Roses and Flames *Bakugo Kats...

De myerssam2017

117K 2.7K 517

*Bakugo Katsuki x OC* *Mature content: Blood, gore, fighting, mature language* *I do not own anything beside... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
🎅Christmas Special *Part One*🎅
🎅Christmas Special *Part 2*🎅
🎅Christmas Special *Part 3*🎅
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's note
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Author's Note
Side Chapter: Carnival/Beach Day Pt. 1
Side Chapter: Anniversary Pt. 1
Side Chapter: Carnival/Beach Day Pt. 2
Side Chapter: Nightmares Pt. 1
🎃Halloween Pt. 1🎃

Chapter 22

1.8K 44 7
De myerssam2017

       The next day, I sat in my seat, we had just finished up with out class. Finals where coming up soon, so which means, I need to study more than what I have been, I've had a lot on my mind lately. In a little over a week, it'll the anniversary of my parents death. 

"All right. That's it for class today. There's only one week left before your final exams begin. I'm sure you're all studying constantly, right?" Aizawa's eyes slid to mine, he knows I haven't been really studying at all. I lower my head slightly, trying to hide myself inside my desk. "Don't forget to keep training. The written exam is only one element. There's also the practical portion to worry about. Good luck." Aizawa said leaving the room. My head slammed against my desk creating a huge thud.

"Aha! Kohana are you okay?" I heard Kirishima asked quickly. 

"No!" I groaned. "I haven't been studying recently! Aizawa's going to kill me!" I whined. I got 6th on the midterm. 

"What he doesn't know wont kill him right?" Kirishima questioned. 

"He already knows!" I added picking up my head, a red mark from the desk on my forehead as I looked at him. "He gave me the knowing look! It's literally the worst look ever!" Mina agreed with me. I groaned and stood up, with Kirishima and went over to Bakugo, I took a seat on his desk, thankfully with out Iida noticing I did. Momo was talking about studying with Sero, Jiro, Mina, Kaminari and Ojiro. 

"Sounds like I should be studying with her." Kirishima said in a joking manner. I could feel Bakugo seething next to me. 

"You think I don't know enough?" Bakugo questioned. "Maybe I should beat the lessons into your skull!" 

"I'm counting on it." Kirishima asked. "Kohana, are you going to study with us?" He asked looking at me. 

"Of course." I say with a small smile. "Anything to keep Aizawa away from me for a few hours." 

        Lunch time rolled around so we went down to lunch. I got my food and went to go sit down. 

"Don't even think about it." I heard Aizawa's voice say, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

"Oh, Uncle Aizawa." I say turning to look at him quickly. His hard stare made my blood run cold. "Today's been a great day!" I say trying to get away from him. "Well, I'm gonna go eat my lunch now." 

"Don't even try to run away from me." He said grabbing the back of my neck, in a firm grip. I made eye contact with the Bakusquad and Dekusquad. 

"Help." I mouthed to them, almost all of them shook their heads. Aizawa started to guide my out of the cafeteria. He took me to the staff room, everyone turned and looked at us as we walked in. His hand never faltered from the back of my neck. 

"Aizawa, you don't need to hold her like that." Midnight said. "You're scaring the poor girl." 

"Doesn't matter, this is family business." He said, leading me into a separate room, where two couches where. "Sit." He said letting go of me, I did as told and sat on the couch, he took a seat on the couch across from me. I slowly started to eat, to keep myself from talking. 

"Why haven't you been studying?" He asked suddenly. I slowly shrugged my shoulders at him. "No, you give me an answer, don't shrug your shoulders at me." I sighed quietly. 

"I just..." I trailed off. "I just haven't been, I've had a lot on my mind." I added quietly. "It's also getting closer to that day. Its a little over a week away." I looked out the window as I slowly started to eat again. I heard Aizawa sigh quietly. 

"Kohana," He started, his voice sounded so unsure of what to say. "It's going to get easier. I know its hard, but you gotta study for this test, I'll help you myself." He said. 

"It alright, I already have Katsuki and Kiri to study with." I say to him, I seen him nod out of the corner of my eye. 

"Maybe, go do some studying with your parents for a little bit tonight." He said before standing up. "It might help you some." I nod my head. "You can stay in here the rest of lunch, or do what you want." He added before walking away, I decided to stay in the room. I finished eating in the window sill of the room, as I watched outside quietly. 

