Escape The Night S3 - A Fanfi...

By difyeva

42.5K 563 991

Y/N L/N keeps a quiet life, with a YouTube platform of over 10 million subscribers. When a letter is delivere... More

Welcome to the Town of Everlock (FINISHED EDITING)
The Clowns Here Kill Part 1 (FINISHED EDITING)
Venomous Affections
The Man With No Name
Strong Like A Demon Part 1
Strong Like a Demon Part 2
Twin Dolls
Wicked Witches
Control Issues
The Carnival Master
Book 4

The Clowns Here Kill Part 2

4.3K 62 200
By difyeva

Previously on Escape The Night...

Joey invites 9 friends to save a town trapped in the 1970s but is keeping a secret from them. The Town of Everlock seems safe until the clowns come out to play. They discover something truly evil is at work. "We're gonna roll our dice of death and whoever's number comes up, I gut em. I gut em right here!"


The Clown then presses a button and there is a buzzer before the carousel starts moving. We all scream because it gets faster and faster and we are getting dizzier and dizzier.

Y/N: "The carousel is going faster and faster and I am getting dizzier and dizzier and I'm getting sicker and sicker and I feel like I might throw up all over Colleen and then she is gonna try and kill me because that is a beautiful outfit".

Luke then rolls the dice and I see the number and I freeze. The number was 4. That was my number and they all started pointing at me to be killed. Then, they stopped the ride. She traces my face with her knife. "Such a pretty face. So sad that I have to kill you. At least we will know how pretty you are on the inside. She then takes one arm out from the rope and she pushes the knife deep into my arm. I'm now screaming in pain and everyone else is screaming my name and I can feel the blood flowing down my arm. I'm feeling really weak and I feel like I might faint.

Y/N: "So of course because, my life, the dice rolls my number and now I've got a knife in my arm. At least I haven't been gutted...yet".

All of a sudden, Mortimer arrives on his motorbike and he starts shooting at the clowns.

Roi: "I think Mortimer is a good guy now. I am a huge fan of Mortimer".

Calliope then runs in with fireworks and starts shooting it at them and the clowns run away to avoid death.

Colleen: "Mortimer appears and he comes and unties me, and everyone else but me mostly".

Mortimer and Calliope start untying us and when she unties me, I wince when she touches my arm. "What's wrong child?" she asks. "I'll tell you later", I reply. Calliope nods. "Still tied up. Cool", says Safiya. "Oops", I say and run over to where Safiya is and untie her. I give her an apologetic look.

Rosanna: "I'm making a run for it, I look down and I see these dice and I'm like, I better take these, these could be something".

Y/N: "We all decide to run to the arcade because that is the only place we know for sure is safe since a few of us have already been inside".

Mortimer starts ushering us all into the arcade.

Joey: "So I definitely had my doubts about Mortimer and Calliope but the fact that they're both helping us and rescuing us, makes me trust them a little bit more".

"We're good is everything good?" asks Manny. "Nope", I say and extend my arm out to show them. The cut is pretty deep and it's still bleeding but it isn't too bad. Calliope then starts running around and is able to find some tissues. "Apply pressure to the wound", I say after remembering what I self-taught myself on how to take care of myself. I get ready knowing this is gonna hurt. I trust Colleen the most out of everyone and she has done this before so she was the one who was gonna apply pressure. "3, 2, 1", she warns me before pushing the tissue against the wound. I yell in pain but I eventually get used to it. After a while, she takes off the tissue and the wound has stopped bleeding. I quickly clean it with a wet tissue and Matt looks around, finds a first aid box which randomly has an elastic arm brace used for sports in it. "Thank you guys", I say.

Safiya: "So after all this chaos with Y/N's arm and being tied to the carousel at least now we know, sort of what we have to do to get rid of these clowns".

Manny: "In order to defeat these clowns and make them go away we have to like cleanse an artifact right, and the jack-in-the-box is the clown's artifact".

Y/N: "We've got a key, the journal and also the dice. How can we put them together to figure out what we have to do next?"

