
Par Mina_Lisly

4.7K 200 133

You don't have to know the book, movie, or TV show to read this. Where is the line between good and bad? Whe... Plus

1. The Matters Of Karma
2. Negotiations & Declarations
3. That Little Thing Called Confidence
4. Let It Go
5. Remorse & Regrets
6: 'Leave The Guilt To Me'
Chapter 7: The Friends We Can't Lose

Chapter 8: The Tears From the Heart

347 9 5
Par Mina_Lisly

My dear little broccolis💚💚💚

💚 Sooooooo I know, it's been a while. I will finish all my stories, but first, my life is getting in the way. I published two books and I am working on the other two. And to be honest, I feel people are losing interest anyway, so it doesn't help to keep on writing on a normal schedule. But I'll finish the stories.

💚I made some updates on

~Story, Destined (Clary and Jace meet in a club in Roma. Their connection is spontaneous, but is it going to last? Are they actually meant to even see each other again? ) SEVERAL NEW CHAPS

~Story, Behind The Curtains (Clary Fray is the lead singer of an internationally famous rock band, the Mortal Instruments. She is known by the tabloids to be a very carefree and fun-loving girl. She's the perfect bad girl the media wants her to be. But now, is she going to keep living this way, or will a certain actor will change her mind?) NEW CHAP

~Story, The Mobster's Wife (Sequel to The Boss's Daughter Being the daughter of a world-renowned criminal has never been easy on Clary. And now, she fell in love with someone even more brutal than her father. Will her couple endure the hardships that being with mobster brings? Will she be strong enough to not lose herself in that dark world, and bring some light into Jace?) NEW CHAP

Love, Mina💚💚💚


Chapter 8: The Tears From the Heart (4,2K)

.~°~. .~°~. .~°~.

Clary's PoV.


Love. Love was such a strange concept. It came out of nowhere, in the most unexpected places and for the most unlikely people. Love made you do foolish things. Love made you forget terrible acts. Love made you weaker and stronger at the same time. Love was such a dangerous thing, and yet, the best thing you could ever receive.

.~°~. .~°~. .~°~.

When Clary burst through the hospital doors, she looked like nothing. She had thrown sweatpants over her night shorts and zipped a sweater to go with it, her hair was still in a braid, though slightly messy. All she had in her hands were her keys and her phone, she did not even bother to take her purse with her. As soon as she had managed to get Jon to tell her in which hospital he was, she had dashed out of her apartment, not giving a single explanation to Jace.

She spotted her brother in the corner of the waiting room, his head in his hands, and her heart broke for him. Without even him looking up or telling her anything, she knew that the worst had come, she could tell by the way he was sitting, looking all broken and defeated. silently, she walked to him and rested a hand on his shoulder. He looked up, his eyes red, and she wrapped her arms around his neck as soon as she saw the tears well up in his eyes.

She let him cry against her breast for the longest time, gently comforting her brother by caressing his hair and promising him that she was here for him, that she would make sure he and Izzy would get through it. Jon silently cried, relying on his sister to soothe his pain, until a doctor came to see them, informing the Morgenstern that he had sedated Izzy and that she would be open to visits first thing in the morning.

"Let's get you home, Jon," Clary said, taking his hand as soon as the doctor left. Her brother shook his head, refusing to leave the hospital without his fiancé, and she insisted, being more authoritative in her tone.

"Let's go, Jon. You need to rest a bit so you can be there for Izzy tomorrow morning."

She ordered an Uber, dragging her brother out of the hospital, all the way to his bed back in the apartment they once shared. She didn't bother to ask him to change into his pyjamas and simply tucked him in bed, before going to the kitchen to pour him a glass of scotch. For a moment, she hesitated on putting half a pill in it, so he could have a proper sleep, but she didn't want to rob him from being at the hospital first thing in the morning.

When she got back in the room, she found Jon sitting in his bed, looking at a picture of an ultrasound, new tears forming in his eyes. She took the picture from his hand, replacing it with the glass of alcohol, and he scoffed,

"You should have brought the bottle."

"Getting drunk is not the solution, Jon. But I understand that you'd welcome the numbing feeling."

