Why Don't We Sickfics

Per KeelyMarais

154K 1.7K 1.8K

Basically sick fanfics about the Why Don't We boys. Més

Zach, sick
Zach- sick pt 2
Zach- part second
Zach part 3 (or Daniel gets sick)
Zach-Nervous Breakdown
Zach- the one you've ALL asked for; anorexia nervosa
Zch corona virus
Daniel- bug
Daniel- Depression
Daniel-Depression part 2
Daniel- Anorexia
Dorbyn-Daniel Panic Attack
Dorbyn Panic Attack
Corbyn- fever
Corbyn- flu bug
Corbyn- The Scale
Corbyn- Alcohol Poisoning
Jorbyn- migraine
Jonah- Not okay
Jonah - la influenza
Jack-West Nile Virus
New cover
Um... Hi

Jonah- Prank

3K 45 44
Per KeelyMarais

@sami2570 I'm so sorry for not writing this until now

It was a pretty lazy day in the Why Don't We household, so naturally the boys wanted to do something fun.

Daniel was watching a prank compilation video on his phone, while the others conversed.

"We could make something? Like a food dish?" Jack suggested, already thinking of a recipe.

"Nah, we suck at cooking, plus Jonah won't let us use anything except the microwave, remember?" Corbyn frowned. On Jonah's birthday, Corbyn, Daniel, Zach and Jack decided to make the eldest member a breakfast in bed. Unfortunately, their bacon burned and set off the smoke alarm, the toast became practically charcoal, and Zach had forgotten to put the lid on the blender. Pretty obvious what happened.

"What about a craft project thing?" Zach asked. "Jonah won't be home for another four hours, so we have time to make a mess and clean up."

"That is.... the worst idea I've ever heard." Daniel snorted from his place on the couch.

Zach pouted. "Well, what's your big idea, Mr. I-Don't-Wanna-Do-Anything?"

"One word," Daniel smirked, and showed the others his phone. "Prank."


Jonah was stuck in the studio trying to record a certain part of their most recent song, and management wouldn't let him leave until it was perfect.

"Jonah, that note isn't a flat! Try one more time." The recordist, Calvin spoke through his headset.

The eldest member felt like crying. He'd been singing the same piece over and over again non-stop for three hours. "Can I take a break first?" He asked, taking off his headphones.

Calvin gave him a thumbs-up, and nodded. Jonah smiled, and rushed out of the recording booth.

There was a little back area with water bottles and snacks available to workers and artists alike. Jonah grabbed a bottle, and chugged half of it. His throat was dry from singing, but he overall was feeling a bit down. He'd woken up with a small headache, which had thankfully stayed down low.

He finished his water, slower this time, then went back to the recording booth.

"Ready?" Calvin asked as Jonah slipped on the headphones.

Jonah nodded and Calvin started the music. Jonah let the melody Daniel and Zach had created flow through his body, getting ready for his part.

Don't call me back
unless you want to
Don't leave the party
that I drove you to
Cause I wanna give you a surprise

Don't leave me
When you're the one causing all my problems
Don't leave now
Just because you don't know how
To say I'm sorry

Jonah finished the lyrics, exhaling after.

"Wow," He heard Calvin's voice drift through the booth. "That was the best one yet. Think you could do it again?"

I really don't want to. "Sure" Jonah ignored the little voice in his head, and heard the music start again.


"I want it to involve something messy!" Zach said, and the others walked around the store.

"Yeah, but what? Flour? Chocolate syrup? Ice?" Jack read off the aisle tags.

"I think chocolate syrup would suffice." Daniel said, turning down the aisle. "Our budget is $50, so nothing super expensive."

"Dude, chocolate sauce is like $3 a bottle. We are not going to spend $50 on syrup." Zach laughed.

They ended up spending $75.83.

"So a bit over budget." Daniel laughed once they all got in the car.

"Well, Jack just had to buy that little flower jacket for Lav..." Corbyn started.

"It was freaking adorable, okay?!" Jack shouted playfully.

"It's not even the same flower! That one had a pansy on it, not a lavender sprig!" Corbyn shouted back.

"I'M TRYING TO DRIVE, SO SHUT THE HELL UP!" Daniel screamed over the bickering.

"I don't even remember what we spent it on.." Zach said from shotgun.

