De Bretaughtyou

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Sasha Swedenburg is nothing like the 'other girls' and is constantly reminded of that by everyone in her life... Mais

Thank you 🧡🏀


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De Bretaughtyou

"Shamira, look. Let me call you back aiight?" Quan said, letting out a deep breath.

"Call me back? I just told you ~"

"I know what you told me" Quan spat, cutting Shamira off as his eyes were still burning through his little brother, "I'll call you back"

He hung up before she could respond, not exactly in the right headspace to deal with her. He was sure she was just trying to get his attention because he was finally treating her how she treated him, but there would be no way of knowing until he had time to address that situation.

"Where is it?" Quan asked, knowing Ty was well aware of what he was referring to.

"Where's what?" He acted clueless.

"Ty, don't fucking play with me, start talking now!" He demanded.

Ty's face fell flat and he hung his head low, next revealing the gun from behind his back. Quan let out a breath of relief, but not hesitating to snatch it from his brother's hand.

"I just came in here to see if I could borrow a pair of sneaks, and I found that. I was just looking at it" he kissed his teeth, "What are you doing with it anyway?"

"Don't worry about it" Quan told him, "And don't lie to me, we don't even wear the same shoe size"

Ty twisted his mouth because he knew his brother was right, but he didn't expect Quan to think that quick on his feet.

"You're selling drugs, aren't you? That's what everybody is saying about you"

"That's none of you or everybody else's business" Quan shrugged, "And don't try to change the subject"

The two battled looks, Ty losing only a few seconds later. With three years between them, Quan also had a few inches and definitely more build than his little brother. He knew he could win a tussle without even breaking a sweat, so Ty figured he might as well not waste any more time.

"Fine" he gave in, letting his shoulders fall, "I was here trying to borrow something..anything really. But then I came across the gun, and I figured that could solve my problem"

"What problem?" Quan asked, all ears.

"The kids at guy specifically. Always making jokes about me whenever we have a dress down day"

"So what, you were going to shoot him for cracking on you?" Quan raised his brow.

"I was just going to scare him" Ty kissed his teeth.

"Ty, I understand where you're coming from. Kids used to tease me too ~"

"Not anymore, not ever since you've been skipping and popping up with new sneaks and new clothes. So are those rumors true? That makes sense with the gun and all"

Quan took a seat on his bed, and while he had no problem admitting his extracurricular activity to anyone he didn't want Ty to think that selling drugs was his only option.

"I'm just helping a friend with something and he pays well. And this, is for protection" Quan said lifting the gun, "It's not a toy, and you could get in serious trouble if you hurt anyone for something stupid"

Ty nodded, knowing his brother was right. However it was hard being the new kid in highschool especially when everyone made fun of the bobo's his mother insisted on buying him. To make things worse, his siblings were actually popular in school while he was known as bobo boy.

"Look, Christmas is in a few weeks. So how about next weekend, we take a trip to the mall and you can grab some new gear. On me" Quan told his little brother whose eyes immediately lit up.

"For real? Thanks bro" Ty beamed.

"No problem, now get out of here" Quan snickered, "And do me a favor, act like you didn't hear what was said on the phone"

Ty pretended to zip his lips and throw away the key, next heading out of Quan's room and leaving him to himself. Quan locked his door, next carefully placing the gun back - making a note to find a new hiding spot when he got a chance. Afterwards he pulled his shirt over his head, undressing as he prepared for bed.

Before he tucked himself in, he sat up eating his food as he stared at the contact in his phone. To call, or not to call was his dilemma. Sure, Shamira could be pulling one over his eyes. But what if she wasn't. Then, he would definitely have much more on his plate to deal with and he wasn't ready for that conversation with his parents.

Scrolling up, he smirked as a different name was now on his mind. He gave it a short thought before pressing the call button, waiting patiently for the person to answer.

"Hello?" Heaven answered after a few rings.

"Hey" Quan smiled, "It's Q"

"Wasted no time huh?" She giggled.

