Little Bit of Love

By DarbyHoran1

464 41 7

Left with no family, very little friends, and traumatized by past events, Myla has a complete inability to tr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

32 2 0
By DarbyHoran1


        I knew from the moment I saw her again, that she was definitely the girl from the other day. I felt so bad that day when she came into where I worked. I could immediately tell how broken she was and how disturbed she looked when I said hello. At first I thought I had said something wrong, but then I thought about it quite a lot. And, what her friend had told me after she ran out the door.

When they had both left though, I peeked out the door after them and watched as they drove up the street to where this clothing shop was. I was hoping that if I went there the next day, that maybe she would be there. And, I was in luck. There was something about her that was so beautiful and so pure, I knew I wanted to see her again.

I took advantage of the sale that was going on there today so that I could find an opportunity to speak to her. And when she happened to be there, I kept thinking of ways on how to approach her. Even if that meant going through lots of racks to find a brand that didn't have my shirt size, just so I could ask her for some help.

And in all honesty, the shirt was hideous...

Even though I had saw quite a few other pieces of clothing right away that I would have liked to buy, I just couldn't miss any chances. After she went outside for awhile, I waited close to the door so that I could get her attention right away before she had time to escape me.

             I could tell that she didn't want to speak to me, as she avoided me the whole time while I was there. So I had to make that bold move and follow her. Whatever was going on with her, I knew that somehow I must have made it worse by following her into that storage room. I didn't mean any harm and wasn't about to ever try anything with her. She just intrigued me. She was certainly different than any girl I've ever ran into. She was unique.

              She looked as though she had a major attitude problem, but remained very quiet and soft spoken when she talked to me. I mean when she had to talk to me. My only goal today was to approach her and to be able to hear what her voice sounded like. It was sure a struggle to get her to respond to me, but it was so worth it. I absolutely loved the way her voice sounded.

When I couldn't get her to help me  at first, I sort of threatened her by telling her I might speak to her manager, (which I never would have anyways, even if she was still being stubborn.) and that's when frustration became extremely obvious in her eyes. I found it quite adorable.

She was adorable.

My only intentions were to just be able to see her again that day I first laid my eyes on her. I wanted to know what she was like, who she really was, as she looked as if she kept a big part of herself hidden. And I'm still dying to know more....


"So what happened between you and Olivia today?" Ivy asked, before walking into the kitchen. I followed behind her and slumped my back against the China display that was right next to her.

"Hey, be careful when you're near that. It's like a hundred years old and super fragile. And don't touch it, please." She kindly scolded me, which resulted into many giggles from me.

I grinned, "Okay, okay, I hear you..."


I continued on, "So about Olivia...."

After I had told her what happened, she embraced me in a tight hug and fixed us a pot of coffee.

"You know Ivy, you give the most suffocating, yet comforting hugs out of anyone I know." I told her, chuckling once again.

"I know, I'm pretty super duper and like totally awesome." She smirked, displaying the dorkiest expression one could make.

"You could literally squeeze the life out of me, suffocating me until my ribs would finally  burst. But yet, it would probably be the most peaceful way to go at the same time..."

"Oh stop Myla, you're going to make me cry!" The both of us started laughing uncontrollably, that is until we nearly suffocated ourselves by running out of breath.

We were literally going to kill each other one of these days....


"Myla?" She responded, as she stuck her tongue out at me in a silly manner.

"I'm hungry!" I whined, crossing my arms together and started to pout.

"Oh are you now?"

"Let's see what you got!" I then walked into her kitchen and scavenged through her fridge. She rarely ever had anything good to eat at her place, as she always stayed on a healthy diet and avoided most junk food. She basically didn't eat much of any other meat but fish.

"Come on Ivy! How do you even eat this stuff!? Why can't you just splurge and buy something actually tasty for once!" I laugh, rubbing my tummy.

I stare at the weird concoction of foods in her refrigerator, feeling the slight sensation of wanting to puke. She had calamari, whole wheat bread. (Which was weird because I didn't know of anyone putting their bread in the fridge before.) She even had vegetarian pizza, as well as several raw mushrooms that she kept in the bottom drawers of her fridge. I hated that and everything else that was in her fridge.

"Way to be healthy, Ivy!" I throw my fist up and sarcastically air punch the ceiling.

