My dad said tickling Ved.

"Mom and Dad, why don't you both go out for shopping or something, It's been a while since you both went out. I will babysit Ved till you return." I said bouncing Ved.

"That's so helpful Omkara. Actually we were planning to go shopping today." My Dad said.

"Okay, we will go now and will return soon. Till then look after this cute pumpkin." My mom said grabbing her purse and kissing Ved's cheeks, who is giggling in my arms.

"His things are in this bag. Call us if you have any doubt. Bye." My dad said giving me a small baby bag and went out.

"Chalo Ved, it's you and me now." I said sitting on the sofa with Ved.

"Let's watch TV now? " I said switching on the Tv and tuning the channels.

"Ved, come let's watch cricket match today." I said placing him in my lap.

Ved and I watched Cricket test match, he enjoyed watching cricket and began to squeal and bounce in my lap whenever the spectators cheered for their favourite cricketers. I made him drink the milk and we played together without getting tired or bored, my mom and dad was right he's energetic like me. After playing for a few minutes, he fell asleep on top of me. I placed a kiss on top of his head and began to pat him. I loved the feeling of having him so close to me. I swiped my phone and was going through the pictures of Gauri and me, when the knock on the door interrupted me.

"Hey." Rudra greeted.

"Hi Rudra."

"Even today you managed to put him to sleep." Rudra said coming towards us smiling. "Where's your mom and dad? " Rudra asked taking Ved in his arms.

"They went for shopping." I said giving Ved to him. I miss him already.

"Okay, finally they decided to have fun." Rudra smiled.

"Yes, finally." I said.

"Omkara, tomorrow's Ved birthday and you are invited for his birthday party at 7 in resort." He invited me.

"Oh, thank you for invite. I will be there." I smiled. No wonder why my mom and Dad went to shopping without fussing, I am sure they would be buying a shop for this cute guy here.

"See you tomorrow in party." Rudra said moving out with Ved.

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