Haylee potter and the chamber...

By ElizabethUnderwood7

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it's Haylee Potter's second year of Hogwarts( sorry couldn't come up with anything but it's good) More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3 - Death of me
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7- Tom riddle
chapter 8 - the diary's temptaion
chapter 9 - to late
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Next book

chapter 4 - memory

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By ElizabethUnderwood7

Chapter 4- memory

Making sure no one had followed me i went into the library. I started looking among the shelves, i found the book i wanted and pulled it off the shelf. I sat down at an empty table and began to read. After a while someone sat next to me. i looked up to see, Headmaster Dumbledore.

" Hello, miss Walters." i smiled

" hello, Headmaster. Did you need something" i asked closing the book

" why don't we take a stroll through the grounds" i nodded and put the book back on the shelf. I followed him out of the library and out of the castle." miss walter, is it alright if i ask you a question" i nodded

" of course, Headmaster" i agreed.

" i've noticed you reading books above your level and professor Mcgonagall told me about this morning. All the teachers tell me, that your even higher then Miss Granger"

" i don't know how to explain it Headmaster, but its like i can remember everything i've ever read, in a second. That's why i was in library, i think i might have a photographic memory." i smiled and he nodded.

" i thought as much, miss walters with your gift you could move up to your last year here at Hogwarts, but it could also put you in danger of being used by Voldemort" he pointed out.

" i cant leave my friends or my brother." i said looking down." then you will stay with him but remember, Miss Walters your knowledge, just put you in even more danger" then he was gone. I sighed and walked to DADA. Somehow i was the first one there and no i wasn't late, i checked. Hermione sat down next to me and smiled.

" hey where were you" professor Lockhart came down from his office and i quickly said " ill tell you later" she nodded.

After class if you can even call it that, i walked down to the lake with Hermione,Harry and Ron.

" now Haylee you said you would tell us where went during unch" Hermione pointed out to me and i sighed. Leaning against the tree i closed my eyes

" over the summer, i read and re-read my potion and spell books. Over and over and over again. Then i realized something, It all seemed to easy to me. Hermione who is the top student in our year" before she could answer ron did " Hermione of course it has to be" i shook my head.

" try again Ron" his eyes widened " you" he asked and i nodded pulling out the 7th year book. I gave the book to Hermione. She raised her eyebrow in confusion" i don't understand, Haylee"

I laughed and stood up" you don't get it do you, Hermione" i asked. She shook her head.

" i've read every spell in that" she shrugged" so, it means your smarter then me" again i shook my head.

" i can remember every spell in that book" her eyes widened and she stood up" every spell" i nodded

" i've read every book Hermione, i cant forget" a tear fell down my cheek as realization crossed her and Harry's face. Ron still looked confused. She hugged me." Dumbledore was wrong, he doesn't want me dead, Harry" i closed my eyes again" i'm photographic, i can forget nothing. No one is safe around me"

" i don't care, Haylee your my sister. It just means your smarter, you can think faster." i nodded

" im going to bed, ill see you tomorrow" then i ran up to the castle but not to bed. I ran to the Owlery. I stayed there crying. My parents were even more danger.

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