A Cup Of Carter

By _NiceforWhat

341K 12.1K 11.3K

A book of Carter based one shots that include real situations , time jumps where the kids are older , teen ja... More

Authors note
The kiss
Mug shot ( Part 2 to "The kiss ")
Houston We Have A Problem
Hit or Miss ( Practice part 2)
Practice Makes Perfect
Dress code
Ring the Alarm
City Girl ( Part 1)
Daddy duties City Girls (Part 2 )
City Girls Don't go to Bed
713 ( Part One)
Virgo the Virgin
Knowles - Carter
That's How You Like It
What does the Cow do ?
Side kick
Girls Love Beyoncé ( Friends With Benefits )
Girls ( And Boys) Love Beyoncé
Girls Love Confusion
Gender Reveal
A cup of kelly
The Will
Lost Ones
Third Ward
Can you keep a secret
Poker face
Elementary Things
Lunch break
Code Names
Broken Toys
Snap back
Can you feel the love Tonight ?
Dress Code Part II
Aunt Solo
Mental Health
Our Man
Ex Marks The Spot
The "R " Word
Before I let Go
Drivers Ed
On the What ?
To Be A Carter
Sisters Before Misters
Lose my Breath
To Be A Carter
Wet Dreamz
April's Fool
( Divorced Part II)
Video Phone
I Cant Breathe
Pinky Promise
Childish ( Munchie Part II)
The One that got away
Open Mind
In My Feelings
Virgin Club
The Meeting
Girls love beyonce
Tik Tok
Jump the Broom
Jumpin the Gun
Woah Baby
Love Song
Thats a Wrap
The Graduate
BabySitter Part I
Our Song
Babysitter Part II
Pretty Hurts
Humpty Dumpty
Body Jewerly
Scars to your Beautiful
Babysitter Part III
Test of Faith
All I Need Is You
Butterfly Fly Away
Coming Home
Checking In
Checked Out
Check Up
Adidas and Fever Dreams
Change of Plans
Broken Promises
Mama Said Knock You Out
Engage You
Sore Loser
Drunk in Love
Pajama Party
First Word
Checking Out
Check Mate
Lawd Have Mercy
When Stars Collide
Twas was the Night Before Christmas
If You Believe
Fight Night
All Good Things Come To An End
Premium Air

Girls like Beyoncé

2.7K 79 178
By _NiceforWhat

Jay was laying comfortably in his bed , his hand in his pants with one leg kicked out just like he always did when his wife wasn't there to take up all the space or sleep directly under him . She didn't know it but he had to stay half awake the whole night to make sure he didn't turn over and crush her or if she was on top of him not to move too suddenly and knock her off , and of course he had to make sure she didn't make a south .

Sometimes she'd cry in her sleep or she'd cry when she thought he was sleep and he'd just look at her trying to muffle the sound the best way she could before he pulled her into him and let her finish in his arms until she went back to sleep . Either way sleeping with her was a full time job and her being away was bittersweet . He could sleep well but he still was worried about things like -

Jay heard his phone buzzing by his ear but it was on the last ring by the time he was actually coherent enough to hear it correctly . If it was an emergency emergency they'd call back he thought as he turned over . Sure enough his phone was vibrating his whole pillow as the screen lit up illuminating the whole room .

"Yeah ?" He said in a sleepy voice not even checking the caller ID .

"Jay " He heard through speaker , the sound of his wife crying instantly making him sit .

"Bey ?! What's wrong ? Where are you ?" Jay asked frantically . She was supposed to be at the hotel with Kelly but he didn't hear her either so he automatically assumed the worst .

When he heard the phone ruffle and voice hey distant he realized she had literally put the phone down to check he location. Wait , was she drunk .

"Bey I need you to grab the phone " Jay said loud enough so that she'd be able to hear him through the speaker .

Bey tripped over her feet trying to get back to her phone her heavy body collapsing on Kelly's . "Girl What the fuck ?" Kelly mumbled as she woke up glaring at her .

Bey just gave her the same look before putting the phone to her ear as she sat cross legged in the bed . "I was trying to see the name of the hotel but the signs to far " Bey explained as she rubbed her hand Down her face . Her head was banging right now and she didn't even know why but she did know that she was naked as the day as she was born and that in between her legs felt sore in between her legs .

She'd been in Vegas for three days so she knew she hadn't had sex with Jay and even though his phone sex skills were superb he wasn't good enough to actually do some damage . She was still throbbing and sensitive to the touch so she was being extra cautious not to sit down all the way .

"So you're at the hotel " Jay said sighing in relief .

Bey nodded her head yes as if he could see her before Kelly tapped her thigh and made a talking motion .