         Soon enough we where back in class. Kirishima was talking to me quietly. 

"So are we doing some studying tonight?" He asked as Bakugo walked over to us. 

"I'm not going to be joining tonight." I say to them. "I'm going to go visit some family, so I'll be studying there." 

"Hm, what do you mean? Shouldn't you have mentioned this sooner?" Kirishima asked. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"It's only for tonight." I say resting my head on my hand. I glanced up at Bakugo, who knew what I meant by family. Mina and Kaminari where talking about the practical part, thinking its going to be robots, which I don't think it's going to be, but who knows, but they where getting pretty excited about it.  

"It shouldn't matter if it's robots or actual people. Why are you morons so excited?" Bakugo asked. I kicked his leg lightly. 

"Hey, who are you calling a moron?!" Kaminari questioned pointing a finger at Bakugo. 

"Shut up! You need to learn how to control your Quirk!" Bakugo yelled at them. 

"Katsuki." I muttered, he completely ignored me. 

"Hey! Deku!" He said completely gaining Midoriya's attention. "I don't know what's goin' on with your power, but I saw the way you're using it now, and I want you to know... It's seriously pissing me off." I huffed quietly. "I won't have another half-asses win like the festival. We'll be getting individual scores in the upcoming finals. New rankings. So we'll all know exactly where we're standing! I'll show you how much better I am. And Todoroki? I'll kill you, too." Bakugo went to say another thing. 

"Alright, Katsuki." I whisper standing up and blocking his line of sight. "That's enough." I add quietly. He growled at me, I was obviously unaffected by him growling at me. Everyone gasped quietly at him growling, when he seen I wasn't going to back down, he turned and left the class room. 

"It's been a while since I've seen him that worked up." Kirishima said from behind me. I let out a small breath and rubbed my face lightly. 

"Think it's impatience? Or hatred?" Tokoyami asked. I closed my eyes, I didn't want to believe it, I don't know why, but he's acting different now. 

       After class I went straight to the cemetery. I walked for a while before reaching my parents. I stared down at them for a second, before I knelt down and gently touched the dying plants. I turned and sat down so my back was against the headstone, I pulled out all my school supplies and started on studying. Music played quietly on my phone as I studied. I heard footsteps heading towards me, not just one set but multiple, my head picked up from my book and notes and seen Todoroki, Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida dressed in their street clothes. Uraraka carried two bags with her, and Iida had a cooler behind him.  

"Hey, Kohana." She said with a smile. I smiled back. 

"Hey, guys, what are you doing here?" I asked as I looked up at them. 

"Well, Aizawa pulled Todoroki aside, told him that maybe you could use some help studying, Todoroki told us and asked us to join, I brought a lot of snacks and an extra change of clothes for you." Uraraka said. I placed my book to the side and stood up. 

"Oh, you guys didn't have to do this." I say, taking the bag from her, I held it in front of me. 

"Of course we didn't." Iida said, I looked at him. "We wanted to." I smiled again as small tears came to my eyes. 

"Thank you guys." I say. "You guys are the best." 

"Now, why don't you go get changed and we can set up around here." Midoriya said ushering me off to the bathroom. I laughed lightly taking my clothes out of the bag and saluting the freckled boy with a smile. 

      When I came back, they where all set up, they had a blanket laid out in front of the grave. I pulled on the sleeves of my long sleeved shirt as I walked back over and took a seat in front of my parents headstones. 

"You know for a graveyard, this place is super calm and very nice." Uraraka said. I smiled a little. 

"The maintenance man takes really really good care of this place." I say nodding my head. 

"Alright everyone, lets start studying." Iida said. We studied together for hours, we helped each other, created problems for each other to solve, snacking on the snacks Uraraka brought with her and the drinks that Iida brought. We each had a subject that we where good at, mine happened to be history. 

"Kohana." I heard Todoroki's voice call, I lifted my head from the problem I was doing. "I need help." He said, his voice was emotionless as usual. So I got up and helped him with the problem. I sat on one foot with my other knee up to my chest as I looked at the problem. 

"Oh." I say before I explain what happened to him. I was pointing at the book reading off the passage that had the answer. I glanced up and seen everyone following along. I smiled, and continued talking. 

