
By Rachelskartensboobs

23.6K 1.1K 649

Every man, woman and child knew the Cabello's, they were a household name in the wizarding world after all, b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Part 1
Chapter 14 - Part 2
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

1.1K 59 49
By Rachelskartensboobs

Sorry guys. This chapter took forever. Work was wild these past weeks and I literally was to exhausted to write even a sentence, but somehow I got my shit together today. This is more of a filler chapter, I still hope you guys like it.

The Great Hall was brimming with students. The smell of delicious food invading every corner of the Hall, as the sea of voices discussed the up coming Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

It was no secret that the relations between the two houses could be described as tense, but if it came to the day of an actual Quidditch match between them, it was punctuated by an even deeper sense of animosity. A sense of agitation lingered in the air, which was echoed by the running and angry yelling occurring in the Great Hall.

On these specific days the line between dislike and hate between the houses was blurred. On these days, the houses would loose most of their points, students would end up in detention, or the hospital wing, but nothing compared to the match itself. Just last year more than half of the players on each team had ended up in the hospital wing with broken bones.

"Look at them. They act like they're noble knights or something..." Normani mocked, rolling her eyes, as she watched a group of self-involved Gryffindor boys walk through the large doors of the Great Hall.

"You're just jealous, because you're a vile, Slytherin bully and not a perfect, golden lion like them." Camila joked.

"Pffft. Rather be a bully than a damn Gryffindor."

Like any other day the House-elf's had served a variety of dishes, free to choose from. Camila was munching on some nachos, while Normani opposite her stuck to a plate of vegetables.

"Anyway... Did your dress arrive yet?" Normani asked, while putting a fork of tomato in her mouth.

"My dress?" Camila questioned confused, as she scooped up a Nacho, dipping it all the way into the provided cheese. "What dress?"

Every year Hogwarts hosted an annual winter ball for everyone from 4th year up until their last. The ball was supposed to be seen as a kudos for their hard work even though for the 4th years it was more like a last dinner before they send out the dementors for a kiss, at least thats what if felt like to the two Slytherins. Once the ball was hosted, every point gained in class could count for their O.W.L.s, or rather if they would be allowed to stay in the classes they had signed up for.  

Since her first year Normani had dreamed of going to the ball. Hogwarts really went all out on the celebrations. They even invited bands sometimes, at least thats what she had heard. Knowing full well that Camila would rather stay in their common room, or go to the lake, then go to the ball, she decided to take Camila as her date, even though the girl had no idea yet.  

Ever since Camila's first year she had been vary of people asking her out, or making advances on her. Normani knew that even if someone would ask her out, Camila would straight out decline, but she wasn't going to go to the ball without her best friend, that much was clear. 

"Yes, your dress for the winter ball, duh." Normani didn't even bother to look at Camila as she stuffed another fork of food inside her mouth. "I wrote your Abuela 2 weeks ago to send over something hot, preferably something that accentuates your butt, not that it needs more accentuation, but... ."

"You what? Why did you do that?" Camila asked annoyed, letting herself sink into her seat in defeat. Normani knew that she didn't want to attend, plus its not like anybody had asked Camila to go in the first place.

"You need a dress... 'cause of course, my date will be the hottest chick on the dance floor."

"Who is your date and why would I need a ... ." Camila began to question confused, when her eyes went wide in realization. "Are you saying that I'll be your date?"

"Well, of course you are. I mean I haven't asked you yet, but I thought it was obvious that we would go together." 

"What if I say no?"

"You won't."Normani ran her tongue over her teeth, studying Camila for a second. The dark skinned girl smirked, pointing her fork at Camila. "Because if you don't go... I don't go and I really want to go."

"Is that right?"

"Mhm, come on its gonna be fun. We'll eat all the chicken wings and then booty pop a lil' to Beyoncé and after we can... ."

"What makes you think that they'll play Beyoncé?" Camila laughed, shacking her head at the girl opposite her. 

Normani blinked, open mouthed for several long moments before she brought her hand to her chest, staring at the Cuban like she had just uttered the meanest insult she knew. "How dare you...? Only because we are sort of stuck in the 18th century doesn't mean we cant listen to good music, okay." 