"Ok so what do we have to do?" asks Colleen. "The two dice go where?" asks JC. "Guys!" says Joey opening a fridge. "I found some celery". "That will in no way help us Joey", I reply. "Wait, guys, can I have the journal?" I ask them. They hand me the journal. I open it and I'm skimming through it when something catches my eye. "Guys, it's a map. It's a map of where we are right now!" I exclaim. "Yes, good one Y/N," says Teala.

Matt: "So inside the carnival master's journal, Y/N finds a map of the room we are currently standing in so we start searching the back wall and behind a corkboard, there's some sort of locked case".

"Guys, there some chest or something here", says Matt. "Maybe that's what the key is for", says Teala. Matt then inserts the key into the lock and it opens and there are 2 square-shaped holes and we all know that that is where the dice go so Ro puts the dice in and we hear a click. I walk over the fridge and open it and then I gasp in shock.

Ro: "We open the fridge, boom! Secret passageway, secret door, to like our own hidden lounge".

"This is incredible", I say in awe. Everyone is then saying how this is way better and safer than it was in the clown's lair.

Joey: "So this room is so magical it's so beautiful, so big."

Roi: "I'm thinking, this place is peaceful but it's too peaceful where are the clowns?"

Y/N: "If I were to describe the lounge in four words, it would be Brady Bunch-sex dungeon."

Mortimer is the last one to come in and he closes the fridge door behind him. Everyone is looking around and exploring this place.

Manny: "So we're looking around the room and we're like what in here looks like it can be helpful to us and then we spot this map".

"Guys, it's a map of the town", I say. Everyone comes around. "So we are here", I say pointing at the map.

Matt: "Everytime an artifact is cleansed, more of the map is revealed, seems like we gotta start cleansing some artifacts".

Joey: "So immediately I spot a Society Against Evil symbol because, you know, we go way back

Manny: "On the back, there's a full summary of what the hell is going on and we're like ok there's a premise, a middle and an end".

Nikita then takes down the map and lays it down on the table and starts reading.

We were too late. Even with all of our society's knowledge. We didn't understand the Carnival Master's dark plan. To save Everlock, we froze it in time to give us a chance to stop him, but we were no match for his wrath. Realising all was lost, I used the last of my life magic to encase him in an Amber prison. But the spell has reached it's end. At sunrise, the Carnival Master will be released from his prison and will consume all life in Everlock. There are eight corrupted artifacts which the Carnival Master draws power from. If they can be gathered and cleansed of evil, the Carnival Master will be weakened and can be slain. However, the artifacts are protected, and whenever touched, their evil guardian appears. The final act to cleanse each artifacts will require voting in two who must undertake a horrifying challenge that only one will survive. By sunrise, if the artifacts have not been cleansed and the Carnival Master slain, everyone in town, including you, will be destroyed.

"I thought we had to save a town but now we gotta save ourselves?" asks Ro. "Yes", replied Manny.

Safiya: "There are eight artifacts that this Carnival Master draws his power from".

Y/N: "Each artifact has a protector so that means we are going to have to deal with tons of minions".

Matt: "In order to cleanse the artifact, 2 of us are going to be put up for elimination and one of us is going to die".

Roi: "So if we don't figure this out, before sunrise, we are all going to die".

"You said we were going to save a town, you didn't say we were all going to die. I came for a collab!" yells Colleen.

"Calliope is a great person, you're phenomenal Calliope thank you so much but the rest of this stuff why should I care?" I ask.

Joey: "Would you guess anything different? My friends have to die in order to cleanse an artifact. Hmm, where have I seen that before?"

Ro: "So in order to cleanse this artifact, we already got the gear but we have to replace the spring and the song".

We then spot 2 letters. I pick one up and Nikita picks up the other one. "I'll read mine first", I say. "The Jack needs a pleasant song so he's not so angry all the time. The clowns have one you can use but they've taken it to their disco party where they are guarding it. Proper attire is behind the yellow couch".

Colleen: "There's a disco party and mama I'm ready!"

