Dragonball Z- Sibella- The La...

By StarlineStories

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Sibella- The only daughter of Raaz & Zane - members of Planet Vegeta's Elite Warriors. Planet Vegeta is under... More

Chapter 1- Planet under attack
Chapter 2- Where am I?
Chapter 3- New Planet, new life, new goal
Chapter 4- Frieza is returning?
Chapter 5- Destination: Namek
Chapter 6- Hunt for the Dragonballs
Chapter 7- Unexpected guests
Chapter 8- Prince Vegeta
Chapter 9- Goodbye Zarbon
Chapter 10- Ginyu Force have landed
Chapter 11- Battle begins
Chapter 12- A stranger arrives
Chapter 13- Goku Vs Jeice and Burta
Chapter 14- New plan
Chapter 15 - Goku vs Ginyu
Chapter 16- Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku?!
Chapter 17- Battling Goku- I mean Ginyu!
Chapter 18- Time to rest
Chapter 19- The Dragon Appears
Chapter 20- Piccolo the Namekian
Chapter 21- Final Transformation
Chapter 22- Final form- Is it all over?
Chapter 23- Goku arrives...too late?
Chapter 24- I could have sworn I died...
Chapter 25- Battle on Namek continues!
Chapter 26- Wishes do come true...right?
Chapter 27- It's over
Chapter 28- Handsome Saiyan Stranger...
Chapter 29- Goku's back!
Chapter 30- Changing your futures!
Chapter 31- Battling the Androids
Chapter 32- Run little Android
Chapter 33- Wrong Androids?!
Chapter 34- #16, #17 & #18?!
Chapter 35- New Plan
Sibella's love interest?!?!?!
1 week to vote
Chapter 36- Move Goku
Chapter 37- Two Time Machines and an egg?!
Chapter 38- Cell?
Chapter 39- Hunting Cell & fighting Androids?!
Chapter 40- Sibella vs #17
Chapter 41- Sibella vs Cell
Chapter 42- Goodbye #17
Chapter 43- Holding off Cell!
Chapter 44- Trunks and Vegeta emerge- next up Goku and Gohan
Chapter 45- Cell's Final Form
Chapter 46- Vegeta is down, Trunks Ascends
Chapter 47- Cell games?!
Chapter 48- It has begun
Chapter 49- New Guardian and new Dragonballs?!
Chapter 50- Confessions?
Chapter 51- Back to training
Chapter 52- A few more days
Chapter 53- Cell Games begin
Chapter 54- Tournament starts- idiots first
Chapter 55- Goku is what?!
Chapter 56- Gohan vs Cell?!
Chapter 57- Cell...Juniors?!
Chapter 58- Let it go
Chapter 59- Game on Cell, time to pay
Chapter 60- It's over...isn't it?
Chapter 61- Time to reset
Chapter 62- Wishes and final Goodbyes
Chapter 63- Goodbye my love
Chapter 64- Peace at last
Chapter 65- Dear Sibella, what's vexing you so?
Chapter 66- A new Relationship
Chapter 67- A new life awaits
Chapter 68- Are you serious?!
Chapter 69- 9 months later
Chapter 70- Reunion and party time
Chapter 71- Family
Chapter 72- Visiting old friends
Chapter 73- Play Date
Chapter 74- Play Date training time
Chapter 76- WMAT JR Division
Chapter 77- Things just got interesting
Chapter 78- Battle on Babbidi's Ship
Chapter 79- Majin Vegeta
Chapter 80- Vegeta The Saiyan Prince
Chapter 81- Fusion?
Chapter 82- Majin Buu's Rampage, time is running out Goku!
Chapter 83- Training and Buu's transformation
Chapter 84- Battle in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber
Chapter 85- The battle against Buu goes on
Chapter 86- Buu's new transformation
Chapter 87- Goku's back?!
Chapter 88- Saiyan Pride and Fusion
Chapter 89- Buu's new transformation
Chapter 90- Battle for the Universe begins
Chapter 91- Battling Kid Buu
Chapter 92- The Spirit Bomb
Chapter 93- Peace is restored once more
Chapter 94- Time to party and celebrate

Chapter 75- WMAT now begins!