Camila chuckled at the offended look she was being given. "Whatever... I still think you should take someone you actually want to go with and not just because you pity them."

"Bitch, I don't pity you." Normani retorted, throwing a piece of broccoli at the brunette. "I am taking you because I want to go with you. You are like... the funniest and the dorkiest person I know. It wont be any fun if you don't go."

"Aww... you love me." Camila drawled, sweetly batting her eyelashes at the other Slytherin.

"Your so weird!" Normani retorted, rolling her eyes in return. 

"Your weird... ."

"Hey... ." Normani said, as her face suddenly turned serious. "Jauregui is starring at you, again. You think she is planning something?"  

Camila turned around curiously, to look at Lauren, only to catch the girl staring. Her head was resting in the palm of her hand, as she seemed to be in some sort of reverie, when her eyes suddenly grew big and she looked away, blushing.

Camila didn't know why, but since last night something had shifted between them. They had talked in to the early hours of the morning, just chilling at the lake and later Lauren had even walked her back to the Slytherin common room. She had almost wanted to ask her if she could keep the Hoodie since the girl already had one of her shirts, but she still wasn't a 100% sold on Lauren being honest. It was better to keep her distance then get kicked in the ass for trusting her later.

"Is- Is she blushing?" Normani asked in disbelieve and confusion, as her eyebrows scrunched together like this was some sort of foreign concept to her.

"Huh- I think she is... ?"

"What the hell? What- Why would she... unless... Okay, Mila... what am I missing here?" Normani asked, her eyes narrowing on the brunette opposite her like she was missing a crucial detail.

"Nacho business." Camila smirked, holding up one of her Nachos, before putting it in her mouth.

"I swear, I will kick your butt Camila... Don't you remember what she has done?"

"What? I didn't say anything!"

Camila didn't have to say anything. Normani could read her like a book and what she was reading at the moment, she did not like. Camila was about as subtle as a sledgehammer when it came to her feelings. 

"You don't have to Mila... I know you."

Camila rolled her eyes exaggeratedly at Normani's response. "Whats that supposed to mean?" Camila asked incredulously, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"It means... I care for you to much to see you sad again." Normani answered, shacking her head. "To see her hurt you again." 

"Mani." Camila pouted. "I love that you care so much about me, but me and Lauren...? Pfft." She let the sentence hang in the air, shrugging her shoulders. 

"No matter the reason why Lauren is staring, or why she is doing the things she does, nothing is going to change what she did to me. I- I don't like her like that, if thats what you mean... I don't have feelings for her or whatever... I mean aside from a little resentment and a aversion to her character. Plus I'm obviously not going to peruse something that I know is bad for me. You need to trust that I know what I'm doing."

Normani narrowed her eyes at the Cuban studying her for a minute, before she sighed loudly. "I sure hope so."

"Hey Mani." Camila began chuckling, picking up the previously thrown piece of Broccoli. "Whats Michelle Obamas favorite vegetable?"

"Uh, I love her... ." Normani answered dreamingly looking up at the ceiling, before shrugged her shoulder. "What is it?"

"Barackoli". Camila snickered, while Normani rolled her eyes at the girl attempting to stifle a chuckle.

"See, thats why you are going to be my date... Who else is going to make these kind of dumb jokes?" 

Camila only laughed, watching Normani smile at her food. She knew that they should probably stop eating, only in a couple hours they had their Quidditch game and she did not plan on throwing up like the last time. She had eaten way to much chocolate, she wasnt going to let that happen... again.

"... Yea that one... ugh! I cant stand her... she literally asked me to the ball, like can you imagine me and her... ." One Gryffindor boy said condescendingly to another while they passed by the Slytherin girls table.

"Yea, that's the Hufflepuff with the huge nose, right... she is so ugly." The other boy replied laughing, causing Normani to glare into their direction, as she murdered them with her eyes.

"And fat!" The other boy agreed laughing loudly.

Camila watched as Normani's hand grasped her wand and quickly flicked her brunette hair over her shoulder. "Did you see that one girl with the purple hair? Like... I cant stand her... ." Camila said in a high pitched voice, imitating the Gryffindor boy, making Normani smile.

