Lavender Monarch has Exactly...

By angelikagrae

5.5K 1K 2.2K

Lavender Monarch has exactly thirteen fears. She knows this because she has them written down on a list she c... More

01. lovesick porridge
02. kumquats and bug nets
03. drunk astronauts
june, I
04. weird curiosity
05. half-finished cans of cherry cola
06. glow in the dark stars
june, II
07. infinity between us
08. indigo
09. burn baby burn
june, III
10. painting for the queen
11. if basset hounds could make wishes
12. tsunami
june, IV
13. china doll
14. mermaids and microwaves
15. brush your teeth
june, V
16. tropical beetles and marmelade
17. butterfly house
18. ladybug
june, VI
19. letters to strangers
20. scrapbooker
21. mint julep
june, VII
22. neon
23. a cat or two
24. salty
june, VIII
25. sand dollars
26. dive
27. maybe by Christmas
june, IX
28. picasso? picasso.
29. you don't get it.
30. snug as a bug in a rug
june, X
june, XI
June, XII
31. pinky promise
32. piggy bank
33. blindfold
34. jack of all fears, master of none
35. i never wanna leave.
36. house of mirrors
37. up, up and away
38. i'm doing this for-

author's note

37 8 6
By angelikagrae



first of all, i just want to say thank you, to you. it means so much to me to know even one person has read this book. so thank you. for the hours you spent reading this and for giving it a chance. i hope with my whole heart that it brought you some joy, some happiness, a smile and at the very least,  that it allowed you to escape into this reverie, for a little time or a long time.



thank you to my friends on wattpad that have encouraged me and chatted with me for oh so many hours on the forums. you guys are great and always so kind and supporting. i can't wait for us to work on the next arg together :) 

^ @astrophile @calmwolf @firealwaysreturns @nablai

to my dedicated readers who kept up the whole time. seeing you guys voting and liking my chapters each time I uploaded was a great encouragement and I really appreciate it, also those who gave me encouragement and helped me with critiques and improvements immensely

^ @shewholovespineapples @rosetliv @thetigerwriter @lilacwriter 

to my family, thank you for loving me and listening to me ramble about characters and plotlines for way too long. thank you for reading my chapters and telling me it was great when i felt like i wasn't. 

to my teachers (who probably won't ever see this) thanks for not getting mad at me when i came to school late all the time because i was up all night writing or for not submitting homework because uploading a chapter was a bigger priority


final thoughts

this has been a massive journey. it almost feels bittersweet to finish (even though I have a hell of a lot of editing to work through) i spent so many hours pondering this, building characters and daydreaming the next chapters. hours locked in my room at night, drinking tea, burning incense and writing while i listened to peaceful music. early morning rides on the train furiously trying to type chapters out on my phone before i got to school. its taken a long time. but its so worth it. i feel so grateful to have been able to write this. <3


mental health

this story obviously has issues regarding mental health. personally, i have no experience with this but i really did try to portray it as realistically as possible. feel free to let me know if there were any inconsistencies or things that were described wrong. overall, it is meant to spread awareness with the message being that you can overcome these mental health barriers and to encourage people to reach out for support from friends, family, or professionally. 


moving forward

i will be taking a few weeks break from this before I get stuck into editing so i can see it with fresh eyes. if you're interested, i will be starting on a new project in the meanwhile. it's titled "portrait of; a drowning girl" ~ it's already on my profile so you can go have a look if you like.

thankyou, again. 


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