Peter Parker

By sam6sam

648K 20.7K 7.1K

This is going to be a one shot book of Peter Parker and his adventures being a super hero. [On Hiatus] More

Start of Book A/N
Peter Parker vs. Fanfiction
Peter Parker Vs Team Cap
Peter Parker vs BOB
Peter Parker Vs Code Green
Peter Parker Vs. The Morning Run
Peter Parker Vs Himself
PTR-1003-Spider Vs мама паук
A/N My Thanks!
PTR-1003-Spider vs мама паук Part 2
PTR-1003-Spider vs мама паук Part 3
Peter and Mr.Loki vs The Avengers
Peter Parker Vs A New Ability
Peter Parker vs Peder Thorson
Peter Parker vs Being Alone
Peter vs Santa Claus
Peter Parker VS Sickness
Agent Parker Vs The Avengers
Peter Parker Vs The Cold
Peter Parker Vs The Belt
Peter Parker Vs The Home
Peter Parker Vs A Day Job
PTR-2735-Winter Spider Vs A New Life
Peter Parker Vs Pétr
Peter Parker's Secret Vs Мама паук
Peter Parker VS Michelle Jones
Peter Parker Stuff
Peter Parker Vs The Questions
Peter Parker and Loki the Service Dog Vs Bullying
Peter Parker Vs Scarlet Witch
Peter Parker VS Being Shot Again
Peter Parker Vs Civil War
Peter Parker Vs Pétr Part 2
Peter Parker VS The Bad Guy
A/N New Book Announcement
Peter Parker VS Red Recluse
Peter Parker VS Red Recluse Part 2
Peter Parker Vs Introductions
A/N Addressing an Issue
Peter Parker Vs A Menace
Peter Stark Vs Secret Identities
Peter Parker Vs Rogue Arrows
Peter Parker Vs Tattoos Part 2
Peter Parker Vs Gender Stereotypes
Peter Parker Vs Bouldering
Peter Parker Vs The Big Reveal
Peter Parker Vs A Serial Killer
Peter Parker Vs The Snap
PTR-PRKR Vs Having Fun
Peter Parker vs Extra Curriculars
Peter Parker Vs The Funeral
Peter Parker Vs Field Trips
Peter Parker Vs The Past
Peter Parker Vs The Result
Peter Parker Vs Publications
Peter Parker Vs Doting Gods
Sicariidae Vs A Child
Peter Parker Vs Psychedelics
Lipase Vs The Job
Peter Parker Vs A Hologram
Peter Parker Vs A Bad Day at School
Peter Parker Vs A Soldier
Sicariidae Vs A Child Part Two
Peter Parker Vs The Nightmares

Peter Parker Vs Tattoos

9.5K 351 43
By sam6sam

Hello Lovelies! This is a request from @Sg62503. Hope I did your idea justice! I've been working on some other ideas for this book, along with some part two/threes. I've been busy in my personal life, so I'm not sure how fast anything will be out. I have been working hard to move forward in my aspirations, along with trying to improve my own health the best I can. Anywho, I hope you enjoy and have an excellent week!


As usual, Avengers Tower was experiencing the wrath of having eccentric superheros housed within. This week the declared prank war left the tower in shambles. Brightly colored paint and miscellaneous items were strewn throughout the shared living space. Only the brave would dare enter the room, for anyone who did was sure to be caught in a trap.

Unfortunately for Peter, today was a school day. Meaning he would have to find a way to the staircase, which was currently the only exit from the madness. When a war was declared, Tony had locked down the elevators and windows. Clint had booby trapped the vents so heavily even he came out looking worse for wear with multicolored glitter plastered onto his face. Most of the other residents of the tower had already backed out of the competition, so only the three remained, making the war even more brutal.

This left one option for the teen, face the war zone and hope that he could make it through looking semi decent for school. So he packed a spare change of clothes in his bag and strapping a helmet onto his head. With a final deep breath, he peeked through the crack of the door tiptoeing down the hallway after narrowly escaping a rogue arrows from a preset trap. This left his third favorite science pun shirt with a gaping hole through the back. Peter silently cursed the resident archer before continuing on his way, deciding the shirt change could wait until he escaped the tower.