"Yeah im at the hotel " Bey confirmed before giving Kelly a thumbs up .

Kelly just rolled her eyes at her friends drunk antics . She wasn't even gonna get involved in this mess she knew nothing about . The last time she checked she had put Bey's ass to sleep , now the girl was on the phone with her man probably about to tell him all that occurred tonight or at least all that she could remember.

"Where's Kelly ?" Jay asked as he put some pants on and set his phone down so he could grab a shirt and some shoes . She still hadn't told him why she called crying at 3 am so he was just going have to do a pop up .

"She's in bed with me " Bey answered confusing him . If she was safely at the hotel where she was supposed to be and Kelly was with her in bed then why was crying ?

"Okay so what's the problem Bey ? What's the matter ?" He Asked as he waited patiently for her response .

"I can't tell you " she said shaking her head . Then what did you call for ? Jay thought as he put his phone back to his ear . He hated when she kept secrets from him but since she was clearly drunk he knew it wouldn't be long before she was spilling her guts and probably telling him things he didn't need to know .

"Yes you can Bey " Jay assured her . "Tell me what's wrong "he soothed . He knew if he raised his voice she'd just hang up and throw a fit .

"You're going to be mad at me " she said sounding distressed . "You're going to hate me and then I'm going to single " she said .

He didn't know what could be so drastic that she was already planning for a break up , we'll divorce in their case but she was always more on the dramatic side when she was intoxicated which is why he was going to mush tf out of Kelly's head as soon as he saw her .

She knew Bey was a lightweight and brought her home a drunk crying mess every time they hung out and that left him with cleaning up after her and babying her until she finally fell asleep . He loved her but he was tired of this .

"I swear I won't get mad BB " he assured her . "There's nothing in this world you can tell me that will make me hate you or be mad-"

"I cheated " Bey admitted before she heard a loud click .

"What's wrong ?" Kelly asked when she saw Bey looking down at her phone shook .

"He hung up on me " Bey said sadly before a tear fell down her face .

She could've told her he was going to do that. Niggas swore up and down that there was no double standards but the truth was they Couldn't take what they dished . Women would forgive until their last breath but you really only had one good chance with a man and cheating wasn't included in the deal .

"Give me your phone " Kelly said reaching for it .

"Kelly just leave it alone " Bey said shaking her head as she laid down and pulled the blankets over her head . "He doesn't love me anymore " Bey cried.

"Girl fuck him " Kelly said hitting redial . She was not about to let him have her best friend up here making her friend feel bad for something she didn't even do . Even if she bounced to the next dick for once in her life she deserved it . Bey was so loyal it made her sick sometimes but that's just who she was and she'd always Love way too hard .

"I want to but-"

"I didn't mean literally Bey . I'm just saying he should be the last person hanging up " Kelly said as she ended the video of be crying over him and sent him message . "Answer the phone big lipped bitch " Kelly typed before setting the phone down .

"Come on " Kelly said opening her Arms for Bey . "Are we gonna do that again ?" Bey Asked as she straddled her .

"No BB" Kelly said . Unless she wanted too ...

"He's calling back " Bey said excitedly as she picked her phone up . "Should I answer ?" Bey Asked .

"Put it on speaker " Kelly said as she sat up behind her waiting for him to say something to stupid .

"It's me " Bey said into the phone .

"I know and I'm sorry " he said .

"For what?" Kelly asked .

"For hanging up you " he answered thinking he was talking to Bey . Sometimes Kelly and Bey sounded so much alike it was scary and easy to confuse anyone who wasn't looking at which one said what .

"It's okay , I'm sorry too " Bey said honestly as she wiped her face .

"You said you cheated " he said cringing at the thought of her sleeping with someone else . He was the first and only man she'd ever been with and it would be weird knowing that someone had experienced what was exclusive to him . He knew she was drunk but he couldn't imagine her being so drunk that she didn't Know what she was doing unless someone took advantage of her which wouldn't have been hard .

She was so trusting she would open the door door for anyone who knocked and would just sit her drink down or walk into a crowd of people calling her name because they looked like fans . He biggest fear was getting the call that someone had finally gotten to her and hurt her .

"Did someone hurt you Bey ? This serious okay" he said slowly so that she'd understand him .

Bey thought about it for a second before stretching her legs out one by one . Her thighs are sore as hell but they usually were after riding for an extended period of time . Her neck and chest  had little bruises on them but they didn't surprisingly didn't hurt .

"Not really " Bey finally answered .

"Beyoncé I'm not " Jay said seriously . "Did He-"

"He ?" Bey Asked Confused as she looked back at Kelly who shrugged her shoulders .

