Love on Hold||✔️ (Editing)

By arya_writes21

162K 12.6K 2.3K

Love seems to give a tougher way out for both Shivay and Anika. Shivay is not ready to accept Anika and Anik... More

( Characters & Aesthatics )
▪︎I believe her, she will take care▪︎
▪︎Shift to my room▪︎
▪︎Dr.Anika is the best▪︎
▪︎She is my wife▪︎
▪︎Am I late?▪︎
▪︎Will you be my Friend?▪︎
▪︎Dr.Anika is your wife?▪︎
▪︎Pretended Husband▪︎
▪︎Anika or Diya▪︎
▪︎Don't Leave▪︎
▪︎Anika weds Siddharth▪︎
▪︎You are My Wife▪︎
▪︎You are selfish!▪︎
▪︎Don't snatch her▪︎
▪︎Caring Singh Oberoi▪︎
▪︎ Jealous Cat ▪︎
▪︎ Billu ▪︎
▪︎ Hitler ▪︎
▪︎ Anika is strong ▪︎
▪︎ Mine ▪︎
▪︎ Love Resumed ▪︎

▪︎The Shivaay Singh Oberoi is back▪︎

4.6K 384 30
By arya_writes21


Shivaay the name gives me shivers and chills now also, even that i want to go away from him still he lingers in my mind and heart. This wasn't difficult as it feels when I had to see his love for Diya but now everything is becoming tough for me by each passing second.

Even after the acknowledgement of his feeling towards me, I can't go to him after knowing about my state. This would be an unfair act and I won't turn selfish.

He has life to live which i can't snatch it because of my condition. After so long years he has come out of it though he says he loves me but eventually he will forget soon, his feelings were recognized only in a short span of time it would be easy for him to forget me than going deep into his feelings.

Why dint I come to know before? was I so lost in my own sorrow and life that I didn't figure out the constant symptoms of my disease. That constant Itchy skin and rashes on my skin which I neglected it to be some allergy, the shortness of breath each time I do some heavy work which I shrugged thinking it to be because of my lack of work out or exercise.

Fevers peeking each month and at times weeks which I subsided by having simple fever medicines, the chillness in my body frequently in a hot weather. The tiredness and fatigue I had after hospital hours and me sleeping for hours neglecting it. Often emptiness in my stomach still having no or low appetite, each time i see some yummy dishes my mouth waters but never had the willingness to eat it.

Everything was happening in front of me but I never bothered to look up at it. What kind of Doctor I am even, I didn't figure my own changes in my body? Now I am suffering all together and it took me to the 3rd Stage.

"Ani" i came out of my world and I saw Siddharth standing near the door, now I need to give a closure for everything. I can't let Shivaay again go into the same depressive mood and destroy his life."

"Hey Sid! How do you do?" I falsely smiled looking at him.

"I am good Ani, and I am not the one who met with an accident" he told chuckling looking at me, I sighed

"Sid, I am sorry for whatever Shivaay did the other day! I am sorry on his behalf; he should have not behaved that way and I don't know what got into him." I told looking down whatever happened that day, Sidharth never deserved to be treated that way.

He has been with me through thick and thin of my life, Sid, Nithu and me were the buddies in high school and college too. Soon Sid found his love and interest to be in film making that he discontinued his medical career.

"Ani you weren't at fault and also Shivaay somewhere, maybe I went overboard. So, don't apologize okay!" he told holding my hands and I sighed heavily.

"Sid, I need a favor from you" my eyes directly went down, he would obviously get shocked with what I am going ask.

"When did you start asking me these! go ahead ani" he told sipping the water in the glass.

"I want you to fake a wedding with me" he spit the water out the moment I uttered those words and I closed my eyes tightly.

"I think I heard something wrong! pardon me" he told smiling Shockley at me.

"you heard it right Mr. Rana. I need you to fake a wedding with me" i told looking at him sternly but how much ever I try the pit forming in my stomach, when I talk about a wedding with someone else other than Shivaay doesn't stop and make me feel horrible.

"Have you lost it Anika? Did something happened to you in the accident that you are talking all nonsense" he screamed looking at me with furrowed eyebrows, I knew he would react like this but I need to be strong.

"I need you to do it Sid, that is it and it's my final decision also. I spoke to dad and bhai about they are fine and happy regarding the me marrying you but they don't know about the fake element there." I told in a very stern voice indicating I wouldn't change my decision.

"Why?" he whispered coming in front of me

"Weren't you happy with Shivaay? I understand he wasn't all a good husband at first but then everything changed. I saw the love he had for you in his eyes, each time he looked up at you his eyes held the kind of emotion, admiration and love.

