friends - r.v.d

By yeedothaw

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Lana and Ruel have been best friends for 12 years. This year is different and everything changes. What will r... More

Part 2: the one with the hoodie
Part 3: the one where they're mad
Part 4: the one at mcdonalds
Part 5: the one where it goes wrong
Part 6: the one where they cuddled
Part 7: the one with bella and caleb
Part 8: the one where they come over
Part 9: the one with truth or dare
Part 10: the one with the sleepover
Part 11: the one with the movie
Part 12: the one with the party
Part 13: the one where shit goes down
Part 14: the one they start falling
Part 15: the one where they make a run for it
Part 16: the one where they cry
Part 17: the one where they worry
Part 18: the one where they surprise her
Part 19: the one where they are scared
Part 20: the one where she doesnt know
Part 21: the one where it's been a while
Part 22: the one where they heat things up
Part 23: the one where she wants to know
Part 24: the one where she goes
Part 25: the one where she explains
Part 26: the one where she gets ready
Part 27: the one where they go
Part 28: the one where they party
Part 29: the one where it makes sense now

Part 1: the one where they come home

3.2K 41 30
By yeedothaw

"Would you quit making that noise!" I scream.

"Jesus what crawled up your ass this morning," Dylan says next to me.

"I'm trying to do my English essay and your annoying ass is making bird noises next to me so will you shut the fuck up before I throw my entire laptop at your face" I say whilst groaning in frustration.

"Mommy! Lama said a bad word!" Zara said running into the kitchen with her care bear.

"Lana how many times have I told you? No swearing, especially in front of your little sister," my mom scolded me as she walked into the living room with two sandwiches on two plates. She set them down on the old wooden coffee table in front of Dylan and I.

"I'm sorry ma I'm just so stressed right now I can't think straight," I say placing my laptop next to me.

"Ah yes the joys of junior year. Well little sis hate to break is too you but the work has only just begun," Dylan says stretching his right arm behind my back along the old leather couch cushions.

"Tell me about it. I have only been there for two weeks and I have an assignment due in a week!" I say rubbing my temples. Dylan is my brother. He was 4 years older than me, meaning he is 20. Zara was my little sister, she is 7. As for me well I'm 16, just starting junior year and boy did I already hate it.

"Darling, why don't you take a break and have some lunch?" my mum says gesturing at the sandwich she made for me as she sat down on one of the tub chairs to my right. I reach forward and grab the plate in front of me. I lift the sandwich off of the plate and take a massive bite out of it. I hear the door unlock and I instantly knew who it was.

"In here!" I shout out. Suddenly, their head whips around the corner causing me so jump up and smile. I run over to them and wrap my arms around their neck pulling them closer than ever before.

"Calm down Lana your gonna kill the poor girl," my mum said behind me. I pulled away slightly so I wasn't crushing her but I still was hugging her tightly.

"I missed you so much," she mumbled into my shoulder.

"I missed you too," I say pulling away.

"Well don't just stand there, come give your mother a hug!" my mum says standing up from her previous position. She ran over to my mom and gave her the biggest bear hug. If you couldn't already figure it out, that was my other sister Kelsey. Her and Dylan were twins, but they were never that close. She had just been on a two year trip around Europe with her boyfriend Jamie so that will explain why we are hugging her to death.

"Oh wow you would forget your own twin brother," Dylan says rolling his eyes. Kelsey jumps on top of him and hugs him so tightly I think he might break a bone. Luckily he did the same back to her. Even despite their closeness, or lack thereof, they missed each other greatly. The longest period of time they had spent away from each other before Kelsey's trip was two days and that was when they were 12 and Dylan had a virus. I decided to join in and jump on top of them as well causing Dylan to groan because of my added weight.

"Hey, what about me?" I hear a little voice say from behind me. All three of us lift our heads to see a pouty Zara behind us wanting some love as well. Kelsey turns around and sits to Dylan's right while I sit on his left. Dylan reaches forward and picks up Zara placing her on Kelsey's lap.

"Now how is my favourite little munchkin doing? Look at you, you have gotten so big!" Kelsey says in a baby voice at Zara. Zara blushes a little, adding to her cuteness even more.

"I'm seven!" she exclaims whilst holding up eight fingers making us all giggle at her. It felt so good for Kelsey to be home. There were sooo many things she needed to be filled in on. These past two years have been hard without her help, especially around the house.

"So where is Jamie?" I ask curiously.

"Oh um he went to see his parents," she said quietly. Something was off but only I could tell. That's the thing about being close to your sister, you know even when the slightest thing is off. Even Dylan couldn't tell this time, but I knew something was wrong and I wanted to know what.

"So ma, how has work been? Is Tina still the manager?" Kelsey asks.

"It has been okay and yes, unfortunately. I will never understand why they keep her in such a high position," she said frowning.

