Chapter 14: Lothlórien

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As soon as the Fellowship had exited Moria, the grief of losing Gandalf took its toll. Pippin had collapsed to the ground in tears as Merry tried to console him. Gimli vented his sorrow by trying to reenter Moria but Boromir kept him back. Legolas' emotions were unreadable as he stood off to the side. Sam sunk to the ground with his head in his hands, letting his emotions out in silent tears. Y/n also stood to the side but openly wept holding herself over the lose of the Wizard.

"Legolas, get them up." Aragorn instructed as he cleaned and sheathed his sword.

"Give them a moment for pity's sake!" Boromir's voiced cracked slightly as he tried to give his companions more time to grieve.

"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlórien. Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, get them up." Aragorn argued.

"On your feet Sam." Aragorn said as he pulled the Gardner Hobbit to his feet.

"Frodo?" Y/n called looking around realizing he wasn't near.

"Frodo!" Aragorn called, spotting him further down the hillside.

Frodo stopped in his tracks and turned to look back at the company. HIs blue eyes were filled with sadness and guilt as silent tears ran down his dirt covered. The rest of the Fellowship caught up with Frodo and continued there way down the rocky hillside until they reached a grassy field. Scouting the field for a moment, they jog through the field till they reached the cover of the tall trees that stood on the edge of the grassy field. The forest was eerily calm and quiet. It seemed safe but everyone was still on edge and kept close together.

"Stay close, young Hobbits! They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods, an Elf-witch, of terrible power. All who look upon her, fall under her spell..." Gimli ushered with his hands for the Hobbits to still closer together.

"Frodo..." A whisper in the air called his name

Frodo looked around startled but saw no one other than the company.

"Frodo? Are you alright" Y/n asked walking next to him.

Frodo shook his head in response and continued walking. Y/n frowned for a moment but shook her head and continued walking by Frodo's side.

"...Your coming to us..." The whisper said again.

Frodo halted in his tracks again.

" as the footsteps of doom. You bring great evil here, Ring-bearer!" The whisper said louder.

"Well, here is one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!" Gimli boasted.

Before any of the Fellowship could blink, they were surround by a group of elves, arrows notched in their bows and ready to fire. Legolas had his own out but was vastly outnumbered. A tall elf with golden hair stepped forward and stood in front of Aragorn.

"The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." The elf said.

Gimli growled at the gold haired elf but said nothing else. The Fellowship was lead onto a platform that was high above in the foliage of the trees. The gold haired elf introduced himself as Haldir when everyone was on the platform.

"Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduilion." Haldir spoke in elvish. (Translation: Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil.)

"Govannas vîn gwennen le, Haldir o Lórien." Legolas said in return. (Translation: Our Fellowship stands in your debt, Haldir of Lórien.)

"A, Aragorn in Dúnedain istannen le ammen." Haldir said turning to Aragorn. (Translation: Oh, Aragorn of the Dúnedain, you are known to us.)

"Haldir.' Aragorn said as he lightly bowed and motioned his hand from his heart towards Haldir.

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