Where the Sky meets the Sea |...

By ghostie-galaxi

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Disclaimer: I haven't abandoned the story I'm just not putting it in a fanfic format, if anyone is interested... More

Rebel in the Making
Quick Announcement
First Attack
Side note before future updates
The Members
Plan of Escape
Phase 2

Waiting Arrival

2.1K 86 27
By ghostie-galaxi

The sunlight flooded through your window, waking you up. You stubbornly opened your eyes, not wanting to face the day. You rolled over and looked out your window and just stared. After a few minutes of denying whether you should get up or not, you remembered the strange ship coming in today. 

You groaned as you sat up in bed. You heard two knocks on the door before Abbi let herself in. She shut the door and then bowed before your bed. 

“I’m glad you’re awake princess (Y/N). Your mother wishes to have you accompany her for a morning meal with the King and Queen of Oreand. They’d like for you to spend some time with their son before your wedding.”

“Wedding? Jeez, how close is it?”

“In one week.”

“WHAT?” You yelled. Seriously? One week? One. Fucking. Week? Where would you even go? You can’t rule that disgusting fish town of Oreand. They still had a king and queen and you couldn’t rule here. Both families were still very capable of ruling for themselves. 

“I know it must sound ridiculous to you, but it what your parents decided. Plus, the Prince is very fond of you.” 

You gave a disgusted noise and turned back out your window. You got curious and stood up from your bed. You walked over to the window that had a view over the ocean. In the very distance, you could make out a small dot that you assumed was a ship. Was that the incoming ship today?

Abbi went to the closet and found a dark red ballgown, with long selves and a high neck and a white corset to go over it. You sighed as you look at the stupid contraption and sluggishly walked over to her so she could help you put it on. 

You sucked in sharply as she tightened the corset around your waist. You breathed out but less easily than normal. Abbi grabbed a hairbrush and quickly fixed your bedhead and applied some light makeup to your face. 

She opened your bedroom and motioned for you to follow. She moved to the other side to hold the door open. You walked towards the door but before you could make it out a thought came to you. You looked over at your bed and quickly kneeled down beside it. You quickly grabbed your sword and buckled it around your waist. The sword soon faded so no one would know you had it.

You then walked at and followed Abbi

*le time skeep* 

You poked around at the leftover food on your plate. It was 30 minutes into the breakfast and you were already so over it. They only talked about I’d make a good wife and that we’d be so good together. Yeah, I’ll be a good wife alright; I know how to shut my damn mouth so you can do whatever you want to do. Bullshit. 

It was only the five of us since my dad was dealing with the incoming ship. Of course, he just had to make me busy so I wouldn’t have a chance to see who it was. At least the garden was nice. You always did like roses, despite you not being very girly in the first place. That was one of the only things you really liked about this castle.

Your mother and the other queen erupted into loud laughter. You rolled your eyes. Goddamn, shut up. Your mother’s laugh was always really annoying. Especially, when she’s had alcohol and she had to have wine of all things with her breakfast.

A loud bang came from the other side of the hedge wall that blocked to view of the ocean. That normally indicated a ship was docking. With curiosity taking over you, you excused yourself from the table and walked down one of the paths of roses that took your around a corner and lead to a small bench. You stood on the bench and peered over the top.

The ship was an average size, maybe slightly shorter than a royal navy ship. It was a light brown and had a bunch of random graffiti paintings all over it. The sails where much taller than an average navy ship, but then again they had other ways of making the ships go faster. But in all honesty, the ship intrigued you and was very different from any other ship you’ve seen before. 

You watched as your father waited at the end of the dock for the passengers to depart the ship. A man walked down a wooden plank that led down to the docks. You stared at the man.

He looked so different. He was captivating. 

He might not have been the best looking, but he was to you. More men left the ship, equally captivating and unique looking. You’ve never seen anyone like them before. You could assume most royals would’ve called them trashy looking, but not to you. Where did they come from?

Your father was talking to the first man the exited the ship, which you assumed was the leader. You ducked down and watched as your father walked and talked to the man. They headed towards the castle and you made sure none of them saw you. 

You thought for a moment realized you had already excused yourself from the table, maybe you could get away with leaving completely? It was worth a shot. You found your way around the rose walls and avoided the center at all costs. You eventually got back into the castle but, of course, you were stopped by Abbi and another maid.

“Princess (Y/N), since your wedding will be in a week, we were requested to help with your wedding dress.” 

You sighed and rolled your eyes. “Don’t remind me.” Abbi and the other maid led you to a small mirrored room with a round platform in the middle. You were made to stand on the platform as they both picked out several white dresses and stuffed you into them relentlessly. 

Hours passed of trying on stupid frilly white dresses that all looked like someone died in them. It was now mid-afternoon and you were growing more irritated by the minute. 

“Oh, I love this one!” Abbi said excitedly. You looked at the dress in the mirror. Your face looked disgusted.

The dress looked so old. It was a once-white lace, turned an awkward dull brown-yellow. It had capped sleeves that lead down the long sleeves. The gown itself was just normal poof of the same gross old lace. It was hideous. 

“Let’s go get the queen!” Abbi and the other maid nodded in agreement and they both left the room, leaving you alone. Bad choice. You unwrapped your sword from the red dress that you tried to hide when you took it off and put it back around your waist. 

You peeked your head out the door and quickly made your way down the hall. Zach would be the only one who would understand and could help you get out of this disgusting thing of fabric. Making your way around halls, you head towns the training yard where the knights would be training. 

Going down some stairs, you arrived at ground level with pillar supporting the castle above. The training yard was opened up the see the sky above but was still blocked by the castle walls to see the ocean. You walked behind one of the pillars and watched for Zach. Sure enough, the tall male was taking on knight almost half his size.

Within seconds, the smaller knight was knocked on his ass. You stifled a laugh. He had no chance against Zach. He set down his weapon and took off his helmet, shaky out his longer then average hair. 

“Zach.” You stated, hoping he’d hear you. He looked over in your direction and made his way over.

“Hey (Y/N)- Woah, what the hell are you wearing?” He asked observing you. You sighed in annoyance. “My wedding dress apparently.”

“Wedding dress?”

“Yup. My parents decided to have me be wed in a week.”

“A week!?”

“That was my reaction too. Could you do me a favor and cut this damn thing off me?” You asked with pleading eyes. You looked past Zach to see a lot of the other knights leaving the yard and going back into the castle.

“Yeah sure. Come here.” As the final few knights were leaving, Zach and you walked over the where his sword was. He picked it up and you turned around. The sharp blade cut off the laces holding it on. You pulled the sleeves off and let it drop around your ankles. Your outfit from last night was still on so you weren’t naked or anything, but it was the layers of clothes were getting uncomfortable.

You got your sword off from the dress and put it back around your waist. You sighed with relief to finally not be in tight clothing. 


“Kinda. It’s nice not being in those tight rags but my parents are seriously going to have me be married in a week!? A fucking week!?!?”

“Hey, language princess.”

“I don’t give a shit! I’m not being married to some ugly ass bastard in a week.”

“Wanna fight out your anger?” Zach questioned you with a smirk. You sigh and kinda smiled. You started to draw your sword but you were stopped when a long bang sounded through the air. 

It sounded like an explosion. 

It came from outside the castle. Were you being attacked? You and Zach shared a glance. “We should go check that out,” Zach stated quickly and you both took off running towards the noise. Unaware of the figures watching you both from above. 

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