"We were going to name her Robyn Valentine, in honour of our fathers. And now ... Izzy swore something was wrong all day long yesterday, and I dismissed it. She kept saying over and over again that there was something wrong with our baby, and I got mad at her, saying that she was always looking for always nitpicking the slightest thing about her pregnancy because it wasn't as ideal as she'd want.

And she wakes up in the middle of the night, screaming in pain ... If I had listened to her, we could have —."

"Ifs don't make the world, Jon. You couldn't know. You'll never be able to know because you're not a woman. Sometimes instincts are there, and people dismiss them easily because instincts feel too good to be true."

Jon shook his head, clearly not convinced, playing with his glass in his hand, and Clary could tell that there was something else on his heart. She gently put her hand on his forearm, and told him,

"Jon, the perfect couple only exists on the top of a wedding cake. Relationships have ups and downs. You've been nothing but supporting to Izzy over the past few months. Sure you've had words of anger, but she's not going to leave you over them."

"What if she falls into depression? You saw how affected she was with this pregnancy, with all the downs she had to go through. And now ... how am I going to pick her up?"

For a moment, she remained silent, because she had no idea. She never knew anyone who suffered from depression. She had no idea how to help someone get over something that she couldn't see. She had always been a good nurse, but a disease was something she could fight. Depression was an invisible monster against which she felt under-armed.

"I don't know, Jon. I know that you need to stay with her and show her that nothing changes for you. Maybe you should go to therapy together. Or maybe you should take her away to take her mind off things."

"Therapy? Come on, clary."

"Sometimes, talking to someone you don't know can be a great help. Someone who knows how to deal with those situations. I know you don't think much of them, but I'm sure it would help you."

Jon looked at his glass, seemingly lost for a few moments before he downed the drink and laid down. Clary tucked him in, and she asked, "Do you want me to stay for the night?"

"No. I'll be alright. And you have someone waiting for you back at your place."

"How do you know?"

"The hickey on your neck, and the PJs you're wearing beneath the sweats."

She shook her head, switching off the light to hide her blush and left her brother's place, calling another Uber to get her back to her apartment. When she got home, she found Jace waiting for her in her living room, watching a Netflix Rom-Com, which seemed so unlike him. He switched off the TV as soon as she got in, worriedly looking at her, and making her understand that he probably put on the first thing that popped by to try and distract himself.

"Is everything okay?"

She shook her head, finally letting the grief that her brother and Izzy were feeling overwhelm her. In a fraction of a second, Jace was by her side, engulfing her in his arms and offering comfort as she explained to him what happened to her brother and future sister in law. Jace listened, not saying a word as he held her close against his chest, and once she finished with her tale, he sat her on the sofa, asking her if she wanted to drink something.

She refused, staying in the comfort of his arms as she realised that she made them take a step that she had purposely avoided over the past months. Though Jace knew about her family, she had always made sure not to say too much, so he wouldn't be able to actually know much about her. After all, this was one of the rules of simple carnal relationships, that the outside bullshit remained outside. And yet, this night, she let Jace into her personal life.

She rested her head on his knee, appreciating his fingers combing through her hair after he had undone her braid. "I am so sorry about your brother, Clary. I know it's not an easy thing to lose a child."

There was something in his tone that made her sure that he was genuine about his empathy, and it made her freeze. She never questioned it, but was Jace a father? Was she that much of a terrible person that she not only took away a man from a wife but a father from his children?

Jace must have felt her change of mood, because he assured her, "I have no children, Clary!"

She didn't open her eyes, mostly because she felt bad. It seemed that it was as if she had insulted him to think that he was a father. For a moment, she stayed quiet, praying that Jace would not cry talking about his wife or his divorce as he often did when they came so close to the topic.

It wasn't that she was trying to run away from what she was doing. She was sleeping with a married man, there was no denying it, or no avoiding it. But it had been almost five months since they had started their relationship, seven since their fateful night, and he was still married...

With a sigh, she got up, taking his hand so he could come back to bed with her, and she told him, "Thank you. For ... not leaving."

"I want to be here for you, Clary. Through the ups and the downs, I want to be the shoulder you rely on."

.~°~. .~°~. .~°~.

A month after Jon's and Izzy's misfortune, Clary was working more than ever, staying in touch with her brother via Skype and phone calls. Their parents had come to New York to spend some time with them, to comfort the young couple with their loss, and Jon had agreed that he and Izzy would see someone to make sure they would only be stronger after this difficult situation.