Y/N: "A disco doesn't sound so bad...if there weren't any clowns".

"Nikita read your note", says Teala. "The spring on the Jack has been corrupted with evil and must be replaced. The clowns have hidden it in their giant tent. You'll have to rip the stuffing out to find it", reads Nikita.

Ro: "To get this done quickly because we only have until sunrise or else we all die half of us go to the disco and the other half go to a *whispers* creepy clown tent".

Y/N: "Colleen, JC, Joey, Nikita, Teala, Mortimer and I all head to the disco and you can hear their music from inside. We have on the stupidest disguises ever. Red noses and gloves. If the clowns fall for this they are stupid".

Before we go in, Mortimer gives us some liquid which can knock someone out in a couple of minutes. "Can I use it?" asks Nikita. "On yourself?" I joke. "No I mean if we have to use it on someone I feel like I could do it". "Ok", says everyone.

Nikita: "I willingly, for the team, stepped up to the plate and decided, yes, hit me I will drugeth thee."

We all walk up to the entrance of the disco. "Hi we are just a couple of clowns", says Joey.

Y/N: "We start saying really stupid things and the even stupider guard lets us through."

When we walk in, I look over at Colleen and she is living her life dancing. I mean she is the Disco Dancer.

Joey: "So I've never been to a disco before in my life nor am I good at dancing so I'm a little worried that I'm going to get caught".

"So I guess we have to fit in", I tell the group. We all split up and start dancing and look for clues at the same time. I go off with Colleen because she seems to know actually how to dance. I start trying to dance next to her when a clown comes over. "You two together?" she asks. "Um...yes, we are a bunch of lesbian clowns," I say. "What the hell Y/N", Colleen whisper-yelled to me. "Blend in", I whisper back. "I don't believe you two are actually dating", says the clown. "No we are", stammers Colleen. "Prove it", replies the clown.

Y/N: "To prove it I would have to kiss Colleen. I've kissed her before for dares or for videos but never for real! But if we want to keep our cover and survive, it's what we have to do".

I then lean in and kiss Colleen just a peck on the lips. The clown nods and walks away. We both look at each other and start laughing. "We shall never repeat this to anyone. Thank god no one was looking", says Colleen. We then both look to the side and there is everyone staring at us with their mouths dropped. "It was to keep our cover", I say. They all laugh. I cross my arms and pretend to be pissed before laughing along with them. "Guys, we gotta continue looking for the song", says Joey.

Joey: "So I notice a clown that looks weirdly familiar but I don't know from where".

"Who looks like they are guarding something important?" asks Colleen. JC then points at a clown. "She has a briefcase", he says.

Colleen: "So we realise the briefcase is locked to her wrist so we're like oh my god! The Jack-in-the-box song is probably in the briefcase!"

"So we need to put the sedative in her drink", says JC. "She has a drink so that's convenient", I say. All of us then very unnaturally dance towards the clown. "Hey girl love the outfit!", I say to her. We all start dancing and cheering around her and she seems a bit confused. "Joey, you are dancing like an idiot", I whisper to him. "Hey can I have a sip?" asks Joey. The clown pauses for a moment before saying "sure". Joey takes the drink and pretends to take a sip but he secretly puts the sedative in the drink.

Y/N: "So now we have to wait for the sedative to work its magic".

Nikita: "Guess who we have to drug...the biggest clown there I think her name was High Tower or something".

The same clown who asked me to kiss Colleen walks over to us. "Where are you guys from huh?" she asks us.

Teala: "This clown I can tell is very suspicious of us".

"We are from Clownville", says Colleen. "Have you ever heard of it it's like downtown cross the river", says Teala. The clown is really suspicious and she seems to not believe us but she leaves us alone. "Clownville, Colleen, Clownville. Out of everything you could think of Clownville", I say. "Hey it was the first thing that popped into my mind", replies Colleen. "Guys she just took a sip", says Nikita.

Joey: "So she's acting really weird now I'm pretty sure the sedative is kicking in".

