All Alone (Nightmare!Sans×Abu...

By Shattered_Nightmare

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Y/N was their name. Yet, I cant say what kind of person they were, before all THIS happened. You may say, tha... More

A/N, first things
Chapter 1: Meeting (rewritten)
Chapter 2: Bullies
Chapter 4: Nightmare and ???
Chapter 5: New Student and Games?!
Thank You!
Chapter 6: The Competition
Important Message!
Chapter 7: His Words...
Chapter 8: Something Special
Chapter 9: The Medieval Times Festival
Chapter 10: Dark Religions (Late Halloween special, very late)
Chapter 10,5: Dark Religions (part 2-)

Chapter 3: Who's this?

2.3K 49 393
By Shattered_Nightmare

Thanks!!!! So many reads! I am proud now. Welp, also so so sorry for late update! Its very long since i updated last. Can chu forgive meh? Also there will be a bit swearing in this chapter. I'll warn you where it starts. You have been warned. Here it goes on. Have fun reading Dreamers.

~Y/N PoV~

Was there something? I think I've heard anything. Nah, probably not. I go to my tree. I like it so much. Its always calm and quiet. I take my bag with pencils and paper, go to my tree and sit down to draw the skeleton I saw in my dream. I hope I see him tonight again.

~tem skip, bought you by fall asleep while drawing at the tree~

-dreaming time, begin-
Also still your PoV.

I 'woke' up. I sit at my tree. Well i fell asleep. I look around trying to see Nightmare again. There he is, he is in the flower field not far from here. "Nightmare" he looked at me with a warm smile as I called out his name.

He is actually cute, I love those purple eyes he has.

I actually like everything about him. Not only those pearly white bones or his smile. I just think is is too cute!

(NM: what are you doing? Me:writing a story. NM: ever heard of slow romance? Me: ever heard of love at the first sight? NM: that doesn't make sense! Me: I like chu very much, but chu are annoying right now! NM: STOP TALKING LIKE THAT! Me: CHU SCREAMED IN MY EARS! So shuddup now!)

"Hey Y/N, how are you?" "Fine. Welp, what do you wanna do?" Why not asking him about that? I don't know. It just seems like he knows more about this. Is he even real? Probably not.

~Nightymare PoV~

Why does she think I'm not real? Maybe it seems like I'm just a person created in this nightmare/dream. "I'm real for once...." I whisper so she doesn't hear that. "Well, let's look around. Shall we?" As I say that I offer my hand for her to hold. Y/N took my hand and I teleported us to the castle. In her Dream/Nightmare (Me: See what I did? NM: NOOOOO!!!! WHY???? Me: Cause I can. The others: *snicker* NM: T^T). The castle here looks like before. Not that dark and destroyed like in reality. (Me: I lost the castle picture! T_T! Nightmare: Your problem! Me: I found it! Heres the result.)

Long time ago that I saw it like that. It looks different now, actually. I like the other look more than that. She was staring in awe at the castle. Still holding her hand, we go in the castle. I hope Dream doesn't know about this... I don't want to scare her. We walk along the halways to my room. Even in reality my room hasn't changed a bit. (Me: Im gonna make in minecraft a room or draw it how I think NMs room looks like. NM: How would you know how my room looks like? Me: I have fantasy and imagination!)

Why didn't I change my room? I didn't want to destroy all the drawings I drew on the wall. How much can you do while everybody hates you and don't want to go outside because of that? I know how much. You can read, play instruments (Little thing, I always thought Nightmare can play violin and piano. I guess in the castle is a music room too.) and draw.

Going away from this, she loves the drawings i have on my walls and on my door. The paper I have to draw is very quick used up. "Did you draw this?" She asked while looking at a symbol I made.

(Not mine)

Ah, yes. This little symbol. "Yeah, I made all the things that are on the walls and so on. Do you like it?" "I love it. Everything here is so detailed and beautiful. I can't draw even that good myself!" "I... had time to practice and draw that." She just nods in sign to understand. The world starts to fade. "I guess you're waking up now. We see again!"

~Your PoV, Dreamer~

The world starts to go away! Poor me. When I get home, the daily beating comes... "I guess you're waking up now. We see again!" That was the last thing I heard from Nightmare before seeing my tree again. Well, not the tree just the parc I'm in. I stand up -after packing my backpack- and leave. I hope they don't use the belt for the beating...

~Tem Skip to walking home, bought you by nothing special happening and Authors laziness~

"Here we go again" I mumbled under my breath while I open up the door.

No screaming? That was the first thing in my mind. I turned on the lights to see that no one's here. I ran quickly in my room, put my backpack on the bed and go quietly into the bedroom of my 'parents'. I open the bedroom door and...

I couldn't believe my eyes. I ran down the stairs and call the police. The demons... they were hanging there... by the neck...

The police arrived and asked me if I have different family members besides my parents. I told them that i don't know and said that my 'parents' always abused me. They called someone and later a woman stood in my door.

(This is not a OC. It's just like the bullies a quick person I made. I'm sorry, I'm a sucker for black and purple TwT)

"I'm Julia. What is your name child?" The woman called Julia (I can't think of good names! NM: Why don't you read stories with some names?? Me: Why should I?) spoke. She is friendly, a way too friendly. Who knows what's behind that mask? "Y/N" I replied short and simple. "I'm here for you. Would you like to come and meet my child? I want to be a new mom for you. Can you come Y/N?" I followed her as she said that. We walked along the street until we came to a little house.

