The Ranger And The Prince.

By BlackRoseSith

219K 6.3K 2.6K

Sapphire is an orphan elleth whom was brought up by dwarves in the Mines of Moria. Now she wanders the wilder... More

Council of Elrond.
Ice Breaker.
Home Sweet Tomb.
Last Stand of Moria.
Pass into Shadow.
A Lament For Gandalf.
Kings of Old.
King of Rohan.
Life and Death.
Fall of the DĂșnedain.
Calm Before the Storm.
The Storm.
Fall of the White Wizard.
Sparring Matches.
Split of the Dimholt Road.
The Reddened White City
Eye of the Enemy.
The White Tree In Blossom.
Goodbye to the Fellowship.
The Elevenking.
Bad Terms.
Thranduil's Wrath.
White Gems.
Olive Branch of Peace.
Wedding Traditions.
Flirting and Fighting.
Pretty as a Princess.
Wedding Bells Toll.
Kisses and Candlelight.
What Comes After.
New Life.
A Family to Belong To.
Going Home.
Gondor and Mirkwood.
Home At Last.
Home Siege.
Leaving the Nest.

The First Steps.

9.7K 268 113
By BlackRoseSith

I already had most of my things packed. Because I had been late to Elrond's council, I hadn't had any time to unpack my stuff from StarLight's saddlebags. The only things I was packing were extra water and supplies.

I had spent most of my life on the road so I knew how to travel light with even my other, more formal clothes taking up barely any space in my pack. I don't care for fancy clothes much, I preferred practical garments, but if and when I am required to wear something more suitable, I had a few things packed away.

Nasha was ready, she didn't care what dangers they went through, she would follow me everywhere and protect me in battle if needed.

"You must be Lady Sapphire?" Gimli strutted forward to greet the rather strange elleth that I was.

"I am indeed. What about it?" I asked, turning to regard the dwarf.

"Just that I am curious as to how you learnt to carry an axe and hammer? Surely your kin wouldn't have taught you and I do not know a single dwarf in Erebor, the Blue Mountains or the Iron Hills who would teach our artistry to an elf." Gimli looked at me with curiosity as he had probably seen me before when I came to visit Erebor.

"I was brought up in the Mines of Moria by the dwarves because my parents had died on the road. I have learnt many forms of combat in my years upon Middle-Earth." I said as I began to check each of my knife slots to make sure none were missing.

"I believe, Lady Sapphire, you and I could get along just fine..." Gimli mused, "It's the stuck up Prince of Mirkwood I can't stand..." He scowled over at Legolas who was coming down the steps towards them in a simple green riding tunic and trousers.

He glared at Gimli as he passed them and did not know what to make of me so did not look at me at all. I did not believe that he was the Prince of Mirkwood.

I was promised a fearsome warrior who was as deadly as any orc hoards but instead I got a baby-faced elf who picked fights with dwarves.

Nasha let out a throaty growl as Legolas passed, not liking the way he regarded her master.

"Aragorn," I greeted my old friend as he approached to pack bags of supplies onto our pony's back, "It has been many a year since our last encounter together, I hope all is well?"

"Yes, my Lady..." Aragorn spoke calmly but I could have sworn I heard hesitation in his voice as he glanced over at Lady Arwen who was there to see everyone off.

Boromir was already kitted out for the journey so he walked over to me as Gimli left to say farewell to his fellow dwarves. He tried to help me pack some things in bags but I sent him a hard stare that told him to back away.

"Forgive me, I was only trying to help..." He sighed.

"I require no help." I said defensively to which Nasha came from behind me to ward Boromir off.

Before Boromir could say anymore, the four hobbits came round the corner, guided by Gandalf.

"Mithrandir," I greeted the wizard with a smile as he and the four hobbits approached me, "And I do not believe we have been introduced," I said, looking at the hobbits.

"Ah..." Gandalf smiled warmly down at them, "This is Merry, Pippin, Sam and, of course, Frodo..."

The four hobbits jumped back as Nasha came forward. She was nearly as tall as them so they had a good reason to be taken aback. Nasha approached slowly and bowed her head so the hobbits could pet her so they knew she was not a threat to them.

"This is Lady Sapphire, elven ranger..." He gestured to me as I greeted the small halflings.

"You two," I said, pointing to Merry and Pippin, "Will ride on StarLight today,"

The two hobbits could hardly contain their excitement as I hoisted them up into the saddle of the huge horse that was almost three times the size of them. I couldn't help but smile at their joyful manner, I had been on the road for so long that I had forgotten how new this must be for the hobbits who were seeing all this for the first time.

