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NAN FLANAGAN WAS SCARY. And yet Amy wanted to meet her in person but the vampire was still scary.

They were all in the room as Nan sat on a higher chair than everyone as if to show her power. Godric and Isabel sat in front of Bill, Sookie and Amy as Eric sat the closest to Amy but the girl paid him little attention.

Godric's look seemed tired and Amy felt bad knowing he was put in such a position once again. "Do you have any fucking idea of the PR mess you've made?" Nan then sneered as she addressed everyone. "And who fucking has to clean that shit up? Me. Not you, me. I should drain every one of you bastards."

Amy wanted to roll her eyes but she knew it was better not to do so. "Stan went after the church on his own," Eric then mused dully as Amy didn't even turn his way. She felt a little regretful she said she would stop writing about it, because it was what finally got her excited in a long time, but she had to show her point that she wasn't so desperate for Eric. "None of us knew anything about it."

Nan grimaced, calling his saying bullshit. "Oh, really. Because everyone who met Stan in the last 300 years knew he had a kink about slaughtering humans," she snapped like a scolding mother. "But you, his nest mates, his sheriff, had no clue."

Amy noticed Sookie glancing at Eric weirdly so she rolled her eyes, knowing that his blood was having an affect on her already.

Eric glanced at her too but his eyes stayed on Amy, who felt like she was hit by a truck. Her leg pain worsened and her ribs hurt even more. "And how were we supposed to know that this time he meant it?" Isabel asked angrily.

"Not my problem," Nan shook her head as she focused on Godric. "Yours."

"Don't talk to him that way," Eric then sneered so Nan seemed slightly amused by Eric defending his maker.

"Don't talk to me that way," she argued as Amy thought how badass the woman was actually. "Let's get to the point. How did they manage to abduct you?"

Amy's face fell as Eric listened to his maker seriously, trying to hear something that would oppose to what Amy had told him previously. "They would have taken one of us sooner or later. I offered myself."


"Why not?" Godric answered calmly as Amy finally did look at Eric's face. She had never seen him so sad and that made her feel sorry for him.

Nan blinked a few times, a little shocked by what Godric was saying. "They wanted you to meet the sun and you were willing?" she questioned in confusion.

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