Fire Emblem Three Houses Fanf...


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A bunch of Fire Emblem Three Houses stories I've decided to make stories out of. I try to make stories out of... Еще

Author's Note
A Blessing Snatched Away
Cursed Power - Part 1
Cursed Power - Part 2
Cursed Power - Part 3
Cursed Power - Part 4
Cursed Power - Part 5
Cursed Power - Part 6
Cursed Power - Part 7
Cursed Power - Part 8
Cursed Power - Part 9
Cursed Power - Part 10
Cursed Power - Part 11
Authors Note
Where there is light there is also darkness
Byleth the Vampire Slayer Sneak Peek
Byleth the Vampire Slayer - Part 1
Byleth the Vampire Slayer - Part 2
Byleth the Vampire Slayer - Part 3
Byleth the Vampire Slayer - Part 4
Byleth the Vampire Slayer - Part 5
Byleth the Vampire Slayer - Part 6
Forbidden Love Sneak Peek
Forbidden Love - Part 1
Forbidden Love - Part 2
Forbidden Love - Part 3
Forbidden Love - Part 4
Forbidden Love - Part 5
Forbidden Love - Part 6
Forbidden Love - Part 7
Forbidden Love - Part 8
Forbidden Love - Part 9
Becoming a Pro Gamer Sneak Peek
Becoming a Pro Gamer - Part 1
Becoming a Pro Gamer - Part 2
Becoming a Pro Gamer - Part 3
Becoming a Pro Gamer - Part 4
Becoming a Pro Gamer - Part 5
Life After the War - Sneak Peek
Life After the War
Unfathomable Sneak Peek
Unfathomable - Part 1
Unfathomable - Part 2
Unfathomable - Part 3
Abduction - Part 1
Abduction - Part 2
Protect You - Sneak Peak
Protect You
Long Lost Siblings Reunited - Sneak Peek
Long Lost Siblings Reunited - Part 1
Long Lost Siblings Reunited - Part 2
Byleth the Vampire Slayer - Part 8
Long Lost Siblings Reunited - Part 3
Stay - Sneak Peek
A Drunk Professor
Teacherhood, Parenthood - Sneak Peek
Teacherhood, Parenthood - Part 1
The Heroic Legend Of Arslan X Three Houses - Part 1
The Heroic Legend Of Arslan X Three Houses - Part 2
The Heroic Legend Of Arslan X Three Houses - Part 3
Dance - Male Byleth x Edelgard
Training - Male Byleth x Edelgard
The Heroic Legend of Arslan X Three Houses - Part 4
Fishing - Male Byleth & Flayn
The Heroic Legend of Arslan x Three Houses - Part 5

Byleth the Vampire Slayer - Part 7

512 3 0

Author's Note: I was sorta experiencing a writter's block on this particular Byleth x Edelgard for awhile. But I think I've gotten over it, so I will try to wrap up this story soon! Hope anyone who reads, enjoys this! Oh, and one more thing. Sothis will be featured in this story soon. 


Byleth still has the Red Peculiar Sword with him, hiding in his invisible sheaf.

This weapon could be his only ticket to ending Edelgard if she turns out to be his enemy. But... what's stopping him?

"So? What are you going to do now, Professor? Do you believe me to be innocent... or guilty?" Edelgard grows impatient for an answer.

She needed his answer in order to know whether she's just made an enemy or if they remain allies.

Byleth doesn't wish to kill Edelgard. But... tricking him with a story that may be all made up just so she can take advantage of him... that may be what this is all about.

But then again, maybe she was really being truthful and earnest by what she just told him.

He doesn't want to make an enemy out of Edelgard. Especially since she might actually be an ally. But...

"Well? Come on. Give me your answer." Irritation could be heard from Edelgard's tone. She was growing out of patience. At this rate, she might take action and end him before he gives an answer.

She cannot die after all. Not yet. Not when she may be close to reaching for her goal...

"I..." he started, two sides wavering inside him. One side wanted to believe everything she's told him. But the other tells him to kill her.

Whether to follow his heart, or to follow his brain... he was uncertain of which sense to rely on.

But... in the end...

"I... believe you." He answered. This may or may not be a foolish decision he has made, it might not be the right choice. For all he knows, he could have just made the wrong one. But... if there's even the slightest chance that Edelgard truly is innocent of the crimes he's suspected of her... he wants to take that chance.

If she does end up turning out to be the enemy, he could try to end her. But... all he really wants is to be able to put his faith in her.

He doesn't want to kill her, because... he fears that he may be falling for her.

That, and she's his student. If he were to kill her, her death would haunt him for the rest of his life.

"Professor..." Edelgard appeared quite astounded by Byleth's answer. She thought for sure during his long time of thinking, he may had decided to end her. It is, afterall, wise to end any possible threats that may come to stab you in the back later.

But... Edelgard was so glad it didn't have to come to her and her dear Professor fighting to the death.

"You have no idea how happy this makes me feel. For you to put your trust in me. I swear, I will make sure you will never regret your decision." Smiled Edelgard in gratitude.

Byleth too, was happy and relieved. For the time being, that is. As long as his choice doesn't end up stabbing him in the back later.

But... if he did decide he'd have to kill her... he doesn't think he can do it. Not if it's her. If he tried, he would only die trying.

Because the last thing he could ever be able to bring himself to do... is to kill one of his dear students.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

Byleth and Edelgard decided to take a stroll together even after their long and serious conversation.

They both felt that a good walk would help them unwind. Also, hoping right back into the crowded ballroom may not be so great of an idea to do right away.