Clary would have liked to actually stay with her brother as well, especially when their parents were there, but worked had increased, and she couldn't drop everything so soon after getting the promotion that she had wanted. still, her father managed to let her know that he was onto her and that he knew that there was more than work behind the reason they hadn't seen her in months.

To: Clarissa Morgenstern

From: Valentine Morgenstern

Date: 12 July 2014 08:12

Subject: Head's up

As I am spending my last day in New York with your mother, without having had the chance to see you once again, I am sending you a warning message, your mother is probably going to call you and shame you for being the worst daughter in History. She has been ranting for weeks that you've been working too much and that she barely got to see you since your promotion, and of course, she blames it all on you no longer living with your brother.

She also worries that we still did not get to see your new apartment and that you probably live in a bad neighbourhood where 'a young lady with inconstant work hours' shouldn't be living. All that talk you've been giving me about women in power and us living in the 21st century, I've tried to feed it to her, but I failed. To be honest, I think she's highly considering staying in New York until you come back, so she can trap you after one of your business trips.

Of course, I'm still working on dissuading her to do so. We both know that you wouldn't want your Mom (or me) catching you and your secret boyfriend. You didn't think I'd know about him, did you? I mean, I've had my doubts for a while, but Jon spilled the beans and cleared my suspicions. I'm actually surprised that he kept his tongue for so long. I mean, you know your brother ... secrets are not his forte.

Still, though he only confided in me (so don't worry, no crazy wedding talks from your mother are to be expected), he seemed rather opinionated on the man in question. He refused to say anything, but given your crazy schedule, I can only assume that he is one of your coworkers. So I am curious about what kind of misfit you have under your bed that would put your brother's guard up, and make you not talk about him.

I'll be honest, I am a little ... sad that you feel you can't tell me about that guy and concerned since the two of us never shied away from those conversations. This isn't the type of relationship we have. So I'm hoping that maybe you'll clear everything up next time I see you (which better be soon and not in six months!).

Anyway, this is not a rant or a lecture, just me twiddling my fingers whilst your mother is monopolising the bathroom. I miss you Clary, and please, pick up the phone when your mother calls you, agree to what she says, admit that you're a terrible daughter, and come visit soon. 😉 (I am finally getting a hang of those emoji things. I'm a man of my time, now)

Love, Dad

As soon as she had finished reading her father's email, Clary had booked her return ticket to go to Seattle and see her parents, even if it was just for a night. She missed them, and though Valentine had only meant to be playful when he accused her of being a terrible daughter, she did feel like it.

Still, she was not ready to talk about Jace to her parents, not even to her Dad. She felt like a traitor to her own family who had only known a beautiful love since they were teenagers. She was the other woman. She was the home-wrecker. She was the threat to the beautiful couple her parents had and all it represented. and yet, she couldn't find it in herself to end things with Jace.

This was something she talked a lot about with Magnus, and she was so glad now that he knew so she could have someone to confide to. But of course, Magnus and his romantic heart did not help her see clearly, on the contrary. Even now that she was in a hotel room, getting ready for a night out, he was texting her utter nonsense, the sort of things she had done her best to not think about over the past six months.

Biscuit, you think too much into this. He keeps telling you that doesn't want you to feel miserable, and you keep having negative thoughts. M

Well, sorry for feeling bad for breaking someone's marriage! C

Well, he said it himself, he was divorcing her before he even met you. You're just speeding up the process. M

It's been six months, eight if you count the first time we met. Who takes so long to get divorced? C

Well, it took my parents two years. It all depends on how bad it is between them some take days, others years. And in the meantime, he's treated you like a princess, YOUR WORDS. it's like you want to find the flaw. M

The flaw is already here. He is married. C

Then, if it's such a problem for you, why are you still with him? M

She nothing to answer to that. Why was she still with him if his marital status was such an issue for her? Why wasn't she ending it when she knew their relationship would lead to nothing?

