Chances. » Lirry/Narry

By Sad_Serenade01

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My life crumbled into pieces, every part of me turned into dust. On the edge of the universe holding onto a s... More



191 26 7
By Sad_Serenade01

Harry's POV

"Harry." I hear someone whisper in my ear. "The doctors are here to ask you some questions." I open my eyes to see Liam's smiling face directly above me. 

"No." I giggle at him, still half-asleep. 

"Come on, Harry." He tries to encourage me. I cover his face with my hand, trying to make him disappear. He takes my hand from his face, and holds onto it.

"Fine." I mumble, and try to pull myself up with Liam's hand. Liam places a hand on my back as he helps me up. "Ow." I moan as I stand up from the hospital bed. Liam guides me to the chair, and takes his seat next to me. 

"Hi, Mr. Styles, Dr. Ashton and I just have a few questions for you." The doctor says from in front of me. "What is the name of the last person you had sexual-intercourse with?" The doctor asks causing me to look up at him. 

"Uh, why?" I ask, confused. 

"We are assuming it's Pseudocyesis, but we shouldn't be making assumptions." The doctor says, confusing me even more. 

"What does that mean-"

"We just need to get the name, that way we can notify him or her what's going on." The doctor smiles at me. 

"Uh, Niall Horan." I say awkwardly as Liam's grip grows tighter against my hand. 

"Dr. Ashton, can you call Niall Horan?" The one doctor demands.

"Fine." He complains, and exits the room. 

"Report to my office after you change back into your regular clothes. Once you exit the room, you take a left and mine is the last door." The doctor says before getting up, and walking out of the room. Liam gets up, and closes the door. 

"Give me my clothes." I demand. I watch as Liam takes a pile of my clothes, and hands them to me. I get out of the seat, and try to take the hospital gown off of my body. 

"Do you need help?" Liam asks before helping me take it off. 

"I had it, Liam." I complain, and watch Liam's eyes search my body. "Liam." I say trying to get him to stop. I take the shirt, and cover up my chest with it. I grab the pair of pants, and drop them on the floor. I go to bend over to pick it up until Liam picks them up before me. "Thanks." I roll my eyes at him, and sit back down on the chair. "You have to dress me." I demand. I watch as Liam willingly helps me get my pants on. 

"Stand up." Liam says, getting up from the floor. He holds out his hand, and allows me to grab onto it. I pull myself up, and try to pull up the pants. "I got it." He says, pulling them up for me. 

"Thanks, Liam." I smile at him awkwardly. 

"Do you need help walking or-"

"I've got it." I interrupt him, and painfully exit the room. I turn to the left, and slowly walk down the long hallway. I turn around, finding Liam following close behind me. I make my way in front of the last door, and slowly knock on the it. I watch as the door swings open.

"Come in." The doctor smiles at me. I awkwardly make my way to a seat, and sit down. Liam takes his seat next to me as I notice two other seats set out. 

"What are those for?" I ask, pointing at the two empty chairs. 

"That's for when the others get here." The doctor says sitting behind his desk. 


"Dr. Trevon, they'll be here soon." A doctor says as he enters the room. 

"Okay, that's great." The two doctors continue to have a conversation while Liam and I remain completely silent. After a few minutes, we hear a knock come from the door. "Come in." One of the doctors call out. 

No, no, no.

Niall's POV

We walk into the small office, and I instantly regret coming. 

What is he doing here?

"Come in, take a seat." A doctor greets us. I take my seat farthest away from Harry, and watch my mother sit beside me. 

I don't want to be here. 

"Hello, I'm Dr. Trevon and this is my sidekick, Professor Douche-Bag." I chuckle, and watch the other doctor's reaction. 

"No, I'm Dr. Ashton and this is Dr. Wife." He mocks the other doctor's last name. 

"Okay, it's not my fault that my father had this last name." He defends himself. 

"I know, but it's still funny." Dr. Ashton snickers at him. 

"Excuse me, but are you going to tell us why we are here." My mother says from beside me. The two doctors stop laughing, and quickly calm down. 

"We assumed that Mr. Styles had Pseudocyesis, but the tests show otherwise." Dr. Ashton trails off. 

"What is...That?" My mother asks with a disgusted look on her face.

"False pregnancy." He explains. "But like I said, the tests show otherwise." 