"Not at all, a girl as pretty as you a man has to make his move"

"I like the sound of that, so that date you were speaking of earlier...I'm off tomorrow if you're free"

"So I'm not the only one not wasting any time" Quan smirked, pleased to hear she was looking forward to him taking her out.

"Well...a guy as cute as you a girl can't say no"

Quan was glad that the two were on the phone and not in person, due to the wide stupid grin that was attached to his face. He couldn't believe his luck when it came to meeting the young girl who seemed cool so far, and it was no doubt that he couldn't wait to take her out.

At the moment the situation with Shamira had slipped his mind - instead giving all of his attention to Heaven for the remainder of the night as the two talked for hours on end. Finally falling asleep around 3am, Quan was rudely awakened by his mom only a few hours later.

"Quan, get up" Myda shouted in a panic, banging on Quan's door.

"Mhh, what?" He stirred in his sleep.

"Sasha never came home last night" she sniffled, "She can be anywhere"

Quan raised up from his bed, opening the door so he could face his mother, "Mom, relax. I'm sure she's okay"

"Quan, don't be ridiculous. It's 7am, she's been gone since yesterday afternoon. I'm going to call the cops~"

Myda turned away frantically, and while Quan didn't want to snitch on his sister he had a pretty good idea of where she was.

"Wait, you don't have to do that" he called after his Mom, "I know...where she is"

"I had a really good time last night" Sasha smiled as she stepped onto the porch.

"Me too" Lux smirked tiredly, "See you in school later?"

"Yeah...I'll be there" Sasha nodded.

Silent crept over the two - neither knowing what else to say especially after a night like that. Lux was still slightly embarrassed by all of her declarations of her love for Sasha while receiving some of the best head of her life, there being no way she could ever deny how she truly felt about her ex when she whimpered enough I love yous for Sasha to remember for a lifetime.

Sasha on the other hand was just hoping for reconciliation, wishing the steamy night was enough for Lux to forgive her and forget the very mistake that tore them apart.

"So listen..." Sasha started, her eyes averted specifically to her feet that were nervously turned inward, "I know that this doesn't change what happened; And to you, it was probably a mistake —"


"I know what you're going to say, you're not mad anymore and we're still friends. But that's not what I want, that's never what I wanted. I want us to be together, like old times"

"I was actually going to say that I don't think it was a mistake" Lux did a slight giggle, "But go on"

"Really?" Sasha squinted her eyes suspiciously, "So, you don't regret last night?"

Lux shook her head, "Nope"

Sasha immediately felt a huge weight come off of her shoulders, the same weight that had been holding her down since Lux broke up with her. This was it, this was the moment their love would be rekindled and she would get a second chance to show Lux that she was mature enough to be in a relationship.

"Okay" Sasha nodded, biting at her bottom lip, "That's great news"

Lux laughed out loud at Sasha's awkwardness that at this point she was sure would never go away - however just as before she found it cute and extremely irresistible. The way her eyes were always big and unsure of everything around her, her voice soft spoken, fingers always occupied to keep her attention away from whatever was going on at the current moment that made her extremely anxious.

Stepping out of the front door, Lux approached Sasha - placing her arms around her shoulders and staring up at her due to the small space in between their heights.

"Is it?" Lux asked, their noses grazing as if they were moments away from stealing a kiss from one another.

"Is it what?" Sasha replied, too focused in on Lux's lips.

"Great news, that neither one of us regretted last night. Because then where does it go from there?"

Lux had a pretty good idea, but if she was being honest with herself she wasn't sure if she could a hundred perfect trust Sasha like she had before. People were masters of deception, and the whole innocent act could ultimately the way Sasha got whatever she wanted.

Sasha smirked, gently grabbing Lux's chin and finally planting the kisses she wanted to.

Lux gave in - the two feverishly tonguing each other down out in the open, Sasha pressing Lux against the brick wall that stood a few inches away from the front door. Sasha moved down to the crook of Lux's neck, her lips softly teasing her as she pecked and sucked tauntingly.