I am by your side, biscuit. You know I am. but, you're torturing yourself for all the wrong reasons. I love that you think this way because you are such a compassionate person. But you need to ask yourself, why is he divorcing her? If he made that decision before you, it's because he wasn't happy in his couple. Maybe she cheated, maybe she abuses him, maybe she's using him for his money. Maybe she can't have children. Maybe they fell out of love. Point is, at the end of the day, he was divorcing her before meeting you. And he's not ashamed of you. He talked about you to his best friend, he courts you as any other man would, he treats you like a girlfriend, not a mistress. Now the question is, do you want to try a real relationship with this man? M

Clary did not answer to this last text, part of the reason was that she wasn't sure what to answer, the other part was she hated responding to novel-length texts with just a word or two. It felt just rude.

So she got up and checked her appearance one last time in the mirror. Jace and she had flown to the Caribbeans to sign a customer that was known to be difficult. He had his own private island not far from the main island and rarely accepted to see anyone from outside his circle of friends. But it turned out that his stepson was one of Clary's old friend from high school. Simon Lewis.

Simon was now working for his stepfather and was pretty much the reason why Jace and she had the deal. He had decided that when night comes, they should go out and celebrate, and of course, Clary who never missed an opportunity to party accepted.

Simon and she spent most of the evening catching up with each other, having had lives completely different. Simon was not ashamed to say and show that he was living off his stepfather's wealth. He wasn't rubbing it in, but he enjoyed having the luxury of going wherever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Especially since it was a direct result of his mother has found love again.

Jace barely intervened, letting the two friends catch up and spending most of his evening on his phone, texting whomever. Of course, though she did not say anything, it exasperated Clary. He was such a stick in the mud. It was the middle of summer, they were on a paradisiac island with unlimited booze, and Mr Grumpy had to stay professional all the way.

At some point, Simon proposed to Clary a dance (or two) which she gladly accepted. They joined the other dancers on the dance floor and moved their hips to some music from the early 2000s. As soon as they started dancing, far away from Jace, Simon asked in her ear,

"So, I'm guessing that your business partner is also your life partner?"

"What? No!"

She glanced in Jace's direction as he was now sitting alone at their table, and she wrapped her arms around Simon's neck when the beat got a bit slower with one of Sean Paul's songs.

Simon smirked at her, also glancing in Jace's direction as he insisted, "Does he know that, then?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that if I wasn't your latest customer, he would have killed me as soon as I asked for a dance. I am so relieved I have no plans on pursuing you, or I would be fearing for my life, right now."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"He hasn't stopped looking at you since you guys got here. And I have to admit, you're a sight to look at, but coworkers don't look at each other the way he looks at you."

"We're just good friends, Simon. Nothing more."

Simon snorted, shaking his head condescendingly, "This is what a friend-zoner would say. I have been in the friend zone, Clary, I speak from experience, this man is obviously in love with you."

She found nothing to say to that, and simply rolled her eyes before jumping on the first occasion to dance with someone else. She hoped that Jace would move from his chair and come sway with her, but it never happened. So when she felt that the alcohol was getting to her head, and would make her do things she would regret in the morning, she went back to her hotel room.

Not even a minute later, someone knocked on her door, and she happily opened it to Jace, smiling brightly at the man as he entered her room. His eyes roamed her body, lingering on the slit of her skirt. Though they had been out, she hadn't been wearing a very revealing, settling for a white crop top and a long skirt with a slit. And it seemed that this slit was all Jace could see.

Slowly, he walked to her and cupped her face before kissing her with delicateness. She collided her body to his, moaning when she felt that he was already hard for her, and though she wanted to lea the dance, she let him do as he pleased. It seemed that Jace was set on being slow and torture her.

He peeled her out of her clothes, never breaking eye contact with her, and once she was naked, he dropped to his knees and kissed his way to her core. She repressed a grimace since she had never been a real face of the practice, but she knew that men were often turned on by it. She let him play with her for a couple of minutes before he laid her down and thrust in her.

But her brain was elsewhere comparing his touch to the way their relationship had started. And ... she hated to admit that it had been a while since they've had sex. What they've had over the past couple of months had been sweet, dangerously going toward that thing that was called lovemaking and that she no longer did.

Jace must have felt her panic because he stopped, his eyes looking at her with concern whilst his dick was still in her.

"You okay?"

"Yes," She assured him, giving her her best smile and wiggling a bit beneath him for him to resume. He caressed her hair, another sweet gesture that was not screaming just sex, and told her as he retrieved himself,

"You're elsewhere."