"That one girl who is like from Cuba... she is so annoying!" Normani mocked, running her fingers through her purple streaks.

"I like her... I think she cute." Camila replied smugly, flicking her hair to the side.

"She is so annoying... ."

"I think she's funny."

Lauren was sure that last night Camila and her had gotten quite a bit closer, but there was still a lot of work a head. Even though last night was great, Camila still did not trust her. She was determined to change that though.

Maybe Dumbledore had a point when he said that Greyback was just afraid to loose his hold on her. He still was her Alpha, but as long as she could, she would try to fight him. The more she had gotten to know Camila the more she realized how misplaced her dislike for her had been. To her surprise, she had found it quite easy to trust Camila. Maybe her fear had been placed wrongly, maybe what she had seen that night was just a fabrication, a distortion of reality, maybe what he had told her wasn't the future.

She knew that it wasn't going to be easy to get Camila's trust back, but she was willing to try. If she had to walk her to class, carry her books, compliment her, get her bananas, lend her Hoodies when she's cold, make her laugh when she's upset, write her notes, whatever and however long it would take for Camila to finally forgive her for the things she had done. 

After lunch Lauren followed the two Slytherin's, until Normani walked to a different class, leaving Camila alone. Smirking she quickly made her way over.

"Hallooo." Lauren drawled, her voice vibrating against the Cubans ear, as she slipped Camila's books out from under her arm. The Slytherin jumped in surprise and Lauren smirked in satisfaction at the obvious shiver that had ran down the girls spine.

"Shit!" Camila chuckled, bringing her hand to her chest. "Looren... You scared me." 

Lauren chuckled, clutching the girls books against her chest. Camila looked at her with the most winsome smile, causing Laurens heart to clenched tightly in her chest. "Arithmancy, right?" 

Camila only nodded, with narrowed and suspicious eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I'm walking you to class, duh." Lauren retorted, following Camila up the stairs. She ignored actual question along with the prying eyes of the students surrounding them, who most likely were expecting her to do something cruel.

"Okay. But... I can carry my books myself."

"Its fine... ." Lauren laughed, waving her off at the same moment Camila tripped over the always vanishing step halfway up the grand staircase.

Camila flailed her arms, the step had taken her by surprise and she was about to fall face-first into the following steps, when Laurens strong arm shot out catching her just in time. 

"Oof." Camila grunted, tightly holding onto Laurens arm that had prevented a very painful fall.

"Maybe I should carry you instead." Lauren snorted as she closely inspected Camila for any signs of injury. She gained a slap on her arm, causing her to laugh even louder.

"Shut up!"Camila grumbled into her robe, blushing profoundly. "Thanks for catching me... ."

Lauren ignored the dirty looks they were receiving. It was just her and Camila, the other people didn't matter to her. "Hey you ready to be crushed by Gryffindor later?"

Camila laughed, it was like honey to Laurens ears. "Speak for yourself Jauregui. I may got 99 problems but a snitch ain't one... ."

"I guess we'll see." Lauren taunted, as Camila pushed herself in front of the Gryffindor, causing her emerald eyes to travel to the Cubans backside.

Lauren was sure she was only imagining it, but she couldn't ignore the way Camila was wiggling her butt in her high fitting jeans, as she made her way up the stairs. Lauren swallowed hard, pressing her eyes close, before taking in a deep breath. She didn't need to see that. God, Camila really had a nice butt.

Arriving in the classroom, most students had already taken their seats. Lauren followed Camila to her desk by the window, carefully placing the girls books down on the table, before she gave the girl a last wink, taking her own seat.

Settling down and opening her own book, Lauren noticed some of the students were glancing at her, whispering amongst themselves. Lauren paid them no mind. She could easily use her wolf hearing to listen to what they were saying, but she guessed it was safer not to. She knew what day it was and that especially today, she was playing with fire and she didn't care.

The class passed in a blur. She wasn't sure why, but she barely managed to focus on anything the Professor was saying. Her eyes kept drifting over to the Slytherin girl, who was carefully writing everything the Professor was saying down.