1K 18 5
By StarlineStories

That night, Lazuli struggled to sleep, she was very restless; tossing and turning in her bed, constantly in thought.
She more or less knew what needed to be done, but how would she go about it?
She only wanted to help her sister reach the legendary form.
Come morning, Lazuli barely manage to drag her way to the kitchen for breakfast, she was even the last to finish eating, which was rather unusual.
Raaz was no different in her behaviour, but she could clearly see something was troubling her sister.
After breakfast, the girls went on their usual morning walk, but things were silent for the most part.

"Something bugging you?" Raaz asked.
" Huh, oh, no, no I'm fine" Lazuli stuttered.
" You say that, but I see different- in fact I know what's on your mind" Raaz observed.

Lazuli became slightly nervous but did her best to hide it.

"You do?" Lazuli asked.
"You're angry cause we're not Super Saiyans yet, but don't worry- we will be" Raaz smiled, resting a reassuring had on her sisters shoulder.

Lazuli smiled and nodded.

" Then let's get to work!" Lazuli enthused.

With that the girls made their way to the beach to train together.
After a near hour of combat training, the girls paused, taking a break as they sat on the sand watching the ocean.

" Any idea what we can do to get there?" Raaz asked.
" I'm not sure, but I've been thinking about something Trunks told me" Lazuli began.

Raaz smiled hopefully and moved closer to her sisters' side.

"What he say?" she questioned.
"That, maybe there are a number of different ways to do it, like something inside a person would cause them to snap and the power would release" Lazuli responded.
"Hmm, not very helpful" Raaz groaned.
"Well put it this way, like anger maybe getting mad enough could force it to come out" Lazuli responded.

Raaz then crossed her legs and folded her arms.

"I get what you mean, but what could make us mad enough that would cause that- it may be easy for you, you have a short temper" Raaz observed.
"Not!" Lazuli snapped.
"Case and point" Raaz said in singsong

Never would she admit it, but her sister was right, Lazuli did have a short fuse.

" Alright, come on!" Lazuli enthused.

She then pulled her sister up and they stood several feet away, facing each other.

" I'm gonna try saying some stuff, and I want you to take it to heart, and use the anger you're feeling, alright?" Lazuli asked.
" I'll try" Raaz called back.
"Ok, you'll never be a Saiyan, a girl like you could never reach that form!" Lazuli screamed.
"You're a girl too genius" Raaz responded.
"Woman, I think you're missing the basic point here!" Lazuli yelled, slapping her hand on her head.

It became apparent that maybe anger wasn't the best way to go with Raaz, at least not this way. She was far to logical and sweet to be able to do that. So, what else could possibly do it?

" Well, let just continue sparring for now" Lazuli suggested.

And till lunch time that's just what they did.
While they were continuing their little training session, Sibella was at home preparing lunch, while #17 was out working.
Just then she got a phone call.

"Hello, oh hey Bulma, yeah I know the tournament is in a week or so, no it's ok, we'll fly and meet you there, it's on that island just south of here, I'm sure I can find it. Oh, the girls are fine, think they are just playing. Ok great, I'll see you all at the tournament, good luck"

It was true the tournament was just days away now and would be a matter of time before they could participate.

"This should be very fun and interesting"

So over the next 10 days, everyone who was going to be in the tournament spent their time dedicated to training, Sibella tended to practice with #17 in the evening and girls mainly did their own thing during the day.

But the time had come, it was the day of the tournament, Sibella woke up early to pack some water and snacks for the girls.
But the time she was done, it was breakfast time, everyone ate, and the girls stood ready by the door.

