I Am Lacerta - HP fanfic

By BooshBaby

146K 1.5K 1K


I Am Lacerta
I Am Lacerta Chapter 1
I Am Lacerta Chapter 2
I Am Lacerta Chapter 3
I Am Lacerta Chapter 4
I Am Lacerta Chapter 5
I Am Lacerta Chapter 6
I Am Lacerta Chapter 7
I Am Lacerta Chapter 8
I Am Lacerta Chapter 9
I Am Lacerta Chapter 10
I Am Lacerta Chapter 11
I Am Lacerta Chapter 12
I Am Lacerta Chapter 14
I Am Lacerta Chapter 15
I Am Lacerta Chapter 16
I Am Lacerta Chapter 17
I Am Lacerta Chapter 18
I Am Lacerta Chapter 19
I Am Lacerta Chapter 20
I Am Lacerta Chapter 21
I Am Lacerta Chapter 22
I Am Lacerta Chapter 23
I Am Lacerta Chapter 24
I Am Lacerta Chapter 25
I Am Lacerta Chapter 26
I Am Lacerta Chapter 27
I Am Lacerta Chapter 28
I Am Lacerta Chapter 29
I Am Lacerta Chapter 30
I Am Lacerta Chapter 31
I Am Lacerta Chapter 31
I Am Lacerta Chapter 32
I Am Lacerta Chapter 33
I Am Lacerta Chapter 34
I Am Lacerta Chapter 35
I Am Lacerta Chapter 36
I Am Lacerta Chapter 37
I Am Lacerta Chapter 38
I Am Lacerta Chapter 39
I Am Lacerta Chapter 40
I Am Lacerta Chapter 41
I Am Lacerta Chapter 42
I Am Lacerta Chapter 43
I Am Lacerta Chapter 44
I Am Lacerta Chapter 45
I Am Lacerta Chapter 46
I Am Lacerta Chapter 47
I Am Lacerta Chapter 48
I Am Lacerta Chapter 49
I Am Lacerta Chapter 50

I Am Lacerta Chapter 13

3.4K 33 28
By BooshBaby

HOLA AMIGOS!! yep that is the extent of my spanish knowledge - but anyway... NEW CHAPTER TIME!! :D and so many people to thank ..... MY AMAZING fans who time and time again VOTE - COMMENT - and have already FANned (duh) i hope that if you like I Am Lacerta you will do the same.... and here they are:


















































WOW that took forever :P ly all sososoosososoososoos much :):) double smiley xxx enjoy xxx

I Am Lacerta Chapter 13

When the time came to go on my first mission, I had already been prepared for about an hour - I was so desperate not to disapoint the Dark Lord..... I knew what he did to those who disappointed him and it wasn't pretty. I sat in the front room waiting for Avery to turn up, fear and excitement swelled up in my stomach like a big balloon.

Five minutes.....

Fifteen minutes.....

Thirty minutes.....

Fourty-five minutes.......

An hour...... and still no Avery. It was a joke - it only took a minute to apparate and it had taken 60 times that long for him to turn up already!

Eventually, I got bored of waiting in the front room and decided to ask our house-elf to apparate and go find him. Several minutes later the house-elf turned up again clinging to Avery's leg.

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked furiously.

"What are you talking about, child?" he growled back at me, but it didn't scare me whatsoever.

"WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?!?! I have been waiting here for an hour for you to turn up and I have to get this elf to find you, and when you do turn up YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!! This is riduculous..." I screeched.

"Alright, alright. Take a chill pill, midget. Let's just go now." he replied, which made me want to punch him. I only resisted because I knew this was probably a test from the Dark Lord.

"Fine. Let's go." I snapped, and he grabbed my hand as we apparated off.

Three seconds and a churning stomach later, we arrived on a desolate street. A street lamp was flickering ominously outside the house at the end of the street. Avery stood stock still while I checked whether the coast was clear.I turned around to look at him, and saw him looking expectantly at me.

"Yes, Avery. What is it?" I snapped.

"What's the plan?" he asked simply. Now it was my turn to stare at him.


"Jeez, Lacerta. You really got your mothers temper, Lestrange!" he said, chuckling.

"Let's just go." I said darkly, swallowing back my anger. Just before we reached the house, I changed my form so I was smaller, had bigger hazel eyes, ratty blond hair and had a large wound in my left leg.

I turned to Avery to tell him a good place to hide, and I saw him just staring at me in shock.

"What the hell are you doing now?! Go and stand over there, and when I give the signal, secure all the exits but one. When I shout out, burst in and give me that vial if I ask for it. Comprende?" I whispered. He only stared blankly at me, so I sighed and said, "Do you understand?", nice and slowly so he would understand me.

He gave me the thumbs up before stalking silently over to his hiding spot and casting an invisibility spell on himself. I back tracked a few houses to get a decent run up, before screeching and run-limping towards Berty Cobbs' house. I made tears run down my face and I moaned in imaginary pain from the "wound" on my leg before pretending to see that the light was on, before hammering at the door.

"Help me! Please, PLEASE open the door!!" I moaned, and it only took several seconds before a sixty-year-old man opened it.

