DEADLY CURSED: diabolik lover...

By stxrk-

49.9K 1.4K 85

DIABOLIK LOVERS.| please, don't you ever stop looking at me like that. More

𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖑𝖞 𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖉
đŸŦđŸŦ𝟭 tickets to my downfall
đŸŦđŸŦ𝟮 fighting against temptation
đŸŦđŸŦđŸ¯ bite the apple
đŸŦđŸŦ𝟰 sharp teeth, sharper eyes
đŸŦđŸŦ𝟱 fire met gasoline
đŸŦđŸŦ𝟲 the kids are not alright
đŸŦđŸŦđŸŗ next time, burn the ashes
đŸŦđŸŦ𝟴 sick little games
đŸŦ𝟭đŸŦ blood equals power
đŸŦ𝟭𝟭 demons are logical
đŸŦ𝟭𝟮 angels are bestical
đŸŦđŸ­đŸ¯ warning! danger ahead
đŸŦ𝟭𝟰 queen of (broken) hearts
đŸŦ𝟭𝟱 sleeping lions
đŸŦ𝟭𝟲 like a proper lady
đŸŦ𝟭đŸŗ blood trial
đŸŦ𝟭𝟴 rome is in ruins
đŸŦ𝟭đŸĩ the bitter taste of honey
đŸŦ𝟮đŸŦ the first little act of rebellion
đŸŦ𝟮𝟭 clench your teeth
đŸŦ𝟮𝟮 two lone flames
đŸŦđŸŽđŸ¯ bite the bullet
đŸŦ𝟮𝟒 thank you for the venom
đŸŦ𝟮𝟓 apple of my eye
đŸŦ𝟮𝟔 declaration of war
𝟎𝟐𝟕 no time, no regrets
𝟎𝟐𝟖 trapped in the concept
𝟎𝟐𝟗 survival of the fittest
𝟎𝟑𝟎. showered in blood and flowers
↷ 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐄𝐧𝐝đĸ𝐧𝐠
↷ 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐄𝐧𝐝đĸ𝐧𝐠

đŸŦđŸŦđŸĩ drink the poison, die!

1.3K 42 2
By stxrk-


      The sound caused by Cordelia's hand connecting with Reiji's cheek echoed throughout the room. The vampire let out a whimper as his face burned with a stinging sensation.

      "Now, now. Please, let's stop fighting," said Laito, smiling despite the horrible situation. His hand was intertwined with Izumi's, hiding the gesture behind his back. "Let's not forget that we are family."

      "Laito," Cordelia acknowledged her first son.

      "I thought the next time I'd see you would be in hell," the brown-haired man commented.

      Cordelia smiled, peering over at the crimson-eyed girl out of the corner of her eye. "I'm sorry I didn't live up to your expectations."

      "No need to apologize, it's better than I expected."

      "But Izumi, you've really exceeded my expectations," Cordelia nodded, her lips stretching into a smile. "I can see from here how Laito clings to your hand, and I can only say that you are just like me."

      Izumi looked at her. It was Yui's body, but Cordelia's emerald eyes glowed as brightly as the embers of a fire with no intention of dying out. The smile she gave her was laden with mockery, mischief, and arrogance. The vampiress hissed under her breath.

      She freed herself from Laito's grip and flexed her legs, ready to leap at the woman. However, Kanato grabbed her by the forearm and forced her to retreat back to her previous spot. Izumi glanced at the purple-haired boy before looking at the brunette, who shook his head almost imperceptibly before wrapping his arm around her waist to make sure she didn't try to do anything risky again.

      The siblings knew their mother too well, knew how she acted. Cordelia would provoke them to exhaustion, looking for them to give her a reason to finish them off. Although Izumi knew her methods, her temperament was too impulsive. Perhaps it was due to all the time she had spent together with Ayato when she was younger. Regardless of the reason behind her behavior, there was no doubt that it would play against them if they allowed her to get away with it.

      "My little nightingale! Please, entertain your mother with your beautiful voice, singing like you used to," recited Cordelia, leaning her whole body against the railing upstairs while her children and Izumi watched from below.

      "How is it possible? Mother?" Kanato stammered. In spite of everything, the surprise was still affecting the youngest. Although he didn't allow himself to show it, it was quite obvious to Laito and Izumi.

      "I want everyone to be quiet! None of you should be here," Subaru spoke confidently, looking at Cordelia and Richter before approaching Kanato, Laito and Izumi. "Get out of here."

      "You pretend very well, Subaru," congratulated Richter, "despite your inability to protect your mother."

      "Shut up," shouted Subaru before jumping towards the railing and trying to hit Richter. Unfortunately, the former vampire restrained his hand and turned him around. Although Subaru managed to send a kick in his direction, Richter dodged it before the vampire jumped again and stood next to his half-brothers.

      "Feel free to challenge me any time you want. None of you can consider yourselves my match," Richter spoke superiorly.

      Shu laughed, "Are you sure about that, Richter?"

      "What did you say?"

      "You're the one pretending," the blond pointed out calmly. Shu was lying on the couch in the back, and his eyes remained closed as a smile decorated his face.

      "Shu, what do you mean by that?" Richter asked.

      The blond vampire stood up with a snort from the comfortable sofa. He opened his eyes before speaking calmly, totally confident, "To KarlHeinz, the leader of the family, our leader, you are no match."

      "This is the best entertainment you can give me," Cordelia complained, approaching Richter as she glared angrily at the vampires downstairs. Laito, Kanato and Izumi were ahead, with the girl between the two brothers, while Reiji, Subaru and Shu stood behind them.

      "They are as boring as ever. The worst part of it all is that they keep me from being as lively as I used to be. Richter, I want you to get rid of them. At once," she ordered, passing him the dagger.