"I'm not! I just ... something rougher tonight. I want you to fuck me."

He frowned, though she saw the small summersault his cock made. She reached out to him, and kissed her way from his neck to his lips as she told him,

"I don't want you to be sweet. Show be that rougher side that you know I love so much. Fuck me so hard that I'll be limp tomorrow morning."

Without a word, he complied, turning her so she would be on all fours and thrusting in her as if there was no tomorrow. One of his hands grabbed a fistful of her hair whilst the other slapped her rear, and he started going back and further at a punishing rhythm. And yet, Clary could tell that, despite the animalistic side of him at this moment, Jace's touch was just loving. Every now and then, he would kiss her shoulder blades or decrease his thrusts, and when they finished, though she had reached orgasm, it was not the earth-shattering ones that she usually had.

Jace fell asleep next to her, his hand resting on her naked breast as a lazy smile was lingering on his lips, and as she looked at him, she felt overwhelmed by Magnus's and Simon's conversations.

Love. Love was such a strange concept. It came out of nowhere, in the most unexpected places and for the most unlikely people. Love made you do foolish things. Love made you forget terrible acts. Love made you weaker and stronger at the same time. Love was such a dangerous thing, and yet, the best thing you could ever receive.

And now, she was falling for Jace Wayland. She could feel it. If she let herself, she would soon be in love with Jace already-freaking-married Wayland. She turned her head so he wouldn't be able to see her in case he woke up, and let herself silently cry her heart out.

She had promised herself not to fall for the guy. He was married, a smoker, a stick in the mud. So why on Earth was she falling in love with him? Sure he had many other qualities, but many other people had those qualities as well. Why did she have to fall in love with a married man? A sob stronger than the others escaped her lips and Jace unconsciously held closer to him, making her cry even more.

Once her tears stopped, she went to the bathroom and washed her face after relieving her bladder. She looked at her face in the mirror and saw what Jace had been seeing for months. She did look miserable. For the longest time, she stared at her reflexion, until she saw her eyes finally show determination.

She refused to fall in love with Jace. If she wasn't strong enough to break things off with him, she was going to give herself all the tools in her disposition to not do so. Silently, she walked back to her room and looked for her phone, unsurprised that she received another text from Magnus. There was a text from Jon and another from Seb.

Seb and she had kept in touch after her promotion, keeping this banter that they had always had where he would pursue her and she would tell him to get lost. Of curse, their textual conversation was not simply based on that, but it would come back once in a while, and tonight was no different.

Again and again, you try to evade me, breaking my heart a little each time, until I no longer have one to give you. If that's your master plan, that is evil, haha. But in all seriousness, when are you going to give me a chance? S

Clary looked from her screen to Jace who was still sleeping. She smiled with no reason as she took him in before she shook her head. This was exactly the reason why she needed Seb.

How about we have dinner when I come back next week? C


.~°~. .~°~. .~°~.

💚Your thoughts and opinions are always welcomed💚


💚 So, new chap without a cliffhanger. Please let me know what you think ... I mean, Clary is doing her best to not fall for Jace and Jace is apparently really in love already.

💚What did you think of Val and his convo? And Magnus?

💚What do you think will happen next, though?

💚 if you like my work you should definitely read my original work as well. So if you want to go check it out on Amazon it is available in paperback and on kindle. Or if you could just go to Goodreads and leave a star there, that would be awesome.

The books belong to the Hearts Series by Mina Lisly

1. Blooming Hearts, or How To Turn Lust Into Love (When the O'Bryan twins -Liam and Krys- arrive in New York, Dylan is immediately drawn to them and the aura of mysterious dark secrets surrounding them. Little by little, the three teenagers will learn to unveil their hearts as they embark on the road of friendship, love and trust. But is either of them ready to go down that road?)

2. Fighting Hearts, or How To Turn Love Into Angst (Krys and Liam are on the run, ready to protect the best they can the secrets of their family. But at what price? Is sacrificing one love to protect another worth it? Especially when the past resurfaces in unexpected figures.)

Anyway, Cassandra Clare owns the names of the characters from the Mortal Instruments franchise, everything else is mine.

Love, Mina 💚💚💚

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