        After studying with everyone, we all went home, Midoriya and I walked the same way. We where talking to each other until we reached his home. 

"Alright. Thanks for studying with me." I say as I waved as he walked to the gate. 

"Its no problem. If you need help with anything just let me know." He said before walking in the gate. I turned and walked home myself. I got there and started walking up my steps, I stopped seeing a body sitting on my front step.

"Katsuki?" I questioned looking at the person. The head lifted it was Katsuki. His eyes where hard, the usual frown on his face. I walked toward him and kneeled down in front of him. "What's wrong?" His eyes are hard, when he looks at me they aren't soft like they normally are. 

"I looked up your parents." He said, I felt my heart drop, the blood in my face left. 

"Oh." Was all I could manage to say. "C-can we talk inside?" He nodded his head. We both stood up and headed inside. No one was home, so we went up to my room, I shut the door behind him, and pulled my hair up into a low messy bun as I started to tend to my plants, he looked around my room. I heard my desk chair move as he sat down in it to face me. 

"The articles I read. Said they where working with villains. They where giving villains information on other heroes." He said, I felt his eyes on me. 

"That's wrong." I say to him. "My parents loved the public, loved to protect, loved the heroes they worked with. They would have never ever done that." 

"Then why are they saying that they did?" Katsuki questioned. 

"Because..." I trailed off with a sigh. "Because of they way they where, my parents kept their identities hidden, as to protect me when I was younger. They didn't want me to grow up in the limelight. When they past, it was given out they where the Rose Heroes, Aizawa kept me out of the limelight pretty well, seeing that no one knows who I am. My parents never ever worked with a villain. It was just a lie made up by the news to get back at them for keeping their identities a secret from the world." I placed my watering can down, and turned to face him. His eyes watched me closely. "My mother, White Mind. With a quirk like Aizawa's, she could erase a persons quirk, but not only that, she could keep them still, and show them their deepest darkest fears, some that they didn't even know they had. My mother was kind, nice, seen the good in everyone, she was basically everyone's mother once they got to know her. All in all a very very likable person, but her quirk, her quirk was dangerous, one wrong move and she could drive a person mad. So at first it sent people into a frenzy about her being a hero, but once they got to know her, they all loved her. My father was Great Vine, quirk like mine, could control plants." I reached my hand out to a red rose, it rose up and rested in my palm, its stem wrapping around my arm, roots reaching up my arm and running down my back and attaching to the spot on my back. "He was rough around the edges, because of a bad home life in the past, kept his guard up. Once you gained his trust and love, he was an open book, with his quirk he received no back lash like my mother, he was very very loved, all plant based Quirks looked up to him, maybe even Kamui Woods." I lightly petted the petals of the rose. "The reason the rumors started, was because of one fateful night, there was an attack, my parents where the first to respond, did what they could, there was a villain, who had been after my parents before, had attacked a agency that my parents where at earlier that day. The villain knew their identity, they're real identity, which lead people to believing that they worked for a villain. The villain was able to get away before they could get to him, they where able to hold him back from doing anymore damage and hurting more people, but was never able to capture him." I took a deep breath. "The day of their death you know the story already. Its your choice if you believe me or not." I looked up at the boy, his eyes where glazed over as he was thinking. 

"So, you mean, to tell me, that the whole villain thing was a lie?" He asked finally looking at me. 

"Yes." I say nodding my head. I let the rose back in its spot and sat on my bed. I leaned forward with my elbows on my knees and head down. He was quiet. I sighed quietly as tears came to my eyes. "Look, I get it. My parents where thought as villains because of one incident. People tend to believe the news and rumors more than the person that actually knows. So if you don't believe me I get it." I heard movement then I seen him kneel in front of me. 

"I believe you. You knew your parents better than anyone." He said lifting my chin, and rubbing his thumb against my cheek lightly. "Nothing will change my opinion on you, like you said they are just rumors." I leaned down and hugged him, but apparently my butt was to far off the bed so we ended up on the floor hugging, we landed with a thud. I started laughing lightly. I heard him tch lightly, but I basically hear his smile when he did that. I sat up and stood up. We stayed up in my room for a while as we talked just about stuff. We ended up falling asleep.           

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