Belong With Me

By tehyaannh

1.5M 45.8K 4.3K

Cameron isn't your typical girl, she's slightly more sarcastic, wears a large amount of graphic tees, loves A... More

2:Bacon and Twinning
3:Smoothies and Accents
4:Bowling and Big Foot
5:Strikes and Storms
6:Doorbells and Luck
7: Football and Windows
8: Whispers and Theories
9:Wonder Woman and Barbie
10:Half Streaking and Truth or Dare
11:Dallas Fans and Manning Girls
12:Skirts and Cheese
13:Babies and Movies
14:Aaron and Matt
15:Saturday School and Sleeping Together
16:Shopping and Book Boys
17:Rocky and Coffee Tables
18:Kryptonite and Feelings
19:Netflix and Book Stores
20:Pain and Rooftops
21:Hangovers and Hickeys
22:Idiots and Scars
23:Scratches and Pick-up Lines
24:Tears and Him
25: Caleb and Punches
26: Awkward and Navy
27: Stores and Pjs
28: Scooby-Doo and Sparks
29: Falling and Pants
30: Candles and Condoms
31: Presents and Kissing
32: Chain Reactions and Revelations
33: Deep Breaths and Heartache
34:Smart Cookies and Weeks
35:Love and Super Powers
36:Baseball Pants and Blind
37:Wet and Odd
38:Ride and Naked
39:Screwed-Up and Complete
41: Authors Note
43: Special Update, 1 MILLION READS Edition

1:Brothers and Birthday Presents

110K 1.8K 532
By tehyaannh

I turn in my seat to glare at my brother as he says yet another goodbye to his girlfriend. He's 15, what is there really to talk about?

Of course I'm one to talk, considering I'm only 2 years his senior, but I'm also at the age where I'm always right, as my mom puts it. But hey, maybe I am.

I at least know I'm right about it not being ok to suddenly come home and tell your two teenage kids that we are moving across the ocean to another continent, and are leaving in a week. That is totally not ok.
Of course, that is exactly what my mom did.

Two weeks ago yesterday I was sitting at our kitchen counter happily, well not so much, doing the last pages of my homework, with my brother beside me jabbering away on the phone to his girlfriend, when our mom bursts in. Now usually it's a tired opening and closing of the door, but today it was a bursting almost off the hinges. Obviously that was the first hint something was off.

The second was when our mom came up behind us and hugged us. Now my mom is a strictly no touch me type of person, and maybe that's where I get it from. So when she suddenly rushes up to squeeze the living daylights out of us we know something's up.

Now the third hint was the most obvious, but still how was I supposed to guess what the news would be?

"Kids we need to talk." Now that got our attention.

We both turned to our mom who stood against the counter across from us. When she saw she had our attention she continued. "Now, ever since your dad died I have been wanting to get away from here. Of course you know I'm originally from the U.S, but when I met your dad we moved over here." She pauses as this sinks in. That was the final hint, the bomb was about to drop.

"Ok, I'll get to the point. We are moving back to my home town of Paddington, Colorado. We leave in a week." Then she left the kitchen. Just like that, she tells us that we are moving across the world, from Ireland to the U.S, and then she freaking walks out of the room.

I look at my brother who looks right back at me, and at the same second we jump from our stools and race out of the room yelling for our crazy mom.

But it was to no avail, because here we are two weeks later in a small rented car headed to Paddington from the airport. Now if I was grumpy from getting up at 3 a.m in the morning, then I was the Grinch's evil twin after sitting on a plane for 13 hours with a 3 year old as my flying companion, a whiny one at that.

"Lighten up guys! You will get to see your grandparents for the first time! Just in another hour or so." This announcement from my mom, brings groans from both me and my brother, who is still saying goodbye to his girl.

Now we have seen pictures of our grandparents and lord knows they get pictures of us at least once a week from my mom who is an email-aholic, but since we lived thousands of miles away from each other it was kind of hard to meet face to face. That and my grandparents had an uncanny phobia of planes.

"No you say goodbye first." Before he can say it again I rip the phone from his grasp and put it against my ear.

"Now whichever stuck up brat this is, I don't care, obviously Tyler doesn't care, and for your information he will never see you again, goodbye." I end the call before tossing the phone back to my scowling brother. He doesn't have the best taste in girls.

Now don't get me wrong I love him to death, but seriously he's 15, at this stage in life he practically lives to annoy me.
Sometimes I wish I could love him to death, emphasis on the death part.

I send him a sarcastic smile before leaning my head against the window to watch the trees blur past.

Okay, not only does my mom take us halfway around the world, she gets us lost doing it. So here we are 4 hours later at 10 o'clock at night pulling into the two story house that our mom bought for us with our grandparent's advisement. We pull into the garage door and the light instantly clicks on, illuminating the space.

"Mom? Who's car is that?" I ask gesturing towards the black Charger next to us.

"Oh well.... -crap- you weren't supposed to see it tonight, but happy early birthday sweetheart. It's also kind of a welcoming present from your grandparents." I send her a huge smile, my mood instantly lifting, before climbing out of the rental car and practically drooling over my new baby.

"That's absolutely not fair!" I hear my brother tell my mom.

"Yes it is, you don't even drive yet." I say as I gently run my fingers over the shiny black paint.

I let out a low whistle as I step back and admire it. Now I'm not one of those car freaks who knows every engine model that was originally designed for this year model of this car, but I do know how to appreciate a nice car.

"Thanks mom." I say for the 5th time as I lug my bags up the stairs to my new room. "G'night!" I hear a muffled reply and assume it's a night, so I continue up the stairs and into the first room I come to. Since I get the pick of rooms up stairs I easily decided on this one by the floor plans my mom showed me. Not only does it have its own full bathroom, but it also has a window seat, another window, and a walk in closet.

I lug my two huge suitcases in the room and happily find it already decorated, since we sent everything except our clothes ahead of us, and our grandparents had people come in to put the place together for us. I open one of my suitcases to find some pj's when a light shines through my window that faces the side of the house next door. Startled I slowly walk up to the window, not stepping into the light until I poke my head around the window sill to see out. I feel like I'm in Taylor Swift's music video as I see the light is coming from a window in the house opposite mine. Since it's dark out I only catch a glimpse of blonde hair and a flick of a hand before the light disappears. I squint into the darkness but can only barely make out the outline of the window.

Frowning I close my blinds and slip out of my clothes and into a pair of shorts and big tee shirt, before setting my suitcases to the side and crawling into my queen sized bed.

Sighing I close my eyes and try to prepare myself for tomorrow. It's going to be a long day.


I swear it gets better!! Thank you so much for taking time out of your lives to read my story.


Also. I have a new book out called The Divide.
It's science fiction/adventure. So if you want give it a looksy :) it would mean a lot.

UPDATE 2/26/18

    I finally got a laptop guys. 18 years later and i've finally entered the 21st century. Anyways with this wonderful piece of technology i'm really hoping to get more involved with my Wattpad community, so PLEASE help a girl out and comment me ANY questions you have. About the story or otherwise, I would be thrilled to answer.

Love you guys!!

I cringe every time I read an A/N I've written.

Just popping in to say that I wrote this book at a very young age and as I've gotten older and more people have read, there are certain parts in this book that I don't agree with mow. That being said, anytime it is pointed out I do my best to correct.
I apologize for any opinions that come off as rude or judgmental and know that I appreciate when they are brought to light.

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