All Roads Lead to Rome

fireheather tarafından

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"Promise me you'll come to the club tomorrow night." he said in a rough voice, forehead on hers. Her head sti... Daha Fazla

The Road to Rome
At Rome's Door
In Love and War
A Favor Owed
A Favor Repaid
A Storm Averted and a Haven Found
Fire Kindled
Fire Building
Fanning the Fire
The Fire Dies
Cold Ashes?
Rome Rebuilding
Panic and Disorder
Where Roads Meet
A Brotherly Turn
When Roads Merge: Right Lane
So it begins...
The Line was Crossed
The Artist of War
What a tangled web...
When We Practice to Deceive
Double, double toil and trouble
The Game is Afoot
Troubled Waters
Unexpected Allies
Unwanted Truth
Wings with that?
Strategy Unfolds
The Scent
To Fly or Fall
The Best Laid Plans
Symphonic Battles
Deadly Illusion
Illusion and Truth
Losing their head
Just a hint


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fireheather tarafından

Lyra was sitting at a table down on the floor, watching the activity in the club while she nursed a glass of wine. People packed the bar as Leonardo set his expertise to keeping drinks flowing. Gadgets wowed the patrons as he created their drinks with a flourishing flash of light. Laughter rang out from the area in front of the stage as Pan engaged in a silly parody to entertain the crowd. No signs of trouble or of the war that others were readying for, backstage and in the crowd.

If she looked up, she knew she would see Romulus walking through the defenses with Erick, his newly found protege. The man was being left in charge for the little amount of time they were going to spend away. She smiled as Romulus put a hand on Erick's shoulder to steady him as he leaned over the railing to examine the crossbows. He would make a good father. The thought startled her a moment and she took a drink. Being a parent isn't something she had ever considered, but it seemed unnatural for these two not to... Ok, focus, she told herself. She had a purpose down here. Planning a future on that front could wait.

Admiring whistles broke out from the pack of wolves by the bar and Lyra looked up. A dark-haired curvy woman was sauntering towards the table. And here was that purpose.

"Tala, I take it?" Lyra asked, extending her hand as she rose. The woman took her hand briefly then sat.

"Yes. You must be Lyra." She sat a small bag on the table.

"I am. Sorry about the rabble." She gestured towards the pack. Tala laughed.

"Don't worry about that. Wolves are attracted to me. Comes from the whole lunar witch thing. I'm making a delivery for your boyfriend."

"The charm? You finished it?"

Tala opened the bag to reveal a simple seashell on a chain.

"We did and I also come bearing a warning. You have a rat. Our alliance is no longer a secret."
"Romulus said his brother had already contacted you," Lyra said slowly, glancing over at Antares, who straightened from where he was leaning on the bar. He ignored the lust filled offers spawned by the magic radiating from him and began making his way through the crowd.

"Yes, but someone knows specifically that we are helping Romulus."
Lyra's gaze went up to the balcony and Romulus met her eyes questioningly.

"Problem?" he inquired.


"I'll be right down. Antares can take over here."

"The boy needs to eat anyway. Send him down." Antares' voice sent shivers through them both. Lyra looked back at Tala.

"Romulus will be right down. You can finish telling him then."
"Does it ever get annoying having them in your head?" Tala asked, having watched intently. "That seems like it would drive me crazy."
"Romulus only does it when I give him permission to. He's big on talking things out. Antares mainly uses it to flirt, so I don't mind that too much." she responded absently. Stan came up and whispered in her ear. She sat up and looked at him. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. She blew out a breath and looked at Tala. "Would you mind taking a detour up to VIP? We promised no one in your family would be at risk in this. Stan, go back to the door."
"What's the problem?"

"We have company," she responded looking at Romulus as he reached her side, Antares just a step behind. He nodded, his eyes hard. He had smelled them the moment they had come through the doors. He slid the shell necklace into his pocket.

"I'm curious as to how they got around the shield," he said softly then shook himself. "Antares, Erick could you please show Tala to our VIP lounge?"

"I'm staying with you until we have to go," Antares said quietly. Romulus snarled briefly then nodded when he saw the rare steely look in his lover's eyes. His incubus was hovering just under the surface and was best served here.

"Hey, I can.." Erick began to protest.

"Erick, now is not the time to argue. If Antares isn't there, I'd prefer you take them to the containment room. Now." Romulus said firmly.

"You know the timing is suspicious. They know I'm here." Tala said, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Then they know my sister doesn't go into a vampire den alone. Romulus, it is good to see you again." A woman that looked enough like Tala that Lyra assumed it was one of her sisters.

"You as well, Melissa. I promised I would keep your family out of harm's way and I intend to do that."

"Good luck." Another voice spoke from their other side as a younger-looking woman practically skipped out of the crowd. "We've got a knack for getting into trouble."

Romulus cursed. "All of you. In the room. Now." he bit out with a snarl then started walking towards the front of the club.

"He's bossy," Melissa observed.

"Tell me about it," Lyra said, then followed him. Erick gestured towards the door.

