Forgotten? (On hold)

By shoeycpv

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Book 2 of "I'm in love with my bully" Joey have been dealing with life good, he skipped collage and went on t... More

Part 1 3 years later...
Part 2 I cant have him
Part 3 date?
Part 5 old friends
Part 6 Shoey
Part 7 Boyfriends after 3 years
Part 8 truth or dare
Part 9 ex finace
Part 10 Swim shorts?

Part 4 fight

1K 40 102
By shoeycpv

Joey's POV:

I sat there under the tree looking when Shane ran away. What happen? I told him I loved him and he told me he loved me back. I looked down at my hand and saw the ring on my finger. I took it off and looked inside what I have done many times in my engagement life... "Joey and Will 4 ever" I don't want it to be Will and me, I only want Shane! I miss Shoey!

I took the rest of our breakfast and threw them in a trashcan. I felt horrible, what I told Shane was true, I have never told anyone else what I told him, only my journal. That I had sense I moved to LA, and wrote down everything that had to do with my feelings. My dad gave it to me and told me it could help, today I have 4 books, one for each year. The first one is the one I really care about, all the good times in my life with Shane. I re-read it a hundred times and try to build up my own story's with Shane. I know it's wrong when I should think about Will... I'm really selfish. That kiss me and Shane were sharing were the best one I had in a long time. Sure I like to kiss Will too, but it doesn't have that spark that Shane and I always had.

I got up to mine and Wills apartment. Some parts of me told me I love Will too when I saw him, he was a really nice guy and he have been saving my life before I stared to drug for real.

Will: oh Joey! Were you with Shane?

Joey: um... Yeah...

I sat down on one off the bar chairs and looked at Will who was standing in the kitchen and putting some vegetables in the fridge.

Will: okay, what do you want for Lunch my little bear?

Joey: um... I don't really feel like having lunch

Will: what is it Joey? I ordered some chicken, you love chicken?

Joey: I had a late breakfast...

Will: oh, okay

I had to tell him, I bit my lip trying to find words.

Joey: um... Will?

Will: yeah Jo-bear?

Joey: I did... Something horrible...

Will: nothing you do is horrible my love

He sat on a chair beside me and took my hands in his.

Joey: yes I did... And I'm not proud over it

Will: what are you talking about?

Joey: you know I still like Shane... And today, we started to talk... And he told me he was waiting for me, and I felt bad over him and... He told me that he was okay with all this with you and that, but I saw that he was crushed over it... You can't believe all the things I have done with Shane and what I have been doing to him

Will: Joey that's okay, if your in love you do anything for that person, I know that

Joey: it's just that... I still love Shane, I have been in love with him from the start.

Will: so, you still love him, is that you trying to tell me?

Joey: not just that... When I saw how broken he was...I told him to kiss me...

Will: well, did you?

Joey: yes, and I have seriously missed him, we didn't have a real break up, I finally got the truth from him, that his dad was the reason for it all. Shane never wanted to break the contact and block me from his life, his dad had blocked me from him.

Will: just because he had a gay son?

Joey: yeah

Will: I can't believe that man!

Joey: Shane?

Will: no, his dad. Shane sounds like a good guy

Joey: he really is...

I looked around the room, some of my moving boxers were still laying around from when Will and I officially started living together. I didn't want that, I have been using a wonderful man that could get so much more without me...
Will: something is bothering you Joey, tell me

Joey: you just are going to be mad

Will: I can't be mad at you Joey, tell me it's killing me see you like this
This was horrible, but I need to be honest with Will.

Joey: it's, really selfish of me and I'm an awful person but... I started to date you because... I was sad, I was sad that I lost Shane. I needed someone to hold me like Shane did, but it's not the same thing, I'm not saying I hated the time with you, I loved every second, your an amazing guy but... I have never loved you as much as I love Shane...

That's the worst thing... I made Will cry...

Joey: I'm so sorry Will! I didn't wanted this to happen! I'm so sorry
Will: so you have never loved me?

