The Beauty And The Alpha-Beas...

By livelaughlovelaze

347K 10.7K 684

Previously known as "A Werewolf Story". Four childhood best friends - Adrian, also the future alpha... More

The Beauty And The Alpha-Beast
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Thirteen

12.9K 468 43
By livelaughlovelaze

5 years ago


It was my 12th birthday and there had been nothing but excitement since the moment I woke up. I was filled with gratefulness to everyone who had treated me like a princess even though I didn’t need them to and couldn’t really get used to it. 

Waking up to my parents’ hugs and kisses, I was then treated to Rose’s birthday breakfast that consisted of hash brown, pancakes, sunny side up eggs, scrambled eggs, sausages, ham, bacon, bagels, waffles and everything you can find on a breakfast menu. Everyone enjoyed it so much we didn’t leave any space for lunch. 

And then I received so many presents I lost track of how many. But I was beyond grateful to each and single one of them, not just for the presents, but for celebrating my 12th birthday with me. 

So far, I had received a friendship bracelet from Dar, a wallet from Chase because my old one gave way, clothes from my parents and cash vouchers from Adri’s parents. There were more from the rest of the pack but I couldn’t remember. 

The only thing I could remember, however, was that Adri had promised to only give me my present tonight at 8pm after dinner.

I had been restless the entire afternoon, unable to take the suspense of what Adri might have in store for me.

So when the clock struck 8pm after the blowing of the candle and enjoying my birthday cake, I practically ran to our tree and climbed my way up where Adri was already seated waiting patiently for me.

“Alright, you have to let me know already. The suspense is killing me!” I exclaimed, a huge smile on my face as I made myself comfortable.

Adri’s left arm wrapped around my waist and held onto the trunk as usual to keep us from falling down. It warmed my heart every time he did that. 

Chuckling at my impatience, he handed me a small paper package wrapped in blue packaging. It was a little messy, with a small tear on the paper and I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.

“Hey don’t you dare laugh, my Bella. I spent hours on this! I didn’t even get help from anyone.” He defended himself as his face grew red. 

I let out a full blown laugh at how cute he was and I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around him. 

“Thank you so much Adri! I don’t care whatever you give me, neither do I care how it is wrapped. I’m just so happy that you're doing this from the bottom of your heart, and wrapping it on your own shows just that. So thank you!” I beamed a sincere smile at him in which he returned.

“Can I open it?” I asked eagerly.

“Of course,” he replied.

Slowly and carefully, I opened the packaging and was delighted to find a soft maroon cardigan. It was my favourite colour and I loved it.

“I bought this for you because I know how you get cold easily, which is weird for a werewolf.” He laughed in which I made a face at him. “So when I’m not around to keep you safe and warm, just wear this in place of me. And remember that no matter where I am, I’ll always be right here beside you in spirit, I’ll always be thinking about you and worrying about you my Bella."

His eyes were sparkling with warmth and sincerity. My heart clenched at how sweet he was. I was genuinely touched. 

“Thank you.” It was hard but I kept the tears from falling down my face.


Adrian's POV


Her voice was soft and trembling in a whisper. Her face enveloped with determination and worry. Her eyes wide and diluted. Her stance small and uncertain. Yet it was her words that struck me like a bolt of lightning.

I didn't know what to think, didn't know what to say. I could only remember the taste of her lips against mine, the fireworks that burst in my eyes from that one short and chaste kiss and her lovely scent - a mixture of vanilla and wildflowers.

My heart was pounding hard and my wolf stirred within me with a growl.


Belle, my Bella, my best friend, my confidant... my mate.

Everything was all too sudden. My mind was struggling to wrap around the news.

I couldn't think properly, I couldn't feel properly. My mind was in a blank. That was when I allowed my wolf to take over.

That was my first time and definitely would be my last. Giving control to my wolf was beyond dangerous. I shouldn't have done that, not even under the circumstances.

It was under the moonlight did I regain my senses. The scent of the woods and the feel of the cold air on my fur were familiar to me. Looking up at the moon, everything became clearer.

Belle was my mate and I was hers. My soul mate, my other half. And the most important fact that blurred out the rest - she had known for two years.

Two freaking years. For two years, she kept such an important news from me. How could she?

She knew how I felt about finding my mate, she knew how worried and scared I was, how much I wanted to have a mate to call mine.

She was my best friend for goodness sake. She knew everything about me, she knew how much it meant to me. Yet, she kept it from me.

How did she think I would feel?

Because right now, all I could feel was humiliation. I felt cheated, that she of all people would do such a thing to me.

Why did she lie to me? Why? Did she not like me that way? That explained how she ran away from me. Perhaps after a while, she couldn't resist what nature had planned out for us and returned. But she did not love me, it was the bond forcing her to want me and to finally tell me.

