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(AN: Replace Mal with Grace)
In Auradon, a very looking pregnant Grace stood on the balcony as she held binoculars to her eyes, scouring the ocean, with Jane by her side. Normally, she would have Mal and Evie by her side but they had an important duty to perform. Jane turned to her Queen and she said, "How is it looking, Gracie?" Grace smiled and replied, "No Uma in sight." Grace turned back to the ocean to continue searching for Uma, just in time for Ben to sneak up behind her. Jane moved out of the way with a smile on her face and watched the royal couple. Ben wrapped his arms around his wife's bulging stomach and Grace let out a loud shriek that could be heard around the palace. At the sound of his sister's shriek, Chad came running onto the balcony with a sword in his hand and said, "I'm here, little sis. Direct me to the intruders and I shall fight them in your honor to the death." Grace chuckled at her brother's dramatics and replied, as she wrapped her arms around Ben's, "You can relax, Chad. Ben just startled me, that's all." Ever since the whole Uma fiasco, Chad had became extremely protective of Grace and wouldn't let her out of his sight. Ben laughed at his brother-in-law and watched as Chad left the couple, followed by Jane. Ben turned back to his wife and said to her, "So, what's the verdict, my Queen? How's it looking?" Grace replied, as she turned around to face Ben, "No Uma in sight, my King. I don't know how I feel about bringing more VK's to Auradon, Ben. As much as I want to help them out and give them a home like our little ones are going to have, it's too dangerous to keep opening the portal." Ben understood where his Queen was going and he knew that she as right. Grace continued, "And as much as I love my younger cousin and want to give her a better chance, it's too risky. Ben, we're about to have children of our own to look after and to protect. I want to make sure that Auradon is the best place for them to be raised in and to grown up in. As far as Uma goes, I can't even trust her after she tried to kill us a few months back." Ben smiled lovingly at Grace and replied to her, as the couple looked up at the second balcony to see guards and searchers above them, "You have no need to worry, my love. I've got your back. Just breathe."

The couple did what they normally did to calm each other and both let out a laugh, smiling. Ben chuckled and said to his fiancé, "So, let's go reveal the gender of our little ones, shall we? Everyone's waiting for us." Grace replied, as Ben wrapped his arms around her shoulders, "And you have to welcome some newcomers to Auradon. Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? I do have magic, you know." Ben chuckled and said, "I know you do, babe. I just don't want you or the babies to get hurt. Fairy Godmother said not to use music because it would drain your energy." The couple stopped in front of Luimere and Mrs. Potts, who gave them their crowns. Mrs. Potts gave Grace a cloak to help cover Grace's large baby bump from the Isle of the Lost, and said to her, "You are absolutely glowing today, Your Majesty." Grace smiled and replied, "Thank you, Mrs. Potts." Ben turned to his wife and said to her, holding out his arm for her to take, "You ready?" Grace took Ben's arm and they made their way outside to greet their people. They walked outside, waving and smiling, and they were greeted by screaming and cheering. The Fairy Godmother smiled at the young couple and said to the crowd, into her microphone, "Bibbidi-bobbidi one two three! Can everyone hear me? *Everyone cheered* Alright, I will now turn over to our wonderful King and Queen!" Ben took the microphone and said, smiling, "What's up, Auradon? *Everyone let out a cheer, causing Grace to smile* I know that you all have been eagerly waiting to know the gender of our new addition and who will be my and Grace's second and third in command. I will now turn it over to Grace." Grace smiled and said, "Hello, Auradon! *Everyone screamed and cheered* First, I would like to say thank you all for coming. It was difficult for choosing a second and third command. Theses roles are very important in the palace. *She could hear Audrey complaining to Chad and Queen Leah, causing her to try not to roll her eyes* However, I knew from the start who would fit these roles."

From the sidelines; Adam, Belle, Cinderella, and Chad Sr. watched the young King and Queen with proud smiles. Even though they already knew the gender, they still came to support the young King and Queen. Grace turned to Mal and Evie, who both looked at each other with shocked faces. Grace smiled and said to them, "Mal, Evie, this is the very same spot where we first met each other. In the beginning, I felt I couldn't trust you and that I didn't want to be around either of you. *Everyone let out a light chuckle, while the three girls laughed* However, now, I feel like I've known you for forever, almost like sisters. I hope that you will take upon this role and help me rule Auradon with Ben, to be the best Queen the world has ever known. What do you say?" Both girls grinned  and replied, "Of course!" Grace smiled and turned to Luimere, who walked over to her with a pillow in his arms that had a necklace with a purple gem. Another valet came to stand by Luimere with a pillow in his arms with a necklace with a blue gem. Grace took the necklace with a purple gem and said to Mal, "Mal, it is my greatest honor to name you Lady Mal, Second in Command." Everyone cheered for Mal as she turned around, wearing the necklace with pride. Then, it was Evie's turn and everyone cheered for her.

After the girls were finished, Ben made Aziz (the son of Aladdin and Jasmine) his second in command and Chad his third in command. Grace walked over to the Fairy Godmother and whispered to her, "Is the thing ready, Fairy Godmother?" The Fairy Godmother whispered, smiling, "Bibbidi-bobbidi you know it. Just waiting on your call." Ben grinned and said to the crowd, "Now, that we've got that out of the way, I bet you all are waiting for the news you've been wanting to hear. Who is ready for the revelation of our newest addition?!" Everyone cheered, causing Ben and Grace to smile at the excitement. Grace took the microphone and said, grinning, "Release that cannon!" Everyone turned their attention to the cannon and pink and blue confetti came out, followed by fireworks. Words lite the sky and it says, 'We're having twins!' That was when everyone went crazy and cheered for their King and Queen, who kissed passionately. The couple went to their friends who celebrated with them, jumping up and down. Grace walked over to her parents, slowly might I add, and Chad Sr. said, "I can't believe that my little girl's all grown up." Grace smiled and replied, "I'll always be your little girl, Daddy. No matter what happens." She turned to her mother who was at lost for words but wrapped her arms tightly around her. After celebrating with her parents, Grace moved onto her godparents and Belle said, bringing the younger girl into her arms, "I'm so happy I have a daughter like you." Adam chuckled and said to his wife, "Let the poor girl go, Belle. She needs to breathe and she's carrying our grandchildren for God's sake." Belle released her daughter-in-law and allowed her husband to hug Grace. Ben walked over to his wife and said to her, "Hey, we're gonna go ahead and go get the kids from the Isle. I just wanted to let you know before we left." Grace smiled and replied, kissing her husband, "Alright, Benny. You go bring them. I'll be here waiting." Grace watched as Ben left with their friends and smiled when the limousine crossed the bridge over to the Isle. Everyone watched with anticipation and it wasn't until a few minutes later when a villain named Hades tried to escape the Isle. The Fairy Godmother noticed that Grace was about to turn into her wolf form and ran over to her, telling her to think of the twins. Everything turned alright in the end and no one was hurt.

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