Nothing will bring me Down (D...

By claire43343

64.1K 984 31

Well, it looks like Grace and the gang are back, again for the third time. This time, it looks like things ge... More

About Grace
Chapter 1: Meeting the New Generation of VK's/ The Devestating News
Chapter 2: Girl Talk/Audrey's shocking Appearance
Chapter 3: Jane's Birthday Party/ A problem turns into a disaster
Chapter 4: "No how, no way!"
Chapter 5: Night Fall
Chapter 6: Operation Save Auradon Phase One: Find Ben, Succeded
Chapter 7: Operation Save Auradon Phase Two: Find Fairy Godmother, Succeeded
Chapter 8: Operation Save Auradon: Save Audrey
Chapter 9: Meet Becca and Bryce
Chapter 11: Let's Break This Down/The End

Chapter 10: Waking Up Audrey/Meeting Hades

4.4K 79 0
By claire43343

Grace sat in her wheelchair as she watched her friend 'sleep'. Her father-in-law and mother-in-law were also in the room, to make sure that Hades did the job. Adam sighed and said to his son and daughter-in-law, "I still think that this is a bad idea." Belle placed her hand on her husband's arm and replied, "It wasn't our decision to make, dear." Grace sighed, she knew that they were happy with the decision she and Ben made. Adam said to the young King and Queen, "We're gonna need guards." Grace replied, as Ben placed his hands on her shoulders, "Already got that covered." Mal and  Aziz walked into the room when they heard the news. Being the second in commands, they had to be there. Aziz said to his best friend, "Hades has arrived and is on his way up." Ben nodded and said, "Alright, let's hope that this works." Grace took her husband's hand in her own, causing him to smile at her. While she wanted to be with her twins and bond with them, she knew that she had to be there for her childhood friend. Her parents and in-laws were also in the room, to support her and Ben. Everyone turned when someone knocked on the door. Adam turned to his son and daughter-in-law, who nodded, and opened the door.

Ben stood by Grace, making sure that Hades didn't touch her. Mal said to her father, as she stepped forward, "Thank you for coming." Hades replied, "Didn't have much choice." Ben turned to him and said to Hades, keeping his place by his wife's side, "Can you wake her?" Hades replied, causing Grace look down at her lap, "Since when do heroes care about villains?" Ben said, as Grace took his hand into her own while he turned to look at Audrey, "She's......" Hades said, "One of your own? *He chuckled* Right. When you guys try to destroy the world, this is an error in judgment. But, when it's one of us, lock 'em up and throw away the key. Right, Beast?" Adam turned to look at Hades, shocked. Hades moved his hands forward, still in shackles, which caused the guards to take hold of him. Hades said to the royals, "I'm gonna need to use my hands?" Mal turned to look at Ben and Grace and Grace said to the guards, "Release him." The guards released Hades from his shackles, causing him to rub his wrists. He gestured to Mal to give her the blue ember, which she gave to him. His hair turned into blue fire and he sighed in relief. Hades said, "Haven't lost my touch." He turned to Adam and growled at him. Adam growled at him back, causing a growling showdown. Mal said, grabbing her father's attention, "Dad......" Hades turned and walked over to the bed, where Audrey was laid. Belle walked over to her husband and grabbed his arm.

Grace grabbed Ben's hand and he leaned down, wrapping his arms around her. Hades took a deep breath and waved the ember over Audrey. The room turned dark blue from the ember's magic. As Hades did the magic, Audrey magically sat up and woke up from her comatose state. Queen Leah said, happy that her granddaughter was awake, "Audrey!" Mal placed her hands over her mouth, happy. Grace  smiled at her friend as Ben squeezed her. Audrey sat on the bed and said to Ben and Grace then to everyone else, "I'm so sorry. I wanted to hurt you both. I wanted to hurt all of you." Mal stepped forward and replied, taking Audrey's hand, "I have owed you an apology for a very long time." Ben said, stepping forward, "And so have I." Queen Leah said to the three, "Perhaps, I have owed you one too." Grace smiled at her friend and said to her, as she wheeled herself over to Audrey, "And I guess I must owe you an apology as well, Aud. We've been friends since we were practically in diapers." Audrey chuckled and replied, "I owe you a huge apology. I didn't take your condition to consideration and I am the one to blame. I caused you to go into labor early." Grace said, as she and Ben looked at each other, "You didn't, Audrey. As a best friend should do, would you do the honor of being a godmother to my daughter?" Audrey gasped and replied, "Grace, I can't. After what I did......" Grace said, "That wasn't you, Aud. You are manipulated into doing that. You have been my best friend since childhood. You deserve to be apart of my children's lives. So, will you do the honor of being my daughter's godmother?" Audrey replied, giving her best friend a hug, "Yes." While the friends reunited, the guards shackled Hades back into the chains and led him out of the room. Mal went after them to give him a hug.

Grace saw that Hades left and decided to wheel herself after the guards. She said to the guards, "Wait! *The guards halted at the sound of their Queen's voice and Hades stopped* Leave us." The guards hesitantly left their Queen with the former god. Hades said to the young girl, "So, what? Are you gonna give me a medal for saving your friend? Give me a big speech about my chivalry?" Grace chuckled and replied, "No, Hades. I just wanted to thank you for bringing my best friend back." Hades said, "Well, you're welcome. And congrats on the bundles of joy, by the way." Grace replied, "Thank you. And I do mean this, Hades." Hades nodded, giving the young Queen a small smile. The guards came back and took Hades, taking him back to the Isle.

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