Losers Club | IT Imagines

By wukindly

75.3K 1.3K 327

Just some cute Losers Club x reader because I adore them. [REQUESTS ARE CLOSED] More

Stanley Uris | Yearbook Confession
Eddie Kaspbrak | The Loser Who Became Lover
Bill Denbrough | Halloween Night
Richie Tozier | Halloween Tradition
Stanley Uris | Love and Birds
Stanley Uris | Falling For You
Bill Denbrough | Attention Is Needed
Ben Hanscom | Notes and That Wow Feeling
Eddie Kaspbrak | Neighbor To The Rescue
Richie Tozier | Stuck Together
Stanley Uris | Quarry Drama
Bill Denbrough | When You Don't Know What's Real
Eddie Kaspbrak | The Best Friend Anyone Could Ask For
Bill Denbrough | Through Your Eyes
Bill Denbrough | The Awakening
Having a summer fling with Richie Tozier would include
Bill Denbrough | The Blanket Fort
Richie Tozier | Paying Attention to You
Richie Tozier | Under The Mistletoe
Richie Tozier | He's Home
Bill Denbrough | The Second Fight
Spending Valentine's Day with Richie Tozier would include
Dating a modern Beverly Marsh in high school would include
Richie Tozier | Soulmates
Stanley Uris | Tell You a Secret
Richie Tozier | The Arcade
Stanley Uris | Comfort
Bill Denbrough | Play and Tease

Richie Tozier | The Ice Cream Parlor

1.1K 14 2
By wukindly

English isn't my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.

Warnings: still some lil shits hating on our boys but not too much; also Richie being a bit soft towards his crush.

Characters: Richie/male!Bowers!reader. The Bowers family is mentioned.

Word Count: 2702 words.

Part 2 of The Arcade.

(Y/N) took a deep breath one last time before crouching down; taking a few steps forward as his hand gently grabbed the door handle to open it slowly. He poked his head into the ice cream parlor, carefully so that no one at the tables could see him. The attendant at the counter was the only one to notice him there and gave a small smile to the young boy - (Y/N) then smiled back, trying to suppress a laugh as he thought how ridiculous he must be looking.

After a quick look around the establishment, he turned back to see Richie crouching behind him. The boy bounced with expectation as he had a humorous grin on his face, which only made (Y/N)'s smile widen.

"Okay, I think it's clear." the Bowers boy whispered, waiting for some confirmation from Richie that they should go in.

The Tozier boy, however, shook his head, grin still on his face as he pushed his friend lightly. "You need to be sure, grasshopper."

(Y/N) rolled his eyes, poking his head into the store once more. This time he took the time to look at all the people sitting at the tables – there weren't many, just a couple (that couldn't stop sucking each other's faces) and a group of girls around his age. (Y/N) also made sure to look at the corner tables but he was right - his cousin Henry wasn't there.

He turned back again, raising his right hand to the side of his head to salute Richie. "I am sure, captain."

Richie snorted before copying his movements. "Aye aye."

That was the confirmation (Y/N) was waiting for. In the next moment, the two boys were already up and eagerly walking into the parlor, hurrying to see which ice cream flavors were on display that day.

Surprisingly, after that incidente in the arcade, Richie and (Y/N) seemed to have grown closer than before and started hanging out even more often. They stopped showing up at the arcade, though, afraid that Henry would be waiting there to bother them. Together they began to explore more places around the town where they could have fun.

But every time, before going in somewhere, they would check if Henry wasn't around - that was the last thing they would want. Richie kind of turned it into a game, saying that they should pretend they were spies or something – which would be the only explanation to their weird behavior of crouching down and checking every place before entering. (Y/N) appreciated that Richie'd tried to make this situation fun, trying to disguise the real reason why they did that: they were terrified that Henry and his goons would beat them if they saw the two boys together.

Even though Richie had made fun of (Y/N) the first time they went there, both of them loved to go to that ice cream parlor. Firstly, it was almost always empty, so they felt free to talk and just be themselves as much as they wanted. And secondly, it was certain that Henry would never go there, this was a place Henry wouldn't be caught dead. It was a very cozy and private place, the kind of place that mostly just couples would go to - or a place you would go to find you someone.

That was one of the facts that was making (Y/N) particularly happy and giddy that day. Of course he and Richie had been there several times, but it was indeed a place for couples to hang out - and Richie had been the one who had invited him there that day. (Y/N) couldn't help but let a smile widen on his face at that thought, seeing Richie analyzing the flavors there.

"So many flavors and only one stomach." Richie sighed theatrically, placing one of his hands on his belly.

(Y/N) laughed softly before taking some coins out of his pocket. "So many flavors but I don't even have enough money to buy a triple cone." he muttered after counting how much he had, turning to Richie and seeing the boy with a dollar bill in his hand. "I don't know where you get all that money to buy so much ice cream, Rich."