"Sash-Sasha" Lux moaned, "This isn't what I meant"

She tried her best to push her away, but just the kisses alone were reminding her of their night and giving her hot flashes.

"Sorry, couldn't help it" Sasha chuckled, backing off a little, "I really miss you. And to answer your question, I was hoping this means we could...y'know...get back together. But only if you want to"

Lux gave Sasha an unsure look, "Are you sure you're ready for that?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Because, maybe this was all too fast for you. We kinda just jumped in last time —"

"This will be different than last time" Sasha assured her.

Before Lux could respond, the sound of tires coming to a halt in the middle of the street immediately caught their attention. Sasha furrowed her brows at what resembled the vehicle that resembled her Mother's car, only to widen her eyes once Myda actually stepped out. She quickly moved her hands from around Lux's waist, the two straightening up from their compromising position.

"Sasha, oh my God I was so worried" Myda sniffled as she climbed the steps.

"Mom, I'm fine" Sasha scoffed, backing up as her Mom approached her.

"Fine? You're only seventeen, you don't get to choose when you stay out. Lux, where is your mother?"

Myda turned to Lux who was hoping she would leave her out of it.

"Umm, Mrs. Swedenburg I actually live with my brother" Lux told her, "He's sleep but I can —"

"It's fine, Sasha get in the car" Myda gestured towards the green minivan, "Nice seeing you Lux, I wish it was on better circumstances"

Lux smiled uneasily, watching as Sasha reluctantly dragged her body to the car with her Mother continuing to rant behind her. She sighed, turning back into the house as she had to get ready for school.

"And what is that on your neck? Did her brother do that to you?!" Myda turned Sasha's face to get a view of the purple mark on her neck.

"I doubt" Quan snickered in the front seat.

"Mom stop, just drive" Sasha kissed her teeth, attempting to hide the bruise with her hoodie that now smelled of nothing but Lux.

Myda finally shifted her direction to the wheel, "We are talking about this when we get home"

Sasha glared out of the window, just wanting her mother to drive so they could make it home and she could be back out the door to school.

Myda took advantage of the twenty minute drive, continuing to lecture Sasha on how dangerous it was to spend the night out. Finally pulling up to the house, Sasha hopped out first thing - slamming the car door behind her.

"And give me your cell phone" Myda yelled one last command, causing Sasha to stop in her tracks.

"W-Why?" She stammered, "I didn't do anything, I only spent the night at Lux's —"

"Without my permission" Myda replied adamantly, approaching her daughter, "Give me the phone, Sasha. I mean it. You're also on punishment - and before you say anything this has nothing to do with your father or our marriage. It is because you —-"

"Me?" Sasha asked, her eyes glistening with tears, "You're the one who started all of this because I didn't get the stupid hairstyle that you wanted"

Quan shook his head as he watched his Mom and Sasha go back and forth, and this was exactly what he was afraid of. However he figured it would be easier than Myda calling the cops and putting out a search party, when he knew most likely where she'd be. Still - he was tired of seeing the two bicker day in and day out.

"Neither of you are right, just so you know" Quan spoke up, causing both his sister and mother to spike their brows.

"Sasha - Mom should've been more considerate over the things that you like. Buttt, you did kind of storm away and never called to say you were staying out. Mom - you can't continue to treat Sasha like a baby. That means no picking out her hairstyles, or getting mad that she doesn't want to tell you things"

An awkward silence emerged between the three of them, Quan looking over the mother-daughter pair that was practically in shambles. Sasha finally responded by just rolling her eyes, turning away and pulling out her key to the front door. However, before she could do so, it began to open - Joseph revealing himself from the other side - his hands overflowing with bags.

"Joseph, what are you —"

"I'm leaving you Myda" He answered the question before it could come out, "I'll be back to see the kids, but when I'm ready"

"When you're ready?" Myda repeated, her voice shaky from the burning tears that were coming, "What does that even mean? You can't do this to us!"

Sasha was a complete after thought, as all Myda could think about at the moment was Joseph leaving her to raise five kids alone with no income. She had given him her complete life, and upon his request never worked but instead becoming a housewife. With no work experience, it would be next to impossible for her to keep a roof over their heads.

