You're Not Like the Others

By GACfan4life

30.8K 496 83

Kayla is a hard working mother with a daughter named Abby. One day she meets the Ghost Adventures Crew, will... More

You're Not Like the Others


1.5K 21 3
By GACfan4life

I woke up to someone poking my arm and calling me


I sat up and saw Abby awake

"Morning sweetie, how'd you sleep?"


she then looked down at the teddy bear with the hot pink ribbon around its neck

"Zak came by lastnight and gave it to you" I said smiling

just then I heard a knock on the door, me and Abby looked at the door

"Hi daddy" I said

"Yay grapa Mark"

"How is my little sprinkles?"

I just chuckled as I remembered how she got that nickname.

2yrs. Ago

We went to grandpa Mark's house to sleep over, since he lives 6 hours away from Vegas and I wasn't going to drive back to Vegas and arrive at 3 in the morning and disturb Abby's sleep trying to get her inside. We were all on the couch watching TV when my dad said

"Abby, I think it's time for you to take your first bite of ice cream"

"Dad, she's 1, it's not recommended for a 1 year old to eat ice cream"

"Why? It'll melt so she's not going to choke on it" he said picking Abby up and headed to the kitchen

"Fine, she can have some but NO sprinkles"

"Yeah, Yeah"

"Dad I mean it"

"I heard you sweetheart"

he then vanished into the kitchen with Abby

Why do I bother telling him no? He's just going to do it anyway I thought

I then got up and headed to the kitchen. Once I got in there I saw Abby on his right hip and he extended his left hand to the cabinet

"HA! I caught you red handed"

He then turned around smiled with the sprinkle bottle in his hand

"I told you she can't have any, she barely has teeth"

"Well, she's got to use the teeth she has for something"

"Dad, watch..." I said and then hung my head

Abby got the sprinkle bottle and popped it open somehow and dumped all of the sprinkles on the floor

"Out" I finished and then looked at him

he just started laughing

"See she wanted sprinkles, didn't you...sprinkles" he said hugging her and she laughed


"Fine grapa" she said

he then looked over at me with concern

"And how's my baby girl?"

"I'll be better once all of this is taken care of" I said sighing



"I'm hungry"

"What do you want to eat?"

then we heard someone screech


my dad looked at me confused and I looked at him confused and shrugged

"No idea" I said

then someone knocked on the door and we all looked at who it was

"Are we inturrupting?"

"Nick" Abby said happily

"No, you guys can come in" I said chuckling

"And since we know that hospital food is disgusting..." Aaron said carrying 5 McDonalds bags

"We went and bought some breakfast for you guys" Zak said holding the drinks

they came in and sat the food down on a table that was in the room

"Thanks guys"

"Who are they?" my dad asked confused

"Oh, daddy I'm sorry, this is Zak..." I said pointing to Zak

he and my dad shook hands

"This is Aaron...and this is Nick"

"Nice to meet you guys... So how do you guys know my daughter, I haven't seen you guys with her before" my dad said

"We met her at the news station the other day while doing an interview" Aaron said

"Oh, what do you guys do?"

Uh oh I thought

"We travel around the world to places that are supposably haunted" Zak said

Nick handed me a bag


I then pulled out an egg McMuffin and handed it to Abby

"You guys hunt ghosts?" my dad asked not believing what they were saying

"Yeah, and we catch some really great evidence" Nick said

"They do, they do...mommy helped em"

I inwardly smacked myself

Why did I take her there yesterday? I thought

"You helped with there 'investigation'? he asked looking at me using his fingers to quotation the word investigation

"Um...Mr. Summers, you're a skeptic aren't you?" Zak asked

That's alittle bold to just come out and say I thought

"Yes, I am 100%"

"Well, if you would like we could show you what we caught when Kayla investigated with us"

"No thank you Zak"

just then my obsessed ex boyfriend, that happens to be a nurse walked in and glared at Zak

Oh boy, here we go I thought

"So how's the father taking all of this?"

My dad's eyes bugged out, Aaron started choking on a biscuit he was eating, Nick almost spewed his drink out, Abby looked confused, and I was starting to get ticked off as he just walked over to Abby and checked her vital signs

"Listen Brad, that's none of your concern, now is it? Why don't you just do your job and get out" I said warningly

he just smirked. I looked over at Zak, he had his arms crossed, standing up straight, and he was watching Brad's every move to make sure he didn't do anything to Abby. Brad looked over at Zak and smirked and I looked back at Brad

"You're the alpha of the group aren't you?" Brad asked Zak

Nick and Aaron looked at Zak to see what he was going to do

"Alpha? As in the alphbet?" Abby asked confused

"Brad, you've been in here long enough, it's time to go" Zak said

"Why? I'm trying to check up on a patient"

"You've done it, now it's time to go and if you refuse to leave this room I'll talk to your supervisor"


"So that means you'll be terminated from this me on this, I have that power to do so" Zak said with a serious expression on his face

Brad just walked past Zak and left the room. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding

"What do you mean you have that power?" my dad asked

"Well Mr. Summers..."

"Please call me Mark"

"Ok, well, Nick and Aaron have our own show on the Travel Channel, so..."

"You guys are famous enough to get people fired or make them think that" my dad finished

"Something like that" Zak said

" much does it pay?"