"Maybe because she is screwing your boss?" Dylan says rolling his eyes. I hit him lightly on the arm and my mum rolls her eyes.

"Anyway," I say trying to steer away from that conversation.

"Oh Lana, how is your love life?" Kelsey says sitting forward.

"Ewwww love! Gross" Zara says making me smile at her. She was so cute, I wish I was that young again.

"Well Luke and I are still going really great so that's basically it." I say plainly. There wasn't much I could say.

"What about young Leo?" she says winking and I hear Dylan groan.

"What's your problem dipshit?" I say turning to Dylan.

"Neither of you will shut up about that boy. Your both in love with him," he says looking me dead in the eyes. I let out a loud laugh.

"You think I would be in love with my best friend after 12 years? Please bro, get a grip. Also not to mention Kelsey has just spent two years away with her boyfriend of 5 years. Neither of us are in love with him," I say rolling my eyes.

"You say that now," I hear him mumble under his breath but I choose to ignore it. He always does this. Kelsey ended up staying for a few more hours and it was now 10 pm. Kelsey had offered to tuck Zara in at 8pm since she hadn't done it in so long and it warmed my heart how clingy Zara was to Kelsey. Ever since then we have been in the lounge talking about her trip to Europe, Dylan and I's love life and my mums work as well as other small bits of information we wanted to let Kelsey in on. Suddenly I heard the front door open and I wasn't startled because I knew exactly who it was.

"Is that my favourite Jones's car out the front I see?" he calls as he walked down the hall. In no time he appeared in the door way smiling widely.

"Well I'll be damned, if it isn't the Kelsey Jones herself back home." He said walking into the living room. Kelsey jumped up and ran over to him.

"Vincent! How are you holding up kid?" she said as she hugged him. He laughed lightly hugging her back.

"I would be a lot happier if you stopped calling me by my middle name," he said lightheartedly earning a giggle from my sister.

"Lana does it, why can't I?" she says jokingly pouting like Zara.

"Because she has done it since first grade and I'm used to her saying it. You on the other hand, it's weird," he laughs. I jump up from the couch and run over to him and jump on his back causing him to laugh once again.

"You know I will never get used to you jumping all over me," he says unlatching my hands from around his neck, placing me on the ground.

"You don't have to, just know it won't stop." I smile innocently as he rolls his eyes. Suddenly he wraps his hand around my waist and lifts me over his shoulder. I squeal causing him to deeply laugh. He runs out of the room and down the hall. He swings my bedroom door open and throws me onto the bed closing the door behind him and climbing on top of me. He was sitting on my waist and my legs were dangling off the bed. He had my hands pinned either side on my head, his hands holding my wrists.

"Ruel, I swear to god if you do what I think your about to," I said out of breath. He just gives me an evil grin. I instantly knew what was going through his head. His hands reached down and he started tickling me so I was uncontrollably laughing. He knew I hated it but he also knew every single one of my ticklish spots. I was laughing so much I couldn't breathe and I was fighting hard to get him off of me.

"S-stop! Please Ruel!" I say laughing and barely able to catch a breath. He laughs loudly and since he was still sitting on me so the vibration went through my entire body. He eventually stops and my laughter dies down. He was still sitting on top of me after 10 minutes and I was starting to get annoyed.

"Are you ever gonna get off of me?" I say sassily.

"Please," he said smirking and leaning forward.

"You know you love it when I do this." He says lowly into my ear. He's right, I did love it. I really shouldn't because he is my best friend but god he was right, I loved it. There was a sudden knock at the door and Ruel looked towards it leaning back. I pushed him off and stood up brushing myself off. I walked over to the door and Dylan was standing there, arms folded trying to intimidate both of us.

"How long is it gonna take you to realise folding your arms doesn't intimidate anyone in this house? Not even Ruel. And that's saying something," I say as I walked over to my bed and sit down next to Ruel who was on his phone. Suddenly a soft surface is thrown at my face. I removed the pillow from my face and threw it back at Ruel.

"Okay love birds break it up. Mum wants you to both be quiet now because she is going to sleep and so is Kelsey, even though her dumbass is jet lagged. I'm going home so bye," he said at a steady pace. I could tell he was tired so I walked over to him and hugged his torso. He hated when people hugged him but I did it anyway.

"Bye big bro," I call out as he walks down the narrow hallway. He laughs lightly.

"By little sis," he calls back. I close my bedroom door and turn back around to see Ruel smirking at me.

"What?" I say sassily as I walk back over to the bed.

"Nothing," he says and looks at his phone. He moves to sit his back against the headboard and I sit next to him doing the same since it was a queen size bed.

"Excuse me sir. It's talking time, put that phone down," I say to him.

"Sorry, mum." He says putting his phone on the bedside table next to him and turning on his side to face me. We always did this. He would come over super late and we would just lay here and talk until 3 am or until one of us fell asleep. Tonight was just like any other night and I didn't want it to change.

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