The NewType saiyan

By DiarcyWalker

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this story takes place after daemos was born with out a tail and a weak power level of 8 which deemed him the... More

Birth Of A Newtype Saiyan
chapter 2
chapter 3: Another Supersaiyan? The re-emergence of a Newtype Destroyer
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18


199 2 0
By DiarcyWalker

After taking a shower and drying off. He put on his signature black baggy pants and a grey athletic tank top. He noticed the time said 8:30AM in the morning.

Leaving the restroom, Gine and Fasha are still sleep from their session with Aoi while Barda is no where in sight. 

Arriving in the Kitchen, Aoi was greeted with Barda cooking in the kitchen in nothing but an apron and panties that seem to show her perfect round bubble cheeks. 

Coming behind her, he hugged his mate before snuggling in the crook of her neck.

Enjoy last night? He asked while smelling the fresh Grits and Meat being fried.

Did you? She asked while mixing the food together before walking towards the big pot and poured the contents in the soup like substance.

Indeed, I did. I just wanted to know did you enjoy it? Aoi asked while enjoying the show Barda put on for him.

She walked towards Aoi before pushing him into the chair before she sat on him.

So how about a round two? She asked before twerking her bubble rear on Aoi's already harden rod in his pants.

With pleasure, he stated while giving a hard smack to Barda's buns causing them to jiggle.

After his morning fun, Aoi ate and cleaned his mess before going for a walk. However, the moment he opened the door, he was greeted with Barda's look alike.

Well would you look at that. Miss Turla in the flesh. I gotta say, you've turned into a stunning women" Aoi stated while looking Barda's look alike up and down.

Smirking, Turla traced her fingers around Aoi's torso.

As much as I would love to stick around for some private lessons, but business before pleasure.

And that is?

The Queen wants to see you as soon as possible. I can't say due to being in the opening, but just know that it's important.

Okay. Lead the way.


***Later at the meeting with the Queen and her loyal bodyguard/husband along with several other Saiyans*******

So its that bad, huh? "And I thought Hitler was something" Aoi mumbled to himself.


Oh, that was someone I ran across in the past. Anyway, I already came up with a remedy for that after the girls explained the situation to me last night.

Oh? Then out with it. I'm curious as to what you've got up your sleeve that could possibly work in our favor, she stated while gaining the attention of everyone present.

Do you remember when I first transformed back then when I had that strange aura around me?

Yes, I do recall that strange aura. 

When I reached space, I was able to travel through many multiverse's before I found the Timepatrol.

Wait, what do you mean by that?

Let me explain it to you.....

30minutse later.....

Sigh' that's a lot to take in Aoi. Newtypes, Combat Newtypes, Temporal abilities? I need a drink after this.

It's the truth, Aoi spoke while unsheathing his DEsheilds.

Then show us! spoke a random Elite saiyan while the others agreed with him.

Sigh' sure.

The lines along his body emitted a familiar blue aura before his hair became gold. His eyes turned green as he created wind gusts in the meeting room. Gold and blue particles flooded the room as the saiyans around him were having trouble standing from the pressure of his power.

Pulling out his beam saber Atol Orbit. He sliced a hole in reality to show them the multiverse.

And if that's not enough; with a wave of his hand, another portal opened. This time showing many multiverse's.

Snapping his fingers for a closer view, he showed them full proof of other worlds like theirs with different outcomes.

Is that enough proof?

Amazing! To think that something like this exist! Stated the queen as she marveled the multiverse.

Okay, so you wanna hear what i got to say?

Ofcourse! Speak, she demanded while everyone eyes was now on Aoi.

Here's what I'm going to do. Firstly, if any of you want to stay then it's fine. However, I'm going to teleport this entire section of the Low-Class neighborhood to another world. However, I don't know if we'll be sent in another timeline or even a storm. We could end up any where.

So you're saying that your teleportation could end up anywhere, correct? Asked a random Elite.

Yes. If none of you aren't comfortable, I'd understand if you decide to stay, but be warned. King VegetaIII isn't as rightfully a good ruler unlike his sister.

If it's alright with you your highness, I'd like to begin teleporting tomorrow at noon.

"Permission granted" you may begin as soon as possible.

Yes mam. Oh, and beware of your brother. I have a feeling he may challenge you for the throne.

Do not worry about me. I'll handle my own affairs. You just make sure you do your part. Otherwise, we'll all be nothing more than a memory. Besides, from what my sources told me, VegetaIII is going to wipe this entire Low-Class neighborhood and everything inhabiting it till its nothing but dust.

That also includes me as well, since he thinks that I'm privileging this class over the Elites, she said while sighing to herself.

In other words, he plans for your extinction, finished Aoi while the Queen nodded grimly.

The rest of the Saiyans present all looked shocked at what they heard. But one look from the Queen confirmed it all.

Then what are we waiting for? Let's fight back!

No! Not yet. If we start now, then  my brother will know something's up. We must think carefully. Fighting an entire force of Elites is suicidal. Even if we have more than one super saiyans.

And that's exactly what he wants. If we go out there now, well be playing into his hands, Vulgar finished as the crowd listened intently.