How could she do this to me? I loved her. I had all along. I just didn't know because I was scared. I was scared how that would affect our relationship. And most of all, I knew I could only love my mate.

But now that I knew she was my mate and I could love her freely, all I felt was anger. Did she think that after lying to me for 2 years, I would welcome her with open arms looking like an idiot?

I was an Alpha. I could not be weak, I could not let anyone know. I was no fool, even if she was my best friend and my mate, I wasn't going to forgive her easily, or that would only threaten my position as an Alpha.

Whether it was my wolf thinking, or me, I no longer knew. But it didn't matter, because when I get betrayed, I don't forgive easily.

Belle's POV

We sat there for a long, long time. After a while, she calmed down but I continued to  hug her, not wanting to spoil the moment. After all the things that happened, all I wanted and needed was my girl best friend back.

“I’m sorry, Belle.” She muttered so soft I wondered if I was imagining it. 

“I’m sorry for everything. For-"

But I cut her off, "Don't, Dar. If you want to apologise, I should be the one doing it instead. Because everything that happened was because of me. If I had not left two years ago, things wouldn't be in such a mess right now. I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. If I haven't told Adri I liked him that day, we wouldn't have gotten together and you wouldn't have left."

"No, Dar -" I tried to reason with her.

"Belle, let me finish." She cut me off.

Reluctantly, I nodded my head.

"I'm going to tell you the truth. And you can go ahead and judge me because hell, I judge myself all the time. But promise me, that no matter what, you'll still forgive me." She looked at me expectantly.

"Of course," my voice was so small it came out as a whisper in the silence of the darkness.

"I... I never liked Adri, at least not that way. I've always seen him as my best friend. I... The reason why I desperately want him is because... its because of my parents." She explained between sobs.

Her parents! That explained it!

"You know what my parents are like. They told me that if I don't make Adri my mate, they were going to disown me." She blurted as tears fell from her eyes like rain.

My hands instinctively went to her face to wipe her tears off.

"It's okay, shhhh. I understand. It's not your fault." I cooed.

If I thought it was raining, it became a flood.

She brought her head onto my chest to muffle her screams of exasperation. All those years of hiding everything... I was so glad she finally told me.

It must have been the alcohol. But even then, I was grateful. From then on, I wasn't going to leave her to fight this battle on her own.

She didn't say anything but I could feel her shaking body and hear her uncontrollable sobs as she cried her heart out.

We sat there in the darkness until her tears stopped. The silence was comfortable but I knew I had to break it and do the last thing she wanted to hear.

It was more than about time.

"Dar, I know you're not going to want to hear it but just listen to me first okay?" I didn't even wait for her to reply before I continued, "Look, when have your parents really been family to you? When have they been there to share your tears and laughter, been there to encourage and support you when you needed them the most, been there to celebrate when you won the gym competition in grade 7 and even attended your middle school graduation ceremony? I know this must sound really bad but I'm your best friend Dar, I never mean anything bad to you. Because we are your real family, me, Chase, Adri, Rose, Uncle John, my parents and Chase's parents. We may not be blood-related but we care about you so much more than your parents ever did. It wasn't because you weren't good enough, it's them. They are the ones who are not good enough for you. What have they done other than put pressure on you so that they can boast about you? When have they truly cared and listened to you? It's been years already Dar, I know you must feel the same way we all do, you just have to admit it and take a step forward, because only then can you embrace those who loves you for who you are and free yourself from the pain caused by the people who don't love you and don't deserve your love. I love you, Dar. Even after two years, you're still the sister I never had. We all love you..."

And before I could stop myself, I added in a whisper, "especially C."

Her head was on my shoulder and she was quiet for a long time. I really wished I knew what was going through her mind. I really hoped she wasn't upset with me.

Just while I was deliberating whether to ask if she was alright, she whispered in a hoarse voice, "you're right."

She heaved a sigh, "you're right. I have to stop living the life my parents want me to live and live the life I want to live."

Happiness swelled in my heart from hearing what she had said. I was so happy for her I could cry. Hugging her tightly, I told her exactly that.

Chuckling, she said, "it's getting late, let's get some rest."

And that was how I found myself lying next to her on my bed just like old times. It had been a great sleep, even with Adri's problem.


The next days went pretty much the same with Adri avoiding me like a plague and shutting down his mind links. I haven’t seen him in days. I didn’t know if he was angry, upset or simply confused. When ever I sensed him near me, it went away immediately. If this went on any longer, I could go crazy.

Heaving a huge sigh of annoyance, I closed my locker and looked up at the hallway. It was lunch time but I didn’t have any appetite at all. I would probably look around for him more. He had to be out there somewhere. 

The only good thing that came out of the whole ordeal was Darlene. Our relationship had improved significantly, even if it wasn't like before, it was a huge step and I was beyond grateful.

