The Bad Boy's Girl

By adeeba2707

2.4M 68.9K 30.4K

He pinned me to the wall and brought himself impossibly close to me. I was trapped, quite literally. He grabb... More

Author's note
Chapter 1- Morning
Chapter 2 - The Step Father
Chapter 3 - Meeting the Bad boy
Chapter 4 - Second-Hand Embarrassment
Chapter 5 - 'Please call my name.'
Chapter 6 -Two Weeks.
Chapter 7 - We Are Just Friends.
Chapter 8 - Making Friends.
Chapter 8(Part II) The Library
Chapter 9 - My Ears Are Bleeding
Chapter 9 (Part II) - The Fight
Chapter 9 (Part III) - K-Pop Anybody?
Chapter 10 - Prison.
Chapter 11 - What is my mistake?
Chapter 12 - Have to be strong cuz I'm a girl
Chapter 13 - The Unexpected Anger
Chapter 14 - Soft and Tiny
Chapter 15 -The Football Ground.
Chapter 16 - Its Payback Time, Bitch!
Chapter 17 - The Creepy Old Man
Chapter 19 - Guilt
Chapter 20 - My Inner Child come Around at Wront Times
Chapter 21 - 'I can Leave my Mcdonalds Burger but Not You'
Chapter 22 - Philadelphia
Chapter 23 - The Kiss
Chapter 24 - Virgin who?
Chapter 25 - Getting Caught
Chapter 26 - Satan's Ass
Chapter 27 - 'You are beautiful'.
Chapter 28 - Talking
Chapter 29 - The Fight
Chapter 30 - I Fucked Up
Chapter 31 - My Queen
Chapter 32 - I Am Sorry
Chapter 33 - Betrayal
Chapter 34 - A Father Figure
Chapter 35 - 'Its a Yes, You Retard'
Chapter 36 - Going Home
Chapter 37 - Exploring Each Other
Chapter 38 - Shopping
Chapter 39 - A New Face
Chapter 40 - 'Weird people are droping from the sky today'
Chapter 40(Part II)
Chapter 40 (Part III)
Chapter 40 (Part IV)
Chapter 41 - Eating CockPorn
Chapter 42 - 'This has to be a nightmare'
Chapter 43 - 'Was killing her not enough?'
Chapter 44 - She Is Gone.
Chapter 45 - Office romance
Chapter 46 - A Not So Pleasant Surprise
Chapter 47 - 'Are you sure?'
Chapter 48 - Did I Hear It Right?
Chapter 49 - Fears Come True
Chapter 50 - The Final Fight
Chapter 51 - Bruises
Chapter 52 - Thankyou
Chapter 53 - Forgiveness
Chapter 54 - Proposal
Author's Note

Chapter 18 - Kacy.

41.5K 1.1K 572
By adeeba2707


I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.



"Maybe I can take it into consideration. It is not that bad of an option after all." Mr. Steele said with a huge smirk on his face. He licked his bottom lips, as if hungry to have a taste of me. Doesn't he has a family to take care of. I pity the woman who married this bastard. Are you kidding me? The man is more than three times my age and he is considering me.

That is just sick.

*This scene contains incidents that can be triggering for some readers. Please skip this part if you are not comfortable.*

I looked at my step father and tried to tell him to not to take such an absurd decision. But like every other time, he ignored me. He found it entertaining, of course. He loves to see me squirm under a man's touch. He had tried to sell me twice before this and both times, I had managed to escape somehow. Of course, I got beaten up but it was better than getting raped. When he can't crack a deal, he tries to take up the easier route. And that is me.

Mr. Steele got up from his chair and walked around the table to come towards me. He licked his seductively thinking that it will make me give into him. I stood up immediately and ran in the opposite direction until me step father caught me. He gripped my forearm and growled which probably meant that I am supposed to behave myself and listen to him.

In your dreams, bitch!

I tried to push him and escape his grip but before I could do that he pushed me backwards. Mr. Steele advanced towards me with covetousness in his eyes and held me by my arm before I could fall on the floor. Forcefully, he pulled me to one of the rooms in the ground floor like I was a kid. He threw me towards the floor and I landed on my stomach. Before I could balance myself on both my feet, he pounced on me. My step father started to make a video and I felt sick to my core.

The good-for-nothing-man crashed his lips onto mine and kissed me roughly. He picked me up from the floor and restrained me to the wall as held both my hands above my head. He pulled my sleeves downwards and kissed my neck. He cupped my breast and I tried to get my hands off his grasp.

He placed his face just above my cleavage and started sucking. Sucker! I am pretty sure my hand will have a contusion the next morning and so will my chest. Tears were continuously flowing down my cheeks. His other hand ornately went towards my private area and I couldn't take it anymore.