"Harry's a boy." I defend him. "He can't get pregnant." 

"Yes, but false pregnancy can happen to anyone.The man gets all the symptoms of pregnancy, but is never pregnant." Dr. Trevon explains. "But real pregnancy with a man rarely ever happens, there was only one reported case of it-"

"I hate to be a bother, but what does this have to do with my son?" My mother interrupts the doctor. 

"Well, if you would let me speak-"

"We're leaving, Niall. This is just a big waste of time." My mother gets up from the chair, and begins to walk away. 

"Harry is pregnant." The doctor says, letting out a big sigh. 


"He said that Niall was the last person he had intercourse with, we thought you wanted to be here to hear the news." I stare at the doctor completely shocked. 

"There is no way my son got a man pregnant." My mother shouts at the doctor. I look over at Liam, and make eye-contact with him. To my surprise, he isn't as shocked as I am. 


"Phoebe, just call me Phoebe." She complains. 

"Phoebe, it's not impossible-"

"No, my son couldn't have gotten Harry pregnant, he's a virgin." My mother interrupts the doctor. "Right, NIall?" She calls me out. 

Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. 

I nod my head in agreement, looking down. "My son did not get that man pregnant. Whatever he did is his fault, not my son's." My mother defends me for all the wrong reasons. 

"What if it is, what if he's lying?" Liam asks her, turning everything on me. 

No, Liam, fuck you.

"My son would never lie to me. If your, whatever the hell he is to you, is pregnant, it's not my son's fault." My mother shouts at Liam. I watch as Liam stands up from his seat, and walks up to my mother. 

"Liam, sit down." Harry demands. 

"Both of you sit down." The blonde-haired doctor shouts at the two adults, shutting both of them up. 

"I think you have the wrong people here. Niall, we're leaving." My mother says to me, interrupting the silence. I refuse to get up, and stay in my seat. "Niall, right now." She shouts at me. I shake my head no, and stay seated. 

"Sit down, Phoebe." The other doctor scolds my mother. She takes her seat, and rolls her eyes. 

"We're going to schedule an ultrasound for you, we'll do it now since everyone is here." The other doctor says as he types something on his computer. 

"Niall, you are not going to the ultrasound." My mother continues to scold me. 


"It's not your fault that Liam can't raise a child, and Harry can't stop the drugs and sex." She interrupts me. I hide my face behind my hand, knowing Liam will say something. 

"Whoa, whoa, I can't raise a fucking child?" Liam shouts at her. 

"You don't even realize how hard it is, I have three to raise all by myself." She stands up from the seat. 

"Mum, sit down." I stand up trying to get her to sit down. I watch as Liam gets up from his seat as Harry does the same. 

"Liam, sit down." Harry demands. 

"Okay, here's the instructions to get to the room. You can all go together, but I'd rather not just for safety purposes." Dr. Trevon says, handing Harry a small piece of paper. 

"We're leaving, Niall. This is bullshit, this isn't my son's fault that Harry is pregnant. It's his, don't you dare blame this on Niall." She shouts at Liam and Harry. 

"Mum, stop yelling." I scold. 

"No, Niall. He can't keep blaming everything on you, when he was the one who did everything to you." 

"Mum, stop yelling, you are making everything worse than it really is. I am going to the ultrasound whether you want me to or not." I defend myself. 

"Niall Horan, how dare you embarrass me like this?  We are leaving right now, and you are grounded for a month." She turns to face me, and yells right in my face. I refuse to leave, and stay in one place. "Now." She yells, startling me. 

"Goodbye, Mum." I whisper. 

"You are in so much trouble, mister-"

"Bye." I say a little louder, gaining some confidence. She scoffs, and walks out of the room. I look over to find everyone staring at me. I look down, embarrassed of my mother. 

"Good job, Ni." Liam says, patting me on the back. I look up to see Harry awkwardly smiling at me. Liam takes the small card from Harry, and says, "Follow me." I watch as Harry and Liam walk out of the room while I awkwardly follow them. They enter the elevator with me following closely behind. Harry pushes the button, and stands next to Liam. He places an arm around Harry's waist while Harry leans his head on his shoulder. Harry nuzzles his head into Liam's neck. 

