Just Something about You

By M_Venn_World

343 70 0

It's been the best year of her life so far! Millie has everything she ever wanted! Her fashion career is soar... More

Part 1 - Behind the fame
Part 2 - Back to reality
Part 3 - Life on the road
Part 4 - Secrets out
Part 5 - This Will Never Be Normal
Part 6 - Unwelcome visitor
Part 7 - First class dick!
Part 8 - Hold it together
Part 9 - A new low
Part 10 - Right place, right time
Part 11 - Back to work
Part 12 - Ugh, her.
Part 13 - London
Part 14 - In the gutter
Part 15 - Another goodbye
Part 16 - Dress shopping!
Part 17 - That towel!
Part 18 - Withdrawel
Part 19 - Once a cheat
Part 20 - Fashion week
Part 21 - Stories
Part 22 - Beginning of the end
Part 23 - Surprise
Part 24 - Rumours
Part 25 - Crying out for help
Part 26 - A different side
Part 27 - Something about him
Part 28 - Crushing
Part 29 - Confessions
Part 30 - Interview
Part 31 - More rumours
Part 32 - Games
34 - Tough decisions
Part 35 - Infatuation
Part 36 - Helping her
Part 37 - The Wedding
Part 38 - Today's the day
Part 39 - Reception & Revelations
Part 40 - Crossing the line
Part 41 - I'm done
Part 42 - Confrontation
Part 43 - Realisation
Part 44 - Fixing things
Part 45 - Gone too soon
Part 46 - Making it right
Part 47 - Yes, 100 times, yes.

Part 33 - Hen Weekend

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By M_Venn_World

The week passed by quickly. Millie had thrown herself into work. She might have felt inadequate in Dex's world up against all the gorgeous young popstars but in her world, she was making waves among the big fashion brands. She was becoming a somebody. She was creating a name for herself. She never thought for a million years her career would take the path it was heading down. Leaving design college, going into an entry level position at Salvo's head office she expected to be a general office assistant for some years, the best she'd hoped for was perhaps one day to be involved in the fashion design ideas for the stores, that was her ultimate goal but in no time at all she'd surpassed all her expectations. She had her name to her very own collection of handbags, she was working on her own collection of clothing and shoes to be sold in Salvo's stores around the globe next year. She had all the major name brands talking about her. She was the next star of the fashion world and now she'd been made director of international design. She literally could not have wished for anything more!

It made her feel good about herself, the opposite to which Dex's world made her feel! So she'd enjoyed spending a week doing what she knew she was good at. Dex had called a few times and they'd text regularly throughout the week but there was still a bit of a weird air between them. Neither of them brought it up but Millie knew Dex could feel it too. Neither were being completely themselves. Millie has convinced herself that he was definitely cheating on her with Isy, there were too many rumours, too many magazine stories, too many photos for it all to be lies and coincidence. There was something in it, it felt like it was already over, it was just going to take one of them to say it.
But that would have to wait as Millie threw her bags into the boot of Ricco's car.

"Seriously, you've got to be fucking kidding me!?!" Said Ricco

"You're still carting round those old, scabby, piece of shit suitcases!! What the fuck woman!? You're dating a famous person, you've just had a promotion and massive pay rise! Your job is director of international design.. which means you travel.. a lot! And you've got a suitcase that's about 100 years old and makes you look homeless!!" Said Ricco

Amber couldn't stop laughing as she watched Millie attempt to shove her suitcase into the ridiculously tiny boot space in Ricco's Lamborghini. Soon giving up and taking it in the car with her.

"Shut it!" Said Millie

"You can't talk with your super shiney gold suitcases! Who do you think you are? The king of Egypt?!" Millie replied. Amber still giggling as she climbed onto the back seats of Ricco's expensive car, with her suitcase in tow it was a tight squeeze!

"Why the hell are you driving us to the airport, you can't swing a cat in this bloody car! You have your own chauffeur!!" Joked Millie. Ricco mimicked her

"You two are too funny" said Amber, still laughing at them.