"Ladies?" it was said with enough apprehension that the younger one laughed.

"Trista, be nice. They've got some issues." Tala said. She tossed a smile over her shoulder at the wolves, then followed Erick. "Besides, we don't have to be in the thick of it to be effective now do we?"
"You thinking circle?" Melissa asked falling in step.

"That'll be fun," Trista said with a smile. Erick stepped inside and closed the door after they were all inside. Chanting could be heard as the door sealed.

As soon as he saw the door close, Romulus stopped in the middle of the dance floor and let out a sharp whistle. Immediately, staff began escorting patrons to the private rooms that had been arranged for them if the battle breached their walls. Lyra and Antares stood on either side as they watched the group of around twenty vampires enter.

The mistress walked through the dispersing crowd. Romulus' eyes were drawn to the pack of wolves by the bar as the alpha deliberately caught his attention.

"Everything alright, Romulus? Tala thinks you might need help." One of them called out.

"We've got this, wolf," Lyra responded easily. "Take the party somewhere else." Their leader nodded and circled around towards the door. Niccolo stood slowly from where he was sitting at the far end of the bar when Leonardo joined them on the dance floor.

"Everything alright, Leonardo?" he called out, concern in his voice. Leonardo smiled a little sadly but responded lightly.

"Yes, my friend. Just stay where you are. You're shielded there."

"Romulus, everyone is out." Antares murmured. Romulus nodded.

"Go upstairs and call your friend. Lyra, if you would?"

"Yeah." she turned to follow Antares then whirled back around and kissed Romulus hungrily. "If you get hurt, I'm kicking your ass," she said fiercely after pulling back. She ran after Antares, who caught her hand and tugged her in front of him.

"Just in case." he murmured with a glance towards their enemies.

"Esmeralda, isn't it?" Romulus said pleasantly, drawing his sword as the fierce-looking woman halted at the edge of the dance floor. "It has been a while since we've crossed swords."

The pale beauty smiled sardonically. "Indeed it has. I fear we won't get to this time either. I haven't come alone. And my ally has already done away with your faery's magical barriers. I don't foresee much of a battle."

Romulus grinned. "Good thing I have others then. Leonardo?"

The sound of multiple crossbows being drawn back had the vampires halting. A young woman slid through their ranks and stood in front of them. Her deep red hair gleamed with a crystalline shine when the club lights hit it.

"Romulus, her eyes. Where the hell did she get those eyes?" Leonardo murmured worriedly. The crossbows weren't going to be enough here.

Romulus looked into the young woman's flashing silver eyes with a troubled frown. This was bad.

"Your eyes remind me of someone I know," he said, focusing on the authority this woman was exuding. "Leonardo, keep eyes on Esmeralda."

"I find that hard to believe. No one has eyes like I do." Her chin tilted proudly. "And I'm here to take care of the only real threat to the mistress council. What there is of it, anyway."

Romulus saw the bravado for what it was and relaxed a bit. Julius' eyes or not, she was not on the same power level as Julius. He could work with this. Then hope the two weren't related.
"And how did the mistress council gain an ally of your caliber? I'll add that introductions are usually standard practice. My name is Romulus, protector of this sanctuary you bring blood and death into. You are?"

"My father thinks they are worthy of protecting. I am called Garnet, lieutenant commander of his elite force."
"Of course you are, child. And I'm sure you earned it." Romulus let his tone drip with condescension and saw those eyes flash angrily. "Now if you'll step aside, Esmeralda and I were having a discussion..." He ducked and rolled out of the way as Esmeralda made a swift attack at the same time magic crackled in his direction. He parried and defended against a circle of vampires with fluid expertise. However, he knew when he was outflanked. "Leonardo, that distraction?"

"Go, I've got this." Came the calm reply. Romulus fell back step by step as they pressed their advantage. He swept wide with his sword to create some distance, then sheathed it and ran up the stairs. Esmeralda halted in the center of the dance floor, her vampires gathering around her.

"Retreating so soon with allies still on the field? Not the Romulus I remember." she goaded, looking around her warily. Romulus grinned as Leonardo turned a knob on the column in the center of the dance floor. A clear dome came up around it in a smooth rush.

"A tactical withdraw isn't a retreat." he returned. He met Leonardo's eyes and paused. There was goodbye in those dark eyes. Romulus took a step back down.

"Don't do anything foolish, Leonardo."

"There's only one way to set off the UV bomb and it not destroy everyone here. Solidify your family, blood father. There are none who would mourn me the way yours' would."

"Dammit, Leonardo. Don't!"

Antares opened the door and took Romulus' hand. "We've got to go." Romulus snarled and let Antares pull him into the room to shut the door.

Leonardo turned to the vampires that were now circling and growling at him. "I would recommend none of you touch the inside of the shield. Listen to me and you will survive this."

Niccolo skidded to a halt outside of the shield as Leonardo addressed them. "Leonardo, what the hell are you doing? You're not a fighter or a warrior. You hate those things."