Little did Peter know, the other two still in the competition had formed an alliance. There was nothing more enjoyable than embarrassing the youngest member of the team, so what better way then adding some accessories to his school outfit. They knew the studious boy would attempt to escape through the single exit, so the plan was set in place.

The two were set up around the common area, clutching the canisters full of glitter and colored powder. They watch as the boy walked with his back against the wall, silently scooting towards the stairwell. On the count of three, the allegiance popped out from the hiding spotting, aiming their colorful weapons toward the teen.


Peter was blinded by the sudden burst of color heading his way, turning his face away from the blast as he attempted to rub the powder from around his eyes. Laughter could be heard throughout the room, suddenly stopping as the rest of the dust settled. Peter opened his eyes and turned toward the two men. "Seriously! I have like twenty minutes until school starts. There's no way I will get this out before then." Peter exclaimed watching the strangely stoic faces in the place of the amusement he was sure would be plastered on there face.

"What was that?" Tony questioned in a scary calm voice. Clint watched the two with a curious gaze. "What are you talking about? You ambushed me?" Peter responded exasperated with his mentor. "On your back. What is on your back Peter?" Tony asked the teen, who was suddenly losing any anger previously displayed. "Nothing?" Peter stuttered out, trying to cover his back with the hanging fabric.

"Really? Nothing Petey." Tony said giving his kid a look the showed he wasn't buying it. "Birthmark?" Peter tried again, Tony didn't even acknowledge the teens response, just intensified the look. "It's not a big deal, really it's nothing." Peter said pleading with his father figure to stay calm.

"Show me now." Tony said leaving no room for further discussion. Sighing heavily, Peter tugged his shirt over his head, revealing a second tattoo over his abdomen. He turned revealing the original one his mentor had spotted. He could feel their gazes looking at the larger tattoo on his back. It was a sparse tree, it branches twisting into dates that combined beautifully with the birds throughout. Anyone who knew Peter well, would know those dates were the ones he lost someone he loved. It saddened the men when they noticed the artwork had room for more branches, as if the teen expected to lose more of the people he loved.

"I know your probably upset, but they mean a lot to me Tony," Peter said turning towards the men, " I thought that I would cover the scars with them and honor everyone I loved in the process." Now taking a good look at the slightly smaller tattoo on his abdomen, it showed an intricate spider web. Noticing the questioning glances, Peter explained "I cover all my wounds with webs, so had one cover my scar. "

Ignoring Tony muttering about how that couldn't be sanitary, Clint questioned the teen, "Since when have you had two tattos?" "Three." Peter responded while pulling off the bandaid between his thumb and index finger. When he moved it into their view, it revealed a small and simple spider. "I got this one first with May after she found out. In the same spot the spider bit me. Then then spider web with Michelle and Ned. We thought it would be a good way to bond over the incident. I go the tree after May passed, I never wanted to forget them."

"You keep talking about scars, what scars Petey?" Tony questioned the teen, his inner mother hen coming out for the teen. Peter opened and closed his mouth sputtering out "Well... um.....I...Uh." "Peter." Tony said demanding an answer. "Well, you remember the vulture?" questioned the teen. After a nod Peter continued," Well he may have dropped a warehouse on me. The pipe went right through me and I swore I was going to die. I barely made it out of the warehouse, it felt like I was breathing in fire and the dust was impossible to see through."

Peter had stopped talking, seeming to be looking at something the others couldn't see. Shaking his head Peter added to his story "It's fine though, I'm fine." The teen suddenly found himself pulled into a hug, the familiar embrace of his мама паук comforting him. When she pulled away, she spoke to Peter," Why don't you go get cleaned up. I'll give you a ride to school."

Remembering he had places to be, Peter hurried off to his room to reprepare for school. Nat smiled after the boy, proud to call him her ребенок паук. "You knew?" Tony questioned the woman. "Of course, who do you think signed off on them?" She told them smirking at the pair before slinking out of the room.

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