"Mom, just let him go" Quan said holding her back.

Sasha stood wide eyed, not exactly sure what to do in the dramatic moment. She didn't exactly like her father, but she was aware of his importance to the household. There was no telling how they would survive without him.

"Twenty years, Joseph" Myda cried hysterically, watching as her husband carelessly threw his bags into the back seat of his car.

He glanced back to the three of them for a moment, and for a second Myda stopped her tears as she hoped he was changing his mind.

"The lawyer is drawing up the divorce papers, you'll get your copy soon"

With those last words, he hopped inside the old wagon and drove away - leaving behind a life he no longer wanted.

"Okay, okay slow down" Valencia said wide eyed, putting up her hands to halt Lux's story, "You said she did what? You like that?"

Lux gave her friend a knowing look, "Yeah girl, what girl doesn't. I mean - don't get me wrong at first it's a lil invasive but you get used to it" she shrugged as if it was no big deal.

Valencia on the other hand was still a virgin, and anything except kissing seemed like a bit much to her. Whereas Lux and the other girls always talked about sex as if was so normal - and she couldn't help but wondering what she was missing.

"Okay...well then what happened?" Valencia asked, her hand digging back into the bag of cheese curls.

"We fell asleep in eachothers arms" Lux dramatically sighed, "So, what do you think? Are we good for getting back together or should I wait it out"

Lux read her friend's shifting expressions - the pair walking down the halls before second period started. For some odd reason Sasha hadn't shown up to class, and Lux figured maybe she needed rest after their night. Either way, it gave her more time to come up with an answer to Sasha's question.

"I don't know girl, that's a tough one" Valencia put her hands on her hips, "I think it depends - are you over the whole her and Jaz thing?"

"I think..I am" Lux nodded slowly, "That bitch hasn't tried anything slick in practice and as far as I've seen they never speak"

" you trust her? I mean, you know what they say - if you lie, you'll steal and you'll kill"

Lux bursted into laughter, "Alright now, Sasha is not a killer. I mean, she does kill the—"

"Sis, don't" Valencia stopped her friend with a laugh, "I have to get to class. But goodluck on your decision" she chuckled.

Lux pouted, playfully rolling her eyes as just in time the bell rang a second time to signify class starting. She adjusted her bookbag on her back - next hurrying to her second period class which was science.

Thankfully it was only down the hall, and Lux was able to slide in just before her teacher locked the door.

"Ay-ay hold up!"

Mr. Jenkins rolled his eyes as he held the door open for Alex, a jock that just like the rest were never on time.

"Sorry Mr. —-"

"Yeah yeah, take a seat Alexander" the old man flagged him off.

Alex kissed his teeth, shaking his head at his teacher while walking to his seat.

"I know you heard me calling you, you left me out there to dry" he smiled, claiming his seat next to Lux.

"Oh was that you?" Lux tilted her head, "I thought I heard a tiny voice in the distance"

"Girl ain't nothing on me tiny" Alex put emphasis on his last word, the dimple on his right cheek showing.

Lux grabbed the stack of papers that were being passed back, handing one to Alex and then proceeding to pass them back.

"Did you do your homework?" She asked, pulling out her folder as she knew Jenkins would be coming around soon to collect it.

"Of course, you want to copy don't you?" He smirked teasingly.

Lux batted her eyes, "No, I want to make sure your answers are right. Because I know mines are"

"That was cute" Alex said hanging over his homework, "Almost as cute as you"

Lux jokingly snatched it, giving him a tug of her cheek before going to copy his answers like he predicted. Alex snickered to himself - but only due to the fact she looked adorable as her expression was genuinely confused at the paper in front of her.

Hearing the sound of his 'church shoes' as Alex jokingly called them, Lux knew Jenkins was on his way to collect the homework. She hurriedly copied it down, finishing it just in time to hand both papers over.

