carpe noctem // e.northman 1.

By MaryBravo200

309K 11.8K 1K

carpe noctem - seize the night. A weird and wild story of a 1000 year old vampire and a bookworm waitress of... More

Carpe Noctem


6.3K 251 33
By MaryBravo200



IT WAS TOO HOT THAT DAY. Amy sat next to Sookie as she fanned herself with a random magazine she found in her car's trunk.

They were in Bon Temps cemetery as Gran's graveside service was taking place. A woman was singing the hymn "Softly and tenderly" as Amy squeezed Sookie's hand.

Jason was sitting next to Amy who had no want to fix his appearance that day. Jason wore a suit but looked horrible. His tie was loosened and his white shirt was unbuttoned. He also seemed nervous as his leg bounced up and down.

Sookie looked distressed as the woman sang from the podium near Gran's casket which was decorated with blue, pink, purple and white flowers.

Amy heard loud crying before turning her head back to see Terry Bellefleur weeping. He was a man that came back from war recently and seemed a little crazy to Amy but he was a nice man besides that.

The singer finally finished her hymnal and stepped down from the podium. A robed minister then took her place as Amy furrowed her eyebrows at Jason who wiped his sweaty face with his tie. "Lord, we gather today to remember the life of Adele Stackhouse. To celebrate the time that she enjoyed here on earth. And to thank you for each precious moment..."

Sookie noticed someone in a wheelchair being pushed along a path and squeezed Amy's hand tightly causing her to look at Sookie in confusion.

Amy then noticed an elderly man in a wheelchair as he was being pushed by Neil Jones as he pushed the wheelchair up to the left of Sam. "The family, the friends, the community. But even as we grieve, we shall be comforted, knowing that she is in piece now in Lord's kingdom."

Amy watched Jason greet the man with a pat on the knee as Neil Jones left. "And there shall not be more death..."

"Uncle Bartlett, what are you doing here?!" Sookie then raised her voice sternly as she glared at the man.

Amy and Tara exchanged a look. "She was my sister," the elder answered coldly.

"You haven't been part of this family in a long time," Sookie snapped as they exchanged glares.

Jason then turned to her as his whole body tensed. Amy knew Jason was acting weird. He's been like that ever since the killings started. "Sook, come on. Give the guy a break."

"Sookie Stackhouse has prepared a few words," the minister then said but Sookie only glared at Jason. "Honey?"

The female realized he was talking to her and grabbed her handbag before standing up. "Sookie, you okay?" Tara whispered but she only walked past Jason, Sam and Uncle Bartlett and to the podium.

Amy moved one seat closer to Tara and gave her a worried look. Sookie then took a folded piece of paper from her handbag and unfolded it. "Adele Stackhouse was... everything to me. She wasn't just my grandmother. She was... my parent, my teacher, and my best friend."

Sookie then paused as her face turned more upset. Amy realized she was hearing what others thought. "To say she'll be missed... just didn't cut it, 'cause... I can't even imagine a world without her in. She was always there, with a kind word, and a hot meal, and a shoulder to cry on. Not just for me, but..."

Amy frowned deeply as Sookie paused again. Her eyes focused on Uncle Bartlett before she continued again. "For everyone who knew her."

Amy was about to stand up upon seeing Sookie's state but the female telepath suddenly snapped. "Shut up! All of you, just shut the fuck up!"

People started to mumble as Amy stood up but Sookie grabbed her handbag and ran away from the service. Jason stood up and ran after her as Amy turned around to glare at people. Clearly they were thinking about something bad to upset her this much.

"Well... ahem," the minister coughed uncomfortably. "Is there anyone else who'd care to share a few words?"

Everyone stayed quiet as Amy was about to open her mouth but someone else beat her to it. "I got something to say," Lettie Mae, Tara's alcoholic mother, spoke up. The crowd turned to see her as she walked up to the front.

"What is she doin'?" Lafayette mumbled to a shocked Tara as Amy slowly sat down next to her best friend.

Tara stood up and grabbed her mother's arm. "No, momma."