When she overheard the girls behind her whispering about the winter ball it occurred to her that she had completely forgotten about it. She wondered what Camila would say if she asked her to go, not that she had the courage to actually ask her, but if she had... . She closed her eyes, sighing loudly, before she began doodling absentmindedly in her book.

She reminded herself that only because Camila was slowly warming up to her, did not mean that she wanted to go to the ball with her. Also she wasn't ready to let Camila know that her interest went beyond carrying her books.

Her eyes flickered back to the Cuban girl. She slowly studied the girls profile, as her right hand was slowly drawing out what she saw, until Camila unexpectedly turned her head, catching her gaze and causing Lauren to quickly look away.

Goddammit. This was the second time in one day she had been caught. Not to mention the countless times Kordei had caught her. She had been receiving death glares from the girl that were became increasingly more deadly the more she was caught.

Lauren looked up in surprise, when she noticed that everyone began packing their stuff. She looked around, realizing that their class had come to an end. She quickly got up, grabbed Camila's books, before the girl was able to.

"Whats up with you? Why do you insist on carrying my books?" Camila chuckled as she looked up at a smirking Lauren.

"I just want to help, cuz you's a baby who trips over literally nothing."

Camila rolled her eyes, not able to keep the smile from her lips, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Ha-ha, very funny... You're not even in my next class... . "

Lauren ignored her and walked out of their class, closely followed by Camila who was reaching for her books. "Its fine ... I'll just uff... ." Lauren began to say, when suddenly someone roughly bumped into her shoulder. "Watch where your... ."

"The fuck is she doing?" Normani asked, tilting her chin towards the raven haired girl.

Normani's eyes flickered down to the books in Laurens arms, before she looked back at Camila, crocking an eyebrow in question. "Did she... ."

"Its fine Normani." Camila chuckled, waving her off. "She is just... insisting on carrying my books for some reason."

"Uh huh... ." Normani huffed, as her eyes narrowed suspiciously at the Gryffindor.

Just great. Kordei just had to show up and ruin everything didn't she? Lauren opened her mouth to defend herself, when suddenly another pile of books was slammed down on top of the ones she was already carrying.

"Well... ." Kordei began to say with an evil smirk. "The only thing Gryffindor's are good for anyway... ."

Kordei was blatantly taunting Lauren and all three of them knew it. Lauren gritted her teeth, as she starred back at the dark skinned Slytherin, who was obviously expecting Lauren to rebel, but instead she closed her eyes, counted to five, before she secured the books in her arms with her chin.

She could feel Camila's dark eyes studying her, shocked that she didn't object to Normani's ridiculous game.

"Stop it Normani... You don't have to... ." Camila began, but Lauren cleared her throat and shook her head.

"Its fine... ." She lied through gritted teeth. It wasn't fine, but she knew that one day she was going to punch that stupid smirk right of Kordei's face and that would have to do for now.

"See, its fine." Normani repeated cocking her head in an arrogant manner, before turning her back on the Gryffindor and linking her arm with Camila's. Normani quickly lead her down the corridor, as Camila looked back at the raven haired girl apologetically.

Lauren wanted to throw the stupid books right at the back of Kordei's huge head, but if she wanted to make due with Camila, starting a fight with her best friend, by throwing a book at her head was not the way. She swallowed her anger and released an annoyed huff, before following the Slytherin girls down the corridor to Camila's and Normani's next class.

Lauren angrily muttered to herself, eyes narrowed and lips pursed as she headed out to the Quidditch pitch. She couldn't wait to let out her anger on the field. She was a little early. She wanted to fly a couple rounds and clear her mind before the big game, when she heard a voice echo in the distance.

"... what got nothin' to say Normonkey Kordumb." Lauren heard a male voice laugh loudly. She looked around, trying to spot where the voice was coming from when she heard a rather familiar voice.

"How about I find out how far my wand goes up your ass, dickhead... ."

"You let that bitch talk to you like th... ."

"Fuck you, Normonkey... ."  

"Damn, that nigg... ." Lauren heard the people talk over one another, when a sudden loud bang was heard, causing her to jump in surprise. 

