𝒖𝒏𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊...

By unworldlystories

13.1K 635 442

an alternate universe where brett and eddy are classmates in music college, who do not know each other a sing... More

{entry date - initials}
{5th of February - b.y}
{13th of March - b.y}
{14th of March - e.c}
{22nd of March - b.y}
{22nd of April - e.c}
{9th of May - b.y}
{21st of May - e.c}
{31st of May - b.y ; e.c}
{6th of June - b.y}
{23rd of June - e.c}
{13th of July - b.y}
{13th of July - e.c}
{13th of July - b.y}
{25th of August - e.c}
26th of August
26/27th of August
27th of August {finale}
author's notes

{20th of February - e.c}

907 40 12
By unworldlystories

today is the 3rd day.

that my violin strings are broken again.

on purpose.

i was lingering at the side of the hallway today after the group of bullies ran out the opposite way, holding the scissors high up into the air victoriously as if they won a good lottery deal. i stared at the violin in my hands, with two strings being snipped off. i remembered checking the time only to realise i do not have enough time to fix the strings, and that there was a lesson right afterwards.

i skipped today's class. i'll tell the teacher tomorrow that i was sick and had to go home.

i don't know why i'm defending them. i honestly don't. why am i defending someone who hurt me? why am i doing this to myself? why do i constantly protect others without caring for myself? this had always happened to me. always happened. but i didn't defend for myself in either time, then and now. was it because i felt threatened that if i report it or say it to any teacher, they'll do something even worse to me?

yes, yes it is.

i didn't go straight back home. not like there'll be anyone there to greet me.

i went to the big field behind the college, it can be seen once you stroll through the back alleys of the school, in which i don't think anyone does.

do they?

anyways, i went to the field and just cried. my eyes were already brimming with tears before my legs got me to the field. i just sat on the green grass and cried into my knees. i just sobbed on and on non-stop. the tears didn't seem like it'll stop any sooner until i heard something.

i heard a beautiful melody.

and it was the sound of violin.

and it was unlike any violin sound i've heard.

it was the melody of  Clair de Lune, but more expressively. it stopped my tears immediately. i looked around to see if there was anyone around. from the sunset's shadows, i couldn't see it, but i can make out that someone is standing there. i could tell it was a he though, i don't know why don't ask me. i watched him from afar (we weren't that far actually, probably a few 10 or 20 metres), dazzled by the melodious music that is being played out by every bow stroke, mesmerized by the soul that's allowing me to hear this.

the music was stunning, yet i could feel a faint hint of loneliness in the tone. in the way he's expressing every phrase and part, it sounded beautiful but one-sided. unknowingly my hands had fixed the strings of my violin whilst i was engrossed in the melody, and i raised my violin and placed my fingers on the fingerboard and started playing.

a duet was heard loud and clear at that golden sunset, each other's music drifted into each other's ears. the rays of the sun illuminated the dark shadows and a pair of glassy eyes met with mine.

my heart skipped a beat.

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