Exactly, which is why this info is to not leave this room. Any objection to my choice will end with Vulgar as their executioner.

As of now, you all are to act as if nothing occurred. This meeting never happened. If anyone asks, just say the Queen was discussing the Zumba festival schedule.

Remember, tomorrow by noon we should be no more and will have our own new world where we could live our own Saiyan way.

By noon?

Hopefully, Aoi does his job early in the morning before everyone could get up, she said more so to Aoi who scratched his head nervously.

I guess getting it done early is the best option. Just make sure everyone is in the barrier in time.


Meeting adjourn, dismissed!

There were mummers as the Saiyans cleared the meeting room while leaving Aoi with the Queen and Vulgar.

Are you sure this will work? I'm putting a lot of trust in you along with my pride, the Queen stated seriously.

Yeah, I'm positive it will work. I was able to transport a house when I was 16, so a neighborhood shouldn't be a problem. It's just finding the right place is going to be a challenge.

You'll, succeed. Just be sure that you don't disappoint me.

Of course I won't.

Good. Now off you go. Me and Vulgar have some unfinished business to discuss, she stated while eyeing her top Elite like a steak.

Don't have to tell me twice. See you guys later.  In a blue flash, he vanished.

Before the Queen could mobilize her ideas on Vulgar, VegetaIII burst through the doors with his followers.

Queen Vegeta, I challenge you for the throne and birthright to rule planet Vegeta! Challenged the eldest.

The Queen on the other hand was not pleased in the least.

(Damn it, This is too soon. Looks like Aoi will have to speed up the process..)

Cutting that thought, she looked at Vulgar who's eyes never left the intruders before she replied back.

By the tradition of our ancestors, I accept.

Good. Today at 11AM at the arena is where it's going to be held. Until we meet again little sister, he sneered before exiting.

Vulgar was angry while the Queen was unsure if she could win or not. 

****Back with Aoi****

Hey guys, i'm back! Come to the living sweety. We have something of importance to discuss, stated Barda. 

Entering the living room, Aoi was greeted with two groups of females. On one side is the Time-patrol while sitting opposite is the Elite group. At the center using the kitchen chairs is his mates Gine, Barda and Fasha. 

Umm, okay guys. Cream, Candy and Rava. Shouldn't you guys be at the time patrol?

And you six, Boris, Tyka, Lita, Nanai, Nora the champion and Wide hips Chaya. What are you doing here? He asked sternly.

About that, seeing as you know their names, they have something urgent they need to tell you' finished Gine.


Chronoa sent us to aid you in the upcoming battle to take place due to this timeline being corrupted.

What? How's that possible? He asked in disbelief.

"Mira and Towa found a way to this timeline, however, there's something more. Chronoa can't seem to see this timeline due to it being a separate dimension. Whatever it is, we were task with  making sure this timeline is secured. Oh, we were also told to follow your every command" explained Ravi.

Every command?


Okay, now about the Elites? And before you ask, I pretty much read your intentions and ofcourse files from the database.

Okay, I'm going to cut it short. We want to join you. What the king has planned is nothing short atrocitising his own kind.

"Today, he plans on challenging the Queen for the throne. After he win, he's going to kill every person in this neighborhood" finished Boris shocking everyone by the info.

That's crazy! Why would he do that?! Questioned Gine and Fasha at the same time while Barda wasn't surprised in the least.

Why of course its because of all incoming wealth and profit along with all this new stuff you guys been doing around here. And now him and his elites have grown jealous and extreme prejudice.


What now?

The Queen have been challenged for the throne! Spoke the solder in freight.

"Looks like I'll be fast forwarding my plan then" murmured Aoi.

Thank-you for the update. Tell the Queen I'll see to it that we'll proceed with the plan sooner. Another thing, be sure to tell her that we'll begin placing the barrier around the neighborhood.

"Affirmative" with that, the solder left to return the message.

Look guys, the best course of action is to ensure that everyone is aware of the danger and ready for action at any moment.

"I agree. They may be Elites, but that doesn't mean we turn tail like a coward" finished Barda while cracking her knuckles.

Hey Fasha, Gine, want to train?


Then meet me in the backyard. I have the gravity machine on standby.

Okay, let's go.

Wait? Gravity machine? What source of machinery is that? Questioned Chaya in curiosity.

Oh, it's a little something we got as a gift from dear Aoi.

What is it for?

"None of your business, Tyka" sneered Fasha.

You wanna go, Low-Class! Challenged Lita.

Can we please save it for the enemy? Said Nanai trying to calm everyone down.

She's right. Fasha, please calm down.

Alright, I'll do it since you asked nicely.

Since we all have come to an agreement, I'll give out the details about it. The machine can multiply the planets gravity all the way to the maximum of x600.
Ofcourse we aren't at that level yet, but we use it whenever we're bored or trying to get stronger.

Wow, that's the longest I've heard you explain something Barda.

Shut up Gine. Anyway, I'll see you guys in the back. Feel free to join us Boris. You and your group.

"Don't slow us down or else" Fasha sneered once again before trailing Barda.