Millie burst out laughing, he was funny. She was so looking forward to this weekend taking her mind off of everything else.

As she got off the plane in Ibiza the heat hit her.
She grabbed the hand rail of the steps, having drank nearly a bottle of wine on board she felt a little tipsy and uneven on her feet.

"Alright there Milz" teased Ricco as she stumbled a little, he put his arms around her to steady her.

"Yup" she replied, using all her concentration to navigate the last few steps.

It was 3.15pm when they arrived at their hotel. Quickly finding their rooms, and throwing their stuff down they headed to the pool.

Millie and Amber arrived first, pulling several sun beds closer and arranging them into a semi circle so the group of 12 of them could sit together.

Millie pulled off her black sun dress to reveal a bright orange tiny bikini, her tanned body looked perfect against the bright glow of the bikini.

"Woah! I'm not sitting by you!!" Joked Amber, Amber was very pale and felt very average compared to Millie. Amber had a lovely figure too but she was shorter then Millie, her platinum blonde hair cut to shoulder length with a sweeping fringe. She always felt like the ugly one when she was out with Millie. She knew Millie was going to get a lot of male attention this weekend, as she always did. Her gorgeous silky dark brown hair swished as she moved about laying out her towel and arranging her things around her sun-bed. Amber could already see a couple of men's heads turning as Millie bent over to her something out of her bag.

"Whit-ta-woooooo" someone whistled, Millie turned around

"Look at you!" Teased Ricco looking her up and down. He stood right in front of her wrapping his arms around her.

"This is better, stops the pervy old men from perving" he joked. Millie smiled struggling to get free from his grip. Adjusting her bikini top incase she was flashing after his bear hug! he sat down on the sun bed the other side of her. Taking his tshirt off to reveal an equally impressive body. They looked every bit the couple. Millie liked that. She hoped other men would assume she was with him and not bother her.

"Heyyyyyyy" shouted Aria across the pool as the rest of their group emerged from the hotel. They'd arrived on separate flight from various parts of the country.

She watched as Aria made her way across to where Millie was sat followed by Lexi, her mum, her auntie Cathy, Aria's soon to be sister in law Carly and her friends Rachel, Jessie and Jade.

Ricco pulled all of his hen weekend props out of his bag, desperate to annoy Aria with all the cheap hen tat she told him she didn't want.

He walked over to meet her, dropping a penis straw in the cocktail she was holding.

"RICCO!!" she blasted, hitting him in the arm. Ricco laughed and ran back to Millie standing behind her like a human shield.

"Hey I'm not going to help you!!" Laughed Millie

"Have at him Ari" she said stepping out the way. Aria lunged forward and threw the penis straw back at him.

"You're so boring!" He teased. I thought you'd love a good penis in your mouth!" He laughed

"RICCO! my mother is here!!" Laughed Aria. Their mum was covering her ears with her eyes closed. Millie laughed.

"Sorry Mrs Vine" he said, still laughing. He leaned in and put his arms around their mum apologetically.

Later that evening they hit the town. Millie hadn't been out in so long, she was desperate to get out and have a good time. She took a cab with Ricco, Amber and her little sister Lexi to the bar they were meeting in. Millie had already drank several shots with them in the hotel room and already felt drunk. She held onto Ricco's arm as she stumbled from the taxi to the bar.

"Water for you I think young lady" said Ricco as he sat her down on a stool at the bar. She was ok with that. She felt drunk enough, drunk wasn't a feeling she particularly liked. She liked to have a few drinks, to feel tipsy, it made her relax and have a little more confidence but beyond that she didn't like being drunk

"I love you!" She said sliding her hand up Ricco's shirt

"Heeeyy easy there tiger" he replied. Removing her hand.

"Let's not go there again!" He joked as he leaned over the bar to get the attention of a bar tender.