The possessiveness and jealousy which was burning the moment he saw you with me clearly shows the protectiveness and love he had for you, I know even you know it then why? why now? are you in some kind of revenge ani? he asked curiously shocking me .What the hell is he talking about

"Shut up Sid! what are you even talking? how can you just say nonsense about my oreodont you know I have been in love with him for almost ten years now? Hurting him will mean to hurt me" the voice in which i spoke held heaviness, how can He simply think like that.

But I'm amazed to see he noticed every bit of Shivaay and my relationship.

"Then why Ani? why do you want to ruin everything now? When everything is in its place why do you want change every cell of it?" he again shouted grabbing my arms, my tears brimmed.

I can't hold on this is becoming difficult. Anika don't give up, control! I said in my mind.

"Don't ask me why Sid! Just do as I say" i said looking at the other side clearly avoiding his intimidating gaze.

"No, I won't i need to know the reason for your sudden stupidity" he left my arms standing crossing his hands near his chest. I shot up a glare at him

"You are doing it Mr. Rana that's it!".

"Of course, no Mr. Oberoi, until and unless I know the reason, I am not going to act the stupidity of yours "he again told the same thing. What do I do now! every inch inside me is breaking apart hearing Mr. Oberoi, I just want to cry out loud?

"Why don't you understand? just do as I say" I cried now begging him.

"Ani what's wrong? Now I am sure something is more than I think. Just tell me Ani, you are scaring me" he again held my shoulders.

"I have Cancer damn it!" i shouted and he seem to freeze in his place

"Blood cancer" I whispered losing my balance and going on my knees. I can't with stand it now.

Coming to my level I can see his tears making their way out

"But why Shivaay?" he whispered looking at me intensively. How do I tell him, I don't want to destroy him again

"I don't want him to destroy his life Sid. He has already suffered a lot and I don't want him to do more. I know he loves me he confessed it to me to but now i don't want to give him the same hopes of happily ever after with me because I know it's may be today or tomorrow.

If i leave him some day after being with him he will break completely and he will never be able to mend it. And I can't say, he may even try to kill himself. I am sure he is capable of doing it too. Now he just realized it but didn't live with it, he will eventually forget it if I make him hate me or do something he doesn't want to. Maybe he will move on looking at me moving on and getting married that's why! Please understand Sid please for me!" i told as i laid out all the emotions, thoughts and feelings whatever i had.

He looked at me with some kind of emotion but nodded. He understands me like no one.

"Which stage? and treatment?" he asked making me stand up.

"Straightly pushed to 3rd stage and about the treatment i will go once everything is settled" i told clearing my face.

"Promise me Sid you won't reveal it to mom, dad and bhai. Not even to Nithu, you have me swear!" i asked looking at him with twinkling, he looked shocked but then agreed.

"ANIKAAA" I heard some familiar voice screaming but the next moment I knew its Shivaay.


"Hello. Hello Mr. Trivedi" i again asked over phone but that man cut the call, this man just put a bomb on me so easily and cuts the call as if nothing happened.? what is happening? what happened to Anika that she is behaving weirdly.

Okay! i get it doesn't remember my confession, but that doesn't mean she will move on and marry someone that too in a day. What is going inside her stupid brain, something is wrong but what? and how dare he says that it is a direct wedding.

Is that easy for her to marry someone. ten years she just can't forget it in 2 days, how can she? i am sure Mr. Trivedi would have done something. This man is getting on my nerves each passing day. Haven't he been my love's father i would have shown him the consequences of triggering Shivaay Singh Oberoi. He can't just take her away from me as well as she can't go away from me.

I was standing in front of Trivedi Mansion furiously, father and daughter touched a very wrong chord, I am going to show who I am. Screaming her name standing in the middle of the mansion, I see Nishitha ma, Mr. Trivedi and Arnav coming out. Directly going towards ma i bend down to seek her blessing ignoring the glare Mr. Trivedi and Arnav was giving, she blessed me to.

Then again, I started screamed her name "ANIKAAA"
And I see her coming with that idiot Sidharth Rana. She looked surprised at me.

"Stop there Shivaay! Don't you dare go near her" Arnav told coming in between. I glared at him and pushed aside. Going in front of her I can see her not even looking at me why?

"You are getting married?" I asked sternly at her. She looked down before answering

"yes" whispering for my question.

"Look at me and tell Anika!" I screamed grabbing her shoulders. What does she think of herself? She shot her head looking at me taken back.

"Yes, I'm getting married!" She again looked everywhere except my face.