"I expect you to win" #17 commented.
"Well we shall see, I'm still deciding, I think I'll just watch the girls fight" Sibella pondered.
"Awh, mom you should fight too, I wanna see how great you are!" Lazuli enthused.
" I'll think about it, anyway, come on, we'll be late otherwise" Sibella urged.
"Bye daddy" the girls said in unison.

#17 bent down to tightly hug and kiss each of his little girls.

"Good luck my little chipmunks, not that you need it" he winked.

Sibella sweetly kissed #17 before running outside and taking to the sky with the girls.

"This is gonna be great- mom, have you been in a tournament before?" Raaz asked.
"Well I wouldn't call it a tournament, but I've been a great number of fights" Sibella responded.
"Cool, well, we're gonna win!" Lazuli cheered.
"Well I don't doubt it, but what would happen if you were both in the finals, and you had to fight each other?" Sibella asked.
"Oh, I didn't think of that" Raaz gasped.
"Well we'll just do our best, it won't change anything" Lazuli responded.
" That's my little cake pops" Sibella smiled.

In no time they had arrived on the island, it was amazing, the whole place was decked out like a type of street party or festival.
Following the signs, they made their way to the entrance of the tournament, there staff were posted, to allow people to sign up.

"Mom, you're gonna enter right?" Lazuli asked, tugging at her mother's arm.
"Well let's get you girls sorted first" Sibella smiled.
"Hi Mr, we wanna sign up for the tournament" Raaz politely asked.
" No problem little lady, we'll put your down in the Jr division" the man explained.
"Sorry, Jr division? I think my girls can go against adults, they are more than capable" Sibella scoffed.
"Sorry madame, but those are the rules, children under 15 must fight in the child division" he continued.
" Oh mom!" Lazuli enraged.
"It's alright hunny, I suppose that's not too bad, you both would ideally get to fight against Trunks and Goten, so that's something to look forward to" Sibella reassured them.
"Yeah, guess you're right" Lazuli agreed.
" Very well, put both my girls down, Lazuli and Raaz" Sibella advised.
" And yourself Madame?" the man asked.
" Yes, alright I'll enter too, Sibella" she replied.

With that they were all signed up for the tournament.

"I wonder if the others are here yet" Sibella pondered.
"Oh ladies, if you go straight in you can enjoy the waiting area until the tournament starts" the man instructed.
"Thank you" Sibella said.

Each little girl held their mother's hand either side and followed her in.

"What do we do now mom?" Raaz asked, tugging at her mother's arm.
"I'm not too sure-"
"All contestants for the World Martial Art's Tournament please report to the warm up Pavilion, preliminaries will begin with or without you" said an announcer.
"Well I suppose that is our next stop girls" Sibella said, and scooped her babies up, one on her shoulders and another in her arms.

The three then proceeded to the pavilion, upon entering they were met with a reporter woman with blonde hair and her camera man.

"Oh wow, you're entering the tournament too?" she asked.
"Yes we are"
"We, these little girls are going to fight too?" she added.
"Yes they are" Sibella replied and continued past her.

They went to a locker room where they dropped off their bags and changed into their clothes for the tournament.
Sibella decided she would wear her Saiyan Armor, and the girls had worn black leggings with different coloured long tops and boots.
Raaz wore red and Lazuli wore a light blue.

Once again the made their way to the prep area.
The whole place was very full, there were a great number of people waiting to participate.

"Attention please, the preliminaries for the tournament are about to begin. 194 people have entered the adult tournament, and unfortunately there are only 16 spots. And by the rules, the defending champion Mr Satan is automatically qualified. So if you so the math that leaves 15 spots. To select the finalists, we shall do this is they of punching strength, the 15 people with the highest scores will be given the 15 spots" the announcer explained.

To start things off, Mr Satan came out and was to make the first attempt, so as to set a limit for the others to try and beat.
Mind you, to Sibella and the girls, this didn't seem to be much of a concern, from where the girls were standing they could see all the press snapping pictures of the not-so-strong human as he did poses.
But a few seconds into it...all the cameras just exploded.

"Woah!" the girls gasped.

Sibella lightly giggled.

