Chapter 7: Strider

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Twenty miles down the river the Hobbits swiftly climbed off of the ferry and onto Brandywine Bridge.

"Everyone alright?" Frodo asked looking over his friends.

They all groaned in agreement as they tied the ferry to the dock. Walking off the bridge and onto the road, Frodo pulls Y/n aside.

"Are you alright?" Frodo asked her, putting both of his hands on her cheeks.

"I'm alright Frodo. A little cold but I'll be ok once we get to Bree." Y/n smiled through chattering teeth placing her hands on top of his.

Feeling her cold hands Frodo pulled her close afraid she might collapse if he didn't hold her close. Y/n was glad for the warmth of her friend but the heat radiating from her face did little to calm her nerves. After a short time Frodo released Y/n and took her hand to lead the rest of the group. Y/n briefly heard snickers from Merry and Pippin and a comforting chuckle from Sam before it started to downpour.

After a short time of walking through more woods, the Hobbits arrived just outside the gates of Bree, soaking wet due to the pouring rain. They pause, uncertain of how to declare themselves. Y/n huddled close to Frodo to stay warm still holding his hand.

"Come on." Frodo said quietly after quickly checking the road to make sure it was clear to cross.

The five hobbits quickly and quietly crossed the road and approach the very large wooden gates that closed Bree off from the road. Frodo raised his fist and knocked on the gates. A small peep hole opened high above all their heads then slammed suddenly shut. Another opened, nearer their eye level. An old face peered out against the downpour taking in the sight of the soaking wet hobbits.

"What do you want?" The Gatekeeper asked Frodo.

"We're heading for the Prancing Pony." Frodo almost yelled to be heard over the pouring rain.

The Gatekeeper opened the gate and thrusts his lantern in front of him to get a better look at the Hobbits.

"Hobbits!" The Gatekeeper exclaims, "Five hobbits! What business brings you to Bree?"

"We wish to stay at the inn. Our business is our own." Frodo said indicating to all his companions.

"All right young sir, I meant no offence. 'Tis my job to ask question after nightfall. There's talk of strange folk abroad. Can't be too careful." The Gatekeeper stated.

He stepped aside to let all of them in past the gate before closing and locking it behind them with a loud thud. The Hobbits make their way up the cobbled path, through the crowd which jostles and bumps them. To the Hobbits, a very large horse pulled cart passed in front of them and would have squashed Frodo had not Sam and Y/n pulled him back. One man, a particularly large oaf holding a carrot, belches contemptuously over them as they walk past.
Walking a little farther down the cobbled path, Frodo looks up and spots the sign of the Prancing Pony. The five Hobbits enter the Inn and swiftly close the door to the outside. Once inside Y/n noticed that it was very crowded, noisy and poorly-lit. After pulling back their hoods, Merry and Pippin breathe sighs of relief. To her disappointment, Frodo let's go of Y/n's hand and hesitantly stepped up to the bar, which rises far above his head.

"Excuse me?" Frodo called, trying to catch the innkeeper's attention.

Mr. Butterbur, the innkeeper, leaned down over the bar to look at who called for his attention.

"Good evening, little masters and lady!" Mr. Butterbur greeted, "If you're looking for accommodation we've got some nice, cozy, hobbit-sized rooms available. Mister uh —"

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