Chapter 6: Operation Save Auradon Phase One: Find Ben, Succeded

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Mal had suggested that they needed to find Ben, going along with Grace's request. Grace decided to go with the guys while also to keep them in check but also to find her husband. Carlos and Grace called out for Ben, but to no luck. Gil turned to the others and said to them, "Hey, we should play that icebreaker. *He turned to Jay* Um, Jay, I like the way you can bounce around and jump on things. *He looked at the berries in his hands he had taken off the bush and turned back to Jay* These are free right?" Grace chuckled at Jay's shocked expression and she replied to Gil, "Yes, but some may be poisonous so I would be careful if I were you." Gil's eyes widened but that didn't keep him from eating the berries. Grace continued to sniff the ground, since she was still in her wolf form. As she did so, she felt pain in her lower abdomen which caused her to slightly groan and wince. Harry noticed this and said to the young Queen, "You alright, lass?" Grace waved him off as she continued on. She caught a scent and she said, "Guys!" Carlos replied, "Grace? What do you smell?" The guys ran after Grace who ran through the forest, hoping it was her husband. Along the way, she stopped to get a breather then stopped when she heard low growling. The young Queen froze in fear and her tail was between her legs. Carlos ran faster than the other three, worried about his friend. He called out to her, along to her husband, "Grace?! Ben?!" He found her scrunched up in fear and he said to her, running up to her, "Grace, what's the matter?" He heard low growling which turned into a loud roar. By this time; Jay, Harry, and Gil arrived in time for Ben to show up in his beast form. He tried to attack the group, causing them to move out the way. Grace was a little slow and rolled out of the way, letting out a yelp as she did. Ben turned to Grace, who struggled to get up, and began to stalk towards her. Seeing this, Carlos went to stand in front of his best friend, protectively. Carlos raised his hands and said to his friend, "Ben? It's me. Carlos?"

While Carlos distracted Ben, the other three boys went to help the struggling Queen. Grace winced as another pain filled her abdomen. Jay noticed this and said to her, "Grace, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Grace tried to wave him off but another pain went up her abdomen again. Gil saw that Ben had looked at his hand in pain and said, "Aw, he's got a boo-boo, that's why he's so cranky. *Carlos turned to look at him* You know, my dad said that his dad did not handle pain that well." Ben growled at Gil, causing Gil's eyes to widen in fear. Jay said to Carlos, while he and Harry helped with Grace, "Carlos, you're good with animals. Do something." Carlos said, "But...... Okay, alright. Okay, Ben. It's me. Carlos. Alright? *Ben tried to swipe at Carlos but Carlos dodged it* Whoa! Alright? You know me. You helped me once. Remember, with Dude? Right? Let me help you. Come on, let me see your hand."

Ben hesitatingly looked at Carlos then at his hand, debating it. Then, he finally gave his hand to Carlos. Carlos said, as he took his friend's hand, "There you go. Alright. Atta boy......uh......beast......uh......king, whatever. *He took a look at the splinter and got ready to pull it out* Oh, yeah. It's a big one. I'm gonna count, alright? One...two..." He pulled the splinter out, causing Ben to roar in pain. At this time, Jay and the others had Grace on her paws but she was still a little wobbly. Then, Jane appeared with a water gun and sprayed Ben with water from the Enchanted Lake. Ben went back to his human form, with a little beard and a couple fangs. Carlos went to his girlfriend, excited to see her, and they began to rant. Ben sputtered water from his face as Jay went to help him while Gil and Harry helped Grace. Jay said to the young King, "Alright. You good? *Ben nodded* Take a seat. There you go." Ben looked around and said, "Where's Grace?" He heard Grace's voice reply, "Over here, Ben." Ben turned around to see his wife struggling to stay on her feet and in her wolf form! He rushed to her aid and said to her, "What happened? Why are you in your form? Are you alright?" Carlos replied to his friend's worried husband, "Audrey spelled Grace into her wolf form. She took a tumble earlier." Ben turned back to his wife and gently helped her up. He said to her, "Can you try to turn back?" Grace replied, "Fairy Godmother warned me not to use so much magic, Ben. Remember? Especially not with the twins in my stomach." Ben sighed, he wished he could've been there to protect his wife. Grace noticed the beard and said to him, "Although, I'm not so sure if I love the beard so much, darling." Ben groaned and replied, "Really? *He then showed her his fangs* How about these? *She gave him a look and shaked her head* Aw, come on, baby. You have some and now I have some. We're twinsies!" Grace had finally gotten up on her feet and was slowly walking towards Evie's place, with her husband chasing after her and the others following them. She chuckled, as much as she loved her husband, he drove her nuts sometimes.

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