"What was that mom?" Raaz asked.
"I believe that was Piccolo" Sibella responded with a smile.
"That's the guy who trained Gohan right?" Lazuli asked.
"That's right, I'll introduce you both to him later" Sibella added.

With very little that could be done about the damaged tech, Mr Satan decided it was best to get on with it, after what seemed like a long time of making noise, he eventually hit the soft padding of a large machine that displayed the strength of the hit.

It was set at 137, not bad for a human, but not that impressive either.
Looking ahead she would see Videl was there, Gohan's little friend who was smiling happily.

"Anyone entering the Jr tournament please gather here by me!" announced a man.
"That's us mom!" Raaz cheered.
"So it is, off you go my babies, I would say good luck, but I'm more than sure you wont need Sibella winked.

Both the little girls gave their mother a big hug and kiss before running over to the announcer.
During which, they had assigned all the fighters a number, and one by one they were called up to test their strength on the machine.
Sibella was yet to meet up with the other Z fighters but she was sure that she would see them soon.
Which was all too certain when she heard that #18 had been called up, watching from the side, Sibella lightly chuckled as #18 hit a score of 774.

"So much for holding back" Sibella whispered to herself with a smile.

Everyone was in complete disbelief and shock, claiming that it must have been a malfunction.
So she had to try once more, of which she had a more realistic 203- realistic to human eyes at least.
Then one by one the Z fighters had their chances:
Krillin= 192
Piccolo= 210

It was then that her eyes lit up, there he was, with that same goofy smile on his face, Kakarott, it was true, he really had come back for the day, and on his turn had scored 186.
Next, Sibella took her turn, scoring a perfect 200.

"Who knew lowering your power could be so hard" she pondered.
"Sibella!" called a familiar voice, turning around she saw that Krillin was calling out to her.

Smiling back, she made her way over to him, there she also met with #18, Piccolo, Gohan, Vegeta and of course Goku.

"Kakarott!" Sibella called out, she ran over and lightly hugged him.
"Sibella, wow, you've not changed at all" he smiled.
"Neither have you, mind you, you don't age in the afterlife I suppose, it's great to have you back, even if it is for just a day"
"It's great to be back" he responded.
"Well nice to see so many of you are taking part, this should be a decent turnout as a result" Sibella commented.
"Yeah it'll be great" Goku agreed.

Post this the organisers were convinced the machine was faulty, so instead asked another person to get another machine. But before he could do as instructed...Vegeta appeared the machine and in one light yet clean punch...shattered the machine completely.
Again Sibella couldn't help but giggle at the reaction of everyone, they were more or less mortified.

"We're experiencing a few technical difficulties, but we should be getting a new machine out here soon, in the meantime, just stick around"

Just then Gohan wandered off out of sight.

"Hey guys, the Jr division is about to start, why don't we check it out?" Goku suggested.
"Fine, anything is better than standing around at this sideshow" Vegeta scoffed.
"Yeah, let's get going" Sibella agreed.

With that the group made their way towards the exit, but not before bumping into Gohan and Videl.

"Gohan, there you are"
"Hey there!"Goku greeted.

He then turned his attention to Videl.

"So you're the girl I keep hearing about- well Gohan, introduce her" Goku insisted.
"Oh well this is Videl, my friend" Gohan replied, nervously.
"If you say so" Sibella winked.
"You're all embarassing me" he nervously chuckled.
"It was nice meeting you Videl" Goku said and the group continued on their way.
"She's quite strong, as far as humans go you know" Sibella commented.
"She would be, your son has been training her" Sibella added.

Goku was surprised, but happy regardless.
In no time they arrived at the ring where the Jr tournament was going to take place, the stands were packed with people and they were all bursting with energy to see the fights.

The announcer stepped up announcing that the winner will not only get money, but the chance to fight Mr Satan.
To say the least that wasn't much of a prize...or anything to be excited about.
The group had managed to get a stop above the stand and stood watching, but, something rather surprising did happen before the fighting even started.