"You bitch!"

Lauren stepped into the clearing, watching as 7 Gryffindors were teaming up against the Kordei girl, who was by herself, looking furious with her wand drawn.

Lauren took in a deep breath, noticing the Slytherins heart rate was picking up and her grip tightened discreetly on her wand, ready for an attack. Shacking her head at herself, she retrieved her wand from her pocket, not believing what she was about to do.

The boy had his wand raised, his shaggy blond hair was slightly falling over his eyes. He was standing a couple feet apart from the rest of the group, obviously the leader and instigator of what was occurring before her. 

He knew that Kordei couldn't take all of them at once, even though Lauren had to admit that the girl was a quite skilled duelist.

The boy flicked his wrist, but before he was able to conjure his spell, his wand flew out of his grasp and into the air, only to be caught by Lauren seconds later.

He looked around confused, until he spotted Lauren who was swiftly making her way over to the Slytherin. 

"Lauren?" the boy said, disbelieve lacing his voice, causing the rest of the Gryffindors to look at her in confusion, as she waved his wand around tauntingly.

"How brave of you Bieber... ganging up on the Slyth, 7 against 1. I must admit, thats pretty low... even for you." Lauren sneered, giving him a condescending smile.

The boys brows furrowed in obvious confusion, before he shook his head at her. "What are you doing Lauren? You're teaming up with a Slyth?"  

"I don't need your help, Jauregui." Normani gritted through her teeth, as her eyes firmly stayed on the group of Gryffindor opposite them. Lauren smiled subconsciously, realizing the girl had actually pronounced her name right for the first time. 

"Lauren... put that wand down." The boy demanded, as he angrily stomped his foot.

"Hell no. I'm not missing out on this." Lauren retorted, briefly glancing at Kordei, before smiling back at the boy. "Lets show these assholes some manners."

The Gryffindor glared angrily back, the betrayal obvious in all the Gryffindors faces. "You picked your side then?" One of the other boys scoffed, drawing his wand.

"Rictusempra!" Normani yelled, as she saw him draw his wand. A yet of silver light shot out, hitting the boy square in the chest. He flew back, instantly doubling over, his chest violently heaving as he began clutching at his chest. 

"Stupefy." Lauren quickly followed. Lighting sparks began shooting around, as the students shot spells at one another. Lauren managed just in time to use a shield charm, before Normani could get hit and swiftly followed it up with an impediment Jinx at one of the Gryffindor girls. 4 of the Gryffindors were beat, when Normani was hit by a Depulso charm, that send her flying backwards and against a tree.

Lauren only glanced over her shoulder at the girl, watching as the girl took in deep breaths after having the wind knocked out of her. She turned back to the rest of the Gryffindors, smirking.

Lauren was born to fight. They didn't stand a chance against her. Her werewolf blood made her react quicker then most people would be able to, while her usage of these spells counted back to her childhood and not only her second year in Hogwarts, like theirs. She had been training to fight ever since she was little, not that she has had a choice in that matter. 

With a quick flick of her wrist she managed to force the rest of the Gryffindors to their knees, leaving them immobile for the next 8 minutes.

She slowly pointed her wand at the last Gryffindor boy. He was holding his stomach, glaring back at his rival. 


The blond haired boy was lifted into the air, as he released an angry groan. He watched with wide angry eyes, as Lauren helped Normani up.


"What?" He asked incredulously, as his eyes flickered from Lauren to Normani and back. "No way."

"Okay... Fine. What do you think the rest of the boys will say after they find out 7 Gryffindors could not take it up with Kordei, huh. Oh, I bet they... ."

"Sorry." He angrily gritted through his clenched teeth, glaring at Normani who was smirking back at him. 

"I did not feel it." Lauren said shacking her head disapprovingly, before turning back to Normani. "Did you?"

"No... Not really." Normani agreed, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "How about we show... ."

"What is going on here?" Professor Flickwicks squeaky voice echoed into the clearing, causing both girls to quickly take a step away from the blond boy. The small man closed the distance between them, his eyes drifting to the immobilized body hanging in the air and back to the girls, before he glanced at the rest of the groaning students on the floor. "Merlin's beard... You cannot be serious. Ms Jauregui, let Mr. Bieber down at this instant." 