Ambers eyes widened like a deer in headlights

"Again?!" She said, raising her eyebrows at his choice of words. Ricco just smiled and looked at Millie. He'd definitely dropped them in it he was just pleased he knew Millie would have to explain. It was her friend, there was no way he was going to explain.

"Yeah thanks Ri" said Millie rolling her eyes

"I'll tell you later Ambs" she added, knowing full well there was no way Amber was going to let that lie until later

Luckily she was saved by the rest of their group entering the bar, loudly! Ricco quickly draped a 'bride to be' sash over Aria and put a crown on her head with an attached veil.

"Oh bloody hell Ricco!" She blasted, jokingly

"You needed classying up" he teased as he slipped a penis straw in his drink and handed it to Aria. She smiled. She knew she couldn't fight it and in reality as annoying as he was she loved Ricco, he was the most kind hearted man she'd ever met and she knew he took good care of her sister.

Lexi started snapping pictures of everyone, Millie jumped on Ricco's back for a photo, wrapping her legs round his waist, her short skin tight dress rose so much she was flashing her ass to anyone in the bar behind them. Ricco put his hands behind in an attempt to cover her ass from being on display.

Everyone laughing Amber took a photo to show Millie. She was too drunk to be embarrassed.

They arrived back at their hotel room at 2am. After dancing for hours Millie was ready to crash out in bed. She hadn't even thought of Dex all evening, let alone Jesse! She'd not looked at her phone at all. She got it out of her bag and led down on her bed wanting to go through all her messages but her vision was blurry. She squinted trying to make out what they said.

She read one from Dex that said something about photos but she couldn't quite understand the whole text in her current state.

"I'm going to go out on the balcony and call Dex" she said, Ricco was in the bathroom getting ready for bed, he had a moisturiser routine before bed that took forever and he never went to bed without it.

Millie and Ricco were sleeping in the double bed, Amber was folding out the sofa bed. Despite knowing Ricco was most definitely gay she kind of felt like a spare wheel in their relationship.

"Ok hun" replied Amber

Millie stepped out onto the balcony, closing the door behind her.

"Hey" said a voice on the other end of the phone. Millie smiled to herself. It was so good to hear his voice, she hadn't realised how much she missed it.

"Hey baby" she gushed, attempting to hide the fact that she was drunk.

"I wasn't expecting you to call, isn't it like 2am there?" Asked Dex

"Something like that" she replied

"I needed to hear your voice" she added

Dex smiled to himself. Pleased that she didn't sound mad at him for the first time in weeks.

"Good. What do you want me to say?" He asked, putting on a quiet, sultry voice that he knew drove her wild

"Anything" she replied, equally as flirty.

"Tell me how much you want me" she added. Dex laughed,

"It's 4pm here and I'm in a room with about 20 other people!! That's not going to happen! You've had a drink or two tonight haven't you?" He said, knowing full well she wouldn't come out with anything like that sober.

"Maybe" she replied.

"I'll text you after" he replied, his tone deep and sexy

"You better" she replied.

"Hey Ari wondered if you'd be an usher at the wedding?" Said Millie

"Usher?! Like the singer?" Asked Dex, confused,

"No!" Millie laughed, the language barrier was fun

"An Usher is like a groomsman" she explained

"Oh ok" said Dex

"I'm performing though, right? Can I do both?" He asked

"I guess so. You can change before you perform if you want to" she replied

"Uh, I guess so, I don't know the groom though, is that not weird?" asked Dex

"Kinda, but you're like family so it's not weird, plus Lex wants Nate to be one so it wouldn't be weirder if he was and you werent" explained Millie

"Ok" he replied, not totally cool with it, it wasn't really his thing but if Millie wanted him to do it, he would.