"My dear, what happened?" Mr. Cobbs said.

"Th-these men w-w-were chasing m-me and th-they stabbed me in th-the l-l-leg." I sobbed, and he stood aside to let me pass into the house. I discretely gave the signal to Avery, who reacted in an uncharacteristically fast manner.

I limped into the house after him, and he sat me down in the front room. I saw his wand in his jacket pocket and I said, "What's that in your pocket? Is it a wand?" I asked, acting clueless.

"You are a witch aren't you?" he said cautiously, taking out his wand as discretely as he could.

"Oh yes. Don't worry." I said. He looked very relieved to see that and gave me a potion and said several incantations, before the wound disappeared.

"There we go, dear. I'll just get you a cuppa." he said before hobbling off. I then changed my looks back to normal and retrieved my wand from my pocket.

When Berty walked back into the room, he dropped the cup of tea in shock.

"Let's cut the crap, Cobbs. I need information and you're going to give it to me, alright?" I said menacingly.

"Ha, you think I'm such an old codger that I'll be outsmarted by a 12 year-old?" he scoffed at me.

"Well, yes. Clearly your old - who says old codger in this day and age?" I moved closer to him slowly, menacingly. "Are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way? I don't mind really." I said, acting bored. He just laughed and raised his wand, but I was too fast for him.

"Crucio!" I screeched. He fell to the ground and moaned in pain.

"I warned you old man." I whispered menacingly. I relieved the curse and he backed away from me before saying, "W-what do you want with me?"

"I seek information, about the Department of Mysteries. My Lord wishes to ask you-" I said but Berty cut me off saying:

"Oh, I assume that your "Lord" is Voldemort-"

"Don't you dare besmirch his name you filthy little mudblood! Crucio!" I shrieked again as he writhed around on the floor. "Now tell me, where the prophecy is - I know you know Cobbs." I said relieving the curse after a few minutes.

"I'll never tell." he whispered mutinously.

"Oh yeah?" I smirked. "Crucio!" he screamed as I gritted my teeth and doubled the power on spell. "Sectumsempra!" I shouted and three wounds appeared on his limp frame. "Tell me where it is, and I let you live." I whispered, but he shook his head, tears pouring from his eyes. "CRUCIO!"

"Please, please.... WAIT!!" he said so I relieved the curse curiously.

"Give me what I need and then you're completely free to go, mudblood." I said simply.

"I can't! I swore!"

"Listen here: I. Don't. Care."

"Please.. please.. I can't.."

"Maybe you remember, when was it? How many memories must I remove to find what I need?"

"Please have mercy... I have a family, two children.."

"So do I! And they're rotting in Azkaban!"

"You don't have to be like them-"

"Ha ha, I'm here by choice you fool-"

"Why are you doing this?"

"ENOUGH!" I bellowed. "Or I'll remove them all. All your memories - gone. Poof." I said mockingly.

"Be reasonable, please-"

"You know what, this is getting quite boring. Give me the memory - or I kill you."

"I've told you - I can't!"

"Say bye-bye to your memories..." I said childishly putting my wand to his head.

"Please child don't do this-" he said, but I did anyway.

"Obliviate." I said in a sing-song voice, laughing. "OI! Avery!" I shouted and Avery appeared immediately. "Give us the vials then, don't stand there listening to your brain cell slowly dieing." I said ruthlessly.

He handed me the vial. I just looked at it and looked back up at him:

"There were three vials - where are the other ones?" I asked cruelly. He looked sheepishly at me before saying:

"Uh... I sat on one and the other one fell out of my pocket and I trod on it."

I looked at him cruelly for a minute before I tapped my wand on the remaining vial and it duplicated. I then put the memories inside the two vials and I turned to leave when I knelt down by the broken cup of tea. I inhaled then tutted. Typical. It contained Veritaserum (my godfather taught me how to identify it).

"Come on Lacerta, let's go." Avery said, stupidly.

"Lacerta.... that's a pretty name. What's my name?" Cobbs said simple-mindedly.

"YOU FOOL!!" I shrieked. "Now he knows my name!"

"Oh yeah. Sorry." he said meekly.

"Honestly Avery are you this stupid naturally or were you dropped hard when you were younger? I have to kill him now-"

"Want me to do it?"

"No, you'd probably only give him a moustache. I'll do it." I pointed my wand at Berty Cobbs and I could see the fear in his eyes. "Say goodbye, Cobbs. Oh, and for the record - I'm 13. Avada Kedavra!" I shrieked and Berty Cobbs fell to the ground with a dull thud.

"Come on, you get the body, I'll get the vials and enchant the house. The Dark Lord may need to check it later..." I said pointing at the body and smiled to myself. My Lord would be pleased with me, I had succeeded even with Avery the Ass with me. I walked through the front door, and pointed my wand towards the sky.

"Morsmordre!" I shrieked with delight as my master's mark appeared in the sky above my. I howled with laughter as Avery tripped over his own feet before he grabbed me and apparated us away, leaving the Dark Lord's mark behind us...

SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPLOAD - I had to write in on word in parts cos my grandparents r ova nd the exams r soon nd stuff hope u like xxxxxxxx

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