Unexpected (Published and edi...

By SarahSwartz

144 9 0

MARISSA MARIE THOMAS is the beautiful, rich, and popular girl that every guy wants to be with. She's sweet, s... More

Chapter One: Marissa
Chapter Three: Marissa
Chapter Four: Jake

Chapter Two: Jake

25 2 0
By SarahSwartz

I have always been a morning person. I was getting dressed and ready about half an hour before my alarm was even due to go off. I could already hear the sound of the shower down the hall. Mom was going to be out of the bathroom at any moment which will give me enough time to take a shower and clean up all the extra dirt on my skin from work the day before.

I'm a morning person but I'm not a big fan of school. My group of friends and I usually play basketball at the park or hang out at the local diner when we're all free. I get ignored at school most of the time even when I have my friends around me. People just push us out of the way. But I don't consider us outcast or victims of bullying. I mean, it's just high school and most people liked us.

The water from the shower finally turned off. I grabbed my clothes and left my room just as my mom was walking out of the bathroom.

"Hey, sweetie," Mom greeted me as she dried her hair. "You're up early."

I shrugged. "Early bird gets the worm."

"You're a teenage boy. You need your rest."

"I understand, Mom," I said and walked over, giving her a kiss on the cheek before heading into the bathroom. Some students at school labeled me as a Momma's Boy. If loving your mother who has clothed and fed you your whole life and you showing her how grateful you are for that makes you a Momma's Boy, then I am exultant.

"Jake," Mom stopped me and I turned back around to her. "Paul told you that he'll be going to Denver for business in a few weeks, right."

I nodded. "Yeah. He told me last night before he left for the meeting." Paul is my step-dad who also happens to be the sheriff of our county's police department. He's a great guy but he works a lot to help out since we don't have as much money as we would like to. He tries often to work on some of his cases from home so he's not like an absent father. I work in a car repair shop to help earn some money for my mom and Paul. I'd do anything to help them out.

"That's good," Mom said. "I'll go start breakfast and then I'll drive you to school."

"Thanks, Mom, but I'm thinking of just riding my skateboard to school with Robbie. It's no trouble."

She smiled at me. "I know. But I like spending the extra time with you."

"Me too, Mom." I leaned over and gave her a hug. I pulled back a couple seconds later when I noticed my shirt was wet. Mom laughed at my reaction as I did the same. "See you in a bit," I said and closed the bathroom door behind me.

I felt so relieved when I stripped out of my clothes. They were the same ones I wore to work the day before and they made me feel disgusting.

The warm water running down my skin felt so good on the cuts and bruises I get at work and school. I felt safe here under the warm water.


I heard the murmurs of my mom talking to my baby half-sister, who was only a few months old, coming through the kitchen. I love the sight of my baby sister in the morning. She smiles every time she sees me and basically gets excited and jumpy whenever Paul got home.

Across the table sat my younger half-brother, Cody. He's nine-years-old and another non-planned child. He was the aftermath of my mom's abusive ex-boyfriend. The kid's father left after our mom announced she was pregnant. I still remember him walking straight out of the house and driving off on his motorbike, never to be seen again. I think I heard at one point that he was arrested for drugs or something like that. My brother and I are both happy that our mom found Paul. We finally had a dad and we got a baby sister out of the deal. Cody is a really happy child. He goofs around a lot and always makes us laugh. He's pretty much the life of the family.

"I'll take it from here," I said and took the baby food from my mom. My mom stood up from her chair to go pack some lunches while I took her spot and fed my sister. "Anna's pretty happy today," I called out to my mom as I placed a spoonful of baby food into Anna's little mouth. She looks so much like my mom even though my mom always said she looks more like me for some reason. I think my mom just has a very strong gene pool. Even my half-brother looks almost exactly like I did when I was his age. I know I have quite a few of my dad's features. The only way I know that is because of pictures I've come across over the years. I burned a good portion of them when I was sixteen because I was going through a hard time and blamed him. But I can still remember his face clear as day from the prom picture. A couple weeks after that picture was taken, my mom would learn that she was pregnant. It really makes me think about how everything can change so instantly. Like these circumstances sneak up on us so unexpectedly and without us even realizing it until it happens.

Mom reached up into a cabinet to grab some cereal for herself. "She had a really good night. Only woke up once."