"The ring bearer is setting out on a quest for Mount Doom, and you who travel with him, no oath or bond is laid to go further than you will..." Lord Elrond addressed the fellowship in front of the elves of Rivendell, "farewell... To your purpose, may the blessings of elves and men and the free folk go with you..."

Me and the rest of the fellowship bowed their heads in respect as Lord Elrond blessed them. Even Nasha bowed her head. I saw that Aragorn continued to glance up at Lady Arwen with a sadness in his eyes.

"The Fellowship awaits the ring bearer," Gandalf turned his gaze towards Frodo as he turned to take the lead.

"Mordor, Gandalf," Frodo whispered so only the wizard (and me and Legolas because of our accurate hearing) could hear, "is it left or right?" He said, looked at the road ahead of them.

"Left." The wizard whispered back.

And so all the Fellowship followed behind the young hobbit, Aragorn looking back at Arwen. I had wished to spend more time in Rivendell, after all, it had been centuries since I last visited and I wished to explore the whole city. But as we left and the city was behind us, I felt relief surge through me as I was on the road again.


"We must hold this course west of the Misty Mountains for forty days If our luck holds the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there, our road turns east to Mordor..." Gandalf said as he sat down on a boulder.

The Fellowship had stopped for rest on top of a rocky hill as Sam cooked some food over a fire. Merry and Pippin were having a sword-fighting lesson with Boromir with Aragorn occasionally contributing while Frodo just watched. Gandalf was smoking his pipe as Gimli looked off to the mountains.

Legolas and I could not rest, we both had the strange feeling of being watched so I went off to scout around the area and find something for Nasha to hunt while Legolas circled around our camp.

"If anyone were to ask of my opinion, which I note, they're not, I'd say we were taking the long way round," Gimli grumbled as I came back from my scouting with my bow still drawn defensively.

"Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria." I smiled as I took down the black scarf from my face and let my hood down.

"My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome!" Gimli added with a smile, content that at least someone agreed with him.

"No Gimli, I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice..." Gandalf's face grew grim at the mention of the mines which was absurd, the Mines were marvellous.

"But Mithrandir," I started to protest, "Moria was my home, I can assure you that the dwarves there are welcoming people, you have nothing to fear from them..."

"Tis not the dwarves I am afraid of..." Gandalf trailed off in thought.

Before I could ask any more questions, I was blocked by Legolas who walked straight past me, cutting me off from the conversation. I was about to ask him what on Middle-Earth he was doing by staring off into the distance when I saw something far off.

Both me and Legolas studied the clouds in the distance and we both knew there was something not quite right.

I looked back to the hobbits and the men, as Boromir tried to teach Merry and Pippin how to fight, he accidentally cut Pippin's hand with his sword. Dropping his own small sword, Pippin kicked Boromir in the shin as Merry sacked at his side. Together they pushed Boromir to the group where they laughed together.

"For the Shire!" Merry cried heartily.

"Gentlemen, that's enough!" Aragorn chuckled as he came to aid Boromir in escaping the two hobbits.

Merry and Pippin, however, had other plans. They grabbed onto Aragorn's legs and tripped him up, making him land back on the ground with a thud.

As they continued to struggle, both Sam and Gimli had noticed the two elves staring off to the horizon at a black cloud.

"What is that?" Sam asked.

"Nothing, it's just a whiff of cloud." Gimli answered hopefully.

"It's moving fast..." Boromir observed, "against the wind..."

"Crebain from Dunland!" Legolas yelled to the others.

"Hide!" Aragorn shouted, quickly dragging the hobbits under some rocks.

Legolas took cover behind a rock and Boromir hid under a bush. Gandalf, Gimli and the rest put out the fire and gathered their stuff and putting it away. I wedged myself in between two rocks and pulled a low branch from a bush over me as Nasha ducked under a shrubbery.

The shrieks of the crebain could be heard as they circled overhead. Nasha whined and tried to cover her sensitive wolf ears with her paws.

"Spies of Saruman." Gandalf determined as the crebain left and the Fellowship could come out from their hiding places, "The passage south is being watched."

"We must take the Pass of Caradhras." All looked up to the snowy mountain as Gandalf highlighted their new road.

"Need some help there lassie?" Gimli chuckled as he saw me struggle to get out from my tight hiding spot.

"Heh, just like a woman to get herself stuck at such an easy thing as hiding." Boromir mused heartily as he watched me wriggle out from the rocks.

"If you have nothing useful to say," I hissed, my furious eyes boring into him, "then I suggest you keep it to yourself!"