"Close one" Alex whispered, "Almost as close as last time. You'd think you'd actually do it one day"

"I don't appreciate your level of sarcasm, Alexander. And for your info, I was busy last night so I didn't get to finish"

Alex tapped his pencil against the desk before writing his name on the worksheet in front of him, "Let me guess, more episodes of ~"

"Alexander, Lux - quiet down" Jenkins said now back at his desk, "Unless you're talking about the work, no one should be talking"

The two nodded. Lux went to work on the worksheet as well, knowing she wasn't any good at science but had to push through with the help of quizlet and cheating off of Alexander. First glance, no one would think the handsome basketball player actually enjoyed school - especially since most of his friends were known to make good enough grades just to stay on the team.

While most players hated school, Alex actually liked it. Science class was definitely his favorite - and while he was intrigued by the subject the fact that he sat next to one of the prettiest girls in school was a plus.

"So..." Alex whispered, a little after being told to hush, "Are you going to the winter dance?"

"I don't know...maybe" Lux shrugged, "Never really been to a dance"

"Really?" Alex replied a little louder than he meant to.

He glanced up at Jenkins who was now falling asleep in his chair.

"I mean...why not?" He cleared his throat.

"I don't know - just haven't. When is it?"

"After the winter break. You should go" Alex suggested, not exactly phrasing it how he wanted to.

However he wasn't confident enough to ask Lux to go with him out right, since he was well aware that the two so far had only been friends. But that was because she was with Sasha, and as far as he could tell that was done with.

He watched as Lux opened her mouth to respond, only for her to drop her head to her phone once it vibrated. A wide smile escaping her lips at whatever message she read. Of course he had been too late, someone was bound to take her back off the market sooner or later.

"What were you saying?" Lux looked up after responding to the message.

Alex shook his head, "Nothing, it's cool. I should probably shut up before ol' man come over here and bust us"

"Yup, and I'm blaming it all on you" Lux giggled, nudging his shoulder with hers.

"Yeah aiight, snitches get stitches" Alex gave her a warning eye.

Lux laughed once more, this time Mr. Jenkin's eyes opening from the other side of the room and causing her lips to quickly shut. Next, hisbeyes fluttered back close and she let out a relieved breath.

For the rest of the period, Lux tried her best to focus on her work. Between her strong dislike for the subject constant distraction for Alex she barely got her paper done; However once the clock struck eleven, she quickly picked up her books and flung her worksheet down on the teachers desk.

She immediately spotted Sasha as she entered the crowding hallway as the periods transitioned to third.

She stood against the lockers, her somber expression from the day before returned.

"And here I was, thinking you had a good time" Lux said approaching her.

"It's not that" Sasha smirked painfully, "It's family stuff"

"Oh right, your Mom was pretty mad huh?"

"Yup. She tried to take away my phone when we got home, but then my Dad came out of the door telling us all that he's leaving" Sasha scoffed, "Merry Christmas to us"

"Oh my God, Sasha are you okay?" Lux said genuinely taken aback.

She knew just as well as anyone else that came in contact with Joseph that he wasn't that great of a person, however leaving his family during the holiday season was still a little low.

"I will be" Sasha nodded, "And don't worry...This isn't a guilt tactic to get you to get back with me"

"Hmm, are you sure? The timing is on" Lux playfully slit her eyes.

Sasha snickered, licking her lips, "I'm sure. I want you to say yes when you're ready"

Their fingers intertwined, the two gave each other a reassuring smile without saying anything.

"Okay, I promise I will let you know when I'm ready" Lux replied.

The bell bang once more - and again Lux knew she was running short on time to clear the hallway.
Sasha was aware that she had to at least make it to third period on time since she happened to miss the first two.

"See you later?" Sasha asked grabbing the straps of her backpack.

"Yup, see you later" Lux responded already a few feet away.

As bad as Sasha wanted to hear I love you or even say it for that matter, she knew it was too early. Especially since the two weren't exactly back in a relationship. It was clear that Lux wanted to take it slow, and no matter how much Sasha wanted things to just go back to normal she was just happy they were talking again.

Sooner or later things would fall into place - at least that's what she told herself.

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