"That's good." I turned my head in the direction of my brother. "How you doing, bro?" I asked Cody who was eating a bowl of cereal and playing a game on our mom's phone.

"Fine," he said, too attached to his game.

Mom walked up behind him and snatched her phone from his hands. "Breakfast is family time. I told you, you can only play on my phone until Jake came down."

"He doesn't mind," Cody said and pointed a finger at me.

"Well, I mind," Mom said and kissed the top of his head.

Cody groaned dramatically. "Fine." He took a big spoonful of sugar cereal into his mouth. I love this kid. "Mom, can I ask you a question?" Cody said through a mouthful of cereal.

"The answer is no," Mom answered without so much as making eye contact with him.

"You didn't even know what I was going to ask."

Mom placed her hands on his shoulders. "You were going to ask for a dog and the answer is no." She placed a kiss on the top of his head again.

Cody groaned and threw his head back. This kid has been begging for a dog since he was four-years-old. "Why not?"

"Because I already have three kids to clothe and feed. I don't need more on my plate right now."

"But dogs don't wear clothes." God, I fucking love this kid. He is so persuasive.

"But they do eat. A lot. Maybe when Annabelle's a little older."

"Why wait? We can trade Annabelle for a dog. That would work."

I nearly choked on my own air when he said that. Mom laughed and ruffled his hair. "We are not getting rid of your sister." She paused to place a kiss on his cheek. "Maybe we'll get a dog someday but not right now."

I gave my sister a kiss on the forehead causing her to giggle. Focusing my attention away from my mom and brother. "I love you, baby girl."

"Jake," Mom said as she was making her way across the kitchen. "I know this doesn't sound like the best idea but can you take Anna and Cody to work with you after school? The sitter canceled on us again."

I nodded and continued feeding my sister. "Okay. The guys love them anyway."

"Ugh, I'm too old for a babysitter," Cody complained.

Mom gave him a warm smile and crossed her arms over her chest. She didn't look threatening. She looked calm and collected. "You're nine-years-old and I have the authority to tell you what to do."

"This is bogus."

"Well, I'm the Mom. I'm not supposed to make you happy." She kissed his head before looking up at me. "Also, I got your report card in the mail yesterday, Jake," she said with a wide smile. "I'm so proud of you." She walked over and kissed my cheek before ruffling my hair.

I pat her back as I stood up, handing her the baby food while I was at it. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I got to get to school." I grabbed my book bag off the floor and gave Anna a kiss on the top of her head. "Bye, baby girl. I love you." I leaned up and gave Mom a hug. "Love you, Mom."

She hugged me back. "Love you too, bud. See you tonight."

I kissed her cheek. "See you tonight." I turned over to Anna and lightly squeezed her cheek. "And, I'll see you after school, gorgeous." I walked over to Cody and ruffled up his hair. "See you tonight, bud."


I grabbed my skateboard and opened the screen door and ran down the front steps.

"Hey, man." I heard a voice call from nearby as I skateboarded down the street.

"What's up, Robbie?" I said as I clapped his hand as he rode his skateboard over to me. Robbie is one of my oldest friends. We've know each other for over ten years and our friendship has only grown from there. We became friends after Robbie punched some kid for knocking my lunch tray out of my hands.

"Did you hear about Beck's party tonight?" He asked.

I looked down at the pavement while I did some zigzags with my board. "Yeah. I'm not going."

Robbie skidded to a stop. "Why not?"

I stopped and turned to him. Rocking my board back and forth under my feet. "I have work and I'm babysitting my baby sister and brother. Plus, I'm not much of a social person." I moved forward on my skateboard. "Go have fun. Don't let me stop you from going."

"Okay. We'll miss you."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's just a party. We still have the whole school year to go to parties."

When we eventually got to school, it seemed almost like a riot. There was a fight going on in the parking lot, friends greeting each other after the long weekend, and couples making out. I usually never see this because I usually come to school a little earlier to study but Robbie and I were both running late like we usually do on Mondays.

We kicked our skateboards into our hands when we entered school grounds. There's a strict rule saying that we aren't allowed to skateboard or ride bikes on school property. I honestly think riding a skateboard is safer than some of the students who drive. There's also a strict 15 miles per hour rule for drivers in the parking lots but apparently nobody follows it and they only see it as a suggestion.