The boy shrugged, adjusting his glasses on his face. "My dad gives me some when I do chores around the house."

"I wish Uncle Butch were like that too." (Y/N) sighed dreamily, making Richie grin again. "Is that how you paid for our tickets last week?"

Richie hummed in confirmation, analyzing once again the flavors that were on display. "Do you want a triple cone?" he turned to (Y/N), who looked at him in confusion for a few seconds before nodding. "I'll treat you for today."

(Y/N) put his hand over his heart. "Woah Rich." he raised an eyebrow. "Are you trying to get me into your bed?"

"You know it, babe." Richie smirked, wrapping one of his arms around (Y/N)'s shoulders playfully. "Take your pick."

(Y/N) would be lying if he said he didn't like it when Richie acted that way with him - damn, he would be lying if he said he didn't like spending time with Richie. He absolutely adored it. He adored that boy.

Sometimes he felt surprised that he found someone that he got along so well; they never got bored when they were together - even in moments of silence between them, everything always seemed so comfortable. One of them always seemed to know what to say so that the conversation kept going in a natural way - it was amazing.

One of the best things about them having met just a few weeks ago was that they still had a lot of things to talk about and find out about each other. The game of 20 questions was a routine for them. (Y/N) came to notice that Richie was very curious about the city in which the Bowers boy lived, asking several questions about what it was like and what it was like to live in the big city.

In fact, after they bought their ice cream that day – (Y/N) getting a triple cone and Richie, well, just taking as many flavors as he could and put it in a single cup - they both sat across each other and started talking. Their conversation ended up becoming another game after a while - Richie, as usual, having several questions to ask about the place (Y/N) lived.

"So yeah, I guess it's a pretty nice city." (Y/N) shrugged after answering one more question.

"You sure make it sound like it. Honestly, I would go anywhere if it meant to be out of this fucking town."

(Y/N) nodded. "Maybe you can hide in my suitcase when I go back to California." Richie took another spoonful of ice cream and pointed his spoon at him in agreement. He didn't show it at all but he hated it when (Y/N) talked about having to go back to California - it just reminded him that in a few weeks (Y/N) wouldn't be around anymore. "Okay, now, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Oh fuck, man." Richie rested his chin on his hand as he thought. (Y/N)'s questions always seemed to be related to what Richie expected from the future - the thing was that he wasn't even sure what was happening in his life at the moment, how could he know what his future would be like? However, a few seconds later a familiar song started playing in the parlor, making the answer obvious to Richie. "Um, a rockstar, no doubt." he answered with certainty, snapping his fingers, only to hear (Y/N) chuckling. "What the fuck are you laughing about?"

"Nothing, it's nothing." (Y/N) shook his head, still chuckling.

"What? Don't you think I'm rockstar material?" Richie grinned playfully and struck a pose.

"Um..." (Y/N) had a thoughtful face as he checked Richie up and down, making the Tozier boy feel slightly embarrassed. "Hold on." he said after a few seconds, handing his ice cream to Richie to hold.

(Y/N) leaned toward him, getting dangerously close to Richie - and the boy cursed as he felt his cheeks heating up. The Bowers boy didn't seem to notice it as he stayed close, reaching for Rich's hair and ruffling it. While Richie had to admit to himself that it felt good to have him messing with his hair, (Y/N) was happy to confirm his suspicions that the other boy's hair was rather soft. When (Y/N) thought the mess he'd made was enough, he pulled away - not before taking off Rich's glasses.

(Y/N) smiled proudly, taking his ice cream back. "Now you look like you're ready to rock on stage."

"Great." Richie grinned and squinted in an attempt to see something. "It would be even better if I could see something."

(Y/N) laughed, nodding. "Well, this way all your fangirls would be all over you." he leaned toward Richie again. "But I think you still look cute with your glasses."

Richie felt his heart skip a beat — what the fuck was that effect that that boy had on him? He was sure (Y/N) felt how warm his face was as he put Richie's glasses back on his face. He was tempted to look away but noted that (Y/N)'s eyes were focused on his, which held Richie's gaze on the boy.

They stayed like that for a few seconds – (Y/N) leaning slightly toward Richie, which made the Tozier boy lean a bit as well, both looking deeply into each other's eyes. And that was the moment that some people's laughter could be heard - and Richie's mistake was to break their eye contact for a brief moment to see where that sound came from. That's when he noticed the group of girls sitting not far from them. One of them, a girl wearing a blue shirt, was looking at (Y/N) with a silly grin on her face as her friends laughed at their friend's attitude.

"Looks like you're the one with fangirls." Richie pulled away, nodding towards the other table. "Or at least one... and her friends."