Lettie Mae broke free and continued her way up to the podium. "Oh my fucking God, girl," Lafayette whispered to Amy who frowned. "This is about to get ugly."

The minister stepped aside as Tara's mother approached the podium. She seemed slightly unsteady on her feet. Amy could see the embarrassment in Tara's eyes and only thought how her father, wherever he was, didn't even bother to come back for the funeral even if she informed him. "I didn't know Miss Stackhouse like a lot of you did," she began. "But the few times I did meet her... she was nuttin' but kind to me. She was good, God-fearin' woman. And when I was going through some bad things, my daughter would go stay with her, and I always knew she would be just fine. Adele Stackhouse took care of my baby when I couldn't. And I'll be always grateful for that."

When Tara's mother stepped away from the podium Amy felt distraught. Adele was like a mother to her too because of her estranged father.

The ceremony ended as everyone began to go home. Amy stood by Gran's fresh grave and wiped her tear. Sookie didn't come back to the ceremony and Amy knew it was for the best. She would feel better doing it alone, in her own thoughts.

Jason approached Amy as his jacket was already off. "I... I can take you-you home," he mused as he wiped his sweaty forehead.

Amy glanced up at him before shaking her head. "Come on, are you still mad at me?" he questioned as Amy noticed his shaky hands.

"You look sick," she mused and touched his forehead but Jason quickly pulled away. "What are you on?"

Jason tried to laugh but he looked caught. "Wha-what are you sayin', woman?" he laughed angrily so Amy narrowed her eyes and grabbed his hand before pulling it towards herself.

She pulled his sleeves up but saw no needle marks. Jason chuckled at her so she let go of his soaking wet hand and grabbed onto his head before taking a peak at his nostrils. "Amy, don't be ridiculous," Jason then pulled away so she rolled her eyes. "I'm not on any drugs."

"Your grandmother died and yet you laugh and joke about stuff. You're a nervous wreck," Amy listed but Jason couldn't understand her preferences. "You look like an addict."

Jason paused angrily before scoffing. "On the second thought, you'll be able to get home by yourself," he commented and started to walk away causing Amy to stay in her place and look back at Gran's graveyard.

The sun then began to set down. Amy looked at her watch to see that it was almost 8pm and thought about Eric. She decided to leave the cemetery and go to Fangtasia to start her work.

Taking her mind off of Gran's death seemed like the best idea.


Eric was sitting on his throne thinking about Sookie and the way her blood would taste. In his long years of being a vampire he had never experienced a smell like hers. He felt regretful he wasn't the first to meet her.

Pam was by the entrance wearing yet another controversial outfit when Amy walked up with the very same funeral dress she had on during Gran's burial.

When the tall blonde vampire saw her apparel which didn't match her personality, she raised her eyebrows up. "Buried a kitten today?" Pam asked with a mocking smirk.

Amy glared at her and showed Pam her ID in case she forgot. "No, Sookie's grandma was killed," she commented silently so Pam chuckled and let her through. "Is Eric here? I'm here to sign his contract."

"He's here. Lucky you," Pam said sassily so Amy rolled her eyes and entered Fangtasia. The loud music was too obnoxious to her or maybe it was the fact she wasn't in the mood.

Amy saw Eric sitting on his throne as his eyes immediately landed on her as he motioned for her to join him.

She pursed her lips and did as was told as a woman kneeled besides Eric's legs. "Please, please, drink from me," she begged as Amy stopped in front of Eric as she stared at the woman in pity.

"Amy Brennan," Eric spoke up causing the begging woman to snap her head up in annoyance.

"Get off. It's my turn!"

Eric saw Amy's reaction and chuckled lowly as Amy smiled at the woman. "I don't want to be fed on," she commented softly. "Honey, I have business with this man."

"I don't know. I'm enjoying this," Eric gave the woman false hope as Amy scoffed in disgust and sat down on a chair next to Eric without his approval. He raised his eyebrow at her but Amy didn't catch that. "Get out."

"What?" the woman slowly brushed her finger up his leg as Eric smacked it away. "No. Please. What do I have to do?"