"Dumb stuff. Now we have to go set up the prank!" Corbyn smiled, excited for what would come.


Jonah was so happy, he could finally leave the studio after being stuck there for hours on end. He couldn't wait to go home and cuddle up with a warm cup of tea and a blanket, maybe put on a movie with his friends.

His head had started hurting a bit more, but it wasn't intolerable yet. He'd probably just take some aspirin for it later.

As he drove home, his head started pounding more and more by the minute. By the time he was home, Jonah's head was killing him.

Every time he blinked, it felt like glass shards were poking at his retinas. If Jonah had wanted to cry back at the studio, now he wanted to literally die. Over dramatic, but fitting to the situation.

As he walked into the house, it was eerily quiet. With a house full of rowdy young men, that's never a good sign. But Jonah was in too much pain to care.

The eldest walked into the kitchen, trying to find the pain meds, before remembering they were upstairs.

Jonah groaned at the thought of having to walk upstairs, and more so of moving in general. Nevertheless he climbed upstairs, and to the bathroom.

"Corbyn, where's the Advil?" Jonah called, making his head hurt worse.

Jonah sighed when he didn't hear a response. "Daniel? Jack?" The boys weren't home.

"ZACH NO!" Daniel screamed through the store, right before Zach plucked a  toilet paper package from the bottom of a huge stack, and sent the whole arrangement tumbling down.

"...Cleanup in aisle three?" Zach stood in the midst of white towel rolls, only one in his hands.

"This is aisle seven dumbass," Jack groaned. "Now pick up the towels and put them back!"

"Shit..." Corbyn mumbled, looking down at his phone. He had just gotten a twitter notification saying Jonah had tweeted something.

Hey guys
Not feeling too well today, think I have a fever...

"Guys, Jonah's sick." Corbyn said, but nobody else heard him. I'll tell them later he thought.

Jonah couldn't tell if it was him that was freezing, or the air. Either way, he was cold.

Jonah's POV
It had come to a point where I could barely stand up without some form of tears coming to my eyes.

My head hurt so bad, and for once I was glad the sun wasn't out.

I had tweeted about my dilemma, as all celebrities should, and afterwards had crawled into my bed to try and calm down the monster in my skull.

3rd POV
The boys had finally come home from the store, arms full of bags.

"I'm gonna go check something." Corbyn said, and went upstairs.

"Alright guys," Zach set the bags down and clapped. "Let's get this prank done!"

And about twenty minutes later, it was finished. Vegetable oil slicked up the floor, and a bucket of water hung from the doorway.

Zach was happy with the result, after cleaning the sticky oil from his fingers.

"Hopefully this doesn't backfire." Jack said, drying his hands on a towel.


"Jonah?" Corbyn knocked on the older's closed door. "You in there?"

A reply came, but was too quiet to be understood through the thick wood.

"I hope you're covered, because I'm coming in." Corbyn said, and opened the door.

Corbyn was surprised; he'd never seen Jonah look as vulnerable and ill as he did right now.

From the blonde's angle, Jonah was curled under the bedsheets, his duvet covering up to his ear. His face was flushed, but under his eyes looked pale and ghostly.

"Whoa, you good bro?" Corbyn asked, surprised at how sick Jonah looked.

"No." Jonah's voice was quiet and raspy. It sounded like he'd been screaming for two days nonstop, but in a way, he had been because of singing. "My head hurts."

"Um, do you want any meds?" Corbyn wasn't sure what to do, he'd never had to take care of someone older than him.

"I can't." Jonah's voice quivered, and burrowed further under the blankets. "I already took some and have to wait another two hours."

Corbyn felt useless. He couldn't do anything to help his friend, but he wanted to.

"Do you need anything, like a drink?" He asked.

A small "water" came from the pile of blankets, the fabric barely moving.


Corbyn slowly made his way downstairs, realizing the oil all over the floor, and got to the kitchen.

"Hey Zach!" The blonde called. "Come here!"

Said boy came into the room, with some sort of breakfast bar in hand. "I'm here."

"Clean up your prank thing okay? Jonah's sick, and he still doesn't know." Corbyn said, grabbing and filling a cup with water.

"Wait, he's sick?" Zach asked, chewing on the breakfast bar. "When did that happen?"

"I don't know, but I do know that he feels like shit, and would rather not-"


"Uh oh." Zach mumbled.