(Y/N) frowned, turning back to see the group of girls. They were in fact looking at him the moment his gaze met theirs, making the girls turn around quickly and start giggling. Richie felt an oddly bad feeling inside him as he watched all that happening, his jaw clenching without him noticing. He also felt very self concious at that moment and took those seconds that (Y/N) wasn't looking in his direction to quickly try to straighten his messy hair as best he could before the other boy turned to him again.

"I don't think they are looking at me."

Richie scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Dude, they're giggling just because you looked at them." he looked at the girls again, seeing that the girl in blue was looking at (Y/N) expectantly. "I think she's waiting for you to go talk to her."

All (Y/N) did was shrug. "Well, I'm not going to."

Richie raised an eyebrow. "Why not? And miss the chance to make out with a hot chick?" he shook his head in false sadness. "I'm so fucking disappointed."

"I'm not fucking interested!"

"Alright, alright." Richie raised his hands in surrender before eating another spoonful of ice cream, trying to hide the smile that was forming on his lips.

He wouldn't lie to himself, he was relieved to hear (Y/N) saying those words. For a moment he thought he didn't know why he was feeling that way but deep down he did - and he was starting to come to terms with it, well, very slowly.

"Rich, have you ever kissed anyone?"

Richie nearly choked on the ice cream at (Y/N)'s question but quickly recovered, snorting as if the answer was obvious.

"Look at me, dude." he pointed to his face. "Who wouldn't want to kiss this?" Richie knew he had said the wrong thing when he noticed that the other boy stayed quiet. (Y/N) nodded after a few seconds, seeming to be a bit embarrassed as he turned his full attention to his cone. Richie cleared his throat. "Um, have you?"

He simply shook his head. "No." the boy took a glance toward the girls again, which made them giggle once more. "And I certainly wouldn't want my first kiss to be with some random girl." he muttered before turning to Richie. "Besides, she's not really my type."

Richie raised his eyebrows, an amused grin on his lips. "You have a type?"

"I guess." (Y/N) smiled back at him. "Do you?"

"Yeah, hot ladies with big butts." (Y/N) snorted, making Richie's grin widen. "C'mon, tell me, what is your type?" the Tozier boy rested his chin on his hand again in a playful gesture to show that he was interested in hearing the answer - and he actually was.

"I don't know." (Y/N) looked down at his lap, a little embarrassed. "I think I'd like a person who makes me laugh." Richie felt his heart warm at those words. He was always making (Y/N) laugh, it was one of the things he was most proud of being able to do. The Tozier boy leaned slightly forward in his chair, eager to hear more. "Someone who makes me feel comfortable around them." okay, this one could also be checked, he thought. (Y/N) looked comfortable around him - at least he hoped that (Y/N) felt comfortable around him. "I don't know, a best friend, I guess."

Richie nodded. Not that he had many friends - especially after the fight the losers had - but since the day he had met (Y/N), he considered him one of his best friends. Of course that didn't mean that (Y/N) considered Richie his best friend too, but the odds were high. Did Richie actually have a chance with him?

"A best friend is good." the Tozier boy felt himself speaking as he adjusted the glasses on his face.

Their eyes met once again and both boys felt their hearts skip a beat at that. Richie could notice something different in the way (Y/N) looked at him, something that had always been there but was the first time he noticed – he didn't know what it was but (Y/N) was the first person to look at Richie that way. And honestly, it was the only person Richie wanted to look at him that way. At that moment, feeling his heart beating faster, he was sure that his way of looking at (Y/N) was no different.

Their moment, however, was interrupted when they heard one of the girls saying "Why are they looking at each other like this?". It sounded like it was supposed to be a whisper but both boys could hear it clearly. "Gosh, I think they- Ew."

Richie and (Y/N) turned to them at the same moment, seeing that all the girls were already on their feet and heading quickly toward the exit. It was not difficult to notice a certain look of disgust that they all carried - as they made sure to look at them as they passed by them - and a disappointed look in the eyes of the girl wearing the blue shirt.

"I think you just lost your chance to have your first kiss today." Richie muttered after the girls left the parlor.

"Doesn't really matter." (Y/N) shrugged, taking his eyes off the door to turn his gaze on Richie. "There will be more opportunities this summer, I hope."

Those words seemed to catch Richie's attention, turning his gaze to the other boy. As cheesy as it may sound, when their eyes met, both of them felt a kind of electricity running through them and neither wanted to look away.

"There will, grasshopper. I'm sure of it."

(Y/N) wasn't sure if Richie understood what he wanted to imply with that but there was no hurry on his part. He was enjoying the way things were right then - the two of them sitting across each other, eating their ice cream and looking at each other as if nothing else mattered at that moment.

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