 Eventually, the elevator arrives at the correct floor. We all exit the elevator, and follow the man with the instructions. After a few minutes, we enter the room, and are instantly welcomed by a female doctor. Liam quickly closes the door behind all of us. 

"What are you here for?" The lady asks rudely. 

"I have an ultrasound right now." Harry says, holding onto his enlarged stomach. 

"Oh, okay." She says, realizing her mistake. "Sorry, lay down." She pats the examining-table. Liam and I take our seats in the corner of the room. Harry carefully lays down on the table, and waits patiently. "Is this your first time?" She asks, getting everything set-up. 

"Uh..." He trails off, looking over at me. "Yes, it is." He smiles at me, nervously. I smile back, and try not to remember what he did to me. 

"That's exciting!" She shouts happily. "Lift up your shirt." Her entire tone of voice changes. I watch as Harry lifts up his shirt, only revealing his stomach. The lady places what looks like grease all over his stomach, causing him to shiver. She places something on Harry's stomach, assuming it will show us the child on the screen. "If you look up on the screen, you will be able to see your child." 

"Awe." Harry squeals as he sees the child. 

"Do you want any pictures of the child?" The lady asks, placing more grease stuff on his stomach. 

"Yes." He smiles, shocking me with how easily he's taking this. I stare at the screen, completely shocked.

I didn't think it was possible.

"It looks like you're going to be having a baby boy. Whoops, I forgot to ask you if you wanted it to be a surprise." The doctor giggles. 

"Awe." Harry says, starting to tear up. 

Whoa, what the fuck happened to him.

"You should be due in a month or so now, probably towards the middle of February." 

"Would abortion be an option?" I ask, watching as everyone in the room turns to look at me.

"Abortion is always an option, but I wouldn't recommend it after 24 weeks." The doctor says in a serious tone of voice. 

"That won't be necessary." Harry says, looking away from me. The doctor awkwardly smiles at Harry, and begins to wipe the grease off his stomach. 

"Is there any way we can figure out who the father is?" Liam asks from beside me. I look over at him, confused why he is wondering. 

"Oh, is it out of you two?" She asks, pointing at Liam and I. 

"Liam-" Harry is interrupted. 

"No, uh...Never mind." He scratches the back of his head. 

"Well, you can get a DNA testing if you aren't sure." The lady says as she turns off the screen. "It is more difficult considering the child isn't even born yet but-"

"Never mind." Liam mumbles, and closes his eyes. 

"We can do it right now-"

"That won't be necessary." Harry repeats himself, and pulls his shirt down. He slowly gets up from the table, and stands up. 

"Here are your pictures, anything else?" She asks politely as she hands Harry the pictures. 

"No, thank you, though." Harry smiles at the doctor before exiting the room. I stand up from my seat, and exit the room. Liam quickly catches up to Harry, and stops him from walking into the closed elevator door. 

"Be careful." Liam says, pushing the elevator button. 

"Look at him." He squeals, showing Liam the pictures. 

"I know, he's cute." He smiles at Harry. The elevator eventually opens, allowing us to enter it. Liam quickly presses the button, returning to his spot next to Harry. 

"I thought I used a condom." I say randomly, defending myself. I watch as the two of them look up from the pictures, and at me. 

"It probably broke." Harry gulps loudly. The elevator dings, and quickly opens up. We all exit the hospital, and walk to Liam's car. 

"Do you need a ride?" Liam finally asks me. 

"Yeah." I mumble. I take my seat in the back, and quickly close the door behind me. 

"Do you want to see?" Harry turns around from the passenger seat, and smiles at me. 

"I saw on the screen." 

"Oh..." Harry trails off, turning back around in his seat. Liam finally gets in the car, and starts to drive away. 

"You didn't move, did you?" Liam asks as he buckles himself into the seat. 

"No." I say quietly. 

"I want to apologize for the way I treated your mother." Liam apologizes. 

"It's fine, she's a bitch anyways." I say earning a chuckle from the two of them. 

"I guess we won't be seeing you often." Liam says sounding thankful. 

Thanks, Liam. 

"Yeah, I guess not." The rest of the car ride remains quiet, besides Harry's occasional noises. We arrive at my house, and I quickly get out of the car. "Thank you, Liam." I shout from outside of the car. I close the door, and hurry into my house to escape from the cold weather. 

I don't even know how to react to this.

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