Lauren refrained from an eye roll, flicked her wrist and let the boy slam down to the ground.

"Detention." The Professor yelled, as his eyes sweaped over the Gryffindors on the floor. "All of you."

"But Professor... ."

"You cant."

"What about Quidditch." Everybody yelled at once, causing the Professor to frown and run his hand over his face. 

"Fine. Right after Quidditch! I will see all of you in detention." He said with finality in his voice, causing most of the students to release a breath of relief.

"Ugh, now that is just great." Lauren muttered angrily under her breath as she followed the Professor down to the Quidditch pitch. 

"Just for the record, Jauregui. I didn't need you help. I could have handled that... ." Normani said, quickly catching up with the Gryffindor.

"Sure... ." Lauren only drawled out, shrugging her shoulders, before a smirk appeared on her face. "I bet you also wanted that Depulso charm to hit you square in the chest, huh." 

"I had it handled." Normani hissed back annoyed, before she released a loud sigh. "They just really crossed the line... ."

"I know... Thats the only reason I helped you out... no need to get all mushy on me, now."

"Screw you, Jauregui." Kordei chuckled, slightly bumping her shoulder with Laurens.

"These racist asses had it coming, anyway. Even though I have to admit. I never saw you that angry before. It was kinda funny." Lauren chuckled trying to keep their conversation light, as she glanced at the girl next to her who rolled her eyes.

"No shit, Sherlock. A blind, deaf comatose, lobotomy patient could have felt my anger." 

Normani studied Lauren for a moment, until she held on to Laurens sleeve, pulling her to a stop. "You realize you're going to get a lot of shit for helping me, right?"

"I'm already getting enough shit for carrying Camz books and trying to befriend her, might as well do whatever the fuck I want!" Lauren responded, without realizing what she had said. She turned to walk again, when she was pulled to a stop once again.

"What?" Lauren asked, seeing the calculating stare on Normani's face. 

"What?" Lauren dumbly repeated, eyes going wide as she realized what she had just revealed. Normani slowly closed the distance between them, until she was almost nose to nose with Lauren. She stared deeply into those emerald eyes opposite her, when she pressed a rough finger against Laurens chest.

"Yea, about that... What is it you want with my bestie anyway? I swear If you so much as... " 

"Spare me your threats, Kordei." Lauren huffed annoyed, swatting the girls hand away, which was reciprocated by a hard shove. 

"I have seen you starring all week, you know." Normani spat, getting closer to the raven haired girl again. "And I swear if you hurt her again, none of your DA skills will protect you from me."

"I wont." 

The response caused Normani to take a step back, her eyes drifting over Laurens features, as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Good, but if you do... I will find you."

"You wont have to. If I hurt her again, your welcome to do whatever." Lauren muttered, as she turned away from Normani and began walking after the rest of the group, leaving a baffled Normani behind.

Just 2 more days. She only had 2 more days to ask Camila out to the winter ball. The thought had kept her awake all night. Lauren groaned, hiding her face inside her hands as she wished for Transfiguration to come to an end. 

Camila probably already had a date, no need to keep thinking about it. Oh god, who was she gonna go with? Did she have feelings for that person? Did she even want to go to the ball, if it meant having to watch Camila be couply with someone other than herself?

"Hey Eeyore. What's gotten you all mopey?" Lauren heard a familiar voice say. She looked up, only to see Camila hovering over her with a smile.

"Oh, uhm nothing." She lied, looking around noticing that most of the students had already cleared the classroom. "Just thinking."

"Uh huh." Camila replied, as she reached out for Laurens books and secured them under her arm. "Lunch?"

"What are you doing?" Lauren asked, narrowing in on her books under the girls arms, before looking up at a smirking Camila.

"Carrying your books... what does it look like?"

Lauren swallowed hard, this was as good as a time as ever to ask Camila. "Hey, uhm..." 

"Come on... I'm so hungry." Camila quickly interrupted, sounding like an impatient child, causing Lauren to chuckle.