Suddenly a blimp appeared and hovered above the stadium...turns out, they had created a re-enactment of the events of the Cell games, including the ending...which no one saw due to the technology having been mostly destroyed on the day.

"Oh dear God no" Sibella groaned.
"This wont be pretty" Krillin agreed.

Dreading the sight of it, they had no choice but to watch...and it was some of the most concerning things any of them had every seen.
Humans were dressed up in giant bobble heads, everyone who was there, was on the screen...Cell, Goku, Trunks, Vegeta, Piccolo and so on.

"Oh my bloody God!" Sibella moaned.

Never had she felt so humiliated...but it got even worse, Cell apparently beaten all the Z fighters and Hercule had stepped in and beaten Cell with minimal effort.

"That's it, let me at that thing!" Sibella yelled, but before she could go further Goku pulled her back.
"Oh lighten up Sibella"
"You've got to be kidding me, this is so...well I can't say it!"
"It's alright Sibella, lame as it is, it's not worth it, besides we know what really happened" Krillin added.

Sibella sighed and calmed down, knowing they were right...despite how wrong all this was.
The crowd ate it all up, cheering and chanting for the phoney.

Meanwhile in the prep room for the Jr's they had their own interesting drama playing out, by now everyone had been paired up with their first opponent.

"Raaz, Lazuli!"

The girls were sat together in the corner, that was until a voice called out to them.
Looking ahead, they saw Trunks and Goten coming towards them.

"You made it!" Goten cheered.
"Yup, this should be fun!" Raaz smiled.
"Well, with you two here, this should make it a lot more fun, I can't believe we got stuck in this division" Trunks moaned.
"Yeah I know, only reason we continued with the entry was cause you two were here, so like you said, should be a much more decent fight" Lazuli winked.

Just then this tatty blonde boy came over to the group.

"Hey half pint, you're gonna be my first victim!" the older kid boasted.

Trunks however...much like his father...was not fazed, he stood with his arms crossed and an unimpressed expression on his face.

The kid then attempted to punch Trunks in hopes that he would flinch, but again...Trunks continued to stand there unimpressed.

"Don't you flinch?" the bully asked.
"Not from weaklings, you had best walk away" Trunks warned him.

Both the girls giggled and Trunks gave a confident smirk.

"He sounds like Vegeta" Raaz whispered.
"I know" Lazuli responded.

The bully was in shock at such a reaction, which quickly turned to anger.

"How dare you- you just sealed your fate, I'm gonna beat you so hard you'll have a concussion!" he threatened.
"Alright kids go out to the ring for the introductions!" a man announced.
"Well, here we go" Goten smiled.

The four kids then got in line and made their way out to the ring, standing in several lines, the audience were all cheering for the little fighters.

"There's Trunks and Goten!" Krillin observed.
"Hey, isn't that the girls Sibella?" #18 asked.
"Yup, gosh they look so sweet!" Sibella cooed.
"Girls, what girls?" Goku asked confused.
"Oh Kakarott, there, the two standing together, one in red and one in blue" Sibella pointed.
"Oh I see them...who are they?" he asked, still confused.
"Ah, of course you don't know, those are my daughters. Raaz and Lazuli" Sibella explained.
"WHAT?!" Goku exclaimed.
"I'm not sure if I should be offended by that reaction or not" Sibella replied and narrowed her eyes.
"But...You...when...who..." he began stuttering.
"Oh calm down you clown, they are twins, same age as Goten. As for who...well its not really something you should worry about"

By now the matches were underway, so many had come and gone, but there was nothing too impressive going on...that was until Trunks had his turn.
Well it was quite boring against the blonde bully from earlier, but he still won with great swiftness.

"Whoo- alright Trunks!" Sibella cheered.

The Jr division pressed on and match after match, things got more and more interesting...that was until the final matches were being played out.
All that were left, was Goten, Trunks Lazuli and Raaz...now these 4 were going to show everyone what real fighting was all about. 

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