"Yeah you said you cheated but it sounds like whatever happened with him wasn't con-"

"There was no man Shawn " Bey said disgusted. She couldn't imagine another dick in her life or entering her . The most she would do is let someone dance on her but even they got curved when they tried to feel up on her .

"Then how did you cheat ?" Jay asked scratching his head . He was so lost right now but she sounded serious about it so he was trying to match her energy and let her explain herself .

"I slept with Kelly " Bey Admitted.

"I know y'all shared a bed" he said in a duh tone .

"Nooooooo" Bey drew out .

She saw Kelly behind her doing the cut it sign with her hand but she wasn't in the mood to dance right now .

"I mean we did some things " Bey said .

"Like what ?" Jay asked .

"Well she ate my pussy " Bey shrugged making Kelly face palm Herself .

"Did you enjoy it ?" Jay asked like he was really concerned . Kelly knew he was just prying for details and bey was too drunk to notice.

"Yeah" Bey said happily . "Like you're good for a man but She had me feeling like I was about to die " Bey said waving her hand around .

Kelly smirked as she popped her incisively collar . Hearing that her head game was that wicked gave her a boost of confidence she didn't know she needed. She definitely put it down and marked her name all over her , literally . She spelled k-e-l-e-n-d-r-i-a all on her core just to for that reason .

"So you're saying she's better than me ?" Jay asked chuckling . He knew they were lowkey on that gay shit when he caught them kissing when Bey got drunk for her birthday . They always danced on each and would lay in their bed when ever kelly visited but he didn't know they were that close .

"Only at eating  because her tongue is longer " Bey Clarified . "We didn't have one of those thingys " Bey said trying to remember the name .

"One of what ?" Jay asked trying to help .

"It looks like your thing but you can take it off . I wish I could take your off and take it with me because -"

"A dildo " he said .

"Yeah , how'd you know ?" Bey Asked .

"What else did you do ?" Jay asked changing subjects .

"Well I don't really remember all of it but I think I ate her too and then we did it " Bey said like it was nothing serious . Hold up🤔 So they were fuckin fuckin he wondered .

"Y'all had sex ?" He Asked .

"Well I mean she obviously couldn't do what you do but her fingers worked just fine . She made it rain until I got the bed wet and then we  took Turns letting each other be on top and Guess who won ?" Bey Asked .

"Me " she said when Jay didn't answer fast enough .

Kelly could only shake her head as Bey gave him a run down of the night missing all the big details .

"I'm glad you had fun "'Jay said playing along with her.

"Can I tell you something ?" Bey Asked .

"Yeah "

"She said my boobies are so but hers are softer and they got bigger . When we were teens they Didn't look like that when I played with them " Bey said trying to figure that out .

Kelly laughed out loud as she thought about her boob job . Bey had actually gone with her to all her appointments and helped her pick her size . They weren't real but if they felt soft then they were worth the money she blew on them .

Jay pretended he didn't hear he said they've been doing stuff since they were younger and decided to end the call since it was almost morning .

"You didn't cheat Bey " He finally told her .

"But me and Kelly -"

"It's okay " he said giving her permission to do whatever . "Only her though and next time make sure I'm around " he said in a tone they couldn't tell was him joking or being for real .

Was that an offer ?

"Okay " Bey nodded thinking of the perfect birthday present for him.

"Get some sleep Peaches " he said before he promised to call her the next day when she was actually sober .

"Jay's coming tomorrow " Bey said clapping he hands in excitement. She hadn't seen her baby in three days and she wanted to be all under him and on top of him and everything else .  The first thing she was going to do was kiss all over his face and jump in his Arms like a big ass kid until he put her down .

"Well then we better get some sleep " Kelly said pulling the blankets for her to get in .

"Can I sleep in the front ?" Bey asked before she laid down . "Jay always lets me sleep in the front " Bey said .

Girl duh 🙄 What man didn't ? Kelly laughed as she made room . It was called spooning and the easiet way for you to feel how hard they were and to slide their way in when they wanted some .

Kelly Didn't say anything when Bey took her arm and wrapped it around her before cuddling into her so she could go to sleep .

"Kells" Bey whispered .

"Hmm" Kelly asked tryin to go to sleep with Bey's ass all on her .

"I remember some stuff now " Bey admitted .

"Okay and " Kelly said trying to keep her eyes closed . "I got some videos we can watch later , just go to sleep " Kelly mumbled .

She didn't have to get an attitude Bey thought as she closed her own eyes . Girls loved Beyoncé and she knew she could pull anybody male and female , Kelly just happened to be there all the time .

"I mean I really remember " Bey said before she realized what Kelly said .

"What do you remember?" Kelly asked knowing Bey Would just talk until she passed out .

( Flashback )

To be continued......

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