I run over to High Tower and everyone else follows me. "Are you ok?" I ask her. "I just don't feel so good", High Tower replies. We start leading her outside but she doesn't seem to be able to walk properly so we let her lean on my and Colleen's shoulder.

JC: "So we decide to take it upon ourselves to take her out of the party and make sure she's ok".

"Right over here, just here", High Tower says pointing to a spot just outside the party. "Yeah right there is perfect", says Joey. "Come over here sit down", I say sitting down and patting the spot next to me. She then sits down next to me. She looks at me. "Thank you", she says. "Aww no problem honey", I reply. She then faints and I catch her. "Alright let's get the briefcase of this mother trucker", says Colleen.

Teala: "I feel like we're all working together at this point and we all are actually a team".

"Ok guys there is a code", I tell them.

JC: "So we're figuring out how to get this code and we see on the briefcase that there are arrows pointing to pink dots".

"From high to low, wait, watch the clowns dance from high to low", Joey reads out. "I think we have to go back into the disco guys", I say. Everyone nods in agreement so we go back into the disco. "Guys be careful of that clown because she is really suspicious of us", I say.

Joey: "So we notice the platforms the clowns are dancing on have polka dots on them".

JC: "There are 4 platforms and there's a certain number of dots on these platforms that we would have to count".

"So on this side of the box there's 2, and on the top. There are 6 numbers so it goes 2-"

Y/N: "Colleen starts to figure it out but then gets interrupted by none other than Ms Suspicious".

"Hey what are you guys doing?" she asks us. "We're dancing", we all reply and we start dancing. "No I don't think you are", says Ms Suspicious.

Colleen: "Oh no we're screwed like our cover's totally blown so I was like, no I'm dancing and I got up on the box and I am living my best life dancing and um...I... it wasn't my best moment but I was just trying to save us from death".

Colleen gets up on the box and she is having the time of her life. She even takes her coat off and is just dancing. The rest of us cheer her on.

Nikita: "I was really in the moment distracting and even getting rubbed up on in this lady trio, I would never do anything like that".

JC then starts to unravel everything counting dots and finding out the numbers and I am completely mind-blown. "It's kind of like a math equation pretty much", he then says. "Well I stink at math so don't expect me to understand any of this shit", I say. We all run out of the disco with the four numbers. "Wow, JC how did you figure that out that was so smart", says Colleen as we are running.

Colleen: "I'm really proud of JC but I'm also kind of disappointed in myself because I thought this was my challenge to win".

"So it's 410 for Lock 1 and 511 for Lock 2", I say while inputting the code. It opens up and everyone cheers and we are all so proud of JC.

Joey: "So we open the briefcase and we find this weird cylinder contraption apparently that is the song. I've never seen a song that looks like that before".

Colleen: "So now we just have to get back to the arcade, put it in the music box and hope all of our other friends are alive".

We all run back to the arcade and we sit on the couch when everyone else runs back in. Safiya reveals that they have the spring and we show them that we have the song. "Ok let's put it together", I say.

Nikita: "We finally put all the pieces back together for this little Jack-in-the-box and it's revealed-"

"We found this note. The artifact requires one more piece to be replaced to be fully restored", reads Safiya. There are a bunch of groans by everyone. "A new Jack. 2 must be selected by vote to undertake a deadly challenge to recover it. Choose wisely. One of you will not make it out alive. For this unique trial, the 2 selected must choose a partner to fight for them", finished Safiya.

Safiya: "I'm thinking, why did Joey bring us here? Is he on our side or is he just trying to kill us?"

"So basically this whole "save the town" thing is a big suicide mission that you brought- why, why us", yells Matt. "Me! You guys came here knowing exactly what you guys were getting yourselves into", says Joey. "There is a difference between adventure and certain death!" I yell startling everyone because I don't normally yell. "What do you know about this carnival master?" asks Matt. "We were coming to save the Town of Everlock, I didn't know what that required or that you guys were going to, be-" stammers Joey. "DIE!" yells Colleen.

Roi: "It's horrible, like, I don't understand why Joey put everyone into this situation you know, that just, kinda makes me mad".