      "This is Subaru's silver dagger," Richter observed. "A stab in the heart with this is highly lethal for everyone here, it will be enough."

      "Yes, they will instantly disintegrate without pain," Cordelia spoke calmly, as if she wasn't seriously talking about murdering six people. "Which shows how much I love them. Now get rid of them and I'll make you the next leader of the family."

      "Do you swear to make me the next leader of this family if I kill them?" Richter repeated incredulously.

      "Yes," Cordelia answered without even thinking about it. Her eyes focused on each of the vampires, enjoying their last moments.

      "How strange you are, wasn't that one of the terms we agreed on when you lay dying on the floor," Richter revealed. "You swore that if I saved your life, you would give me all the authority in this family: my place on the throne. Or did you not?"

      Cordelia looked at him for a moment before hugging his arm affectionately. "Richter," she purred, "I'll do anything you ask. But hurry up and get rid of these kids. Do it for me, will you?"

      "You're a fool," exclaimed Richter, pushing Cordelia away. "You're of no use to me except on absolutely perfect occasions, do you really think I want those conditions? I only need your heart. Once I wake up the girl with your heart, I'll make her mine. And then, I'll become the leader of this family without your help."

      Cordelia stepped back, "Did you plan this from the moment I entrusted you with my heart?"

      "Oh, dear, did you just realize that? You're not the one using me. I'm using you, stupid," Richter recounted his hidden agenda. He gave the purple-haired woman a jaded look before looking back downstairs. "Izumi, my dear, would you do me a favor and come up here nicely? I'd hate to have to come and get you by force."

      Laito immediately tightened his grip on her. He would not allow her to leave. Izumi didn't pay attention to him, but frowned, focusing on Richter.

      "Me? Why do you need me?"

      Richter's lips curved into a sickening smug smile. He turned to Cordelia, who immediately denied, to which Richter gave a laugh.

      "You kept the secret all this time, Cordelia," he hissed, and turned back to the group, holding out his arms. "And none of them noticed! They're stupider than I thought! Izumi, you possess such a special blood, your blood is unique! Whoever takes your blood will have more power than any other vampire. Your blood can boost our vampiric abilities to the limit. Though, of course, not everyone can handle it... every weapon has a double edge, after all."

      "Bullshit," Izumi denied. "Stop inventing, Richter. Quit your show at once."

      Richter twisted his head to the side, "Do you really think you'd be here if it weren't for your special blood? My brother brought you here because he knows of your potential. I'm just surprised that no one here has noticed this before."

      Automatically, Izumi's head turned to Shu. Her eyes were a window into her mind, almost as if she was accusing him of being responsible for all of this. However, the blond shook his head, approaching her with the intention of convincing her.

      "No, Yu, wait," he tried, but the pink-haired girl backed away.

      "Uh," Laito interjected, his brow furrowing, "Shu, did you drink her blood?"

      Izumi clenched her jaw. She had made a mistake. A serious one. While Shu had drank her blood on multiple occasions, it had always been a secret. None of the other siblings had ever tasted it. While Laito had hinted at it several times, he had never actually done it.

      "Yu," Shu grabbed the girl's wrist.

      "Don't touch her," Laito growled, grabbing the boy by the collar of his shirt and pulling him up.

      Shu clicked his tongue mockingly. "Really, Laito? I don't have time to deal with you."

      "Son of a..."

      "Enough," Izumi interjected, and Laito let go of Shu only when he noticed the red pools accompanied by tears that would never fall. "Stop it."

      "Well, I guess not everyone is completely stupid," Richter mused, watching the scene with an arrogant smile. "Tell us, Shu, did you feel unstoppable after drinking the blood of our beloved Izumi? Did you think you could be the king of the world?"

      Shu's gaze darkened. Izumi looked at him, but noticed that the blond was avoiding facing her. He was just looking at Richter.

      "No. Nothing like that. So stop lying, Richter."

      Richter snorted, "Maybe you're lying just because your brothers are here and you don't want them to do the same? Ugh, how pathetic is jealousy... anyway, why don't we try with Cordelia? As weak as she is now, I'm sure she'll end up perishing under the power of your blood. What do you say, Izumi? Why not? No one wants her here, why don't we do a little experiment?" he suggested.

      Laito absolutely refused to let Izumi near Richter, but the girl managed to break free from his grip and in the blink of an eye appeared at the man's side. While Izumi would never be stronger than either of them, they would probably never be faster than her. After all, it was what she prided herself on.

      From the second floor, Izumi looked down at Laito, begging for forgiveness with her eyes. The brown-haired man just looked at her, on the verge of madness with worry. After all, he couldn't blame her.

      Laito couldn't help but recognize how much she resembled his brother, Ayato. It was as if they were cut by the same knife. Izumi was raised by Cordelia the same way she raised Ayato. Which meant that the idea of being the best was hardwired into the back of her brain. With the idea that Izumi had been sent to marry the future king, Cordelia took it upon herself to make her the best woman possible. Otherwise, she would not be worthy of her son.

      The vampire twisted his face, knowing that Ayato would have readily agreed at the mere hint that he was special in the slightest. Both Izumi and Ayato wanted to be the best at everything, wanted to be more than the rest and be considered special.

      All thanks to Cordelia.

      Izumi stretched her arm towards Cordelia and Richter held her up to take her blood, but clearly the woman refused to do so. Richter snorted as he gripped her tighter and brought his fangs closer to her neck.

      "If you don't drink, I swear I'll kill you with the dagger in the slowest way possible."

      "Richter, don't make me-"


      "Hey," Ayato entered the room, catching everyone's attention, "Can you two shut your mouths for a moment? She belongs to me and I forbid you to touch her."

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