(Me: Gosh, I'm using many pics in this story. Also, please ignore the fact that this house looks a bit like the house of Sans and Papyrus and the fact that this is a pixel art. NM: Better than writing more, eh? Me: Definitely. I'm not good in personal and landscape descriptions. Oof! I had to google that! NM: Practice your english. Me: I'm already doing that! T_T)

We walked in the house and I saw a girl watching TV. As she saw me she jumped up and said: "I'm Star. Who are you?" "Y/N. I'm Y/N (M/N) L/N." She looked at me with big eyes.

(Me: OC Time! NM: You didn't use Nightmare for that? Im impressed. Me: I can't use Nightmare cause this is a Nightmare×Reader Story! So shuddup.)

I start liking her (Friendship like) at the moment I see her. "You should go to sleep now. You have school tomorrow."

~Tem-Skip on the way to school, bought chu by nothing special happens and dreamless sleeping~

I walk with Star to school. We both realized that we share most of the things. She likes reading books, even the same ones I like to read!(Me: Sorry guys. I needed a reason that you understand eachother. So you are a fan of books and chocolate. NM: Probably everyone is a fan of chocolate. Me: Not everyone.) As we walked I didn't realize that Reily, Regina and Zach were standing on the entrance door of the school. Probably waiting for me. I realize that in the moment when I got punched in the face by Zach. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Star screamed an instant. She helped me to get up, while glaring at Zach. "You killed my beloved boyfriend! I- I can't-" Regina said while starting fake-crying. I heard Star mumble something under her breath and we go to the nurse's office.

Since this is a school for Humans and Monters the nurse helped me with healing magic. When she finished we walked to my locker and I put my backpack in it. "What class do you have now?" I ask Star. "Chemistry. And you?" "Aww, I have Alchemy. Sad. Wait, who's that?" I ask while pointing to a student i didn't see here before. I got lost in thought of who that could be.

"That must be the new student." Star said and got me back to reality. "We have a new student? He seems lost, I go to him." I say and walk to the new student. "Are you alright?" I ask him, making him jump, making me jump.(NM: Wow, that was the most imaginative sentence in the world. Me: Leave me alone!) "Uhm, yeah... I don't know where my class is. I have Alchemy and-" "I have the same class. Follow me. Btw whats your name?" I cut him off, while asking his name. "It's Moonlight. Or just Moon if you will." "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you Moon. He stared at me with his green eyes while walking. Even though one of his eyes was covered by his hair.

(Me: I wanted to cover the other eye with hair! But that doesn't look good! NM: Draw. Me: I can't draw! I will try. But it will look stupid.)

He is a bit taller than me. Probably even taller than Zach! And the anatomy (Me: Had to google that.) of him will let Regina have big eyes! But, since the writing next to Jasons dead body... maybe its true? Will really somebody come to kill her? Will that be the same person that killed Jason? We arrive at class what ripped me out of thought.

WARNING!!! There will be a lot swearing. More than usual. You have been warned.

Regina's PoV~ (Me: Didn't see that coming eh?)

THIS F###ING B##CH!!! I HATE HER DOWN TO THE BONE! She killed my poor boyfriend!!! I'LL LET HER PAY FOR THAT! She will feel hell Lunch time!

Swearing should stop by now.

~Moonlights PoV~

I was walking with Y/N to class. Her friend left us. Alchemy... this is what we have now. When we were in class I can hear whispers across the room. Was it because of me? Bell rings, class starts.

"We have a new student. Please come here and introduce yourself." The teacher said and I walk over to him. "Hello, my name is Moonlight and I hope we can be great friends." "Say more. Like, what do you like. Or what you don't like." "Of course! Well, I like reading and I hate bullies." "Good now sit down." I did as i was told. I sit beside Y/N.

~Tem-Skip, bought you by Author-Chan doesn't know what to write since Alchemy isn't a real class (Where I live Alchemy isn't a class)~

~Again Reginas PoV~

Lunch time! There she is. Y/N... get ready for payback! Wait a second... who is that hottie with her? Is this the new student? Why is he with Y/N?! I walk over to them, push Y/N away and stand infront of her.

"What are you doing?!" The hot boy said and helped Y/N up. "She" I say while pointing at her, "killed my boyfriend!" "How should you know!?" He screams at me what made me jump. Suddenly comes a thought in my mind. Wasn't the killer a male? (Me: They found the place where Jason has been tortured. And a video camera in there shows smth like a shadow from the killer which was, as they think, somebody male.) Can't be him. I could even say Zach killed. But thats impossible. I don't want to listen to them. I wish I could date this hottie but sadly he doesn't seem to like me.

But I have an idea. In chemistry we made a love potion (Me: pwease pretend that this is normal. Idk how to call the potion making class). I could use it to break the heart of this thing named Y/N.

~PoV from Moonlight~

This female doll did really just push Y/N! Gosh, how I hate bullies. I helped Y/N immediately up and said her what I think of that. Well, people stared at me with surprised eyes. More to that later. We went to the last classes and got home.

FINISHED! Gosh, I know this took really long and I'm sorry. I am not that good with english and stuff. I don't want to search for reasons that it took so long. I know many people seem to give up on me. Im sorry. I just didn't have time. To make it a bit better i wrote this longer than the first chapters.
See ya later dreamers.
2178 words

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