"Fine... ." She mumbled, getting up from her seat and following the Cuban out of the classroom and down to the Great Hall. 

The closer they got to the Great Hall, the harder her heart was pumping. Her hands were sweaty at the mere thought of asking Camila the threated question. What if she'd say no? What if she would laugh? Or worse... what if she already had someone?

A form of nervousness was overwhelming her, making her feel nauseas all over. Her body was vibrating. This was crazy. She'd never been so scared talking to Camila before, not even that night at the lake. But right now the though of speaking to her was petrifying. Perhaps it was the fear of letting Camila know that she meant more to her, that she had feel... .

"Are you sure you're okay?" Camila voice interrupted her thoughts causing her to swallow hard. 

"Lauren?" Camila asked, stopping in her tracks and pulling Lauren to a stop. Laurens face had gone completely pale as she stared back at Camila, feeling sweat slowly run down her back. Oh god, was she really going to do this?

"Uhm... yes... I ... well... We... I- ." Lauren stammered out, bringing her hand to her forehead. She really wasn't good a this. She released a deep sigh, finally looking into the brown worried eyes in front of her.

"I- I was wondering if your going to the ball." She finally manged to say, causing Camila's brows to furrow slightly in confusion.

"I guess... Yes." Camila breathed out, contemplating her answer, before she clarified. "I mean I don't have a choice."

"Who are you going with?" Lauren asked in a high pitched voice, that made herself cringe. She quickly ran a hand up and down her own arm in a comforting manner, not really wanting to know the answer to her question.

"With Mani... she asked me. We are going as friends... you know." Camila answered nonchalantly. "Are- Are you going?"

Lauren only nodded in response, causing Camila's face to instantly drop. "Oh, so... Who-who are you going with?"

'Ask her!' Her brain screamed at her.' Just ask her!' Lauren shrugged her shoulders running a self-conscious hand through her hair. 

"Well, I... I was going to go with Dinah, but she is already going with Siope soo... I'm not sure who I'm going with, yet. I mean some of the Gryffindor girls are going in a group so I'm probably going with them." Lauren said instead, immediately wanting to face palm herself.

"Oh... thats uhm, fun." Camila responded, her eyes showing a full array of disappointment, as her bottom lip protrudes out. Lauren couldn't take it, she shook her head and then nodded. 

"Yeah... fun."  

A moment of awkward silence lingered between them. You're a damn idiot Jauregui, Lauren thought, as she bumped her shoulder with Camila's and they slowly began making their way down the rest of the steps to the Great Hall. 

"Hey, Cabello?" Karlie started from behind them, filling in for the prolonged silence. "Taylor said you could borrow me your notes from Ancient Runes."

Lauren narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the blond, knowing full well that the question had a different meaning. Karlie was two years above them, she didn't need Camila's notes.

"Uhm, what?" Camila asked confused, confirming Lauren suspicion. 

"Lets catch up." Karlie said with an amused glint in her eyes, as she wrapped her arms around Camila's shoulders and dragged her away from Lauren. 

Lauren watched begrudgingly as Camila shrugged and quickly handed Lauren her books back. She watched as they made their way to the Slytherin table, sitting down with Ally Brooke, Kordei and that Swift girl.

Lauren knew that something was up, she stayed back and used her wolf hearing to find out what was going on.

"Taylor told me to save you from her... ." Karlie clarified as she walked her up to their table. "She is to terrified of Lauren to do it herself."

"Am not... ." Taylor yelled incredulously, having heard what her girlfriend had said about her, only causing the other blond to laugh loudly. 

"So... Did I miss something or did Jauregui chicken out from asking you to go to the ball with her?" Lauren heard Karlie say, causing her to choke on her own spit.  

"What? Lauren? No way! She... She-We- uhm." Camila stammered out, as she looked back, trying to find Lauren in the crowed who had gone beat red in the face. 

"Yo, Lauser." Dinah yelled, roughly padding Laurens back, as she sat down next to her. "Found a date for the ball, yet?"

Lauren groaned, immediately dropping her face in her hands, feeling her stomach turn into knots.

Just wondering... uh, smut yay or nay??

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