"Look at my eyes and speak" I again spoke sternly. I think she gave up.

"Why do you care Shivaay? It's my wish, I have signed the divorce papers. Now you don't have rights on me. I get married or not, you shouldn't care about it!" She told looking at the other side shocking.

"I don't have rights? I shouldn't care? I am your bloody husband to care about you!" I shouted at her as the rage in me was building up.

"Husband. Husband really Shivaay? You never cared that I live or die in these 3 years but now from nowhere you pop out telling you are my husband! Wow! Great. Okay I understand you showed some mercy on me by being nice to me for few days ok! That doesn't mean you can boss around me. And yes, we are no more husband and wife, I guess. So, it's over between us!" She told while her tears were flowing. More than her I am breaking. What is she doing to us?

I get it, I was one useless person that I never looked at her in the past. But now everything was fine between us what happened suddenly. She left the place and I shouted back at her.

"Anika you can't do this to me! To us Anika" I shouted looking at her and she seemed to stop at her tracks but then resumed. This girl will turn me mad for sure

"And you, remember one thing she is mine, she is my wife and don't you dare try something which I will make you regret. understand! I told in a raged tone holding Siddharth's collars.

He seemed to be taken back looking at my coldness and threat. To tell the truth even Arnav and Mr. Trivedi were a bit shocked looking at me. I am not going to let this happen. No

"Arnav listen to me carefully, Anika is mine. Whether you like it or not! she was mine, is and will be mine till the end. Get this thing straight in to your mind. If you even dare to separate her from me, I will show you hell" I threatened Arnav going near him with my red blood eyes. This is getting into my nerves.

I left Trivedi mansion giving a glare at Mr. Trivedi. I can't lose Anika now just because of their stupidity. I was ignorant before in our relationship and now she is changing into old Shivaay, what is even her problem. Can't she see I love her, the love which my eyes clearly show. I accept she doesn't remember but can't she just understand me also.

"Shivaay?" I turned back as some familiar voice calling me.

At present I was in my favorite place that is the bench near a church which I usually visit when I am upset or tired of everything happening. But I didn't expect Diya here!

"Hey! Diya you here?" I asked as i cleared my face in which tears were flowing.

"Yeah hi! I just came here with Rithik, apparently this also is his favorite place too. But what happened to you? is everything fine you don't seem so! "she asked curiously settling beside me.

"Nothing Diya! All fine of course" I lied turning my face the other side.

"Shivaay you know, you have very poor acting skills if you remember!" she chuckled. I can't even lie now, great!

"What do you expect me to tell, that my whole life changed in a second? and I am suffering from another heartbreak? The one who was with me when nothing was there except my pain is now causing the same pain, when I want to give all Love to her?" I asked looking in front as my tears again started pouring and she looked shocked seeing me crying. She has never seen me doing that.

"Shivaay what's wrong?" she panicked and I sighed and narrated the whole thing again, while doing my heart was again breaking.

"And she is right! she deserves a better life, a better life partner which I aunt. But the thing is my love isn't that strong to let her go unlike her love. But I think I don't deserve her!" I told as I looked down as if giving up.

"Hold on, hold on Mr. Oberoi! how are you?" she asked looking at me and I saw her being confused


"What! what? Where is The Shivaay Singh Oberoi? Who are you first of all? You aren't the Shivaay I knew. He was a fighter, he hates to hear a No. And he believes until and unless he decides the game is not finished! He actually doesn't know to give up and most importantly he gets what he wants by hook or crook." she told looking at me proudly.

"And you are his imposter for sure! because you know when he decides something that will happen and he will make sure it happens. You better bring that Shivaay Singh Oberoi back haan! "she completed and I felt the energy back. What am I thinking? how can I give up on my Anika, My Nikki?

"Whether it's his business deals or his wife he wins it!" she told and stood up

"I hope I made it clear" she says it while walking back and I can see Rithik scrolling in his phone and leaning towards his car.

"Diya!" I shouted gaining both their attention as she was going in the middle between the ends.

"Shivaay Singh Oberoi is back!" I screamed and she smiled widely and seems like Rithik also smiled looking at me


I was lying on my bed thinking about Shivaay, how much ever I try this guy never leaves my mind. Yeah right! ten years he didn't leave how will he leave in 2 days! God! how am I going to survive.

Suddenly I felt someone's hand on my waist hugging me from back and I felt it was a familiar one. I so wish it is Shivaay, I just want to go hide in his arms but my destiny! But wait who is this

"What the hell are you doing here?" I shouted as I saw the person



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