*You can continue reading from here.*

No matter what my step father does, I cannot let a random piece of trash rape me. I kneed him in the place where the sun doesn't shine and pushed him off of me. He released my hand and groaned while holding his crotch.

My father was making a video of this all. I have no idea for what delight he was doing this. I think instead of watching porn, he watches these videos to pleasure himself. I took a vase from the corner table and banged it on his head. I should have done this way before he even touched me. He clutched his head where I hit him and then passed out.

I started crying uproariously. I just couldn't stop thinking about it.

"How worthless are you? You can't even satisfy an old man." He said. By now he had stopped recording. He tuned on his heels and went out of the room. I looked around the room and then at the man. What do I do with the body? A part of my brain shouted that I should probably hit him with a spoon until he is dead but the sensible part of me just told me to leave. And I think I should listen to the sensible part of me.

I don't understand why my step-father didn't hit me for not satisfying the pathetic-excuse-of-a-human but maybe he is saving this for later. One way or the other, I will be hit. If not now, then later at night. The night is not yet over. .

I left the room and rushed to my bedroom before he could spot me. Once I reached my room, I locked the room and let out a breath which I didn't know I was holding. I feel so safe when I am alone. I just know that there would be no one to harm me. Especially him. This way I wouldn't have to be scared of anyone.

My mobile buzzed and I saw a notification from an unknown number.

Unknown no.:

Hey beautiful 😉



Sorry, who?

Unknown no.:

It's me. Your well wisher😘


Oh! I am flattered! But now, I would like to know who it is.


Take a guess. You know me.....I am pretty famous😒


Is it Evan?


Don't tempt me baby girl👀

I quickly saved his number. I thought of saving it as 'turd' but then I knew that he will pout the whole day if gets to know it.


And who uses punctuation while chatting😟


And who the hell doesn't use emoji's😲 come on they are a part of your life!!!!!!!!


Well me. So now you know one person. Did you want to ask anything?


Is it necessary for me to need something for chatting with you ....I was just checking whether this is your number or not ;)


Well, if you want me to have a reason, then I can make thousands of excuses to talk.


Are you trying to flirt with me?


Me? flirt? Huh!! Give me a break. Please. It's usually the girl flirting with me. Anyways, what were you up to

Oh, nothing big. Just knocking out an old man because he was trying to rape me. Ha! So believable!


Nothing much. I got to go. Bye.


Aw bye. Ttyl.

What the fuck is ttyl? I never chatted much. Not like I had anyone to chat with. I started thinking about Dave and how tensed he was when he thought I was hurt. I never thought that he would react that way after my outburst. He cared about me so much. Nobody has cared for me so much after my dad passed away. His behavior was different towards me. I compare every boy in my school with Dave and then I scold my brain for doing that. Every time I talk to him, I blush. What the-

I think- I think I am falling for Dave.

No, that can't be happening. It is wrong. I shouldn't. Above all, I can't. I shook the absurd thought away and took a shower. I took a bath to erase all the traces of that old man's touch and went to bed. I listened to music to distract my mind.

It helped but not much. For some reason, I wasn't concerned about what happened tonight. The fear which I have had more to do with my feelings.

This feeling was so new to me. I couldn't ignore it. But I guess it was a good thing. For once in my life, I didn't think about the incident which took place tonight but thought of how amazing tomorrow is going to be. Darkness took over as I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.


I got up the next morning and got ready for school as fast as I could.

It was beginning to become lot more fun than it has ever been. I was enjoying myself in school and I couldn't help but think how amazing today is going to be since Dave will be sitting with me. I was excited.

A little bit.

People barely talked to me but now they have started to notice me. Not because I walk around the school with Dave but because I have started to talk to people. The sluts getting jealous of witnessing Dave and I together is a totally different story I want to save for later. Not that I am affected in the slightest. The school literally gave me a reason to forget about my miserable life.

It gave me Dave.

Oh god! I need to stop thinking of him that way. It is just a stupid high school crush. Where are these thoughts even coming from? This is insane.

I reached school and the first thing my eyes caught a view of was of Dave waiting for me. Just the way he waited for me yesterday. He saw me and waved at me from a distance. I waved back as I started to walk towards him. More like jogged over to him because I was eager to meet him. I need to have control over my legs.

"You were waiting?" I asked the million dollar question which was eating me up. I couldn't help but leer at his gorgeous figure. His oh-so-perfect-body.

"Of course I was. What did you think? Did I look like I was doing Zumba?" He asked.

"Gosh. You and your childish behavior." I said shaking my head. We went to the class together and Dave started to go towards the back bench.