We had to pass by Shawn Prentice who always stood near the main entrance to the school building, almost blocking everyone's way. He should be labeled ASSHOLE OF THE YEAR. The guy is a total douche. He's so narcistic and has a way to get whatever he wants. He belittles people who tend to stay out of the in-crowd. Yet, there are dozens of girls at this school who swoon over him like little lost puppy dogs.

I tried to squeeze my way pass him but bumping into him was unpreventable. The guy has to be at least five inches taller than me and has this massive physical build. He always stood there as if he owned the place. He's been giving me and my friends, even the ones from a neighboring school, a hard time since middle school. No one really has a reason to hate us. But he hates everyone outside his clique.

"Watch where you're going, prick," he growled when I bumped into him. It was just the tiniest of bumps but it was enough to let loose the bulldog. I ignored him as always and went into the school, heading straight in the direction of my locker.

"You hear we have a project coming up in History?" Robbie asked me.

I nodded. "Well, Ms. Allison did bring it up on Thursday before the three-day weekend."

"And, we have to work in partners. Maybe we can convince her to pair us up together."

I laughed. "I doubt it. She hates it when we work together." We both had her for History I the year before. She used to let us choose our partners but Robbie and I would be goofing around the whole time and barely would finish a project by its due date. I guess she got sick of it because on the first day of school this year she said she was assigning partners for each project. I really do believe it was my and Robbie's faults for that decision to be made.

"Says Mr. A-Average."

It's true. I have an A-Average in school while Robbie is just above average. He has a high enough GPA to get into a good college and he has never gotten less than a B on a test or homework. Everyone in my group of friends are all pretty smart. Our friend Nathan might be heading off to Yale after we graduate. He already sent in his application. And our principle has even told me that I'm a shoe-in for class valedictorian.

I groaned when we walked into school and I saw that a couple was making out next to my locker and a fight was happening a few feet away. Same routine every day. Skateboard to school with Robbie, be called a 'prick' by Shawn, and push a hormonal couple away from my locker. Every fucking day.

"Why is it always my locker?" I whined.

"You should ask the administers to have your locker moved."

"I swear, I am about to do that."

I walked over to the couple and clapped my hands repeatedly to get their attention. "Hey! I've told you before not to do this at my locker. May you please move to another location?"

The boy, I don't know his name because he's a grade below me, looked at me with a sarcastic laugh. "We did listen to you. We're not on your locker today."

"Look, I'm not going to argue with you about this. I don't want any trouble. Can you please just move a couple feet so I can open my locker?" They did as I asked and I punched in my locker combination. "Thank you."

"I would've punched him," Robbie said as he walked over.

"My mom taught me not to give in and be the bigger person."

"No offense, but your mom was a teenage mom."

I grabbed a textbook from my locker and closed it. "I don't see what that has to do with anything. Yeah, she made a mistake. She just doesn't want me to end up like her."

"Pregnant?" he half-heartedly joked.

I rolled my eyes. "Immature." I paused for a moment. "Besides, I was born after she graduated high school." I chuckled. "It's kind of hard to imagine that I was a mistake while my sister was planned."

"Your brother was a mistake also. Dude, I was a mistake and so was a majority of the population. My mom was in college when she had me."

I sighed and spun my locker dial a few times. "At least your dad didn't leave."

"Hey, hey, hey!" We turned around to see our friend Hilly walking over to us, snapping us away from our conversation. I've known Hilly a little longer than Robbie. We met in Kindergarten when we both entered the school for the first time. We sat at the same table and would do all the activities together. I had no idea that sharing my crayons with a girl would lead us to being great friends years later.

"Hey, hot stuff," Robbie greeted her.

"In your dreams." Hilly wasn't into guys anyway. She didn't like having any sexual relation with the opposite sex. She gave me a hug. "How was your guys' weekend?"

"Sucked," Robbie answered.

She nodded. "And you, Jake?"

I shrugged. "Babysitting."

"That's all you've been doing for three months. You need to go out and have some fun. You're going to Beck's party, right?"

"He's babysitting," Robbie answered for me.

I shoved him with my shoulder. "And I have work."

"Can't you stop playing Dad for one night?" Hilly asked.

"I'm not playing Dad. I'm playing loving-big-brother-who-just-wants-to-help-his-mother-out." I sighed. "Can we just get to class?"

They both utter a "fine" in unison before following me to class.

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