I pushed past Boromir with a huff and kneeled next to Nasha to ruffle her fur.

"I suggest we all find some sleep tonight, we make for the Mountain Pass at dawn." Gandalf said as he sat back down upon his boulder and Sam went to remake the fire and continue cooking for the rest of the Fellowship.


Elves were known as vegetarians but it wasn't always the case. They do not agree with the need to kill living creatures for food so they prefer to dine on fruit and veg but that didn't mean that they would not eat meat should that be the only thing available to them. So when me and Legolas were offered a bowl of stew with chunks of lamb in it, we did not protest.

I had brought up with dwarves so I was less picky when it came to meat but when Legolas was handed his bowl, I could see it was hard for him to eat but he hadn't eaten for nearly a week. Even among the elves, it was not considered good to starve oneself, especially on the road.

We both thanked Sam for his cooking, Legolas trying not to sound ungrateful. Sam had become flustered at our remarks, I could tell he admired elves and so it must have felt brilliant for us to compliment him.

As the sun got lower on the horizon, the rest of the fellowship laid out their bedrolls and were conversing about the journey that still lay ahead. Gandalf and Gimli were having yet another argument about which road to take and I would have joined them if it weren't for that I was talking to Aragorn and Boromir.

"Last I heard of you," Aragorn chuckled lightly as he took out his pipe and begun to light it, "You were looking for the lost elven city of Gondolin - no small task, any luck?"

"Not as of late," I sighed, "It would seem that Gondolin can not be found..."

Indeed I had tried, for a time, to find the lost city of Gondolin. Gondolin was a prosperous elven city back in the first age of Middle-Earth but it was lost to the sands of time long ago. Those in Middle-Earth that had been there at its downfall, do not speak of it, but I was bashful enough to think I could find it. I just loved an adventure!

"You? Find the lost city of Gondolin?" Boromir laughed heartily as I glared back at him, my nostrils flaring in rage.

"And why not?" I retorted angrily while Aragon jabbed his elbow into Boromir's side to shut him up.

Not understanding that his opinion was not wanted, Boromir replied matter-of-factly, "Because you are a woman."

That was it! I whipped out my dagger that was by my side and thrust at his throat, stopping right before it could pierce his skin. I grabbed his shoulder and forced him to stay where he was while I held the dagger to his throat, my eyes now narrowed into angry slits.

The rest of the Fellowship had their eyes on me and were drawn away from their conversations. Aragorn was trying to pry my hand off of Boromir's shoulder but it was no use, I wouldn't budge. Boromir looked back into my eyes with fear and astonishment at my skill. By now, Nasha had woken up from her sleep and was advancing towards Boromir, her teeth bared in a growl.

"This woman does not approve of your rudeness," I spat, "I know it is difficult for a man to comprehend a woman who is superior to them, but I suggest you get used to me or I promise to be far less understanding in the future!"

With that, I let go of Boromir who recoiled away from me and I put my dagger back into its pocket on my hip. I used elvish tongue to tell Nasha to back away before I got up and looked around to the rest of the Fellowship, most of whom were either, proud, shocked or scared.

Though me and Legolas hadn't had the best of starts, I took my bedroll and placed it next to his so as to be away from the others. We had been given the first watch since we required less sleep so I was stuck with him no matter what.

As the others slept, we circled the camp with our weapons in hand. I had taken up my axe just in spite of Legolas who had his bow drawn. We did not know what to make of each other so we spent most of our watch in silence until Legolas spoke up.

"Forgive me for being so rude, but why do you carry such a crude weapon?" He asked as he gestured to my axe.

"Crude? In what sense is it crude?" I said as my fists tightened around its hilt.

"It is crude for an elf," Legolas pointed out with a twang of annoyance in his voice.

"And who is to say which weapons are superior?" I said as I took out my bow and held it in one hand while my axe stayed in the other, I looked between them as though they were not different.

Though it was true that with my elegant elf form meant that my axe and hammer were quite difficult to wield but they also had their virtues. For instance, they could crush a warg's head at close range and break its way through the densest of rocks. My bow was equally as deadly. With over two and a half thousand years upon Middle-Earth, I had become a master archer and with a bow of Lothlorien in hand, I could land an arrow in the head of an Orc riding a warg on top of an oliphant on top of a Fell Beast on top of a Balrog easily.

The rest of the watch we spent in silence until Aragorn woke up and volunteered to watch over the camp for a while. I was still in a bad temper over Boromir's outrageous claims and how Legolas had the audacity to insult my weapons. Perhaps we could have a sparring match together and I would be able to prove I was the better warrior.

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