"Dad! That's none of our business" I scolded

"Of course it is, if Zak's in your's and Abby's life, I need to know if he can provide for you two"

Over-protective mode, wish mom was like that... Why'd I let her back in my life? I thought


"Mark, depending on how many episodes we do in a season, how far it is, and things like that, we get a pretty good amount" Zak said

then my dad's phone started to ring and he got up

"Well, I guess I better go, that's the boss callin'"

"Alright, I'll see you later" I said hugging him

"Bye sprinkles" he said hugging Abby

"And it was nice meeting you guys"

"Same here" they said

and he left


"Yeah baby girl"

"Zak is my daddy?"

I looked at Zak and he looked at me and then I looked back at Abby


"Yeah" Zak said

I looked at him shocked, Nick and Aaron looked at him like he was nuts. Then he slightly tilted his head to the door and Alex was standing there

"The doctor said she'll be released in a few minutes"

"Thank you" Zak said

"Yay" she said happily and getting out of the bed

"Where arer you going?" I asked



she then went into the bathroom

"Zak do you know what you're doing?" Nick asked

"I'm helping Kayla out"

"No offense Zak, but you've known me for 3 days max, why are you being so nice? Do you feel sorry for me or something?"

Aaron and Nick looked at him

"I went to far didn't I? If I did, I didn't mean to he was standing by the door listening"

"Well thank you for that, but Zak..."

"Ms. Summers if you could sign these forms your daughter may go" the doctor said

I signed them and Abby came out of the bathroom

"Ready to go?" I asked her

her face lit up and she ran to Zak

"Daddy, up"

he looked at me for permission and I just smiled

I've known him for 3 days and I'm putting this much trust in him? I thought

he then picked her up and held her on his left side

"Wait...Aren't you the Ghost Adventures guys?" the doctor asked

"Yeah" Aaron said alittle unsure

"Well my sixteen year old daughter loves the show, she says your the hottest" she said pointing to Zak

"Well uh...thank you"

"I didn't know you had a daughter with Kayla Summers"

"Well we wanted to keep our personal lives out of the public's eye" Zak answered

How can he think of things to say so fast in this ituation? I thought

"I understand, so I guess no telling my daughter about how you're already taken and that you have a child"

"That would be nice" he said

"Alright, well I'll see you guys" she then walked out

"Well I need to get home to my wife and daughter" Nick said smirking

Zak glared at him

"And I've got to go so you two can make up for lost times" Aaron said smirking too

And Zak glared at him and I blushed alittle

"Bye Kayla and Abby" Nick said

"Bye" we said

he then left. Aaron then said

"I'll see you guys later"

"Ok" I said

and he whispered something to Zak and then left. Zak looked at me



we then walked out of the hospital room and down to my car. Once we got to the car I put Abby in her seat and then shut the door


"Yeah?" I asked turning to Zak

"Well, since I pretty much dug ourselves into a deeper hole, do you want to go to dinner with me, so we can get to know each other better?"

"Zak I would like that"

"So how about 7 tonight?"

"7 it is"

"Alright, just text me the address"

"Will do"

he smiled and then went to his car. I got in my car and me and Abby went home. When we got home Abby went straight to the T.V and started watching something and I went to check the answering machine that was in my room. 'One new message' so I played it

"Kayla, how could you make Selvester lose his job? It's all your fault that there's an investigation going on, Do you hate us so much that you want us living on the streets because we can't pay our bills? I think we're just going to live with you in your apartment since we can't pay the electric bill, gas for the car, the water bill, and our food. So don't be surprised when you see boxes and bags infront of your door" the answering machine beeped

They're not livingn here and trashing my place...Why'd I ever let her back in my life? I thought

Then my cellphone rang


"Hey Kay"

"Oh, hi jessica"

"What's going on? I've tried calling you and no answer"

"Jess, there's a bit of family problems going on"

"Your mom again?"

"Yeah and stepdad"

"What happend?"

"Let's just say that it's bad enough that the state had to step in"

"They didn't hit you did they?"

"No not me" I mumbled


I stayed silent

"They hurt Abby, Why?"

"I don't know" I said choking on my words

"Kay,do you want me to take Abby for the night so you can get your frustations out?"

"That would be nice Jess"

"Alright, be there in 5" she then hung up

She was on her way when she called I thought

I then went to the livingroom and sat on the couch

"Sweetie, Jess is coming over to pick you up"


"Bacause mommy needs some time alone, so lets go get your night-over bag ready"


we then went to her room and got her bag ready. When I zipped up her bag I heard "Guess who's here?"

Abby ran out of her room and I grabbed her bag and walked out. Jess looked at me and she could tell that the situation was serious

"It'll be fine fine Kay" she said hugging me

she then let go and looke at Abby

"I was thinking we go to the park and then maybe...get some ice cream"

Abby started jumping up and down happily

"Alright, give mommy kisses" I said bending down

she then kissed my cheek and I kissed her forehead

"Now behave"

"I will"

"Alright, see you tomorrow"

"See ya Kay"

they then left and I looked at the clock

It's only 12:25...guess I could take a shower, then take a nap and then get ready about 5:30 I thought

I then went to my room and grabbed some clothes and then took a shower. And when I was done I went to my rom and layed down and sat my alarm on my phone and then went to sleep.

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