I walk back into the main area and sit down beside her on the couch, leaning my head back into the giant cushion, which the entire thing was made out of.

"I'm going to order some Chinese food. Is that okay?" I asked, genuinely hoping she'd be up for some of that.

"Well, as long as you're paying for it."

"I'm sorry but I'm not about to fork any of that food down you got in there..."

"Come on Myla, those are my favorite foods and they're absolutely delicious! Especially the calamari..." She excitedly explains, as she literally starts to drool. I dug in my duffel bag for my cell phone, as I started to gag.

When I found it, I immediately called the closest Chinese place near us and ordered about thirty- dollars worth. I was really hungry. I guess you could say that I'm pretty much always hungry.... I don't really care about diets or keeping my body at its best shape. I didn't have anyone that I wanted to impress, not even myself.

In the meanwhile, we sat back and watched some Netflix while waiting for the food to arrive. When half an hour had passed I grew very impatient and twiddled with my hair. It was becoming obvious and it took a lot in me to prevent the bitch inside me from coming out.

"Myla?..." I turn my attention to her and raise my eyebrows.

"Are you hangry, Myla?" Ivy teases.

"Shut up..." I mumble, before we heard a ring at the door.

"Myla, aren't you gunna get the door?"

"You know how I feel about people. Here-" I explain, holding out a couple twenty's for her to take.

"Do you want me to tip?" She asked.

"Not this time, They made me wait forever!"

She then rolled her eyes and went to the door, allowing the delivery guy to come inside.

I watched closely at them, starting to feel unnerved as there was a guy that neither of us knew, inside her home.

"It came to 38.75, please." The man shyly smiled at her, as he set the cartons down on the coffee table. I could've sworn that I heard another one of those damn British accents...

"Here you go." Ivy smiled back at him, as she handed him the forty. After giving her back the change, she walked the brown- haired man out the door. She almost shut the door behind him, before opening it back up again and stepping outside.

I went to the front door myself and watched as she quickly ran to his car, hollering at him.

"Hey sir, wait up!" When she got to his car, she was able to catch him in time before he drove off.

I watched as he stepped outside of his car, as Ivy went over to his side of the car door.

It almost looked as if she handed him something but I wasn't entirely sure. Then It surprised me as it seemed like he handed something back to her as well. She was out there for five minutes before coming back inside.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"Oh, I just decided to give him a tip myself, because of how friendly he was!" She had explained, revealing a huge grin on her face.

"Did he hand you something as well?" She then blushed while putting her hand into her pocket and pulled out a slip of paper.

"He did give me something, matter of fact..." she smirked, handing me the piece of paper.

"He seriously gave you his number?"

"Yes. Honestly, I don't know whether I should keep it or throw it away..."

"It's up to you Ivy, but I think you could find someone a bit more attractive. I mean, I guess his accent was a nice quality but I don't know..." I told her, just realizing that I said a mere compliment about the guy...

"You wouldn't be upset if I messaged him, would you?" She asked, almost as if she was asking for permission in regards for my feelings.

"Ivy, you're your own person, it's not up to me what you do with your life. Just because I freakishly hate guys and won't have anything to do with them, doesn't mean that you have to stay away from them too. You will always be my best friend, live your life the way you want to..." I explain to her, as she embraces me into another, suffocating hug.

We spent the rest of the night watching murder documentaries and sitcoms, until we both passed out sometime in the middle of the night. It wasn't like we had work tomorrow anyways, we both had the same days off. Which I requested when we became close friends, so that we could hang out for however long without worrying about work the next day....

I started to wake up about four in the morning, feeling like I couldn't breathe. I rubbed my eyes so that I could see a little better, and that's when I noticed Ivy's feet nearly touching my face. I then felt her toes tickling the tip of my nose, which made me jolt straight up, pushing her off the couch.

It was going to be a long night on this crowded couch with my very lovely, yet suffocating best friend.


Hey guys! Thank you for reading this and waiting so patiently for my updates! I know the chapter went on quite awhile but I hope you still enjoyed it! This one was more of a filler chapter but I really tried to make it as interesting as I could! Please vote, share, and leave some comments for me! I love the feedback! ❣️

(Picture of Myla and Ivy chilling on the couch)

~D. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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