由 Juvenescent_Life

115K 7.4K 1K

"Don't you want to kiss your husband, y/n?" he purred, deliberately slowing his words to a sultry pace, hopin... 更多



2.2K 138 19
由 Juvenescent_Life


The game of hide and seek began, and Jungkook found himself hiding alongside Taehyung in a rather questionable hiding spot. It was a small, dusty crawl space tucked away in the attic, with barely enough room for the two of them to squeeze in.

Jungkook, whom Taehyung dragged with him couldn't help but grumble under his breath, his frustration evident. "Why did I agree to play this game? Taehyung, your hiding skills are terrible. We're practically sitting ducks up here."

Taehyung chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, come on, Jungkook. It's all part of the fun. Besides, it's not my fault you didn't choose a better hiding spot."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, playfully nudging Taehyung. "Yeah, yeah, blame it on me. Just wait until Y/N finds us. We'll be easily caught, thanks to your brilliant hiding skills."

As they exchanged banter, the sound of footsteps echoed from below. Y/N's voice floated up to the attic, filled with determination. "Alright, boys, time to come out of hiding. I'm coming to find you!"

Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged amused glances, knowing that their hiding spot was far from ideal. But they were determined to make the most of it and have some fun.

As Jungkook peered through a small crack in their hiding spot, he caught a glimpse of Y/N approaching their location. His heart raced with anticipation, knowing that the moment of discovery was drawing near.

Just as he was about to signal to Taehyung, a mischievous glint appeared in Taehyung's eyes. In that split second, Taehyung stomped his feet on Jungkook's, causing a loud noise from Jungkook to echo through the room.

Jungkook's eyes widened, his hand instinctively covering his mouth to stifle any sound that threatened to escape. He shot Taehyung a warning glare and mouthed a silent curse at him.

"You're hiding with me, Idiot" Taehyung, realizing the gravity of the situation,  pressed his lips together, his eyes wide with realization and understood he would also be caught while trapping for Jungkook and mimed zipping his mouth shut, silently promising to stay silent.

Jungkook could feel the heat bubbling up inside him, threatening to burst forth. He fought to control himself, not wanting to give away their hiding spot to Y/N. The tension between his desire to smash his brother's head for stomping his feet was immense and the need to remain hidden was almost unbearable.

"I'll get back at you later" he spoke with a warning and didn't notice the latter was deaf to his words. "Huh? What did you say?" Taehyung, seemingly oblivious to the consequences, spoke loud enough for Y/N to hear.

Jungkook's eyes widened in horror as he realized the implications of Taehyung's words. He quickly covered his mouth, his heart sinking as he heard Y/N's footsteps quicken in response to Taehyung's unintentional slip.

At that moment, their hiding spot was compromised. The tension that had built up between Jungkook's desire to confront Taehyung and the need to remain hidden suddenly dissipated, replaced by an overwhelming surge of disappointment and resignation.

As Y/N approached their location, Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged glances. They knew that their time in hiding was coming to an end, and they would soon fail in attempting to remain unnoticed.

With a mix of frustration and amusement, Y/N finally discovered their hiding spot. She burst into the room, a playful smile on her face. "I found you, guys!"

Jungkook and Taehyung couldn't help but groan at the absurdity of the situation. Their plan to hide together had been foiled, and they were now faced with the mocking of their actions.

As they emerged from their hiding spot, Y/N couldn't help but tease them. "Well, looks like the mighty duo couldn't outsmart me after all."

Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, a hint of annoyance still lingering. "Blame it on Taehyung. He just had to stomp his feet on mine and give us away with his loud mouth."

Taehyung, unbothered by the accusation, shrugged and grinned. "Hey, I did it for fun. Plus, we can always try again next time."

Jungkook shook his head, a firm determination settled on his features. "I'm not hiding with you again, Taehyung. You're terrible at this game, and I don't want to get caught because of your poor hiding skills."

Y/N chuckled at their playful banter, stepping forward to suggest a solution. "Well, how about one of you seeks this time? It could be a fun twist. What do you think, Jungkook?"

Jungkook hesitated for a moment, contemplating the idea. He knew he had a knack for finding the best hiding spots, and the thought of showcasing his skills excited him. "Alright, fine. I'll be the seeker this time. Let's see if any of you can outsmart me."

Taehyung's eyes lit up with mischief, a mischievous grin stretching across his face. "Oh, this is going to be fun. I can't wait to see how good you really are, Jungkookie."

Jungkook couldn't help but puff out his chest confidently. "You'll see, Tae. I'll find you in no time."