Joey: I have loved you, I still do a lot, it just that... I love Shane more...

I pulled Will into a hug. I did something horrible to this guy... It's wrong to be in love with Shane... I need to get over Shane and live my life with Will.

Will: so... This is the end

Joey: no, baby I love you and it's going to take some time for me to get over Shane, but it's you I gave my heart to

Will: that's not right, you shouldn't be with me if you love someone else

Joey: I know, but I chose you over him, your the one having me now and it's not more then right

Will: but I don't like this...

Joey: I promise you! I will forget all about Shane!!

Will: stop it Joey!! You love him!! I'm happy that you found him, but... That means one thing for me

Joey: what?

He looked down at my hands in his and he took my ring off.

Joey: no Will...

Will: I want you to be happy, and that's not with me, I hope we can be friends at least

Joey: no Will! I love you, you love me

Will: I don't want to fight over this Joey! I'm breaking up with you so you can be with Shane!

Joey: but what if I don't want to be with him!

Will: I see in your eyes that your lying!

Joey: but why do we have to take in my ex in this!? I'm sure he hates me!

Will: he told you that he loved you right, you love him that's a pretty good thing for me

Joey: but I have been using you for so many years

Will: it was some wonderful years Joey, I will never forget them but I think you should get back with Shane, you were so depressed after you found him that day. I want to see you happy again, but if that means I have to let you go, I will.

Joey: your not mad?

Will: it's going to take some time, but I hope I can get back on track soon, don't worry

Joey: how do we do with were I can stay, I don't know very many... Just Shane...

Will: don't worry, you can stay here till you find a place

Joey: it won't be awkward? I mean we only have one bed and so... And I don't think the couch is good for anyone of us

Will: sharing? We don't need to hold eatchother or cuddle

Joey: your sure?

Will: of course

Joey: okay...But what do you think I should do?

Will: about Shane?

Joey: yeah...

Will: well, try to be friendly tell him we broke up, but tell him that we didn't think it worked out anymore or he will be worried and upset.

Joey: okay, thank you so, so much for understanding!

Will: so you don't mind me going to a bar or something tonight?

Joey: when did you start to go to bars?

Will: I did it before we started to date and you were to young to go so I have been staying home with you

Joey: oh, okay well sure you can

Will: one last kiss?

Joey: of course

We both leaded in just to a quick peek. I feel bad for leaving Will and that but I'm so thankful he understands. After our little kiss he smiled and got out. There was some tears left from my eyes, Will is strong but I know he's hurt. I picked up my phone and tried to call Shane...

Joey: come on Shane... Answer me...

Shane: hey Shane here! I'm not able to pick up right now but I will call you back!

Damn...I have to talk to Shane! But I have no idea were he lives...

Shane's POV:

I came home and Amanda and Sawyer were eating pizza by the tv.

Amanda: hey Shane! What's up?

She saw that I have been crying and came up to give me a hug.

Shane: I can't tell you... *sobs*

Amanda: you know you can tell me everything

Sawyer: man, your a mess and we just want to help you

Shane: you have nothing to do with it!!

I ran up to my room and looked my room. I hate this! I kissed Joey, an engaged man! My ex! God I hate calling Joey my ex... Why did I have to fall for that and kiss him? I felt like I had been crying for hours when my phone started to call, it was Joey so I just let it go...

So Will and Joey are up! Joey is single!!

So I just want to say that, I'm really really sick still... And the doctors won't do anything then tell me to take some medicine that doesn't do a single thing! So I feel kind of bad but I still need to work like 7 hours per day now in two more weeks... After that, if this keep going I will be home for a few days and rest for real because I can't now...

Also! I'm working on a website based on my life for different stuff in my life, wattpad is one of them so you will be able to read more about my books, see the thought behind it on a deeper level and maybe some spoil ;)

Question of the day!
How do you think Joey will win Shane's heart back?

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May the odds be ever be in your favor my little stitch baby's gooodddd byyyyee/ Alex, Luke & Matt

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