She had finally realised that she had to live for herself and I was slowly seeing my best friend return before me. However, she still had yet to do anything about Chase.

Speaking of the devil, I thought as I spotted Dar walking towards me. “Still can’t find him?"

I shook my head dejectedly. 

“I’ll try and say something to him if I see him around,” she gave me a small smile. “Don’t worry, you’re mates. He’ll eventually find his way back to you."

She paused before a grimace plastered her face. “Believe me, I know."

Her eyes had the kind of faraway look that had me burning with curiosity and hope. This was my chance!

“Dar, do you…” I hesitated when her face returned to her I-don’t-give-a-damn look. 

She looked away from my eyes and started saying, “I’m sorry, I gotta - ”

“Do you like him? Do you like Chase?” I blurted out before I lost the chance.

Her entire body froze as soon as I asked the question that had been burning at the back of my mind.

“What are you - “ she chose denial.

“Don’t you think it’s time to face the truth?” I interrupted her with a reassuring tone because I knew how it felt like to avoid confrontation. And let’s face it, it only weighs on your shoulders and sooner or later you will be forced to face it, like what happened to me. 

With her back still facing me, I could see her body trembling a little and if I didn’t listen carefully I would have missed her soft defeated whisper, “yes."


I was walking down the corridor, wondering whether I should let Chase know the good news. It wasn’t my place to tell him but I was just so happy for them that I could burst. All I wanted for them was to be happy, and I knew that what Dar said was the first step towards them getting together. 

My heads were high in the clouds dreaming about how wonderful it would be if they accepted each other. They were mates and they belonged to each other.

Just like Adri and I.

"Ouch!" I let out as I felt myself walk into a wall, or rather someone.

Someone tall and muscular. Deva ju hit me as I recalled what happened on that fateful day two years ago.

However, it wasn't the same person I was looking for.

"Belle, I was just thinking about you," I looked up to the last person I wanted to see.

His gleeful smirk and the way his eyes sparkled gave me an impression that he knew more things than he should.

"Daryl," I nodded my head coldly and was about to keep walking when he just had to stop me.

"Wait a minute," he grabbed onto my shoulder, effectively stopping me. "I have something I want to say to you."

Not even bothering to give him a reply, I looked up.

He laughed a little nervously as he used the hand he placed on my shoulder to rub the back of his neck. What was this about? I couldn't help but wonder suspiciously.

"Alright, there's no better way to say it so I'm just going to be frank with you." He said, his eyes boring into mine as if he was trying to dig out everything there was about me.

"I know you and Adrian are not dating. I had my suspicions and when you used a pass for my dare, I knew I was right. Because no girlfriend would not kiss his boyfriend, even under the circumstances you guys came up with as excuses. And here's the thing Belle, I like you."

It was as if the sky had fallen. Yes, quote chicken little. Who hadn't watched chicken little? But that wasn't the point.

The point was he was not supposed to like me. He couldn't like me, not to mention I didn't like him. In fact, I found him revolting.

"I'm sorry - " I tried to say but he freaking cut me off.

Of course he had to.

"I like you Belle," it only made it worse the second round he said it. I only wanted a certain hazel-eyed man to say it to me. And it definitely wasn't him.

"And, I want to ask you out on a date." He had his trademark smirk on his face and all I wanted to do was slap him upside down.

"However, I know you're not going to accept it so what I'm going to do is to woo you."

Woo me? What the? "Excuse me," Andddddd he cut me off again.

But this time with something totally unexpected.

There wasn't enough time for me to react before I felt his rough lips on mine. Deja vu hit me once again but this time I wasn't as scared. Instinctively I pushed against his chest and used my leg to hit the back of his knee, causing him to stumble.

Before I could think of what to follow up with, I sensed him before I saw him.

He grabbed Daryl by his shirt and narrowed his eyes at him furiously. I had never seen him so agitated before.

"Don't. You. Ever. Touch. My. Girl. Ever. Again. Do. You. Understand. Me?" He growled with golden eyes. That was a sign of how close he was to tipping over the edge.

Daryl, also an Alpha, of course did not respond to the threat like most other werewolves would.

"You have no reason -" I knew I had to do something before they broke into a fight right in the middle of the hallway.

Immediately, I grabbed hold of Adri's hands which were burning hot and released his grip on Daryl's shirt. Pushing him backwards was not an easy task, taking into account that he was practically seething. It was understandable of course, werewolves were jealous creatures by nature, especially towards their own mates, not to mention unmarked mates.

Putting my hands on his chest, I struggled to keep him away from Daryl. "Calm down, Adri, calm down. Listen to me, the last thing you want to do is shift right in the middle of school and threaten the secret of our race."

I was well aware of our strained relationship so when he visibly calmed down, I was delightfully surprised. However, with a last growl of warning, Adri grabbed hold of my wrist tightly and dragged me away from Daryl.