"So if the fighter loses, then the person who chose that fighter dies..." says Manny. "No!" "That's a lot of pressure", says Nikita. "That's so much pressure", agrees Teala. "So how are we supposed to do this?" asks Colleen. "Let's say this are there any volunteers?" asks JC. We all look around the room at each other waiting for someone to put their hand up. "Bitch!" both me and Colleen say in unison. Everyone then laughs and I join in. It feels good to laugh.

Matt: "Well, we talk amongst ourselves trying to get a handle of who did the most for the team, who was a weak link, who wasn't jiving with the rest of the group".

JC: "I feel as though I'm safe right now because I played such a pivotal character in the last challenge".

Safiya: "I for sure don't think I should be in the final challenge, I've been trying to solve things, I've been trying to, you know, make sure we are staying on the right track".

Colleen: "I talk to Guava, JC and Y/N and I'm like hey guys listen up. I don't think Teala is pulling her weight. I know she's trying really hard, I love her to death, she's such a sweetie and a good friend of mine but, let's kill her".

"It is now time to vote. Grab the ticket with the face of the person you would like to enter into the challenge. I will shuffle and then draw 2."

Matt: "She just so happens to have cards with all of our names on it, in the event we have to vote each other to die".

Joey is the first to vote and I'm so scared because I have about the same chance as everyone else to go into the challenge.

Joey: "There was definitely a time where this was much harder but I'm definitely past that".

Matt: "So when it came time to cast my vote, I vote JC The Hippie".

Nikita: "I voted for Teala partially because she didn't really do anything also partially because I was jealous of her outfit".

Safiya: "I think I'm going to vote for Roi. I don't think he's really been solving much".

Manny: "Roi, I love you and you are amazing but I'm going to have to vote you in because I don't even remember what you did".

Y/N: "I vote for Teala because she didn't even do anything and I think that she should fight for her life and prove herself to us".

"I will now shuffle and draw 2", says Calliope. "Oh my god!" says everyone. "I'm shaking", says Colleen. Colleen, Matt, Ro and I are all on one side of the couch and we are all kind of huddling together with Ro hugging Matt and I'm hugging Colleen. Calliope shuffles the cards and pulls one out. She shows it to us and it has JC's face on it. "The Hippie". "What?" I say in shock. "Who voted for you what?

JC: "I thought everyone had my back but apparently at least one person, voted me in I don't know who it is".

"Are you kidding me?" asks Teala. "I'm gagged", says Manny. "I'm shook right now", I say.

Roi: "Everybody was so surprised".

Calliope then draws another card and it has Teala's face. "The Super Spy". "Oh my god", says Manny. No one else says anything.

Teala: "I saw Calliope pull out my name and my heart just sank".

I'm trying so hard to hide that I voted for her. I try to stop myself from laughing when I look at Colleen's face because it looks like she was trying to look innocent while looking extremely guilty. "Please select a partner to fight for you starting with the person who was chosen first", says Calliope. JC pauses or a moment before saying "Matt, what's your attributes man?"

JC: "I ended up picking Matt because I feel like he is definitely a powerhouse all around".

Matt: "It's like the biggest mind-blow irony situation ever because I'm the one who put him into that position to begin with and now I'm the one who has to defend his life?"

Teala: "I originally wanted Matt".

" Y/N" Teala says.

Teala: "But I know that she is a strong player and is really smart".

Y/N: "I picked Teala and now I have to save her?"

I hug Ro and Colleen before leaving with Teala, Matt and JC.

Y/N: We walk into a tent with an arch at the tent entrance of a clown. When we walk in, there is Ms Suspicious with a few other clowns and they start laughing like their really weird clown laugh *imitates clown laughter* can't you laugh like a normal person would laugh?"

"So jazzed you decided to show up!" says Ms Suspicious. "I love this goddamn game. Get's me all wet inside". "That wasn't appropriate", I whisper to Teala. "The first person through the 4 challenges, wins", continues Ms Suspicious.