Eric motioned for Longshadow to take her away as the gruff vampire rose her up to her feet. "No. No!"

Amy waved at the woman as she took out a laptop she saved a lot of money to buy. "Do you see how many people want me?" Eric questioned as he leaned over his throne chair to look at her.

"Oh, I thought it was just a show to put out for others," Amy answered bravely so Eric became silent and smiled slightly.

"You have a tongue of a parrot," he mused as Amy met his bored eyes. "Impressive but quite dumb."

Amy remained silent as he noticed her attire before snickering. "Sookie's grandma was killed a few nights ago," she then mused causing Eric to turn serious suddenly. "Yes, depressing. She was like a mother to me."

"No parents?" he asked and thought himself that he shouldn't have been interested.

"None that care," Amy mused dully and quickly moved on with the subject. "You told me you'll be ready with the contract but I'd like to start tonight."

Eric rolled his bright eyes and looked off to the whole bar to see people staring at them talk. He didn't like their weird looks and glared.

Amy noticed that and slowly shut her laptop. "You should be more cheerful when you talk to me," Eric then sneered at her, changing his persona which confused Amy.

"Well, I'm sorry," Amy then smiled sarcastically as they smiled at each other but their eyes glared. "I'll come when you feel like it."

Eric smiled in satisfaction. Amy never thought she'd dislike a vampire but he was an asshole. But now she had to put up with him. "Good," he commented and motioned for Pam to bring in the contract.

The female's heels were loud as she put a piece of paper in front of Amy as the human girl took it into her hands and began to read. "I have to write a memoir about you but I can't ask about your past?" Amy questioned as she read one of the rules.

Eric didn't speak as his glare was stern. "Smart enough," Amy mused in disappointment as she continued to read. "If the book fails I, Amy Brennan, take all responsibility and action."

Amy glanced up at Eric to see him smile. "This is humiliating," she whispered but he seemed to not care. Amy looked down at the paper again and continued to read. The terms were a little crazy and only benefited Eric.

The female began to think about backing down before it was too late but at least Eric had no rules of him feeding from her or hurting her. "I..." she trailed off but then the very same vampire vamp sped to her and rose her up.

He smacked his lips against hers and wrapped his arms around her waist as Amy widened her eyes before pushing him off. "You have no idea how much I dreamt of you," he licked his lips as Eric and Pam laughed while looking at each other.

Amy breathed out and laughed as she glanced at Eric. "You ran away from me last time. You know you are mine," the vampire mused in hurt as she wiggled out of his tight hold.

"No, I am not," Amy laughed as she fixed her dress and grabbed her purse.

The vampire then chuckled and extended his fangs. "If you're looking for a silver ring, don't. You don't want to hurt me again. Not in front of my Sheriff."

Amy grabbed her pen out and quickly signed the contract before handing it back to Pam who took her time to take it back. "You think it means something?" the vampire scoffed but then Eric stood up, showing off his height as Amy stood by his side.

"She works for me now," Eric commented dully as Amy smirked victoriously.

"But she's mine..."

"No, she ain't," Eric mocked his southern accent and sat back down in boredom. "I need her in one piece so she can write a book about me."

"Thank you," Amy then collected her things and stepped down from his throne. "When can I come?"

Eric shrugged dully, not really caring. "Tomorrow, I suppose," he dismissed her with his hand.

Amy nodded her head, waved at Pam and left as the vampire sneered. "Retreat your fangs, idiot," Pam gagged dully and walked away while holding the contract like a piece of trash.

"Why is she so important to you? She's just a smoking hot bitch," he told Eric who watched Amy leave his bar. "You could have better."

"I know," Eric smirked. "Fortunately, her friend is just that. That's why she has to be intact if I want to get to her friend. You get it?"

"That blonde freak show?" he asked but Eric glared at him. "She did smell nice."

"Get lost and find someone easy. And if you don't listen, I'll see it to myself to cut your head off."

The vampire sighed and nodded before walking away.

Eric smiled in satisfaction. So far, everything was just as he planned.

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