Both boys ran to the stairs to see their best friend on the ground, in a puddle of blood.

"What. The. Fuck happened here?!" Horrifies, Jack stepped into the room.

Jonah was on the floor, eyes closed and knocked out. There was a small amount of blood pooling from near his head, and his torso bent at a shocking angle.

"I'll go call an ambulance!" Daniel said, popping up out of nowhere, and disappearing again.

"This is all my fault..." Zach whispered, voice shaky. "I killed him!"

"Zach, you didn't kill him, he's just unconscious." Jack said, kneeling down in front of Jonah's limp body.

"But what if I did?!" Zach had tears falling down his face. "I'm a murderer! And I'm 18, so I'll get in even more trouble!"

"Jack, go take Zach into another room and calm him down. I'll stay with Jonah until help comes." Corbyn instructed, taking Jack's place.

"Ok, come on bub...." Jack let a hysterical Zach into the living room.


Ten minutes later, blue and red lights flashed through the windows.

"Oh thank God." Corbyn breathed. He'd done nothing but sit and make sure Jonah's chest was moving like it was supposed to.

He ran to the door, and opened it for the paramedics. Two blue-uniformed men ran to Jonah, and a woman started questioning Corbyn.

"Hi, I'm Maya. Are you okay, and are there anymore house members here?" The woman asked.

"I-um, my friends Zach and Jack." Corbyn stammered. He was scared, but was trying to cover it. "They're in the living room, over there, because Zach was panicking."

"Ok, and what's your name?" She asked, scribbling on a small clipboard. Another woman came in, and into the living room.

"Corbyn Besson." The blonde said, scratching at his wrist. It was a bad habit, but seemed to be the only way to calm himself down.

"Ok.... and your other friends' names?" Maya asked, scribbling again on the board.

"Jonah Ma-Franzitch was the one that fell, Jack Avery is the one with Zach, and Zach Herron was the one who was freaking out. Oh, and then Daniel, Daniel Seavey. He's with Zach." Corbyn explained. "We're in a band, so we use Jonah's middle name. Social safety and all that."

Maya laughed, and wrote all that down on her clipboard. "Thank you. Now how old is Jonah? He needs to have an adult ride with him if he's a minor."

"He's 21. Zach's the youngest, and he's 18." By the time Corbyn had finished explaining, Jonah was in a gurney, and inside the large vehicle outside.

"So technically, he could ride alone." Maya said, then looked at Corbyn. "But aim guessing you want to ride with him to the hospital?"

"Oh my gosh, yes please." Corbyn sighed, glad he didn't need to ask.

"Alright, then you can sit in the back with me and, Jonah was it?"

"Yeah." Corbyn followed her out of the house, and into the ambulance.

Jonah's POV
I jump awake at the sound of voices, scared and confused.

What happened? Something bad
Where am I? Who knows
What am I? Actually, I knew the answer to that one.


I look around to who said that, and see a cute boy, with fluffy brown hair and beautiful brown eyes.

"Are you okay?" The pretty boy asked again, looking at me with a concerned face.

I look around me, and I am surrounded by beautiful people. A pretty hot blonde with green eyes, another blonde with ocean-blue eyes, and a shorter, but still cute, brunette.

They all looked scared, and I was confused as to why. I realized I was laying down, and as I tried to sit up, a searing pain coursed through my head and hip.

"What the fuck?!" I hiss. I'd just woken up, and I'm so confused.

"Jonah, you broke your hip. And you have a concussion." The blue-eyed boy said. He sounded like he was going to cry, or had been crying.

Who are these people? I think, adjusting myself in a not-pain-inducing way

"Jonah...are you okay?" The other pretty blonde asked. There was that name again.

I wanted to know what, or who it was, so I asked.

"Who's Jonah?"


Ya miss me?

So... hi. I've been a bit offline, haven't I?

I kinda went to London, so I apologize for not updating since.....

Holy shit I haven't updated since August, why didn't anyone tell me?!? I would at least tried to get a part out! Guys, I'm so sorry, I really am.

FORGIVE MEH PLEZ😖😣😫😭😣😫😖😫😭😣😖😫

Um, so I'll try and get a full sick-fic out by Corbyn's birthday, and if I can't, then you can all unfollow, and send hate because I can't get figure out an update schedule👍
(jk please don't do that)


Continua llegint

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