I'll kill her if she doesn't Chang that attitude.

"Don't worry about her guys, she isn't very keen on a lot of women in her space. Now come on this way and let's get stronger! She cheered while leading their company to the backyard.

The only ones left were Aoi, Boris and the time patrol members.

Aoi made sure to eye every last women exiting the back door. Unaware to him, the females present took notice of Aoi's sacred sword imprint in his pants.

Ahem' it would seems that Gine forgot to mention another part of our bargain.

Bargain? Aoi inquired with a raised eyebrow.

Boris leaned close to his ear before nibbling on it. She heard a low purr from the new type warrior.

Seeing this, she whispered in his ear. We're going to be all yours, she said before walking out the living room with a slow sway in her step.

After watching the Elite leave, Aoi looked at the remaining company who were blushing before noticing the bulge in his pants.

Oops, my bad. Let's go to my place so you guys can prepare for what's to come. Besides, I don't think you guys will fit in there at the moment. 

Follow me, he said while flying off as the females flew with a blush.

Arriving a block away from Barda's house. They arrived to Gine's house and walked straight towards the large pod house in the back.

Upon opening the door, Aoi took notice how clean his house is.

"Look like Gine kept my house clean while I was away. I'll reward her big-time once this issue is over" .

After showing them around the house, Aoi left them in the gravity chamber while going for steamy bath in his indoor built-in hot spring.

40minutes later......

"Ahh" there's nothing like a steamy relaxation, spoke our favorite hero before a pair of white arms start rubbing his chest.

"Indeed" spoke the normally sleepy majin taking a soapy towel  and started to wipe Aoi's chest.

What the? Cream? What are doing here? Shouldn't you still be training? He asked unaware of more incoming females.

A pair of pink arms grabbed his right arm and placed it between two soft pillows.


It's been 40minutes now. Besides, we worked up quite the sweat. So a bath was in demand.

Okay, were is Ravi? He asked before noticing the two females smirk.

Guys? He spoke before noticing bubbles in the hot spring, followed by feeling his rod getting serviced.

He let out a loud moan before Candy and Cream began to suck on Aoi's neck.

A moment later, Ravi appeared to the surface along with the tip of Aoi's rod.

Oh my, such a sight! Indeed cream, he's a big one, stated Candy as she and her comrades stared at Aoi's friend. They would've took it further, but the arrival of Gine along with the rest of the Saiyans decided to take a dip as well.

Hey guys, hope we didn't interrupt anything, stated Gine while removing her towel before taking a dip in the water.

The rest of women soon followed before relaxing in the indoor hotspring.

So, how was training ladies? Aoi asked while trying to keep his self under control.

Oh, it was actually great. Training with the Elites wasn't so bad like we thought it was.

Yeah, it sure was fun indeed.

Especially after Boris achieved supersaiyan.


"It was nothing. I just didn't expect a decent fight from the Low-Class. Especially when it took all three of them in their ascended stage" finished Boris while laid back without a care in the world with her large breast exposed.

Whoa! I missed out on that action.

Yeah, no doubt you wouldn't have wanted to miss four Saiyan females fighting each other near naked, Barda said smirking before her eyes caught Aoi's secret sword erect in the water.

Can you blame me? I guess I've been around the southern states too long.

You said that last night' remarked Fasha as she noticed his erect sword tip poking out the water.

Hey Aoi, about Boris transformation, her hair was green. Do you know anything about green haired supersaiyans? Asked Gine before finally noticing Aoi's southern friend.

Wait, you kidding right? Her hair was green?

No, she isn't kidding. Her hair was green and it took me, Gine and Fasha at supersaiyan 2 to beat her. And what's even more surprising is her power was rising too fast, explained Barda.

Well, what do you expect? I'm an elite after all.

Yeah, and because of that stunt you pulled, I have no house right now, stated Barda annoyed.

How did that happen?

Then Fasha spoke up. It started from simple sparring sessions that turned deadly after Gine and Boris challenged each other.

I see....this is very interesting. I didn't expect Boris  to attain that transformation, Aoi stated while gaining everyone's attention.

You make as if it's no big deal. Almost like you've seen it before, Nanai stated.

I have, 5yrs ago in another timeline. And I prefer not to ever face him ever again. Even though I'm far stronger. They called it "The Legendary Supersaiyan". And let me tell you, that guy was a lunatic and he was crazy strong. Green hair, bulky muscles , unlimited increase of power.

So, yeah. In this timeline or universe, Boris is the first legendary supersaiyan.

Anyway, it's time for me to get out. I've stayed in here long enough.

Standing up, all the Saiyan women gawked and drooled at Aoi's figure or more importantly, his sacred sword and enormous jewels.

Ahem' Aoi, your friend is exposed, stated Barda.

Oops, my bad. In an instant, he vanished via temporal movements.

Putting on his clothes, he received a message from the time patrol.

Reading the message on his razor, he's needed for a mission dealing with cooler interrupting with the cell games.

Writing a letter to his mates about his mission and leaving it in the kitchen on the icebox. He stepped outside and released his DE-shieldwings before warping away in a blue streak.

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