I struggled to keep up with his big strides and his tight hold on my wrist was starting to hurt.

"Adri, it hurts. Hey!" I protested.

Before I knew what was going on, I was being dragged into a cleaner's closet at the end of the hallway.

Locking it swiftly, Adri pushed me against the wall.

For the third time in less than an hour, a huge swell of deja vu hit me straight to the core.

"Don't you ever dare get close to him ever again," his voice was so low and husky I was certain it was his wolf talking.

"It wasn't me -" I tired to defend myself even though I knew it was pointless.

"Only I am allowed to do this." He interrupted me and placed his lips against mine roughly.

It felt like the way Daryl kissed me, rough and uncontrolled. However, the feeling I had was entirely different.

Sparks flew as soon as our lips touched and my eyes involuntarily closed on its own. I could literally see the fireworks.

Adri's hands held onto my face tightly and he lifted my head such that he could deepen the kiss. He didn't even ask for entrance before I felt his tongue barge his way into my mouth. But it still wasn't enough.

His hands travelled down to my hips and without any warning, he lifted me up, causing me to let out a yelp of surprise and my legs to wrap around his torso instinctively.

I didn't even try to fight for control. Instead, I let him take the lead. It was my first proper kiss and I already knew no one could ever beat this. That was how it worked.

Every where we made contact, it felt like electricity sizzling through my veins and I couldn't help but wonder how I hadn't fainted yet.

Our breaths became ragged but he was far from done. His lips left mine and went down my face to the back of my ears. There, he licked and sucked the area, sending shivers down my spine. Before I could stop myself, a loud involuntary moan befitting of an animal left my mouth. I didn't even have time to react when his lips found his way down to the nape of my shoulders.

Sucking sounds could be heard and that was when I realised he was making his mark on me. Before I could thoroughly enjoy myself, he stopped whatever he was doing and let me down.

"That should keep anyone from coming near you," he sneered with a smug look on his face.

I didn't even have enough time to process what he said before he was gone, leaving me cold and alone in the darkness. The sick feeling of deja vu continued to bite me as everything that had happened came running through my mind.

He left. He left after that hot and passionate kiss we shared. How could he? I asked as my heart clenched in pain.

Did he not feel what I did? How could he leave me like this? He was still angry with me, I concluded. But he didn't have to do this to me, I felt like an object, marked so that no one else could have me but thrown away after being used, after he was done with me.

Tears streamed down my face as I fell into a soundless breakdown of dread and misery.

Did our mate just reject us - again?


Adrian’s POV


I didn’t know what came over me to do what I did to Belle. It was sick and ruthless and I would be lying if I said guilt didn’t wash over me as soon as I finally realised what I had done. But when I saw Daryl all over what was mine, jealousy overwhelmed me and my wolf took over. I didn’t know what I was doing.

I could only imagine how much pain Belle would be feeling. But pride stopped me from running back to her and asking for her forgiveness. 

Even then, I had to admit that was the best kiss I had ever had. There was sparks, fireworks and everything else all the cheesy romance stories out there claimed to have. My entire body was still tingling from the kiss. My wolf wanted nothing more than to go back there and continue to kiss the life out of her and so did I, but I didn’t. I couldn’t.

My mind was filled with images of her chestnut brown hair and pink soft lips. I could still feel her soft skin against mine. I could still hear her moans of delight. 

The bond between mates was too strong to break, I knew that but only until I had experienced it firsthand did I realise the truth of it. My mind was constantly revolving around her. I couldn’t even focus on anything else properly. It only let me to wonder how she was even able to cope with it for two entire years. The only conclusion I came up with only further strengthened my assumption - that she didn’t love me as much I loved her. And that made me feel like crumbling into pieces.

That was how I found myself avoiding her as much as I could. Because I knew if I didn’t, I would find myself down on my knees, begging for her forgiveness. It was only did I sense her panic that I threw away all my concerns and rushed to her side. If it wasn’t for Belle, I would have punched and kicked Daryl until the life went out of him. I knew it was violent, but i couldn’t help it, not when it came to my mate.

When she brought me to senses, the only thing I knew to do to distract myself from killing him was to kiss her senseless. The one thing that had kept me awake for nights through nights. And reality was so much better than what I ever thought it would be like.

Even though I did feel guilty for leaving Belle after everything that happened, one thing I did not regret was leaving a huge pink swelling hickey on her. That was the only way I knew no one would ever come near her. My scent would be mixed with hers for a few days and no one in their right mind would even touch her, especially Daryl. I had marked her, and she belonged to me, even if temporarily.

It was only sooner or later I would mark her permanently. And before that happened, I hope I would have overcome this stupid pride of mine and find it in me to forgive her. 

Please vote & comment to let me know how you feel about this chapter! Thank you so much for your continuous support, without which I wouldn't have come so far :') xx

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