As they prepared for the new round, the roles were reversed. Jungkook took on the challenge of seeking while Taehyung and Y/N scattered to find their hiding spots.

Jungkook closed his eyes, counting to ten before he began the search. His determination fueled his every step as he moved through the house, carefully exploring every nook and cranny.

Minutes passed, and Jungkook's search intensified. He was determined to prove his skills and find his elusive companions. The excitement and adrenaline pulsed through his veins as he hunted for them.

Meanwhile, Taehyung and Y/N exchanged playful glances, enjoying the thrill of being the ones to elude Jungkook's pursuit. They knew that Jungkook's competitive nature would make this round even more entertaining.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Jungkook's sharp eyes caught a glimpse of movement. He zeroed in on Taehyung, who had chosen a hiding spot behind a bookshelf, thinking it would be cleverly concealed.

A triumphant grin spread across Jungkook's face as he pounced on Taehyung, successfully finding him. "Gotcha, Tae! Your hiding skills still need work."

"Hey it's not you who found me, I just happened to change my hiding spot" Taehyung retaliated while coming out and mocked his brother for being slow to find them. "You aren't as great as you boosted"

Jungkook's triumphant expression faltered for a moment as Taehyung playfully retaliated. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at his brother's attempt to diminish his victory. "Oh, come on, Tae. Don't try to downplay it. I still found you fair and square."

Before the banter could continue, Y/N's voice suddenly cut through their playful argument. "looks like you two are too busy bickering to notice that I've been watching you this whole time."

Jungkook and Taehyung turned to face Y/N, their expressions a mix of surprise and amusement. They hadn't noticed her sneaking up on them, and now she stood there with a mischievous smile on her face.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, playfully taunting them. "And since I was able to observe both of you without being caught, I declare myself the winner of this round!"

"I don't approve that" Both Jungkook and y/n looked at Taehyung as he denied y/n declaring herself to be the winner. "I mean, I won two rounds Taehyung, and obviously, I'm good at this game"

"NO" Jungkook and Y/N exchanged surprised glances as Taehyung protested against her declaring herself the winner. They hadn't expected Taehyung to challenge Y/N's claim so adamantly. "I'm yet to play this game, Bear"

Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle, finding Taehyung's determination amusing. "Well, Tae, you do have a point. Y/N shouldn't declare herself the winner without giving you a chance to seek."

Y/N joined in, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, so you think you can beat us all, Taehyung? Well, I'm up for the challenge. Let's see if you can find us."

Taehyung's competitive spirit ignited, and a confident smile spread across his face. "Challenge accepted! Just wait, I'll find both of you in no time."

With that, they resumed the game, with Taehyung taking on the role of the seeker. Jungkook and Y/N scattered to find their hiding spots, eagerly awaiting Taehyung's pursuit.

As the game of hide and seek continued, both Jungkook and Y/N found themselves drawn to the same hiding spot: the small store room tucked away under the stairs. Unbeknownst to each other, they both had the same idea, seeking refuge in a confined space.

Jungkook carefully tiptoed towards the storeroom, his heart pounding with anticipation. He opened the door slowly, expecting to find an empty space to hide. But as he stepped inside, he froze in surprise.

Y/N, with wide eyes and a shocked expression, stood in the corner of the store room. For a moment, they simply stared at each other, both equally surprised to find the other in the same hiding spot.

A mix of amusement and disbelief washed over Jungkook as he broke the silence. "Y/N? What are you doing here? I didn't expect to find you in the store room."

Y/N laughed nervously, trying to make sense of the situation. "I could say the same thing, Jungkook. I thought I found the perfect spot, but it seems we had the same idea."

A mix of amusement and uncertainty flickered in Jungkook's eyes as he processed the situation. He glanced around the storeroom, eyeing the limited space and the potential for discomfort. A mischievous smile tugged at his lips as he turned to Y/N.

"Hey, Y/N, you know what? I think I saw a better hiding spot just a few steps away. Why don't you go check it out? I'll stay here and make sure Taehyung doesn't find us."

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed, a playful defiance shining in their eyes. She crossed their arms, and replied, "Oh, no, Jungkook. I was the first one to find this spot, so I think I should stay. Besides, I'm quite comfortable here."

As the playful banter continued, Jungkook found himself losing the argument against Y/N's insistence on staying in the store room. He couldn't help but admire her determination and stubbornness, realizing he had met his match.

Resigned to the decision, Jungkook made up his mind to step out of the hiding spot and find another one. However, as he took a step forward, he suddenly froze in his tracks. Taehyung's voice could be heard approaching, signaling that he was getting closer to their location.