"That doesn't mean I won't become them to defend my home, Niccolo. You'll be fine. The light won't penetrate the shield. I designed it myself."
Terror gripped Niccolo at the other man's too calm voice. "Light? Leonardo, no..."

Esmeralda sheathed her sword. "So don't touch the inside of the shield says the man who put us in it? For some reason, I don't trust that."

Niccolo put a hand on the outside of the shield, his voice cracking. "Leonardo, no." His eyes grew determined and he started hitting the shield. He picked up a chair and when it broke, he began punching. Leonardo's eyes went sad as he watched his best friend slam against the shield. Esmeralda struck the shield and a blinding white light filled the dome. One by one, the vampires began to disintegrate under the rays.

Garnet fell back, cursing as the light blinded her. Knowing this battle was lost, she ran for the door as Niccolo continued to pummel the shield. Stan started to stop her and cried out as a flick of her magic knocked him against the wall.

After a few minutes, the light receded and the dome lifted. Niccolo ran to where Leonardo lay sprawled on the floor and pulled him into his arms, beyond sobs just heaving breaths.

All that work, the sacrifices were for nothing. He was alone. Terribly, horribly alone.

It took him almost ten minutes to realize that the badly singed body in his arms was breathing. He lifted a trembling hand to Leonardo's face and closed his eyes with relief when he felt the breath on his skin.

"And this is why we needed to stay." Tala's serious voice startled Niccolo, who looked up. She crouched down next to him. "Why don't we get him into the room? Your friend Romulus has already left with some dark faery."

"They got the room." he managed, standing up with Leonardo in his arms. The witch nodded. "This was a plan? Tell me, did Romulus know of Leonardo's suicide mission?"

"I don't think so. Antares had to pull him back inside. This way." Tala led the way to where her sisters were maintaining a circle. Niccolo carefully laid Leonardo in the center. "We can heal him," she said gently seeing the tears that had yet to dry. "You can stay if you like."

His eyes hard now, Niccolo shook his head. "No. I'm going to get cleaned up. I'll be back to check on him. Don't let him die." His hand slid into his pocket and sifted the marbles through his fingers absently. "I want the opportunity to kill him for scaring me like that."

He slid his hand into his other pocket then frowned at what he found there. So he was to be put to use again. He looked back at where the witches were working on Leonardo. The tight grip in his chest eased a small amount.

Not alone.


Romulus let out a string of curses and kicked the sofa that was in front of the fireplace as soon as Lethe left them in the room. Tears burned in his eyes as he looked at Antares.

"Leonardo set the bomb off himself." he snarled. "The man just sacrificed himself to save our home."

"What?" Lyra sank down onto the sofa Romulus had just kicked. A fire sprang up as soon as she did and was ignored. A tear ran down her face as she remembered the hand he'd put on her shoulder as she'd passed. He had said goodbye.

"My loves, Leonardo knew what he was doing. And he may not have actually died." Antares said crouching in front of Lyra and taking Romulus' hand. "You said yourself that his scent had been changing, Rome. He may have a higher tolerance now. I know the two of you want to mourn him but we don't have the time. Even with the time delay this room holds, we are rushed for time. The succubus turn will take at least a few hours, then the feeding, then the vampire turn."

Lyra sniffed back the tears and nodded. "He's right, Rome. We have to trust Leonardo. The witches were there too. They could have protected him or healed him."

"I never would have left him down there, had I known," Romulus said harshly, the muscle in his jaw ticking. Antares stood and wrapped his arms around Romulus from behind. Lyra went around so she could reach up and kiss him lightly.

"He knows that. Do Antares and I need to do the first part alone so you can have some time?"

"No. The bond has to be done first so that you can take Antares' pleasure for your own during your succubus transition." His clipped tone had nerves ricocheting through Lyra. She stepped back, her fingers linking nervously.

"Ok. I want to make something clear. This is something you guys would want to do even if we weren't being pushed into it, right?" Lyra asked tensely. Both men nodded. "Good. Then for now, let's put the outside world out of our heads. This is for us. It has to be."

"Us." Antares murmured, then kissed Romulus' shoulder before stepping back. "It is. We're agreed that we aren't fighting these battles separately anymore. So Romulus, you feeling your rage and helpless anger?"

"Don't push me right now, Antares. I don't have a handle on that yet."

Lyra met Antares' eyes and nodded, seeing what he was doing. They needed honest emotion. She turned and went over to the large oversized bed. Stripping with a hint of self-consciousness, she climbed up onto it and made herself comfortable in a corner.

Romulus' eyes followed her every movement and was caught off guard when Antares slid a hand around his neck and pulled him forward.

"I want that rage," Antares growled fiercely before kissing Romulus deeply. He pulled back. "I want that firestorm in your blood to break over me."

Fire whipped through Romulus' blood every bit as much as the dread did. He searched Antares' eyes. "I'll hurt you."

A sultry smile curved Antares' dark face. "Darling." He nipped Romulus' bottom lip, prompting a low growl. "I'm counting on it."

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