The Princess and the Assassin

By anonymousteengirlxo

653 38 1

Irmina, a princess, longing for the freedom of the forest Ezio, an assassin, longing for the freedom of duty... More



26 1 0
By anonymousteengirlxo


One second I'm glaring at the back of that actual roach, and now I'm looking at the face of Jax, my secret trainer.

What the hell just happened?

"Well nice to see you too, Princess." He smirks as we hide in the shadow of one of the castle walls.

"How'd you get in?" I say, as a smile makes it's way to my lips.

I missed him.

"It wasn't hard, I simply moved with the shadows." He brags as I roll my eyes.

"Of course you did." I laugh, as he sits in front of me. I follow suit.

"After you missed so many lessons, I figured you were caught by your Dad so I came to get you." He says, as I scooch closer to him.

"Yeah, along with almost being assassinated." I don't dare look at his face as he suddenly grabs my face, turning it to face his.

"What do you mean, assassinate?" He growls. I try to chuckle but he doesn't return my humor.

I explain the situation to him and watch as his expression goes from dark to darker.

"So you're telling me that, this man that saved you is now your bodyguard and you haven't been able to get rid of him." I nod, trying to keep my words to a minimum. I might upset him more if I continue speaking.

"I... have to go Princess. The people who dared lay a hand on you, will be dealt with." He says, and a huge gust of wind hits us all of a sudden. A soft feeling presses against my cheek and then Jax, along with the wind, are gone.

Damn, I wanted to talk longer.

"There you are." I jump, turning my head slowly to see Ezio, leaning against the castle wall.

The gust of wind was pretty dramatic. Of course he found me.

"How did you get here?" He asks, taking slow steps towards me.

Shit, I didn't even have enough time to think of an excuse.

"I ran as fast as I could away from you. Doesn't seem like you're all that capable if you got here so late." I spite him.

"Whatever." I yelp as his arms come up underneath me, lifting me up.

"You can lie if you want but I sense the power of the Moon tribe. You can't fake that." I hold back a gasp as we hurry back into the castle.

"I don't know what you're talking about or why you picked me up, but you're just being yourself, aren't you?" I sigh, looking away.

He stops, and only the pain in my side tells me I've been dropped.

"What the hell?" I say, as he walks past me.

"You said you could walk, so I put you down." He states, waiting for me a meter away.

He's right but this is just damn right disrespectful.

"Also, you don't know me so don't say things like that." He doesn't even look at me.

I almost ask what, but then my words come to me.

I nod.

"You're right, I don't know you so that was out of place. Let's just be strangers that respect each other, okay?" I say, trying not to get angry.

He's always so curt, it makes me feel bad. Along with that look in his eyes.

Like he's been through hell.

"Sounds great to me Princess. Now let's get you to that lesson."


The princess snores peacefully as I stare into the abyss of the night. The stars twinkle, reminding me I'm under the same sky as my younger sister.

One day we'll look at these stars together.

The princess will be killed, I'll slip away into the night like a raven and fly free.

My mind drags me back to this morning and the Princess's face appears.

She looked at me like... she understood.

I shake my head. That image keeps invading my thoughts, like a parasite.

But just for now...

She disappeared and for some reason, I felt... panic. I couldn't feel her anywhere or hear her annoying voice.

It... bothered me.

Why? Is it because at times I'm not sure if I want to strangle her or...

Or what?

I shake my head.

No, this is enough. Whatever feeling is creeping into me, isn't going to help with this job. I just need to stay focused and finish.

I may not deserve freedom, but my sister does.

And I will do anything to make that happen. 


Woahhhhh what is our main man feeling???

How do you guys feel about the 

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