The Survivor

By gabby_vazquez

150 3 0

Victoria Reynolds just wanted a normal life. Instead she got thrown in this dark and sinister nightmare. One... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Important authors note


43 1 0
By gabby_vazquez


When I opened my eyes it was pitch black dark. I didn't know where I was or even comprehend what happen not to long ago. All I knew what that my head is pounding and my body aches.

It definitely felt like something was over my head as I started to get back into grasping reality.

In one swift motion the bag was lifted from my head and I was greeted by lights biting my eyes. When vision got back to normal I saw Victoria's uncle and a bunch of big angry men around him.


I hope to god she's okay.

I'm not even sure I was okay.


Is that my...

"Mom," I croaked out "Lana"

My mother and sister were both tied up in chairs. James Reynolds was standing in the middle of them. They had duck tape over there mouths.

How could I let this happen.

I saw the fear in my sisters eyes. She didn't know what was happening, but my mother... she knew what was happening.

I never told her, but I knew she always knew what I was doing. She knew we couldn't have been rich suddenly.

"I swear to god if you fucking hurt them," I swear to him.

"I told you if you didn't do what I asked extreme measures were going to be taken place," he said to me.

"You didn't give me a chance—"

"I gave you all the chances!!!" He yelled "so now you forced me to go to plan be which I thank you for being such a fuck yo because plan b is actually working so far."

"What did you do with her?" I breathed out.

"I let her and her friends go. Oh expect for her guide, he's dead," James says calmly.


"You let her go?"

"All part of the plan dear boy which you are still part of," he tells me.

"What makes you think I'm going to help you any longer?" I spat at you.

He shrugs and then points his gun up to my mothers head, pulling the trigger without hesitation.

"NOOO," I screamed "you motherfucker!!!"

"I told you what would happen," he says pointing the gun now to my sister who crying profusely "now if you don't want her dead like your mother than I suggest you do what I say."

I felt my heart clenching as I stared at my mothers lifeless body.

I should of just done what he asked me to do.

I should of never have fell in love with Victoria.

This all comes back to her.

It always does.

Now my mothers dead because I couldn't do one simply thing and James new it.

"I'll do whatever," I pleaded "I promise no more fuck ups. Just don't hurt her."

He smiles and puts the gun back down to his waste.

"Great, but she'll stay with me until the task is finish. Call it insurance," he says.

"No fucking way," I growl at him.

"Relax I won't harm her and to put you more at ease I'll put her in one of the finer rooms and make sure she is getting treated well," he says walking to his desk grabbing me "see it's called compromise."

"You dick," I sneered at him as he came closer.

He motion his guards to untie me. Once they did he shoved an envelope in my chest.

"Everything you need to know and do is in the envelope. There is a date in which you should start your task. We know where there heading already. It's that dump you were born in. We need to play like she was captured so when the time comes you will find them say what is instructed and lead her back here. It is more detail in there, but just to give you the run down," he explains to me.

"You're psychotic you know that?" I said him standing up to face him.

"So have I been told," he smiles.

"I know everything you have done," I say to him "you kept to many things from me."

"Things you didn't need to know."

"I was in the dark!" I yelled "if you would of told me things she had told me then maybe things would of worked out the way they didn't."

"Well it's a good thing you fucked up because I like this plan so much better," he says with a chuckle then turns serious "we will be in touch now get him out of here. I have a big mess to clean up."

The guards grabbed me by the arms and forced me out the room. I gave one last look to my sister telling her I would be back soon.

I was going to make this right.

I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.


I stared to what was my house that is now just pieces of rumble. They really just had to blow up my house.

I was standing there with my hands in my pockets just thinking how all this could of been avoided.

I was so caught up thinking about Victoria's safety I forgot about my families.

She infested my mind like a plague and now people are dead because of it.

Because I could follow a simply task.

Because I let her infect every part of me that made me human, but all of that was dead now.

I was not going to let them take my sister away from me too.

I heard a car approach up to the front of what use to be my house. I saw my uncle step out of his truck and jogged towards me. He looked at the house in disbelief, but he wasn't surprised.

He looked at me with hurt in his eyes, "where's your mom and Lana?"

"Lana is safe, but mom is dead," i told him bluntly.

He swore under his breath and shoved me, "didn't I tell you that this was a bad idea! Look where it's gotten you!"

"I don't really need a lecture now," I hissed at him.

"Really? Because it seems like you need more than a lecture. I went to the fight. I tried to find you, but I couldn't. I searched all day for you and your family and all you can say to me Is that you don't need a lecture?" He says in a harsh tone "not I'm sorry I gotten into this mess. You were right... none of that?"

"I've got in handled," I said shoving him and making way to my car.

I didn't know where I was going to go.

Anywhere, but here.

"Your mother is dead Aiden—"

"Don't you think I know!" I snapped at him looking him dead in the eye "I was there, I saw it happen and if I don't finish what I started then Lana is going to be dead too."

He scoffs, "after all he's done you still going to work for that man?"

I didn't say anything and my uncle just laughs.

"What about Victoria?"

"What about her?" I said nonchalantly.

"Don't you love her enough to not do this to her. Imagine how she will feel if you do this," he says to me.

"I don't give a damn how she feels nor do I love her," I pointed out to him "whatever I felt for her is gone. She is the reason why my mother is dead."

"No Aiden you are," my uncle shot back at me "you are just too angry to realize it and you are blaming it on that poor girl who doesn't deserve any of this."

"She does," I said to him "you don't know the kind of person she is like I do. She deserves everything that comes her way. She ruins everything she touches."

"I know you don't believe that."

"Doesn't matter what I believe."

"Yes it does Aiden!" He screams, but then calms down "listen I know you have nowhere else to go seeing that your house is blown up. Follow me back to my house so I can patch you up and you can calm down. You look like you are hurting and exhausted."

I am hurting, but not just physical pain, emotional too it was everywhere.

I didn't say anything I just nodded at him as he wrapped me in a hug. I tried my hardest not to break down and cried. There wasn't time for that. I was stronger than that.  

Family is the most important thing to me and now I lost my mother. That hurts more than you know.

I couldn't lose my sister I just couldn't.

I now this was my mess but I wasn't going to make it messier.

No matter how I feel, no matter what's at stake I can't lose my family.

Victoria isn't family.

And I have to stop treating her that way.


Short prologue but now you know what happen to Aiden! Looks like he's angry.

Guys I'm really excited for this book.

I excited for the rest of the series.

It's going to be SO GOOD.

I can't wait.

I hope you guys enjoy the sequel!


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