Y/N: "Even though the challenges don't look that easy, I'm thinking, maybe Matt and I are on a little bit more even footing than I thought we would be".

Matt: "They take JC and Teala and tie them up onto the stage into one of those wonder wheels where they throw knives".

"Don't tie him too tight he's coming with me", says Matt. "Good luck Matt", I say. "Same to you Y/N". "You got this Y/N", says Teala. I point at her as if saying "I got your back". The first thing we have to do is guess where the ball is in the cups. "Begin", says one of the clowns. My clown then shows me where the ball is and then starts moving them around but my eyes trail off. When he asks me which one it is, I picked the middle one. The clown lifts the middle one and there is no red ball inside. "Alright pie me", I say wanting to get it over with. The clown puts a pie to my face and all the clowns laugh. The clown then shows me where the ball is before shuffling them around and this time I pay full attention. I pick the first one and it's correct so I move over to the hot dog station.

Y/N: "So I basically start charging right in with the first hot dog and I'm thinking how can I make it so the bun isn't so dry that I just can't swallow anything and I'm like, there's ketchup right here".

I then stuff half of a hot dog in my mouth and start pouring the ketchup bottle down my throat and it works! I just keep doing the same thing over and over again and eventually, I'm on the last hot dog.

Teala: "I am so impressed with Y/N (pretend she mispronounces your name all the time like she does with Safiya) like she is taking this game to a whole new level."

JC: "So Matt right now has the upper hand but Y/N is attacking the dog's, she's squirting ketchup down her throat, I think she finished the ketchup bottle."

Since I am so close to finishing, I even use the pie on my face to get this hot dog down my throat. "Hey Doormat, which hot dog are you on? Number 1?" asks the clowns laughing. "2 actually thank you", replies Matt with his mouth full of a hot dog.

Matt: "It is hard to get 'em down. I am more than comfortable putting loads of meat in my mouth, I was excited, but it is so dry!"

Matt looks like he is about to throw up and the clowns notice this so they start chanting "Throw up throw up". Matt then throws up. I stuff the last part of the hot dog in my mouth, swallow it and I am good to go.

Teala: "I went from feeling super uneasy about this challenge and feeling like I might just die tonight to actually feeling pretty confident".

Y/N: "The second to last competition is basically catapulting a rubber chicken into a basket".

"Stomp on it!" yells Teala. I do that and it just misses. "So close Y/N so close!" I take a quick look back at the hot dog stand and Matt is still there. I catapult it and it finally goes into the basket. "Yes!" I yell. I move onto the last challenge which is basically throwing a ball at a bunch of milk cans. I'm not that good at this game but I was trying my best to win so I was doing quite good. I knock down all the milk cans and I won the challenge. The clowns start cheering.

Y/N: "I can't believe it I won! That means that JC..."

A glass box pops open with a music box inside and I start turning the handle eager to open it. All of a sudden I hear the sound of JC screaming. I look behind me and JC is being stabbed by Ms Suspicious. "NO!" yells Matt.

Matt: "I lost I failed him".

Finally, the music box opens and inside is a happy jack. I take off the jacks head and replace it with the happy one and the clowns all turn into dust and they are nowhere to be seen. I run up to Teala and untie her. "Let's get out of here!" I say and I run back with Mortimer, Calliope, Teala and Matt. We run into the lounge first Calliope, Mortimer, Matt, me and then Teala. There are gasps all around the room.

Colleen: "This sucks because JC was a very helpful player so it doesn't really matter how well you perform you could still end up dead at the end of the hour".

I go over to the shelf and I place the artifact down. "1 down 7 to go", I say. I look down at my arm which I had forgotten about. "Is your arm ok?" asks Ro. I nod. "I still can't believe that JC is dead", says Roi. All of a sudden, Safiya yells that she found a note on the ground. She sits down, opens it and reads it to the group. "Not everyone in town is telling the truth". "Well...what if it's one of us?" asks Colleen. There is just silence.

Nikita: " *gasps* should I just tell the group I'm not naturally a blonde?"

To be continued...

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