"Dave." I called him out immediately. He turned around and I pointed towards the empty seat beside me which was exclusively meant for him. How can he possibly forget of something which has kept my mind occupied from the past 12 hours?

I gave him a look as if questioning him 'What happened to the deal?' Dave smirked as came and sat with me.

"Thought you could escape huh?"

"No way. I was just testing your memory."

"Yeah sure."

The 2nd period was P.E so we went to change. I inhaled the scent of the room while it lasted since I know that by the time we come back, it would smell like it will wake the dead people up.

"Hey, did you know, Kacy's mom and dad are going to be divorced?" Olivia said out of the blue. As far as I remember, she is Dave's recent fling. Their kiss near the locker area suddenly flashed through my memory and I couldn't help but ignore the burning sensation in my heart. Now I know why they are called crushes! Okay, if this is what crush does to your body, I don't want them. I cleared my throat as I tried to ignore who she is.

"Oh, that's sad. But why are you telling me this? I don't even know her." 'Nor do I want to know her' I wanted to add.

"I am saying this because they were known to be the best couple and stuff. Haven't you seen them in magazines. Her mom was a model and they were one of the top celebrity couples."

"Oh." That was all I could say. It was regardless to say that the most unconditional love also doesn't last long and has flaws. Truthfully, I felt sad for the bitch now.

Olivia spent a little more time updating me about the rumors and affairs going on around the school. We finished gossiping and came out. Of course we were the last ones to leave.

Outside the changing room, Dave and Zack were already waiting for us. They gave us a pointed look and we just looked at each other thinking of all the possible excuses we can make.

I approached Dave giving him an innocent smile and then stuck my tongue out, as if I didn't know why he was so pissed off.

We headed down the hall towards the ground. I hate working out. Running two laps around the ground is surely not on my to do list of the day. I just want to sleep like a cat all day. As we approached the ground I saw Kacy coming towards us from the other side of the hallway.

She must be coming here to talk to Dave I thought. I grit my teeth at the thought of him leaving my side because of her. But then again, he has a life too and surely I don't have the remote control of his life. As she approached us, we noticed that her eyes were red and puffy.

One of her her fake eye lashes were missing.

I would have considered laughing if it wasn't for the smeared mascara and kohl which were running down her face, mixed with tears. She must have cried a lot since yesterday.

She reached us and....


She slapped me. Hard. It was nothing compared to my father's slap but it still hurt. I experienced sudden rage and it took everything in me to not slap her back.

For a second I was lost. What just happened? She placed her one hand on my right shoulder and the other on my left and pushed me with force. I stumbled backwards. I am just waiting for this bitch to give me a valid reason to misbehave with me. And god forbids, if she doesn't have a convincing enough reason to explain her actions, this will be her last day. I am silent but I am not a stupid person who will still be silent when she is being wronged.

"Why would you do this to me? You are sick!"

Dave stepped in front me to prevent Kacy from hitting me again.

"Hey! Cool the fuck down, alright? Who gave you the permission to talk to her the way you just did? You do not get to fucking touch her, Kacy." Dave warned her by pointing his index finger in her direction.

I moved Dave and stepped in the front. I didn't want him to fight unnecessarily. I am more than capable of fighting for myself. "Dave. It is fine. I have got this." I turned towards the bitch while trying my best to keep my anger at bay. Right now, every inch of my body is burning with rage and I just want to snap her neck.

She started laughing as if I was a joker. "Look at this bitch," she said and immediately changed her tone into pure anger. "Who are you acting so innocent in front of? We both are aware of what you are capable of doing. I realized that you have a slutty character so cut this bullshit."

"Oh really? Because you were known as the slut of the school till yesterday so what changed overnight?" Olivia said.

"That is enough, Kacy. Before I forget that you are a girl, it is better that you just fuck off." Dave said with anger dripping in each sentence of his.q

"Seriously Dave? You are saying that to me. Say this to the person who destroyed my home. She is pretending to be innocent. She is a homewrecker!" She shouted while holding Dave's hand and shaking it desperately as if trying to make him realize the reality.

She broke down in front of us and cried hysterically while hugging Dave only for him to hesitate whether to hug her or not. He just gave her a pat at the back and gently pulled her back before he moved towards me.

Kacy's eyes widened, probably not believing that he did not react the way she expected him to. She wiped her tears and said "Dave you have no idea what she-"

"What did I even do?" I asked, clearly annoyed by the fact that she was beating around the bush. I clearly didn't have all the time of the day and even if I did, I do not intend to spend it arguing with her.

"Do you know my name?" she said and sniffed. Okay, that's a very weird question to ask someone during a fight like this.

"Kacy? Of course, I know that." I said, stating the obvious.

"Kacy Steele."






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