The Fellowship of the Ring (F...

By Kalumiko425

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Frodo and Y/n became fast friends when Frodo came to live with Bilbo. They lived their normal hobbit lives fo... More

Author's Note-Important
Chapter 1: Concerning Hobbits
Chapter 2: A Long Expected Party
Chapter 3: Shadows of the Past Return
Chapter 4: A Dire Discussion
Chapter 5: A New Journey Begins
Chapter 6: Friends, Danger, and Mushrooms
Chapter 7: Strider
Chapter 8: Fear and Pain
Chapter 9: Race to Recovery and the Hidden Valley
Chapter 11: The Journey of the Fellowship Begins
Chapter 12: Mines of Moria
Chapter 13: Falling Apart
Chapter 14: Lothlórien
Chapter 15: Death and Separation

Chapter 10: The Council of All

1.9K 54 43
By Kalumiko425

The following morning, Lord Elrond held a secret council meeting with many. Company included Gandalf and Frodo along with a congregation of Men, Elves and Dwarves. Everyone sat in a semi-circle around a stone pedestal. Unknown to the council however 4 hobbits stood in shadows to over hear the tidings to come.

"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor." Lord Elrond began, "Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate — this one doom." Elrond pauses to gesture to the pedestal," Bring forth the Ring, Frodo."

From their hiding spot behind two bushes, Y/n stiffened slightly and Sam shifted slightly as they watched Frodo rise and lay the Ring on the pedestal.

"So it is true..." Boromir, a man of Gondor, whispered.

Frodo returned to his seat beside Gandalf but still held his gaze on the Ring. He seemed relieved but still unsure of what is to come. The members of the Council stare at the Ring, mesmerised by its appearance.

"In a dream," Boromir began, "I saw the eastern sky grow dark. But in the West a pale light lingered. A voice was crying: 'Your doom is near at hand.' Isildur's Bane is found."

As Boromir spoke, he approached the Ring on the pedestal and slowly reached out towards it . Gandalf and Elrond exchange concerned looks as Boromir's fingers hover just above the Ring.

"Boromir!" Lord Elrond warned.

Gandalf abruptly stands and begins to chant in Black Speech. Thunder crackles as the sky darkens. The Council stare around them in fear and confusion. Y/n and Sam shrink further down behind the bushes to look as small as possible to hide away from the approaching darkness.

"Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul." Gandalf boomed over the Council
(Translation: One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them.)

Gandalf ceases speaking and the dark sky and thunder die away. People reposition themselves in their seats, horrified, Boromir amongst them.

"Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here in Imladris!" Elrond said sharply, finally breaking the silence around the council.

"I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond, for the Black Speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West! The Ring is altogether evil!" Gandalf spoke tiredly with a rasp in his voice.

"It is a gift. A gift to the foes of Mordor," Boromir paused, "Why not use this Ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe! Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him!"

"You cannot wield it! None of us can. The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master." Aragorn pointed out.

"And what would a ranger know of this matter?" Boromir questioned smugly.

Y/n could tell right away that she was not going to like the man named Boromir.

"This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance." An elf named Legolas Greenleaf defended Aragorn.

"Aragorn? This... is Isildur's heir?" Boromir whispered.

"And heir to the throne of Gondor." Legolas announced.

"Havo dad, Legolas." Aragorn waved his hand at Legolas.
(Translation: Sit down, Legolas.)

"Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king." Boromir growled returning to his seat.

"Aragorn is right. We cannot use it." Gandalf said.

"You have only one choice. The Ring must be destroyed." Elrond added.

"Then what are we waiting for?" A dwarf named Gimli spoke up as he jumped from his seat.

Gimli grabs his axe from next to his seat and approaches the pedestal. He brings his axe down to strike the Ring with full force but is repelled back, throwing him to the ground. Y/n flinches at the loud ringing noise the hit gave off while Frodo winces in pain grabbing his head. The Ring remains intact with shards of Gimli's axe all around it.

"The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Glóin, by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this." Elrond announced.

Silenced settled over the council before Boromir spoke again.

"One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. And the great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland. Riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly!"

"Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed!" Legolas exclaims as he leaps from his seat.

"And I suppose you think you're the one to do it?!" Gimli yells as he also leaps from his seat.

"And if we fail, what then?! What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?!" Boromir exclaims as he rises from his seat as well.

"I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an Elf!" Gimli growls.

Commotion starts as arguments erupt amongst the council members. Frodo remains seated, watching the Ring, with the figures of the council reflected on its surface. Y/n frowned. She could not understand why these people could not come together to face the great evil that is upon them. Looking from each person in the council she paused on Frodo. She could see the fear in his eyes. More than anything she wanted to be at his side but did not want to get anyone in trouble for eavesdropping on the secret council.

"Do you not understand that while we bicker amongst ourselves, Sauron's power grows?! None can escape it! You'll all be destroyed!" Gandalf yelled as everyone was crowding and yelling at each other. Watching the heat of the arguments increase, determination slowly dawned on Frodo's face. He stands and takes a few steps toward the arguing council, trying to make his voice heard over everyone else.

"I will take it!" Frodo yelled but got no response.

Sam and Y/n looked at each other then stared wide eyed at Frodo.

"I will take it!" Frodo yelled again that time getting a response from everyone.

The arguing finally died down to silence. Gandalf closes his eyes as he hears Frodo's statement and turns slowly to face him. The members of the council also slowly turn towards Frodo.

"I will take the Ring to Mordor. Though — I do not know the way." Frodo said more calmly.

"I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear." Gandalf promised as he approached Frodo and places his hands reassuringly on Frodo's shoulders.

"If by my life or death, I can protect you, I will."  Aragorn also promised as he rises and approaches Frodo and keels before him

"You have my sword." Aragorn proclaims

"And you have my bow." Legolas also promised as he walks to join them.

"And my axe!" Gimli said as he warily approached and stood next to Legolas

"You carry the fate of us all little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done." Boromir added as he walked to join the people standing around Frodo. 

"Ha!" Sam yells as he jumps from behind his bush and joins the group, "Mister Frodo is not goin' anywhere without me!"

"No indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not." Elrond chuckled.

"You two aren't going anywhere without me!" Y/n yells as she finally sprints from her hiding spot to join Frodo and Sam.

Aragorn moves his arm so she could stand at Frodo's side. Y/n takes Frodo's hand in hers and gives his hand a reassuring squeeze and a warm smile. Frodo looks down at their intertwined hands and then returns a smile.

"Wait! We are coming too!" Merry yelled as he and Pippin emerge from behind the pillars they were hiding behind to join the company.

"You'd have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us!" Merry proclaimed standing next to Y/n.

"Anyway you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission, quest... thing." Pippin added standing next Merry.

"Well that rules you out Pippin" Y/n teased.

Pippin turned to her and gave her a 'Really?' look but laughed along with her.

"Ten companions... So be it! You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring!" Elrond announced.

"Great! Where are we going?" Pippin asked.

Over 400 reads, woohooo! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to read this silly story! Anybody have any advice to give? I'd love to hear some on how to continue differently or just keep drivin my own train! I hope to see you lovely people in the next chapter!


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