Panicking slightly, Jungkook quickly retreated back into the store room. The confined space left little room for maneuvering, and he found himself pressed against the wall, inadvertently backing Y/N into the same spot.

Their bodies were in such close proximity that they could feel each other's breaths and the warmth radiating from their skin. The small space seemed even smaller as they stood pressed against the wall, their eyes meeting in a mix of surprise and amusement.

Y/n's heart raced in her chest as she realized the intimate position they found themselves in. She could feel a blush creeping up her cheeks, unsure of how to navigate the situation.

Jungkook, ever playful, couldn't help but tease her. "Looks like we're in quite a tight spot, Y/n. Literally."

Y/n chuckled nervously, her voice slightly breathless. "Yeah, it seems that way." The small space suddenly felt even smaller with the two of them squeezed inside.

As Jungkook and Y/N stood pressed against the wall in the confined space, they found themselves closer than ever before. The air between them crackled with a mixture of anticipation, uncertainty, and a hint of something more.

Their faces mere inches apart, their eyes locked in a mutual understanding. Time seemed to slow down as they exchanged glances, feeling the tension building between them. At that moment, the world around them faded away, leaving only the electricity of their connection.

Their hearts raced in sync, their breaths mingling in the small space. They could feel the warmth radiating from each other's bodies, creating an intoxicating atmosphere. The proximity seemed to amplify their senses, heightening every touch, every breath.

Emotions swirled within them, a whirlwind of desire, curiosity, and a yearning for something deeper. They were acutely aware of the possibility that lingered in the air, the unspoken question of what might happen if they leaned in just a little closer.

As the tension reached its peak and their lips were on the verge of touching a sudden interruption shattered the moment. Taehyung's voice echoed through the air, calling out their names.

Jungkook and Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, their hearts pounding in their chests. The allure of what could have been was abruptly cut off as they snapped back to reality, realizing they couldn't let Taehyung catch them in such a compromising position.

In an instant, they both instinctively pulled away from each other, the desire still lingering in the air. Their eyes met a mix of disappointment and relief reflected in their gazes. They knew they had narrowly avoided a potential situation.

As Taehyung's voice grew louder, urging them to come out, Jungkook and Y/N exchanged a knowing look. They quickly composed themselves, pushing aside the lingering tension that still lingered between them.

"Guys where are you, I give up okay, you both can come out" he yelled and Jungkook couldn't help but throw an annoying face as his good-for-nothing brother was the sole reason to interrupt the kiss.

As Taehyung's voice grew louder, urging them to come out, Jungkook and Y/N exchanged a knowing look. 

Jungkook, feeling slightly irritated with Taehyung for interrupting their moment, let out a small sigh. He was enjoying the closeness with Y/N and the anticipation of what could have transpired between them.

With a subtle nod, Jungkook and Y/N emerged from their hiding spot, joining Taehyung who was waiting impatiently. Taehyung, noticing the slight change in their demeanor, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"What were you two doing in there? It took you forever to come out," Taehyung remarked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Jungkook forced a casual smile, his irritation masked behind it. "Just that we didn't hear your loud ass noise and we lost track of time."


Y/N chimed in, trying to convince Taehyung with Jungkook as she couldn't think of anything beyond what happened a few minutes ago. "Yeah, we didn't hear your call"

Taehyung's curiosity seemed piqued, but he shrugged it off, eager to continue the game. "Alright, no worries. Let's get back to it then. I'm determined to find you two this time!"

Jungkook's irritation with Taehyung lingered, evident in his tone as he declared his decision not to play. "I'm not playing this," he stated firmly, his frustration palpable.

Taehyung's face fell slightly, taken aback by Jungkook's response. "Aw, come on, Jungkook! Don't be like that," he pleaded, hoping to change his brother's mind.

But Jungkook remained resolute, turning away from Taehyung without saying another word. With a hint of disappointment, he walked away, retreating to his room to find solace from the lingering frustration.

Meanwhile, Y/N, still lost in the whirlwind of emotions from the almost-kiss, found it difficult to focus on the game. Feeling overwhelmed, she excused herself, murmuring a hasty excuse about needing some rest. With a quick smile to Taehyung, she disappeared into her room, leaving Taehyung alone.

Taehyung stood there, perplexed and slightly dejected. He had unintentionally disrupted the dynamic between Jungkook and Y/N, and now found himself alone, unsure of what had transpired. He wondered if there was something he had missed, a tension that he hadn't been aware of.


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