"Thanks babe, I have to go now before I spew" said Millie

"Beautiful" laughed Dex

"Who's there with you?" He asked

"I'm sharing a room with Ricco and Amber but I'm alone out on the balcony right now" she said

"Oh ok, I'll call you later, or maybe you call me when you're awake in the morning" said Dex

"Yeah, I will" said Millie

"I love you" said Dex

"Love you too babes" she replied. She hung up the phone and wandered back inside.

Amber was led in bed on her phone

"Is he still in the bathroom?!" Asked Millie

"Yup" replied Amber

"JESUS RICCO, what are you doing in there?!" Millie yelled

"Moisturising!!" He yelled back

Millie and Amber laughed

Millie unzipped her dress and put on her pyjama shorts and one of Dex's tshirt, breathing the smell of him in deeply.

She climbed into bed with a face wipe to take her make up off

"Hey Mil" whispered Amber

"Tell me what happened with Ricco" She asked. Millie hoped she'd forgotten about that!

Millie hesitated, not really knowing how to explain that and cautious that Ricco could hear her.

She walked over to Ambers bed and got in with her so she could whisper

"We fooled around a little bit" whispered Millie, feeling embarrassed

Amber sat up straight in bed

"What?! When?! What happened" she replied, genuinely shocked. And a little bit jealous.

"SHHHHHHHHHush!!!" Said Millie pulling her back down in the bed.

Millie waited to make sure she could still hear him doing stuff in the bathroom

"Back before I was with Dex, when I went to Milan fashion week" said Millie

"Oh my god!" Whispered Amber

"Did you....?" Amber raised her eyebrows suggestively

"Nearly" said Millie,

"But no" she added

"Woah!! What happened?" Asked Amber

"It's a long story but basically I got drunk and upset about seeing Dex there with his girlfriend and I made a move on him and he didn't stop it" she explained

"It was actually amazing Ambs, he's a great kisser" giggled Millie

How did you not tell me this before?!" She asked

"It's awkward" she replied.

"It's still very awkward" she added

"I bet" replied Amber

At that moment Ricco walked back into the room, both girls immediately stopped talking and stared at him.

He stopped,

"What?!" He asked

"Hmm..You two look guilty!" He said

"We're just talking about you!" Amber blurted out

"Good things I hope!" He replied with a smile.

"Always" said Millie

"Mils was telling me about the time you guys nearly had sex" said Amber

"AMBER!!" Said Millie, hitting her with a pillow

Millie knew Ricco would be embarrassed but he'd never show it. Millie wanted the ground to swallow her.

Ricco smiled at Millie, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh was she" he laughed

Millie bit her lip awkwardly.

"I hope she told you I was huge!" Teased Ricco

"Of course" replied Amber. Millie put her face in her hands

Ricco laughed.

He walked over to her and scooped her up out of Ambers bed and into his arms.

"You know too much Miss Vine!" He said winking at her

He laid her down on their bed and sat on her stomach, straddling her

"Shall we carry on where we left off" he joked, taking off his belt he used it like a lasso pretending to ride her like a cowboy, Amber laughed. Millie covered her face with her hands again.

"Stop" shouted Millie, her voice muffled by her hands.

"What's that babe? More?" He teased

Millie took her hands down and looked at him, there was still a weird chemistry between them, since the night they fooled around. She could still feel that 'What if' between them. She wondered if he was a hundred percent gay, or maybe bisexual. There was just some feeling she couldn't quite put her finger on, some little spark that didn't seem like it would be there if he was completely gay. But maybe it was just her that felt it she thought. She was sure by the sudden serious expression on his face that he felt it too. Knowing that there was a seriousness to the situation he climbed off her, lying down beside her, he switched the lamp off beside him.

"Goodnight ladies" he said, turning his back to Millie he pretended to be going to sleep.

Millie laid awake, feeling weird.

Ricco was doing the same. Why did this feeling come over him with her every now and again. It's like the friend switch was occasionally switched without any prior warning! He'd known he was gay from a very young age but Millie really caused him to question it.

Millie rubbed his shoulder to let him know things were ok and soon after she fell asleep.

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