A walk outside was nice when you didn't want bothered and simply wished to relax and put your mind at ease.

The walk was just that, but began in mostly just silence. But eventually Edelgard broke the silence and the two were able to converse amongst each other filled with enjoyment. It helped make the atmosphere less heavy.

As they talked and talked, Byleth wondered... maybe he did end up making the right choice after all. Maybe he did do the right thing.

But the Professor was instantly snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed Edelgard flinch in pain and she placed a hand upon her chest, her eyes squinted lightly.

"Are you okay...?"

"Sigh... yes, I'm fine. Just... tired is all. Edelgard explained before recomposing herself.

But being tired... that couldn't have been it. It looked as though she was hit with a wave of pain. That wasn't exactly normal, even if you are tired.

But Byleth decided to stay quiet when she insisted that she was alright. But he still kept a close eye on her...

The two walked along a stoned path, at both sides, a beautiful hedge going along the path beside them was full of red roses.

Byleth normally wasn't one to take the time admiring the beauty of nature, but this time, he found himself doing just that. And a smile curled up his lips.

"Professor... I've been noticing a lot recently, but you've been smiling more." Edelgard brings up, drawing the teacher's attention.

"It's almost like a rare blessing." Edelgard chuckles. But before Byleth's smile could grow anymore, due to his happy student, his facial expression instantly changes.

He notices something... Edelgard's eyes... they were glowing a color of blood red. This surprised Byleth, he hadn't thought it possible for the once violet orbs he gazed into to change into a completely different shade of color.

"Hm? Professor, what is that look on your face? Is something on my face...?" Edelgard first assumed that the wind may have blown something odd onto her cheeks.

But when she brought her fingers up close to her cheek... she noticed a glowing red upon anything that gets too close to her gaze. She instantly knows what has happened.

"Oh... um, I'm sorry, I really need to get going Professor!" Edelgard's expression changes to worry filled with anxiety before rushing off.

Byleth, confused and worried as to what was exactly going on, pursues the girl, and when he got close enough, grabbed her wrist to prevent her from running away any further.

"Let go!" She shrieked at first. Byleth didn't, but when Edelgard turned around to face him, he was shocked to see her pupils change into what would remind you of a wild cat, and fangs seemed to grow from her teeth-- both top and bottom at each corner.

Edelgard's tone and voice changes instantly from that of worry and slight fear into rage.

With unimaginable strength, Edelgard tackles Byleth and he finds his world flipped upside down and a huge pain bammed against the back of his head and everything was a little dizzy for a moment.

Was this... Edelgard's vampire form? Her skin had gone pale and cold, her eyes burned a blood red color... and fangs have grown top and bottom by the corners. And such overpowerful strength...

She was never this powerful on the battlefield, however. Perhaps when her true form is unleashed, that is when her full potential is also released...? That may very well be the case.

Byleth barely had any time to think or to get any ideas as to what was going on.

But when Edelgard's face came close to his, and when he felt something sharp Pierce his neck... he gained understanding. It hit him.

Edelgard earlier, said how she wasn't like most vampires. That she cannot survive if she lacks enough drink of human blood.

Edelgard seems to not care for drinking from Hubert. Probably because whenever she grows thirsty, that is the only person available to her.

She hates to drink from the same person repeatedly. Not because of the taste, but because she fears drinking the person dry if she does it over and over again.

Byleth felt like he wasn't thinking straight, but his brain was naturally telling him to shove her off. But... he didn't want to fight her.

Rather than fighting her, he would prefer helping her instead. If allowing Edelgard to drink from him will help her from experiencing any sort of pain, or from revealing what she actually is to anyone risk worthy in the Monastery... Byleth is willing to do this.

Byleth rest a hand on top of Edelgard's head, and he shuts close both his eyes, in acceptance. Eventually the biting and sucking ended, and when he opened up his eyes when he relized that nothing more was happening... Edelgard's face had parted away from his.

And what's more, her violet colored orbs returned... they were no longer blood red. However, her once enraged facial expression has now changed to that of fear.

"P-Proffesor... I'm... I'm so sorry. I-I seem... to have lost control." Stammered Edelgard, uncertain of what exactly to say. She was at a loss for words, she didn't expect to lose control so easily.

"I... attacked you. I--"

"It's ok. You needed blood. I allowed you." Byleth explained. "B-But--" Edelgard was about to cut off Byleth, but he continued. "I already told you, it is alright. You shouldn't torment yourself like this. If ever, the pain of not drinking becomes too much... just come to me. I trust you. So you can trust me."

Edelgard opened her mouth, wanting to argue, but nothing really came to mind. Instead she silently sighed, and replied, "...Okay."

After that the two departed. Edelgard returned to the ball, but not to dance. Instead she was searching for Hubert. She found him and they went somewhere isolated to discuss things.

She felt the need to inform Hubert of what occurred that night, since Hubert is a person she trusts first above all. And keeping what happened a secret away from him... she didn't like the thought of.

As for Byleth, he went straight to his room. He treated his neck from inside, and after taking off his cloak, he rested himself against his bed. It honestly felt nice to have a pillow against his sore and achy head.

That blow to the sidewalk really did hurt his head something awful. But while Byleth was expecting nothing but peaceful silence to lullabye himself to sleep... a voice causes him to open back up his eyes.

"Yaaaawn, huh? Owwww...!! What on earth is that...? A headache? If that is what you are experiencing, then I am feeling it too. But geez, that's gotta be more than just a headache! Hmm... what's more... okay, we got a lot of catching up to be taking care of!!"

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